The Mike Black Saga; Payback (31 page)

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Freeze unlocked the door with the key Melinda gave him, then made a few scratch marks on the lock to make it look like forced entry. With Nick’s night vision goggles on, Freeze was able to move quickly to the bedroom. Freeze came through the door. "Time to die, muthafucka." Freeze fired six times, hitting him with all six shots. Then he walked up to him and put one more bullet in his head to make sure he was gone. As Freeze stood over D-Train’s dead body, he noticed the jewelry box on the bed. He opened the box. "Nice." Freeze put the box in his pocket and left the condo.


Chapter Forty-three


It had been a long night. While Nick played spy and Freeze did what he does best, Mike and Shy went dancing at Impressions. Both had called Mike and made him aware of the events of the evening. Mike decided that it was time to let Bobby know what was going on. Mike went upstairs to Bobby’s office to make a call. "Bobby."

"What’s up?"

"There’re some things that I need to talk to you about."

"I’m listening."

"Not over the phone. Where you at?"

"Where you at?"


"I’m on my way," Bobby said and hung up the phone.

It took him a while to get there, but he finally got to the office a little after two in the morning. "‘Bout time," Mike said and stood up.

Shy stood up too. "Just in time to take us home."

"Oh so I’m a taxi cab now, huh?" Bobby laughed and started shuffling toward the door. "Well, sir, ma’am, yous all just come on and go with old Bobby Ray." Bobby stopped. "Bobby Ray, that’s me. I’ll get yous all
just as fast as these old bones and my new Cadillac can carry us." Mike and Shy both shook their heads and followed Bobby out of the club to his car. On the way to Mike’s house, he brought Bobby up to speed on what happened that night. Then Shy asked a question. "Bobby."

"Yes, ma’am."

"Would you stop that," Shy insisted.

"Yes, ma’am, I mean, what you want?"

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"What do you want to know?"

"I know this is none of my business, but I gotta ask you. Are you cheating on Pam?"

Bobby looked at Mike, who shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window.

"I—you see, ah—it’s not—," Bobby stuttered.

Bobby’s cell phone rang.

"Saved by the bell," Mike said and continued looking out the window.

Bobby looked at the display and answered the phone with fury. "I thought I told you that I was busy and I would get with you tomorrow."

Pam." She said mono toned.

Bobby quickly glanced at the display. Pam was calling from Cat’s apartment.
This can’t be good.

"What’s goin’ on, Pam?" Bobby asked tentatively.

"I’m at your girlfriend’s apartment. Is Mike with you?"

"He’s right here. Do you want to talk to him?"

"No, I don’t want to talk to Mike. I need the two of you to come here."

"Where is here Pam?"

"Bobby, don’t play with me," Pam said calmly and evenly. "I need you and Mike to come here now," Pam said and calmly hung up the phone.

Bobby dropped his phone and made a u-turn.

"Everything all right, Bobby?" Mike asked.

"Pam is at Cat’s apartment."

"I guess that answers my question," Shy said and laughed a little.

Bobby drove as fast as he could to Cat’s apartment. When they arrived at the apartment and went inside the building, none of them were prepared for what they found.

Bobby got to the door and much to his surprise it was cracked open. He pushed the door slowly and stepped inside. "Pam? Pam, are you here?" The apartment was in darkness, lit only by the street lights shining through the window.

"I’m right here, Bobby," Pam said as Mike and Shy entered the apartment.

"Where is here, Pam?"

"In the kitchen," she answered.

"Is everything all right?" Bobby asked as he got closer to her. Then he stopped and took a step back. "Gun."

Mike quickly stepped in front of Bobby, which caused Shy’s eye to buck wide open. "What’s up with the gun, Pam?"

Pam looked at the gun in her hand. "It’s for killing, Mike. You better than most people know what a gun is for."

"Are you all right, Pam?" Shy asked noticing the look on Pam’s face and the tone of her voice.

"Hello, Shy. It’s good to see you. I hope the kidnappers didn’t hurt you?"

"No, Pam,"
said. "I’m fine, but I’m worried about you, sweetie."

"You don’t have to worry about me, Shy. Everything is going to be just fine now."

"Why don’t you give me the gun, Pam?" Mike asked quietly as he walked toward her with his hand out.

Pam pointed it at Mike. "Here." Pam said and handed the gun to Mike. "I’m finished with it."

Now that she was no longer armed, Bobby stepped toward his wife again. "Pam," he said softly. "Are you all right?"

"I’m fine, Bobby."

"Where’s Cat?"

"She’s in the bedroom."

Bobby and Mike went to the bedroom and opened the door. There on the floor was Cat, with a gunshot wound in the chest. Bobby knelt down next to her and checked for a pulse. "She dead?" Mike asked.

"Yeah." Bobby touched her face and then closed her eyes. He felt like somebody had kicked his insides out.

Mike and Bobby came out of the bedroom and went back to the kitchen, where Shy was talking to Pam. "What happened, Pam?" Shy asked.

"She called the house again," Pam began. She may have been talking to
, but she was looking at Bobby. It was obvious that Pam was in shock after what she had done. "She said that she had just gotten finished fucking Bobby and he would still be there if Mike hadn’t called and asked Bobby to pick him up. I told her that I didn’t believe her. So she described everything that Bobby had on. Right down to his boxers. Well, we went through the usual bitch this, and ho that, and then she said that she was going to take Bobby away from me and that our house was going to be their house. I was about to hang up, cause I had heard enough of her shit, but she kept on talking. She said yeah, bitch, I been to your mutha fuckin’ house."

"I never brought her to the house," Bobby said in defense of himself.

"He didn’t have to, Shy, she came on her own. She said this afternoon when I went to pick up the children from school, she came in the house."

"That’s bullshit! How could she get past the alarm?" Bobby yelled.

"That’s the same thing I asked her, Shy. She said she knew the password. You
Bobby talks in his sleep some times, and he’ll tell you anything you wanna know when he’s like that. Well, I guess she knows that too,
she told me that all she did is ask and he gave her the password to the alarm."

Mike and Shy both looked at Bobby, Mike shook his head,
rolled her eyes.

"I still didn’t believe that she was bold enough to go in our house. So she described every room. She went in the children’s rooms. The rooms where our children sleep, Bobby," Pam said finally addressing him. "She described our bedroom. She told me how I arranged the clothes and shoes in my closet; she even told me what was in my jewelry box. Then she said that our bed was very comfortable and that she was looking forward to fuckin’ Bobby on our bed. That’s when I hung up on her.

"But then I thought about it. This woman is crazy. Crazy enough to come in our house and not only search it, but call and tell me about it. She wasn’t gonna stop. I told Bobby to stop her, or I would stop her.”

"So I called her back. I told her that we needed to talk face to face. I was surprised when she invited me over. I took the kids to my sister’s house and I came here. When I got here, she asked me to follow her. Said she wanted to show me something and led me straight to the bedroom. She opened the door and pointed to the bed. She said this is where
and Bobby fuck every day. That’s when I shot her."


Chapter Forty-four


Mike and Bobby looked at one another. "The parlor?" Bobby asked.

"No doubt," Mike replied.

"The parlor?" Shy asked. "What’s the parlor?"

"Funeral parlor, we owned it for years. It comes in handy for occasions like this," Mike answered his still confused wife.

"Come on, Mike, you can explain that shit to her later. We need to get Pam and this body outta here," Bobby said and Mike had to agree.

"We’ll come back later and clean up this place. Cassandra, take Pam to the car and take her home."

Bobby threw Shy his keys. "Pam, where’s your car?"

"At home."

"How did you get here?"

"I took a cab and had the driver drop me off two blocks from here. I walked the rest of the way," Pam said and Bobby looked at her.

"Okay, just take Pam to the car and wait for us," Mike told her.

"Shy, there’s an alley that leads to the back of the building, meet us there," Bobby said and went back in the bedroom.

"Come on, Pam," Shy said and led Pam by the arm out of the apartment.

After Shy left with Pam, Mike followed Bobby into the bedroom. He found Bobby kneeling beside the body. When he saw Mike come into the room, Bobby stood up. "Damn, I didn’t think Pam had it in her to do something like this."

Mike went to the bed and grabbed the bedspread. "I didn’t think she did either."

Bobby continued to stare at Cat’s lifeless body.

"You were really feelin’ her?"

Bobby nodded in response.

"You wanna get outta here, go home with Pam? I’ll get Freeze and Nick to take care of this."

Bobby took the bedspread from Mike and laid it out on the floor next to her body. "No, Mike. This is my
I have to be the one to clean it up."

"You sure?" Mike and Bobby both knelt down and placed the body in the bedspread.

"Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll be alright. Besides the last thing I wanna do is go home with Pam. Let her and Shy bond, spend some more time together."

"Maybe the two of you should go away for a while, spend some time together." Mike suggested as they wrapped up the body.

"Maybe." Bobby paused. "You ready?"

"Yeah," Mike said and together they carried Cat out of her apartment.

Once they got her downstairs and in the trunk, Bobby started to take Pam home, but she insisted on going to her sister’s house to pick up the children. Shy was able to convince her that she shouldn’t be around her children in her current state of mind. Once Pam finally agreed to that, then she didn’t wanna go home.

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