The Mating Chase (Werewolves of Montana) (7 page)

BOOK: The Mating Chase (Werewolves of Montana)
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“It’s the only time ogres get aggressive.” Dale’s gaze slid to Kyle’s. “The male sets a scent trap, waits for a female to arrive and then forces her.”

Revulsion churned in her stomach as she remembered the sketch of the ogre mounting the female, his penis big as a baseball bat. Stricken, she realized the implications.

Arianna was sexually irresistible to Lupine males during her fertile time. What if she attracted other species as well?

“Arianna’s coming into her heat soon. Are we dealing with confused and crazed ogres who might hurt her?” she asked.

A low growl rumbled from Kyle’s throat. “Not if I can help it. I’ll tear the son of a bitch to shreds.”

“She’ll have to be mated. It’ll tamp down her scent.” Dale studied the hunter. “You gonna tell her?”

Kyle had kept close watch over Arianna ever since he found her alone on the mountain seven years ago; naked, shivering and terrified. He’d bundled the 12-year-old into his jacket and taken her to the ranch. As she grew older, he’d taught her to hunt. Arianna secretly desired Kyle and Beth suspected the feeling was mutual. Last month she caught Kyle staring at Arianna with avid hunger, but afterward, he’d distanced himself from her friend. The hunter was a rover. Eight years ago, he’d joined their pack when Aiden needed an extra ranch hand. He’d stayed. Beth hoped he would stay for good.

“That’s up to Aiden.”

“Arianna’s afraid of mating,” Beth said. “Remember how she hurt Darius last month? And he was just trying to help her through her heat.”

Contempt flickered in Kyle’s gaze. “He deserved it. Darius doesn’t care about her. He’ll sleep with anything that moves. “

“She’s terrified of sex. I wish I knew why, but Arianna won’t say.”

“She was just a scared little thing when I found her,” Kyle mused.

“You’re the only male she likes, and trusts,” she hinted.

The quiet hunter briefly closed his eyes and sighed. “I don’t do long term. Relationships or otherwise. In fact, I planned to hit the road soon.”

“Will you stay until this is settled?” Dale gave the other male a respectful look. “We need you.”

He nodded. “Aiden had better curb Arianna. She’s out of control.”

After Kyle left, they returned to the cabin. Dale started to reach for the doorknob, and then suddenly turned and embraced her. Gently she stroked his back, feeling the thick muscles jump.

“I need a moment,” he muttered.

“You’re trembling.”

“Adrenalin dump. Thought that bastard was hurting you. I’ve never been so scared.” He nuzzled her neck, breathing in her scent.

“Me too.”

“How did you figure out Bobby tried to set us up?” he asked.

“Biology. Skins usually don’t eat raw organs after a deer kill. They’re too worried about bacteria. But trolls aren’t.”

Beth paused. “And I read those books in the cabin about how trolls kill and knew I had to warn you.”

Dale tensed. “I put others at risk, all because I was pissed off, thinking a Skin targeted us. Couldn’t focus on the scents. I screwed up. Tomorrow, I’m turning in my resignation as chief of security.”

Rubbing her nose against his throat, Beth growled low. “And my uncle will refuse. If he even thinks of accepting, I’ll release my wolf and bite his butt.”

He gave a faint smile, but still looked doubtful. Beth cupped his face.

“You’re a loyal and fierce protector for our people. It’s time to let go of the past and your anger. Skins aren’t all cruel and violent. Just as I have to learn to live as a Lupine again, you must accept living among Skins.”

He sighed. “I’ve hidden from them for so many years, I don’t know how.”

“I’ll teach you. And you’ll teach me about being wolf again.”

“Like how to clothe yourself after a shift. I don’t want you naked around any other guys, only me.”

“It’s a balancing act.” She stroked his cheek. “Isn’t that what mates are for? To support each other when we need it most? We’ll have to make compromises, like moving my stuffed animal collection into your cabin.”

“And teaching you how to hunt with the pack.”

“And taking hot showers inside, not bathing in a stream.”

“As long as you don’t use scented soap.” He stroked his hands along the curve of her spine. “And you let me wash you, all over.”

“Oh yeah. Another good reason to shower.”

Resting her head against his chest, she listened to his heartbeat. Steady, reassuring and strong, it was like Dale himself.

She’d claimed her wolf again, and her wolf claimed a mate. Once an awkward outsider, Beth knew she’d finally found her place — at Dale’s side, where they could learn from each other. Gazing up into his tender expression, Beth saw a man’s love and a wolf’s fierceness. Deep inside, her wolf wagged her tail in response, and gave a victorious yip.

“My wolf’s happy, and so am I. It feels right, being here with you, and I never want to leave again. Not as long as you’re with me.”

“Welcome home, little Lupine.” Light and joy danced in Dale’s deep blue gaze. “Welcome home at last.”

Author’s Note: If you enjoyed THE MATING CHASE, look for Kyle and Arianna’s story in THE MATING HUNT. For the latest information, please check out Bonnie’s webpage at
or her Facebook page at

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