The Matchmakers (18 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Colgan

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: The Matchmakers
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`Well, she might have been my girl
if«never mind. Plenty of other girls out there, right?´ `Only one Teresa. If
you care about her, you should tell her.Ćallie didn’t wait for a reply.
She hurried to the bar to pick up an empty tray and get back to work. A frisson
of excitement hummed under her skin. With two prospective suitors vying for
Teresa’s attention, the odds one of them would turn out to be true love
increased dramatically. She wondered how she would know for sure, though. Would
Meri be allowed to come back and tell her, or would she have to rely on Nick to
help her figure it out?
Chapter Twenty-two

bar cleared out early when a light snow began to fall around midnight. Hayden
found Callie in the back room, collecting pool balls and loose darts and
racking up the cue sticks. `It’s dead out there. You’d think nobody ever saw
snow before.´ `If it means we get to go home early, I’m all for it. I’m
pooped.Ćallie rose and stretched the kinks out of her back. Hayden’s
hopeful expression made her instantly wary. `What’s up?´ `Andrew just asked me
out for coffee.´ `Out for coffee? You can make coffee here.´ Hayden’s grin
widened, and she blushed. `I know, but he asked me
for coffee.Ćallie frowned. `I don’t want to pry, but are
you sure that’s a good idea?´ `We’re just going to talk. I know he’s into
Teresa, and he knows I’m«´ `Pregnant?Ćallie whispered the word as she
peered over Hayden’s shoulder. `God, no! He knows I’m involved with someone.
But you know, we got to talking and we both thought a little chat therapy might
do us some good.´ Callie crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the
pool table.
, she thought.
for the lion’s share of their own problems.
`Yesterday you hated him.´ `As
a rule, I hate all men right now. But he’s so«´ `Cute?´ `Understanding. Though
cute runs a close second.´ Hayden’s questioning glance was obviously meant to convey
her need for Callie’s permission. Why did she want to torment herself by
spending time with a man she wanted and knew she couldn’t have? Callie shook
her head. `I can’t tell you what to do.´ `I’ll be okay. Really.´ Hayden rushed
forward and dumped her house key into Callie’s palm. `Of course I’m not kicking
you out of my place or anything. You haven’t talked to Nick, have
you?Ćallie stared at the key. `No. But it’s all right. I think I’m going
to go and talk to him tonight.´ `No, Callie. You shouldn’t.´ Hayden’s eyes
blazed with her conviction. `You should make him come to you. He had no reason
to be angry with you about what happened at work. Whatever his issues are, let
them out.´ `All my stuff is at his place.´ `Well«I’ll go with you tomorrow to
pick it up while he’s at work.´ `The site closed down. He may not be at work.´ `Hmm«
We’ll figure something out. Just take my key, and I’ll see you at my place
later. Don’t wait up.´ `Hayden.´ `I’ll be fine. I promise.Śhe charged out
of the room leaving Callie dumbfounded. Finding true love for Hayden would be a
project, one she hoped to have the chance to tackle some day. She surveyed her remaining
chores and decided when she finished, she’d ask Farley for a ride over to Nick’s.
She wondered, as she unlocked the storeroom and began straightening shelves,
what she would say to him when she saw him. Would he believe her if she told
him she was human now? How could she demonstrate her lack of powers if he
demanded proof? He’d just have to trust her, and she wasn’t sure he was capable
of that. Tears stung her eyes once again, and she cursed her human emotions. If
she kept up this near constant weeping and the perpetual headache it caused,
she’d have to give aspirin a try. How on earth did humans cope with all these
frailties? If she and Nick failed their task, how would she ever get used to
this limited human existence? Farley had just shut off the lights above the bar
when Nick arrived. He peered into the dark glass of the front door, knocked and
waved. After a moment, Farley lumbered over and let him in. Nick rubbed his
cold hands together and blew warm air over his fingers as he entered the bar. The
temperature had dropped at least ten degrees in the past hour, and the snow was
starting to pile up. `Is Callie still here?´ `She’s in back.´ Farley jerked his
thumb in the direction of the back room. `It’s really coming down, huh?´ `I
doubt it’ll last long, but it’s cold as hell. I don’t think Callie had her coat
with her when she left for work.´ Farley gave him a look as they crossed back
to the bar. `Rumor has it you guys had a big fight. Little River ran her mouth
off about it every time your girl left the room tonight.´ Nick rolled his eyes.
`It was a big misunderstanding. I owe her an apology.´ Farley checked his
watch. `I gotta be somewhere. Callie knows the alarm code, so you guys lock up.
Turn off all the lights when you go.´ `Thanks.´ Nick clapped Farley’s shoulder
as the bartender passed him on the way out the door. `Don’t break any
glassware. If she doesn’t accept your apology, take her outside and let her
throw rocks at you.´ `Got it.´ `Make it okay. I like her, and I can’t afford to
lose another waitress.´ `I’ll do my best.´ Farley left, and Nick took a deep
breath. He slipped off his jacket and draped it over a barstool, then listened
for a minute to the sounds of Callie’s movements coming from the back.
Hopefully she wouldn’t disappear and leave him talking to himself again. He
found her in the storeroom, crouched down, struggling with a big can of cooking
oil. `Can I help you with that?´ His question startled her. She whirled around,
dropping the can with a thud that rattled everything on the shelves. `Nick!´ `I
didn’t mean to scare you.´ `It’s all right.Śhe pushed back her hair with a
dusty hand, leaving a smudge above her eyebrow. Her expression was skeptical
and a little wary. He hated that he could tell exactly what she was feeling. Or
were the butterflies in his stomach actually his own? `I came to ask if you had
accepted my apology.´ `What apology? `You know. Yesterday in the
kitchen.Śhe crossed her arms and leaned back. `I wasn’t in the kitchen
yesterday.´ `So you didn’t hear me? I really was talking to myself?Śhe
nodded. `Not a word?´ `Nope. Maybe you could recap for me?´ `Basically I said I
was sorry. I realize now that you didn’t have anything to do with the accident
at the site. I feel pretty bad for accusing you.´ Her glare softened, and her
arms dropped to her sides. `What made you realize?´ `I know you wouldn’t do
something like that. You couldn’t. Then I talked to Miranda, and she told me ´ Callie
looked stricken. `You talked to her?´ `Yeah. I appreciate that you told me
about it. She did have something important to tell me.´ `Oh.´ `Skip is involved
with what happened at the site.Ćallie’s heart lifted instantly. If Miranda
wasn’t pregnant« `Her husband? What does he have to do with«oh. He’s trying to
get back at you?´ `No.´ Nick shook his head. He took a step forward, and Callie
fought the urge to meet him halfway and throw her arms around his neck. She
never thought she’d feel so relieved to be with him again. `Apparently Skip’s
law firm represents a developer who is suing the owners of the property John’s working
on. Miranda was snooping through some files Skip left at the house, and she
found a letter that she turned over to the police. It might not be enough to
convict anyone, but it hints that Skip might have been assigned to cause some
problems for John’s clients.Ćallie felt lightheaded. All this time she’d
been worrying that Miranda was pregnant, she hadn’t considered her news might
be important in another way. `I’m sorry, Nick. If I’d told you sooner, maybe Teresa
wouldn’t have gotten hurt.´ Tears welled up again, and she swiped them away.
This human penchant for crying was becoming a terrible nuisance. Nick crossed
the distance between them and put his hands on her shoulders. `Don’t blame
yourself. None of this is your fault.´ `I’ve been so upset that I forgot
Miranda even stopped by, and then ´ `Don’t worry about it.´ Nick pulled Callie
toward him, and despite her resolve to keep her distance, she melted into his
arms. He felt so good, so strong and solid. Her buzzing headache and sore
muscles seemed to disappear with the warmth of his arms around her. `You know,
Tink, I missed you.´ Callie looked up, mildly shocked by his confession. She
gaped, ready to laugh, but the intensity of his gaze stilled her breath. An
electric jolt zinged through her when he lowered his lips to hers and drew her into
a gentle kiss. Callie could do nothing but liquefy in his embrace as he
tightened his arms around her, slanted his mouth over hers and drank her in. When
he parted her lips with his, she let him in, lost in the moment. She threw her
arms around his neck and pushed herself up on her toes. Melded together, they
clung and stumbled back against the open door of the storeroom. It swung shut
and dimly, through a haze of need, Callie heard the lock click. Nick broke the
kiss reluctantly, dragging his lips away from Callie’s long enough to whisper
in her ear. `Let’s get out of here. It’s snowing out, and I want to take you
home and keep you warm tonight.´ Callie shivered in anticipation. The human
reaction to his smoldering kiss surprised her. Was this lust? She hadn’t felt truly
unbridled passion in centuries. She’d forgotten the inner quaking, the rapid
heartbeat and that all-over tingle. The only thing missing was the flutter of
her wings against her back. Did she dare indulge her desires with Nick? She’d
been with human men before, but she’d never been human, and she’d never wanted
so much to
human. Nick pulled
her toward the door, let his hand slide down her back and then captured her
fingers in his. He reached for the knob and rattled it. `Uh oh,Ćallie
said. Nick laughed. `Very funny. Get us out of here.´ `I can’t.´ `Ha ha. Just
pop us into the other room.´ `Nick, I can’t.Ćallie eyed the doorknob. Both
Diane and Farley had impressed upon her the importance of disabling the
automatic lock when working in the storeroom. As she had with most of their instructions
over the last few days though, she’d forgotten all about it. Until now. The
tiny details of life had never concerned her, and her ability to keep track of
them was long out of practice. `Okay. I get it,´ Nick said with an indulgent
sigh. `You can’t pop both of us outside. So pop yourself out and open the door
for me.Śhe shook her head. `Can’t.´ `Not funny, Tink.´ `No, it’s not. And
neither is you calling me µTink’. That’s not my name.´ `Fine. I’ll call you
anything you want. Just open the door and let’s get out of here.´ `What part of
µI can’t’ don’t you understand?´ The liquid warmth that had filled Callie a
moment ago drained down to a cold puddle in the pit of her stomach. It occurred
to her she still hadn’t told Nick the truth and, his growing annoyance aside,
this seemed like the perfect opportunity. `The part I don’t understand is the
part where you can’t. What happened to µI can get you a leprechaun, Nick’,
µHere’s a big screen TV, Nick’, µPoof, you’re in a tuxedo, Nick’?´ `You’re
still not over that television, are you? Men are all alike. It doesn’t matter
what century
or even what species. Toys and gadgets are all you care
about.Śhe crossed her arms and paced the three-foot square of floor. `What
I care about right now is getting us out of this closet. And I don’t understand
why you can’t.´ `I can’t because I’m human now. Freya took away my wings. She
took away all my power the night of the party because I showed you my wings.´
There. She’d said it. The guilt and shame came flooding back, and her eyes
burned with unshed tears yet again. She stamped her foot in frustration. `Oh,
here I go again.´ `Here you go what?´ `Crying again. Since I’ve been human, I
do nothing but cry and ache and worry and
! It’s a wonder humans get anything accomplished at all when they have to
eat so often.´ Nick raised one eyebrow. `I saw your wings?Ćallie stared. `You
don’t remember?´ He shook his head and shrugged. `Of course you don’t. Meri
must have made you forget.´ `Who’s Murray?´ `Meriope. My sister. She came to
tell me about my wings. If we don’t succeed in our task, I may never see her
again. Plus, I could be human forever.Ćallie wiped her tears with the hem
of her t-shirt and sniffled. `Well, that’s not totally true. I’ll be human for
about seventy years. Then I’ll die. I don’t know which is worse.´ `So we’re
really stuck in here?´ Nick jiggled the doorknob again, seemingly oblivious to
the dire confession Callie had just made. His indifference shocked her. Annoyed,
she nudged him aside and pounded on the door. `If we yell loud enough, he’ll
hear us. Farley! Let us out! Farley!´ Nick only stared at her. `I don’t think
he can hear us.´ `Probably not, since he’s half way to Diane’s by now.´ `What?
He’s not here?Ćallie glared. Why hadn’t he told her this before? At least
Nick had the decency to look contrite. `He told me to tell you to use your
security code to set the alarm when you lock up and asked us to turn off all
the lights. He figured we’d be working out our misunderstanding for a while.´ `Great.Ćallie
leaned her back against the cold, solid door and hugged herself. `Look, you
said yourself this door has a crappy lock. I believe your exact words were, µAn
arthritic pixie could break out of here’.´ `Pixies are actually very strong for
their size. Even arthritic ones.´ `I’m pretty sure I’m stronger than a pixie.
Stand back.´ Nick pulled Callie away from the door. She watched in horror as he
got a three-foot running start and slammed his shoulder against the barrier. With
a moan, he crumpled to the floor. `Damn!´ Callie dropped to her knees beside
him and rubbed his shoulder. `Are you all right?´ `I’ll never play the fiddle
again,´ he said through clenched teeth. `The door opens
.´ `I remembered that the second after I dislocated my
shoulder.Ćallie pressed on the muscles of his upper arm and neck. `It’s
not dislocated.´ `How do you know?´ `You wouldn’t be arguing about it. You’d be
screaming in agony.´ `I don’t scream. Even in agony«but you could rub it some
more«ah. That’s better.Ćallie obeyed, snaking her fingers into Nick’s
collar to knead the muscles underneath. She rubbed until her hand tingled and
her belly ached and their eyes met for a long, liquid moment. Nick put his hand
over hers and pressed her fingers to the center of his chest. `Callie«´ `Ah! I
know. Where’s your cell phone?´ He moaned. `Jacket pocket.Śhe didn’t need
to ask where his jacket might be. It certainly wasn’t in the storeroom.
Deflated, she sank to the floor next to him and they sat, shoulder to shoulder,
backs against the door, contemplating their fate. `This is a very small
room,Ćallie said when the silence had stretched too long. `It’s not a
room. It’s a closet.´ `How much air do you think we have?´ `We’re not going to
suffocate.´ `So, we’ll be okay until Farley comes back tomorrow? Are you sure?´
Nick pointed upward. `It’s a drop ceiling. Above that is a crawl space that
covers the whole back room. This place isn’t air tight.Ćallie relaxed just
a little. `Good. And at least we have food.´ `Let’s see«sugar, cocktail onions,
canned peanuts and lots of booze. All we need is a corkscrew and a can opener.´
`What about water? How long can we go without water?Ćhapter Twenty-three
Nick gave Callie a sidelong glance. Was she serious? Before he could respond,
she was up, flitting around the room. She searched among the shelves, turning
jars and cans, rifling among packages of cocktail napkins and paper towels. `We’re
not going to die of thirst overnight, Tink.Śhe glared. `We’re trapped. And
it’s so small in here. Oh, no.´ `What?´ Nick hauled himself up off the floor
and shook off the tingly, throbbing pain in his shoulder. Callie jammed a hand
into her front pocket and pulled out a small gold key. It glinted in the dim
light from the naked overhead bulb. `Don’t tell me that’s the key to the
storeroom.´ `No. It’s Hayden’s key. She won’t be able to get into her
apartment.´ `Well, that might be a good thing. Maybe she’ll come back here
looking for you.´

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