The Mike Black Saga; MOB (35 page)

BOOK: The Mike Black Saga; MOB
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Travis held her tightly in his arms. When he let her go and stepped aside, Me’shelle walked past him and out the door without looking back. She cried as she walked to her car. She knew she had done the right thing, but it still hurt.

Travis stood in the doorway and watched as Me’shelle got back in her car and drove away. He felt numb all over, like somebody had just kicked his insides out. He walked back in the house slowly and sat on the couch. He stayed there for hours, thinking for maybe the first time about the cost of the choices that he had made.

The following morning, Jackie came to pick Travis up for the funeral. As soon as he was in the limo, Jackie asked where Me’shelle was.

“She doesn’t want to see me again.”

“Where have I heard that before?”

“I think she means it this time,” Travis said as he stared out the window.

“Okay, she means it this time, huh? If she had meant it the last time, you wouldn’t have gone over there fuckin’ with them people, and maybe Ronnie would still be alive.”

Travis looked at Jackie. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Look, Travis, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. I know that this whole thing hasn’t been easy for you. And for her to drop that on you—”

“I’ll be all right,” Travis said. He went on to tell Jackie every word that Me’shelle said.

Since Me’shelle walked out of his door, Travis had replayed the conversation over and over, like a movie in his mind. Sometimes his arguments would change, as he thought of the things that he could have and maybe should have said to make her stay. But Me’shelle’s response would always be the same. And in the end, she would always stand up and walk away without looking back.

Jackie sat quietly and held his hand while Travis talked. He spoke about how wasted he felt. Jackie’s mind began to drift.
This is Me’shelle’s fault.
If she had stayed away from Travis, this wouldn’t be happening. She used Travis to get revenge for her family. Now that she got what she wanted, she’s gone again.

The thought made her mad as hell.
She’ll get hers in time.

Once the funeral was over, Travis and Jackie walked back to the limo. “How do you feel?” Jackie asked.

“I buried my best friend today,” Travis said coldly, and then had to apologize. “I’m sorry, Jackie. I know he was your best friend too.”

“It okay, Travis. I understand.”

The driver opened the door for Jackie. She was about to get in when Travis saw Freeze standing off to the side. Travis grabbed Jackie by the arm.

“What?” she asked.

Travis didn’t answer. He just stared at Freeze. “You know what, Jackie?”

“Tell me, what?” Jackie said as she stared at the man standing next to Freeze.

“I think Freeze killed Ronnie.”

“What makes you think that?”

“It’s just a feeling, that’s all.”

“Come on, Travis. It got to be more than that.”

“Did you know that Ronnie was fuckin’ his girl?”


“Freeze always used to tell me that if Ronnie ever put their organization or him in jeopardy, he’d kill him. And it would be business. If anybody knew that Ronnie was fuckin’ his girlfriend, it would make Freeze look weak. That’s bad for business.”

“Who’s that man with Freeze?”

“That’s the reason we ain’t ever gonna talk about this again. That’s Mike Black. Killin’ Freeze would be a death sentence, and Black would be the executioner.” Travis opened the limo door.  “I’m out of this life, Jackie. I’m gonna try my best to put it all behind me,” Travis said. Jackie continued to look at Freeze. “You coming?” Travis asked.

“Yeah, but give me a minute,” Jackie said and walked away from the car.

“Where are you going?”

“To speak to Freeze.”


“Don’t worry, Travis. I’m not gonna do anything stupid like accuse a killer of murder. Just wait here. I won’t be long.”

Jackie made her way slowly toward Freeze, thinking about what Travis had just told her. Did he really kill Ronnie? She had looked into his eyes many times and knew that if Freeze said he would, then he would.

“Hello, Freeze,” Jackie said, noticing that she seemed to catch him off guard.

“What’s up, Jackie?” Freeze said as he turned to acknowledge her. “Mike Black, Jackie Washington.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Washington,” Black said. “Sorry it has to be at a time like this.”

“I’m sorry too. Next time we meet it won’t be.”

After making sure that there was no way Travis could see what she was doing, Jackie discreetly handed Freeze an envelope to cover her resent gambling debts. Just as discreetly, Freeze took the envelope and put it in his pocket.

“I just came to pay my respects. I was trying to catch up with Travis, but I haven’t seen him,” Freeze said.

“He’s already gone to the limo.”

“Tell him I’ll catch up with him later. But tell him that the situation he involved himself in is handled.”

“I’ll be sure to let him know,” Jackie said as she left them.

“Jackie!” Freeze called to her.

She stopped to turn toward him.

“See you tonight?”

Jackie paused for a second. “Yeah, I’ll be there,” she answered, hoping in her heart the she would find the strength not to go spend her evening gambling. “And there’s a personal matter I know you can help me with,” Jackie said and continued walking toward the limo.

“Mike Black.” A voice came from behind the two men as they watched Jackie get in the limo.

“Detective Kirkland, what are you doing here?” Black asked as he shook the detective’s hand.

“I was just about to ask you the same question,” Kirk said. “Out of work stockbrokers usually aren’t your style. Besides, I hear this one was kind of sloppy.”

Freeze rolled his eyes.

“I’m just ridin’ with Freeze.”

“Really? How do you know the deceased?” Kirk asked Freeze.

“Went to junior high school with him.”

“No shit. I never knew you went to school.” Kirk laughed. “But that doesn’t answer all my questions. We found three dead bodies, and one of the DNA samples matched the DNA of a rape suspect. I did some checking—you know, cop stuff—and coincidentally, the other three were killed on the same night as this poor fellow. Now, that seemed a little more than coincidental, so I came out to satisfy my curiosity. And who is the first person I run into? My old friend Mike Black and his fateful companion, Freeze. What do you make of that?”

Black laughed. “Nothing, Kirk. Like I said, I’m just ridin’ with Freeze.”

“See you around, Black. You look good. Island life seems to agree with you,” Kirk said as he walked away.

Black and Freeze watched the detective until he got in his car and drove away. “Let’s go, Freeze,” Black said. “By the way, you heard anything from Nick?”


The Saga continues in Private Deceptions
Also by
Roy Glenn
Beneath The Surface
Three the Hard Way
Commit to Violence
Killing Them Softly; An Erotic Tale of Murder
The Cost of Vengeance
The Mike Black Saga Book One
Escapism Entertainment Presents
The Request by LaVonda Kennedy
Whatever It Takes by Angela Jones
Coming Soon from Escapism Entertainment. . .
Off Limits by Navarre
The Divorce Chronicles by LaTonya Y. Williams
Out of Control by Roy Glenn
Going Down; An Erotic Tale of Murder by Roy Glenn
The Mike Black Saga Book Two by Roy Glenn


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