The Mission to Find Max: Egypt (12 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Singer Hunt

BOOK: The Mission to Find Max: Egypt
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Jack was stunned. He looked up at the bird soaring peacefully above him once more. Maybe instead of trying to hurt Jack back at the museum, it had been trying to communicate with him, telling him to come to Egypt and save the diadem!

When Massri saw Jack holding the crown, he turned and ran. But a whirling rope thrown by Max was coming his way. Before Massri could escape, it had wrapped itself around him, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Max and Kate were zooming towards him on their Flyboards. Max was carrying the Tornado in his hands.

‘Nice work,' he said, slapping his brother's back.

‘Thanks,' said Jack. ‘I had a little help from a . . . a friend.'

The bird gave one last screech down to Jack, and then disappeared into the sky.

Chapter 14:
The Goodbye

The Egyptian police soon arrived, and dragged a cocooned Massri into the back of a police van. They threw his henchman, Chai, in behind him.

‘Well,' Jack said to Massri, ‘so much for ruling the world, huh?'

Massri mumbled something that sounded a lot like, ‘You haven't seen the last of me.'

A policeman slammed the door in his face and climbed into the driver's seat.

With a rumble of the engine, the van quickly drove off, and with it, one of the most sinister villains Jack had ever faced.

‘I guess we can return the diadem to Mr Hassan,' said Max. ‘For a while I didn't know who to trust.'

‘Why don't I do it?' offered Kate. ‘After all, you boys need to get home.'

Jack smiled at her. ‘Thanks,' he said.

Kate began to tap furiously on her Watch Phone. ‘I hope you don't mind . . .' she said. ‘I told the Director I'd call.'

The screen on her Watch Phone sizzled. Jack peered over her shoulder as an image of a man appeared. It was the same man he'd met in Gerald Barter's office in the Arctic. Now Jack knew the true identity of his boss.

‘Hi, Director,' Kate said, speaking into her wrist. ‘The package is safe.'

‘Good work, Secret Agent Starlight,' he replied.

Jack had never heard the code name ‘Starlight' before. Suddenly Director Barter noticed Jack and Max in the background.

‘Hello, Secret Agent Courage,' he said to Jack. ‘I knew I couldn't keep you away from Egypt for long.'

Jack smiled at the Director, hoping he wasn't going to get into trouble for muscling in on Kate's mission.

‘Happy to see you too, Secret Agent Wisdom,' said the Director. He was talking to Max.

When Max had told Jack about his missions, he'd never mentioned his code name. For an older brother, ‘Wisdom' was a perfect fit.

‘Where's the diadem?' the Director asked.

‘Starlight is taking it to Mr Hassan today,' said Max.

‘Good work,' he said. ‘All of you. Director Barter signing off.'

Then the screen went black.

‘Well,' said Kate, holding up the diadem, ‘I guess I'd better get this to Mr Hassan. It's been great,' she said to the boys.

‘It's been good working with you too,' said Jack. ‘I'm glad you became a GPF agent.'

Kate smiled, then threw her arms around him.

As she pulled back, she planted a kiss on his cheek. Jack blushed. Max cleared his throat.

‘Maybe we can visit you in Cambodia,' said Jack. He really hoped he'd get a chance to see Kate again.

‘I'd like that,' she said, smiling.

‘Say hi to your mom for me,' said Max.

‘I will,' she said as she waved goodbye and turned to leave. ‘Wish me luck on my next adventure!'

The boys watched Kate until she was out of sight.

Jack turned to his brother. ‘I've been waiting for months to say this,' he said. ‘Let's go home!'

He took the Portable Map out of his Book Bag. He opened it out and put it on the ground. Pulling out a small flag of England, Jack stuck it on the right place. He grabbed his brother's hand and held on tight.

Jack yelled, ‘Off to England!' A brilliant light flashed, and he and Max disappeared.

Chapter 15:
The Trip Home

When they returned home, they found themselves in Jack's bedroom. There was a knock at the door.

‘How's the homework going?' came their mother's voice.

Jack and Max looked at each other. Jack started to giggle. If only his mom knew.

‘Great,' he said. ‘Come in and I can show you.'

The door opened. When Corinne saw Max standing there, she nearly fainted from the shock.

‘Max!' she exclaimed as she ran over to him. She hugged him tight. ‘What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Switzerland!'

Max pulled a note out of the pocket of his jeans and handed it to his mother. ‘This is for you,' he said. He winked at Jack.

Corinne's eyes scanned the note. ‘It's a letter from your principal,' she said. ‘It says your school had to close down because of money trouble. He's going to arrange for you to go to our local school. Well, why didn't he tell me this before?' she said crossly. ‘Sending a young boy alone on a plane is dangerous!'

‘It's OK, Mom,' said Max, trying to calm her down. ‘An escort travelled with me.' He winked at Jack again. ‘I was in good hands.'

Corinne sighed deeply. ‘I suppose the most important thing is that you're safe.' She looked around Jack's bedroom, confused. ‘Where are your bags?'

‘In my room,' said Max.

Jack knew that Max was fibbing, but Max had said it so confidently, his mom had no choice but to believe him.

‘And tomorrow is your twelfth birthday!' Corinne cried. ‘What terrific timing! Your father will be pleased!'

In all the commotion, Jack had forgotten about Max's birthday. His mother was right. Perfect timing indeed.

Corinne dashed out of the room. ‘John!' she called as she bounded down the stairs. ‘Guess who's home!'

Max turned to Jack. ‘Thanks again,' he said. ‘For everything.'

Jack smiled at his brother.

‘I'm going to go and check out my room,' said Max. ‘I hope Mom hasn't painted it pink.'

Max made his way to the door, and closed it behind him.

Chapter 16:
The Decision

Jack paused for a moment and let everything sink in. After all this time, his mission to find his brother had finally come to an end. And he was tired. Really, really tired. During the last few months Jack's body had been pushed to the limit. He'd nearly been gobbled up by a dinosaur, stung by deadly jellyfish, eaten by a polar bear and beheaded by a master illusionist.

Going over to his computer, Jack signed on to the GPF secure site. He quickly typed the following email:

Dear Director Barter,

After fighting no less than twelve criminals (and a dinosaur), I've decided to leave the GPF. I want to be a normal kid. I want to hang out with my friends. I want to be able to read a book without having to go off on a mission nearly every night. If you need me, you know where you can find me.


Secret Agent Courage

Jack moved the mouse to push the SEND button. But something stopped him.

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