The Mercenaries (23 page)

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Authors: John Harris

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Mercenaries
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Six hours overdue, the Avro came back in the late afternoon just when the sun was beginning to disappear behind the pagoda. As the low hum of the Mono became audible towards Tsosiehn the hard knot of apprehension in Ira’s chest melted, and eventually he saw the wide double-strutted wings coming past the Chang-an-Chieh. The Avro bumped down in a clumsy landing that put Ira’s heart in his mouth, and was taxied with Fagan’s usual dangerous aplomb up to the other machines to swing wildly into line, its wing-tips narrowly missing the Fokker’s rudder.

Immediately, Sammy climbed out and began to take off the engine cowling.

‘Bit of busted plumbing,’ he said cheerfully over his shoulder. ‘Fixed it with some tape and a piece of copper tube we got from one of Colonel Tong’s gunners.’

Ira pushed a Gold Flake packet at them and, as Sammy lit the cigarette with greasy fingers, Fagan gestured melodramatically with the match. ‘We conked,’ he said loudly. ‘Miles from nowhere. Thanks be to God we dodged Kwei’s troops.’

Sammy put the story in perspective. ‘Nothing much,’ he said. ‘Petrol feed. Kee came in a motor bike and sidecar with one of his men, so we left the bloke to guard the bus and went to collect the copper tube from Colonel Tong. We tried to tell him where Kwei’s artillery was.’

The way Fagan lit his cigarette indicated how unsuccessful they’d been and as he grabbed Ellie’s arm and began to stalk away, Sammy began to laugh.

‘There was His Nibs,’ he said. ‘Yelling and screeching and banging away at the map where the guns were, with Kee translating and old Tong with a face like a piece of cold rice pudding, smiling his gold smile and trying to pretend he understood. But he didn’t know a map from a menu and wouldn’t admit he couldn’t read one for fear of losing face. I thought Fagan was going to bust with rage.’

‘Any ground fire?’ Ira asked.

Sammy grinned. ‘Only from Tsu troops. Honest, Ira, this war’s enough to make you weep blood in bucketfuls. The Boy Scouts back home could do better. Fagan says he’s going to have a go with grenades tomorrow and do the job himself.’


The following morning brought a high wind that raised great clouds of yellow dust and set the birds whirling like scraps of blown paper; and, unable to fly, Fagan fashioned a homemade rack which, with Wang’s assistance, he fastened clumsily underneath the Avro’s fuselage. To it Lawn attached a dozen grenades with looped wires. A further wire was attached to the grenades to remove the firing pins.

‘Suppose we don’t pull the right string?’ Sammy asked with a grin.

As the wind dropped, the Avro took off past Peter Cheng circling solemnly in the Farman; and Ira, sitting in the square coffin fuselage of the Fokker, watched uneasily as it bumped across the ground after him, half-expecting one of Fagan’s home-made bombs to break free and explode under its tail.

A milky scum of cirrus had drained all the colour from the land and the ground had a drab neglected ashen look about it, but they found a battery of Kwei’s artillery without difficulty near a group of wood-and-wattle buildings on the edge of a clump of trees, and Fagan immediately slammed the Avro into a steep dive that almost threw Sammy out. A fusillade of shots came up at them at once as they roared along the line of guns, the comma-tail of the Avro wagging, and following close behind, Ira saw Sammy push up his goggles and busy himself with Fagan’s wires and tapes.

Unfortunately, something seemed to go wrong with the gadget and half the grenades dropped away together, to explode harmlessly in a series of flashes on a hut fifty yards from the target, and as the pieces of wood and wattle whirred away, the argument that had started in the Avro grew furious. Ira smiled as Sammy began to shout and gesticulate in disgust, then as they came round for a second try, he saw him start to beat the side of the machine in frustrated fury as the rest of the grenades dropped away in a second batch long before he was ready.

As the Avro’s nose lifted, Fagan began to gesture wildly at Sammy, using both hands so that the aeroplane seemed to be flying itself, then pointing to the Lewis gun, he swept round once more, clearly determined to do as much damage as possible. The Lewis rattled briefly but they didn’t appear to hit anything, then, as they banked, Sammy laboriously lifting the gun and its cradle to the opposite side of the cockpit, Fagan saw a team of ponies hauling the end gun away, and the blunt heads lifted in fright as the Avro buzzed over them. Sammy’s Lewis rattled again but neither horses nor men fell, though one of the ponies seemed to have been nicked by a ricochet and started to kick its shafts to pieces.

As the Avro came round once more, Kwei’s gunners were too busy quietening the frantic animal to take much notice of him and Ira found himself shaking with laughter at Sammy’s desperate attempts to bring the Lewis to bear against Fagan’s clumsy failure to place the Avro on the correct side of the guns. Once again, no damage was done and they flew backwards and forwards for a while, humiliatingly unlethal, until the dusty fields emptied and Ira saw Sammy gesturing and pointing furiously at his empty weapon.


The argument that had started in the Avro and continued all the way home was still going on when Ira landed, but it was cut short by the arrival of Lao, his solemn face smiling with delight. Fagan, still wearing his leather coat and helmet, gave him a highly colourful and exaggerated account of what had happened and saw him off, swearing to do even better the following day.

‘Bombs, me old boisterous boy,’ he insisted earnestly as he closed the door of the car behind Lao. ‘You’ve got to get us those bloody bombs I ordered.’

He was showing off wildly, watched by a po-faced Sammy, and Ira laughed.

‘I wouldn’t have thought that one pony shot up the backside was worth the risk,’ he said as Lao left. ‘There aren’t enough aeroplanes or bombs in the whole of China to do the job properly.’

Fagan’s face was a mixture of anger and frustration, and Sammy grinned, unable any longer to look solemn.

‘Aw, come off it, Pat, do,’ he said. ‘Face up to it. On today’s showing, you were probably no good even dropping bags of flour in that air display of yours.’

Fagan’s simmering fury exploded into an elaborate display of histrionics.

‘Ach, the gay one! ‘ he shouted at the top of his voice as he stalked away. ‘The knowing one! The bloody rotten aim of him! Sure, I can do it on me own, then, with the proper tools, and divil a bit of help I’ll ask, either!’

As the day progressed, however, his failure to inflict any harm began to sit heavily on his shoulders and, as he pulled his flask more frequently from his pocket, his rage changed to frustration and finally to a belief that he had signed up to fly for the wrong army.

His mood lasted only until the Cooper bombs arrived the following evening, badly packed and looking none too safe, and quivering with excitement, he gingerly picked out the best and with Lawn’s help, fixed them to a rack under the wing of the Fokker. He was obviously itching to get into the air again, an indifferent flier and a worse shot, but with something in his make-up that seemed to need to create mayhem.

Sammy was standing by the Albatros as he pulled his helmet on the next morning. He was stripping down the cylinders, and dismantling the valve mechanism on the table by the machine, and had flatly insisted that flying with Fagan was a waste of time.

‘He gets too bleddy excited,’ he observed.

He watched Fagan climb into his seat, his expression its usual mixture of indifference, humour and contempt. Ellie stood nearby, hugging her elbows in that odd angular stance she affected, her face expressionless so that it was impossible to tell what she was thinking.

Sammy lit a paraffin-smeared cigarette and glanced at the bits and pieces of engine laid out on the table, still dripping from the wash he’d given them, then he looked at Ira, his eyes calm as though he’d considered some of the problems of life and come up with a few of the answers.

‘I’m glad I’m not Pat Fagan,’ he said sombrely. ‘It’s all right being an intrepid birdman, but he has to be more intrepid than anybody else. The bangs he makes are always a bit louder than anybody else’s and the blood he spills is always a bit redder.’

His voice was full of scorn as Fagan worked the throttle of the Fokker and the machine swung round spectacularly against the weight of Lawn and the terrified coolies hanging over the tail.

He replaced his grimy cigarette in his mouth and shrugged. ‘I’ve decided I like engines better than guns,’ he said gravely. ‘When someone moves the prop round and I’m standing up there, listening to the bits move--all the click-click-clicks as them bright little parts slide up against each other--that’s what I think’s exciting.’

Fagan returned, with his bombs gone and elated enough to fluff his landing so that the machine stood on its nose and wrote off the propeller.

‘For Christ’s sake.’ Sammy yelled furiously, dancing with rage. ‘We haven’t got all that many spares. You ought to know your job’s to get the machine down in one piece, not show off for the bleddy pupils!‘

Fagan gave his mad laugh as he dusted himself down. ‘Ach, up your kilt, you mundane little man,’ he said. ‘You’ve got a soul like a pile of sand. I’m making money. I caught a regiment on the march and if I’d had a full belt of ammo, sure, I could have blown ‘em all to Kingdom Come and back.’

Ellie’s eyes flickered unhappily, but he grinned, delighted with himself.

‘It was like knocking over toy soldiers with a shillelagh,’ he boasted. ‘I shot the colonel off his horse just like a rag doll.’

Ellie swung away, angular, lean and hostile. ‘I don’t like this goddam killing,’ she said sharply. ‘It isn’t what we came for.’

As Fagan swung round to argue, Ira bent by the tail of the Fokker and traced with his forefinger a line of torn holes in the fabric of the fuselage.

‘See that?’ he asked quietly.

Fagan stopped abruptly, his shouting cut short, and turned, his face falling. He obviously hadn’t realised he’d been hit.

‘What did that?’ he asked.

‘Mice,’ Sammy said.

Fagan stared at the holes for a moment then he gave a hoot of excited laughter and began to shrug them off with a blustery nonchalance that seemed forced.

‘Ach,’ he shouted. ‘It’s nothin’ but a few chance shots from a Chink with a Lewis. Divil a bit to worry about.’

His excitement seemed to be building up, moving him faster and faster like a fly-wheel under its own weight and, sensing that it was getting a little out of control, Ira was half-tempted to ground him for a few days.

But he was boasting now how much money he was making, taking a pathetic pride in totting it up in front of the unimpressed Ellie, so that he decided in the end to allow him to continue a little longer, feeling partly that somehow they owed Ellie something and partly that, when Fagan was finally satisfied, he’d probably take his fortune and disappear.

They patched the holes with fabric, dope and glue, and Fagan took off again with more bombs, climbing steeply past the tower of the pagoda.

‘Here we go, boys, into the Valley of Death,’ Sammy said in a flat voice from his trestle alongside the Albatros. ‘One day he’s goin’ to hit that thing.’

Fagan came back as elated as ever but it was possible now to sense a tenseness in him that hadn’t been there before. There were more bullet-holes in the tailplane and the need to protect the few old machines they possessed seized Ira’s mind.

‘For God’s sake, take it easy, Pat,’ he urged. ‘Kwei’s supposed to have new machines from the north, and you’re a bloody sight easier to replace than the Fokker.’

‘Leave it to me,’ Fagan said, lighting a cigarette with awkward fingers. ‘I can look after meself.’

Ira wasn’t so certain. ‘Tsu won’t mind if you stop one,’ he pointed out. ‘But he’ll mind like hell if he loses a machine. And so will I.’

Fagan gestured. ‘Hell, what’s Kwei got?’ he demanded. ‘Another Caudron? I can run rings round a Caudron with a Fokker.’

Sammy looked up from the engine compartment of the Albatros. ‘Cheng told me that old Caudron crashed.’ he warned. ‘He says Kwei’s got some scouts in its place. Chiang got ‘em for him.’

Fagan’s smiles vanished as they always did when anyone suggested caution, and as he disappeared towards Tsosiehn with Ellie, driving the Crossley fast and dangerously as usual, Sammy stared after him, his eyes puzzled.

‘Blowed if I know why he does it, Ira,’ he said. ‘
know he’s scared stiff, and so do you, and so does Ellie. What’s he trying to prove?’


The following morning, with the last of the bombs on board, Fagan flew off into a thin band of lemon sky that hung in the east like a sword blade. He’d seemed unable to relax and his chatter to Lawn as he’d climbed into the cockpit had been brittle and shallow, as though he were simply trying to avoid thinking.

‘He isn’t tough, Ira,’ Sammy said with a surprising show of compassion. ‘You can see the nerves sticking out and vibrating like piano wires. But he likes killing. It does something to him. I’m glad I only blew up a cookhouse and a latrine. It stops you getting it into your system.’

While Fagan was away, Ellie’s pupil, Cheng, a gentle-faced youth who looked no more than fifteen, flew his first solo. Ira stood by the farmhouse with Ellie, his hands in his pockets, smoking a cigarette, watching him, suffering every one of the tense moments the boy was living. Put your nose down before shutting off . . . the words he’d repeated again and again came automatically into his mind. . . . Keep the speed up.... Ease her back   Back again.

Nervously, Cheng made his shaky circuit and floated the old Farman down to the ground again and, as Ira ran across to him, he found him sitting in the wicker seat, breathless, his soft girl’s face dazed, his large dark eyes as joyous as Sammy’s had been.

‘Eyeh. Mister Ira,’ he grinned, beside himself with pride. ‘I fly!‘

They crowded round him, pumping his hand, delighted with him, their first successful pupil. Lawn sent a coolie into Yaochow for Hong Kong beer to celebrate, and they were all in a group with the bottles in their hands when the Fokker returned. It was behind schedule and, though no one had said anything, they had all begun to look at their watches.

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