The Mighty Quinns: Jack (7 page)

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Authors: Kate Hoffmann

BOOK: The Mighty Quinns: Jack
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In one delicious surge, he settled himself between her legs and inside her body. The sensation took her breath away and Mia gasped. For a long time, he didn’t move. Instead, he just kissed her gently, continuing to quietly seduce her with his lips.

Mia was so caught up in his kiss that she barely noticed when he began to move inside her. Each stroke was so slow and long. But then his rhythm increased and she found herself caught in an inexorable journey to her release. She couldn’t ignore the need building inside her any more than she could stop herself from drawing breath.

Every movement seemed to twist at the knot deep in her core, creating a tantalizing pressure and search for satisfaction.

When he rolled her over and settled her on top of him, Mia knew she was lost. Now she was completely in control, able to follow every tempting path, to slow or quicken her release as she wanted. His hands rested on her hips, his fingers splayed over her flesh, but Jack let her set the pace.

It came upon her quickly, without any warning. Mia tried to stop herself, but the moment her body dissolved into deep and overwhelming spasms, she was lost. Jack followed her, his body arching into hers with each thrust until he tumbled over the edge.

When she was sated, Mia collapsed against his chest, her body shuddering with the after-effects of her orgasm. Jack smoothed the hair from her face and when she finally looked up at him, he smiled.

“That was fun,” he said.

“I know,” Mia replied.

“I could spend the whole day out here. Sleeping. Making love to you. Sleeping a little more.”

“Don’t you have a ball game to watch?” she asked.

“Not if I have better things to do,” he said.

It didn’t take a genius to see where this was going. One long marathon day of fabulous sex with Jack. They’d discover that they were perfect together, that they were the only people in the world that could satisfy each other’s desires. She’d memorize every detail of every caress and every kiss and before she knew it, Mia would be falling in love with him—after just one day in bed.

She wasn’t going to do that to herself. Mia pushed up on her elbow. She knew how vulnerable she was. Months of loneliness had made her desperate for any type of affection, even a wildy inappropriate one-night stand. But that was all this was supposed to be. One. Once and done.

“I was thinking we could go to the farmer’s market,” she said.

Jack frowned. “Really?”

“Yeah. There’s a baker there that makes the best bread. I thought I could pick up some things and make a nice dinner tonight since this is going to be your last night here.”

“I’d rather stay right here with you and send out for pizza.”

“Come on,” she teased. “We can’t waste this beautiful day lying around. We’ll have fun. I promise.”

He studied her for a long moment and Mia was afraid he’d see the truth in her eyes. So she grabbed her dress and pulled it over her head. “I’m going to change and I’ll meet you out front in fifteen minutes.”

She dropped a quick kiss on his lips and then ran out of the gazebo and down the path toward the pool. By the time she reached the house, she was breathless. Mia leaned back against the door and closed her eyes. She’d thought sex with Jack would be the answer to all her problems.

In reality, it just created more.

* * *

of these,” Mia said. “They are so wonderful, you’ll cry.”

It was the opening day for the farmer’s market, located in the quaint town of Napa in the middle of California’s wine country. The drive out through the countryside had been lovely, the sky clear, the temperature rising as noon approached. Jack had sat back and enjoyed the ride while Mia drove, giving him tourist commentary on everything they passed.

Though she might be able to put aside what had happened in the gazebo, Jack couldn’t stop thinking about it. Images of her naked body kept intruding on his thoughts and though he tried to concentrate on the moment at hand, he couldn’t keep from wondering whether they’d be together again.

When they’d arrived in the pretty village of Napa, Mia had parked the car and they’d set off in search of breakfast—or lunch. The atmosphere had been festive, as if the reappearance of the market was the official start of summer, even though it was only the first week in May.

Mia looked like summer, wearing a breezy cotton dress that fell to her slender calves. She’d twisted a scarf through her flaxen hair and her pretty toes peeked out from a pair of sandals. But all Jack could think about was whether she was wearing underwear.

He’d had more than one moment of regret that they hadn’t stayed in the gazebo and taken advantage of an entire day alone. But the more he got to know Mia, the more he cared about her. And was it really fair to take advantage of their sexual attraction, knowing that he was going back to Chicago in just twenty-four hours?

She held the pastry out in front of him. “What is it?” he asked.

“Just taste first,” she said.

He looked at the small roll and bit into it, then smiled. The flaky pastry was filled with sausage. “Oh, now that’s good. We need to buy more of those. I could eat them all day.”

“English sausage rolls,” she said. “But we have to pace ourselves. If you like to eat, this place can be dangerous.”

They bought three more rolls, then continued their walk through the stalls and tents, stopping at each vendor to look at the products offered. Even though they expected to run into Ben and Elyse, they hadn’t really made any attempt to find them. Actually, Jack was glad to have time alone to learn a little bit more about the woman who’d occupied his fantasies for almost an entire day.

“Chicago is a town made for foodies,” he said.

“I know. I’ve been there. I could spend a week eating through the pizza.”

“Do you get to Chicago very often?” Jack asked.

“Once or twice a year,” she said with a shrug. “I have a client who owns a couple of restaurants, one here and one in Chicago. I do all the graphic design for them.”

“What’s the name of the restaurant?”

“Caravello’s,” she said.

“That’s about seven or eight blocks from my place,” he said. “The next time you come, I’ll have to take you out and show you the town.”

For some reason, the thought of seeing her on his turf made him feel as if there might be something more between them, something to look forward to. Even now, he could picture her, walking along the streets of his neighborhood, stopping by his favorite coffee shop, chatting with him as they read the morning papers, sitting beside him in the press box at a Cubs or Blackhawks game.

“I’ll be sure to call you the next time I’m in Chicago,” she said.

“Give me your cell phone,” he said, holding out his hand. She handed it to him and he quickly put his number into her lists of contacts. “There. Now you’ll have no excuses. You have my number.”

She stared down at the number on the phone, then smiled. “All right. But you need to have my number.” She hit a few buttons on her phone and a moment later, his rang.

Chuckling, Jack pulled it out of his pocket. “Hello.”

“Hello,” she said, smiling coyly. “It’s me. Next we’ll be moving on to a place that makes the most delicious wild mushroom tarts. The crust is so buttery, you won’t be able to stop at one bite.”

He grabbed her hand and laced his fingers through hers, slipping his phone back into his pocket. Jack stared down at their hands, unable to tell whose fingers were whose. Holding hands was such a simple thing, but yet it represented a giant admission to them both. They enjoyed the physical contact. They needed it, even in a public place like this.

But a few seconds later, she pulled away and walked toward a booth that sold kitchen supplies. Jack trailed after her, determined to continue the conversation.

“You know, I get out to California fairly regularly, as well. In fact, I’ll be back in San Francisco next month when the Cubs play the Giants. I think you need to come to a ball game with me.”

“Maybe,” she said. Jack watched as she picked up a ladle and examined it. He got the distinct sense that something was bothering her, but he was almost afraid to ask what it was. Was she worried about her father and his mother? Or were her concerns about the two of them? Maybe she was just tired.

He stood next to her and picked up a spatula. “This is nice.”

“It is,” she murmured.

“So, what’s the problem here, Mia. Are you really not interested in seeing me again after I leave? Was I just good for a roll in the hay and that’s it?”

She dropped the ladle onto the table with a clatter then spun around to face him. “What? No!” Mia shook her head. “Why would you think that?”

“Listen, I understand if that’s the way it is. I can handle the whole no-strings, friends-with-benefits approach. Okay, so I might feel a little used, but I can accept that.”

“I would never—”

Jack bent close and stopped her words with a long, lingering kiss. “But,” he murmured, “just in case you aren’t aware, I enjoy your company, Mia. And I wouldn’t be opposed to spending a little more time together—if we could.”

“You wouldn’t?” she asked, her eyes wide and searching.

“I wouldn’t. What about you?”

“All right.”

“All right?” he repeated.

A pretty blush rose on her cheeks. “I would, too.”

Jack chuckled. “And here, I thought you were just using me for sex.”

“I was,” Mia said. “But this is good, too. I think.” She spied a tent and her face lit up. “There. These are the tarts.”

Mia pulled him along until they reached the table and she ordered a mushroom tart and an onion tart. They were wrapped in paper and she held one out for him to take a bite. The egg was like custard, rich and creamy, and the mushrooms were earthy and flavorful.

Jack groaned softly. Every moment with Mia seemed like a delight for the senses. Between the sex, the food and the breathtaking scenery around them, he was constantly off-kilter. “You are a very dangerous woman,” he said after he swallowed. “More.”

She offered him another bite and he nodded. “So good.”

“Me or the tart?”

“Aren’t you the tart? Oh, wait. No. You’re talking about the quiche?”

She slapped him playfully. “The onion is good, too.”

He leaned forward to take a bite, but at the last moment, shifted and kissed her lips. They were buttery from the pastry and she tasted delicious. A giggle slipped from her lips and he drew back. “One more taste, my little tart,” he murmured. But her body stiffened suddenly and he drew back. “Was the joke that bad?”

“My dad and your mom,” she whispered.

Jack quickly dropped his hands to his sides and watched as Ben and Elyse approached. It wasn’t clear from their expressions whether they’d seen what had just happened or not.

“You decided to come, after all,” Elyse said. “We’re so glad.”

“The farmer’s market sounded like such a good idea,” Mia explained. “And you know how much I love these tarts. I can’t get enough of them.”

“Sausage rolls,” Jack murmured. “She likes the sausage rolls, too.”

“I just thought I’d pick up some things and make us all dinner tonight,” Mia continued, “since it’s your last night here.”

Ben glanced at Elyse, then slipped his arm around her waist. “Not exactly true, sweetheart. I’ve asked Elyse to stay for the rest of the week. There’s still so much that we want to see and do together. A weekend is barely enough time to get reacquainted. We can do dinner tomorrow night. Tonight, we’re going out for a night on the town.”

Elyse’s eyes were bright with excitement.

“What about Jack?” Mia blurted out. She glanced over at him, as if she’d surprised even herself. Clearing her throat, she forced a smile. “Of course, you’re welcome to stay, too,” she said to him. “Isn’t he, Daddy?”

Elyse shook her head. “Oh, I’m sure Jack has to get back to Chicago for work. But thank you for the invitation, Mia.”

Ben looked at him. “Of course, you’re welcome to stay if you’d like, Jack. I can’t say there’ll be much for you to do unless you want to tag along with us. But the guest cottage is yours for the week if you’d like to relax a little longer.”

“Really, I’m sure he has work,” Elyse insisted, sending Jack a warning look. It was obvious she didn’t want him to stay. But this invitation from Ben was troublesome. Something was changing between Mia’s father and his mother and Jack wasn’t sure he liked the look of it.

Jack shrugged. “No, I can take some time. I think I would like to stay a little longer. I have some business in L.A. that I can take care of while I’m here.” He turned to Mia. “And I don’t want to miss this dinner you’re going to cook for all of us.”

“Great,” Ben said. “So, I guess we’ll leave the two of you to your shopping and we’ll get on with our winery tour.” He grabbed Elyse’s hand and drew her along with him. “You two have a pleasant day. Enjoy yourselves.”

They vanished almost as fast as they appeared, leaving Jack and Mia standing in the middle of a crowd. “Do you get the sense that they really didn’t want us tagging along with them?” Jack asked.

“Yeah,” Mia said. “I think they wanted to be alone.”

“What do you think that means?”

Mia glanced over at him. “I don’t know. But I can’t imagine it will be good for either one of us.”


the pool and watched as Jack swam from one end to the other. When he popped up in front of her, he grabbed her bare foot and gave it a kiss.

“Don’t tease me,” she said.

“You like it.”

They’d left the farmer’s market and drove directly back to the house, Mia no longer interested in shopping for the dinner she’d planned. Her father’s invitation to Elyse had changed everything. She could certainly rationalize a weekend get-together between two friends, but this was different. It was clear her father had more than friendship in mind.

And what about Jack? Exactly what were his intentions? Though she’d been the one to actually offer the invitation to him, she’d never thought he’d accept. She’d hoped. And when he had, Mia was forced to wonder why. Was he staying to keep an eye on his mother? Or was he staying to spend more time with her?

“Are we going to talk about this?” Mia asked.

“What?” he asked. “My growing obsession with your beautiful feet? Or my need to undress you and drag you into this pool with me?” He held out his hand. “Come on, Mia, the water is perfect.”

“I’m talking about our parents,” she said.

“What about them?”

“You aren’t worried that they’re getting a little serious with each other?”

“Are you?” Jack asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I don’t want my father to make a mistake. I think he’s very vulnerable and he might misread your mother’s affections for more than they actually are. He’s a very wealthy man and there are plenty of women who’d take advantage of that.”

Jack stared at her for a long moment, then shook his head. “You think my mother is a gold digger? Is that what you’re saying?”

“No.” She cursed softly. “But you can’t deny that marrying my father would make her life a lot easier. She’d never have to worry about money again.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry,” Jack said. “Your father’s money is safe. My mother would never agree to marry him, anyway. She’ll never leave Chicago. And your father won’t leave California. It’s a no-win situation.”

“You don’t seem concerned at all,” Mia said.

“Maybe I wouldn’t mind if my mother found someone to love,” he said. “I just don’t want to see her hurt and if your dad is just playing around her, I’m not going to be happy.”

“My father would never do that. He’s a stand-up guy.”

“I’m not saying he isn’t. But you seem to think my mother is only interested in your dad’s money. Can’t I have some legitimate concerns about your father’s motives?”

“No!” Mia cried. She got to her feet and paced along the edge of the pool. “You have no idea what he’s been through. Years of dealing with my mother’s illness.... He was always there, by her side, determined to make her well with just the power of his love for her.” Mia turned and walked toward the house, then stopped to say one last thing. “Your mother would be lucky if he fell in love with her!”

“Oh, yeah?” Jack shouted. “Well, I could say the same for your father!”

Mia strode back to the house, her temper barely in check. She’d always known there might come a day when her father would move on. And she, along with her sisters, had hoped that the day wouldn’t come at all. It wasn’t that she didn’t want her father to be happy, she just didn’t want to believe that he could put his life with her mother in the past.

She couldn’t imagine how painful it would be to watch him lavish the same affections on another woman—a woman who wasn’t her mother. Holidays, family birthdays, family vacations would all be irrevocably different with someone else at his side.

She was being selfish, Mia knew. But she had a right, didn’t she? She was protecting the memory of her mother. Mia opened the screen door and walked into the kitchen, then stopped short.

But what was Jack doing? Did he really approve of a possible relationship between their parents? She’d just assumed they were on the same side. But there was no question that he was more open than she was to the notion that his mother and her father might fall in love.

She grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the fridge and then decided it would be best to confront him about his opinions. After all, if they were going to be on opposite sides of this issue, it would be best to know it up front.

When she got back to the pool, Jack was stretched out on a chaise, his sunglasses hiding his eyes. She wasn’t sure if he’d spotted her, but when she stood next to his chair, he turned his head. “Feeling better?” he asked.

Mia shrugged. “I wasn’t feeling bad. Just a little...perturbed.”

“Nice word,” he said.

“I brought you some water.” She held out the bottle. “And I’m sorry if I got snippy with you. The subject of my father finding a new wife brings out the worst in me.”

He reached out, but instead of grabbing the bottle, he wrapped his fingers around her wrist and gently pulled her down on top of him.

“Do you think it’s strange that I worry so much about him?” Mia asked, snuggling against Jack’s body.

“No, I’m the last one to say that.” He paused. “My mother told me that it’s time I started thinking more about myself and less about taking care of the family. I’m starting to think that she’s right.”

“You lost your father when you were so young,” Mia said. “I can see how that might have changed the way you look at things.”

“I just never thought of putting myself first. It was never about what I wanted. It was always about what was best for my mom and younger sisters.” He shook his head. “But they’ve been all right for a long time. And I’ve been using them as an excuse.”

“An excuse for what?”

“For not making any real commitments in my life. For not taking any risks.” Jack pulled her closer. “I need to let go of that responsibility,” he said. “Whatever happens with my mother, it’s her life. I have my own life to live.”

Jack pulled her closer and kissed her gently, his tongue tracing along the line between her lips. She opened for him and the kiss deepened, his mouth possessing hers with such desire that Mia felt her doubts melt away.

When he finally drew back, Mia sighed softly. “I understand how you feel,” she murmured. “But I’m just not there yet. It’s too soon. And it has nothing to do with your mother. She’s lovely. It has to do with me and my own...insecurities.”

“I understand,” he said. “We can agree to disagree.”

“You’re not angry?”

Jack shook his head. “No. Now, can we stop talking about our parents’ love lives and start talking about ours?”

“We don’t have a love life,” Mia said.

“I’m thinking we might want to work on that. Since I’m staying until the end of the week, we’re going to have to find something to occupy our time.”

Mia pushed up on her elbow and stared down at him. She reached out and slid the sunglasses up so she could see his eyes. The teasing glint was obvious and a smile curled the corners of her mouth. “Do you really think that would be a good idea?”

“I think it would be an excellent idea,” Jack said. “I’d like to discuss this ‘friends with benefits’ suggestion of yours.”

“I may have been mistaken about that,” Mia said.

“Maybe you weren’t.”

She drew a deep breath. “There have to be some rules,” she said. “First, and most important, we can’t fall in love.”

“And why is that?” Jack asked.

“Because, I’m just not ready to deal with the inevitable breakup. I’m not sure I’m strong enough to survive that right now.”

“Not everyone breaks up,” he said.

“Yes, they do,” Mia countered. “Unless you fall in love forever, you break up. And I know I’m not ready to fall in love forever, so that only leaves breaking up.” She stared down into his eyes. “We can only do this if you promise you won’t have any expectations. At the end of the week, we’ll just say goodbye and get on with our lives.”

“And if I’m in town and I want to take you to a ball game?” Jack asked.

“We’ll figure that one out when it happens,” she said. Then she drew a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. “My life really is a mess,” she murmured.

“Mine, too,” Jack said. “I thought I’d have everything sorted out by the time I was thirty.”

“When do you turn thirty?”

“I did. Last August.”

She paused. “My family is giving me a pass for now. I’ve been the caretaker for the past six years so I haven’t really had the time,” she said.

“So that explains it,” he said.

“Explains what?”

“Why someone as beautiful as you isn’t already married. Or at least in a relationship.”

“Dating can be exhausting. That’s why our arrangement is so much better. All the good stuff without the bad.”

Jack laughed out loud, then reached out and grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “It is good, isn’t it,” he murmured.

A shiver skittered down her spine and Mia curled up against his body. Yes, it was good. Better than she’d ever expected. It was going to be difficult for her to keep from falling head over heels. But she’d just have to keep the realities of the situation in mind. Jack lived in Chicago and she lived here. Anything more than just no-strings sex would be impossible.

* * *

and soft flesh. After playing in the pool for a couple of hours, they decided to get out of the sun, finding shade in the empty guest cottage. Jack couldn’t seem to get enough of her and as they rolled around on his bed, he felt like a horny teenager in the throes of his first sexual experience.

He usually prided himself on his self-control, his ability to seduce slowly and thoroughly. But with Mia, it seemed as if they were racing against the clock, trying to satisfy needs and desires that would suddenly expire in twenty-four hours.

But he wasn’t leaving. He’d be staying with her for the rest of the week. There would be time to explore every corner of their desire, to test the limits of their passion. But even that thought didn’t make him more patient.

She was dressed in a simple bikini, modest by most standards. But from the moment they’d tumbled onto the bed in a tangle of sun-warmed limbs and damp hair, he’d wanted to rid them both of anything resembling clothing. An image of her naked body had been floating in his memory since their morning in the gazebo and he felt almost desperate to prove to himself that she was as beautiful as he remembered.

Mia watched him as he untied the knot at the front of her top, her gaze fixed on his face, her fingers running through his hair. When the fabric fell away, he bent close and pressed his mouth to the soft flesh of her breast. Then Jack slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her body up off the bed, pressing his mouth to the curve of her neck as she arched beneath him.

“Was it really just this morning that we did this?” he murmured, glancing up at her.

Mia nodded. “It seems like days ago, doesn’t it? I can’t stop thinking about you...about this.”

“What if it never goes away?” Jack asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. “I guess it will be a memory then.”

Jack smiled. He knew how she felt. From the moment he’d first touched her, they’d been racing toward the inevitable. He kissed his way back up to her lips, then pulled her down beside him.

He hooked his finger around the hip of her bikini bottom and pulled it down, past her knees and over her ankles. And after he tossed it aside, he slipped out of his board shorts.

Their bodies fit together perfectly as Jack pulled her beneath him, catching her mouth in a long, deep kiss. He wanted to make sure they savored every moment, every soft caress, every delicious kiss, every inch of naked flesh.

“Jack? Are you in here?”

His mother’s voice echoed through the guest cottage and they both sat up and stared at the bedroom door. They’d left it open and unlocked. Mia jumped up from the bed, dragging the sheet around her body. Jack cursed softly, scrambling to find his board shorts.

“Closet,” Mia said. She ran over and pulled open the door, then stepped inside. But instead of waiting to talk to his mother, Jack stepped inside the closet with Mia and closed the door behind him.

“What are you doing in here? You should be out there,” Mia said.

The walk-in closet was dark, but Jack found her almost immediately. “Shhhh,” he whispered. “She won’t find us in here.”

“There’s no lock on—”

He covered her mouth with his, stopping her warning with a delicious kiss, his tongue teasing at hers until she reluctantly gave in and kissed him back. He pressed her back against the wall, his hands running over her body as if his touch could imprint her image in his head.

Mia moaned softly as he got to the damp spot between her legs. Even in the dark, he found all of his favorite spots—the indentation at the small of her back, the sweet curve of her hip, the soft flesh of her backside.

His stiff shaft rubbed against her belly and every time she moved, he felt the desire snake through him like a current of electricity. Like their night in the car, they were completely isolated, the world around them limited to the space within their touch.

Jack kissed a trail from her collarbone to her breast and then moved lower still. Mia clutched at his hair, her fingers twisting in the strands, slowing his progress when he found a particularly enjoyable spot. But Jack knew exactly how he wanted to pleasure her.

He found the place again, the core of her desire, damp and warm between her thighs. His tongue delved between the soft folds, flicking at the tiny nub. Jack heard her breath catch, as if he’d surprised her by what he’d done.

“We can’t,” she whispered.

“The condoms are on the other side of the door,” he murmured, slipping a finger inside her. Her knees buckled slightly and Mia braced her hands on his shoulders as she arched against him.

Jack seduced her slowly, knowing that they couldn’t leave the safety of the closet until they were alone again in the cottage. She whispered his name, softly, urgently, and then she dissolved into her release. Her body trembled as each spasm washed through her and she struggled to stay upright.

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