The Map Thief (45 page)

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Authors: Michael Blanding

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New Yorker,
7, 78

New York maps, 192

New York Public Library

Mercator Society, 69–70

recovery of stolen maps, 203

security practices, 213–214

Slaughter donation and exhibit, 120–123, 125, 126–127, 171

Smiley’s research at, 37–40, 61, 64

Smiley’s thefts from, 156–157, 184

New York Times,
97, 112, 126, 179

Norman, John, 160, 178, 179

Norman, William, 160, 178, 179

North American Maps & Autographs, 40, 71

North Carolina maps, 87, 157

Northwest Passage, 26, 29, 145, 146, 170, 221

Notes on Virginia
(Jefferson), 119

Novus Atlas Maritimus
(Thornton), 66

O’Connor, Kevin, 194

Ogilby, John, 85

Old Print Shop, 81, 84, 141, 202, 204, 206.
See also
Newman, Harry

Opie, Fitzhugh Lee, 114

Ortelius, Abraham, 25, 55–56

Osher, Harold, 139, 187, 202

Outlaw, Neil, 43

Parrish, Abe, 180

Passe, Simon van de, 17, 19

Pelham, Henry, 140, 189

Pennsylvania maps, 14, 85, 87, 89, 93

Philadelphia maps, 82, 221

Piscataquis Observer,
131, 142

Pizzano, David, 158, 159, 175

Place des Antiquaires, 79

Pocahontas, 14, 16

Popple, Henry, 86

Porrúa, José, 94

Portolan charts, 42, 47, 48, 55, 179–180

Prester John, 47

Price, William, 141

Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation
(Hakluyt), 26, 170

Printing press, 48, 53–54

Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World
(Speed), 62

Ptolemy, 45–46, 48, 56

Ptolemy, Ulm, 212

Purchas, Samuel, 147, 149, 179, 187

Purchas His Pilgrimes
(Purchas), 147, 149, 174, 187

Raleigh, Walter, 149–150

Reed, William, 66–67

Reese, Bill, 71–73, 78, 92, 161, 169, 180–181, 201

Reeve, Dick, 172, 173, 175–176, 183, 184, 190, 193–194, 197, 199, 205

Revolution, American, 87–88, 157, 190

Ringmann, Matthias, 51–52

Rivero, César Gómez, 212

Ruderman, Barry, 103, 157, 170

Ruysch, Johann, 82, 89, 212

Saito, Naomi, 12

Schmeisser, Christopher “Kit,” 173, 177–178, 182, 183, 192, 194, 199, 204

Schwartz, Seymour, 70

Schwartz, Sy, 88

Scull, Nicholas, 93

Sea atlases.
See also
English Pilot

The Atlantic Neptune
(Des Barres), 88, 160–161, 192

Atlas Maritimus
(Seller), 65, 67, 68, 98, 191

by Clark, 71–73

Dell’Arcano del Mare
(Dudley), 150–151, 178, 204

in FBI’s possession after Smiley case, 221

rarity of, 67

Washington’s, 81

Sebec, Maine

entertainment of friends in, 100–103

history of, 98–99

house purchase, 83, 99–100

map (1860),

Smiley’s businesses, 131–134, 142–144, 154–156, 171, 202, 214–215

Smiley’s community involvement, 129–134, 206–207

Sebec Village Shops, 131–132, 142–144, 155–156, 159–160, 214–215

Security practices, 116–118, 163, 213–214

Seller, John.
See also
English Pilot

Atlas Maritimus,
65, 67, 68, 98, 191

biography of, 64–68

New England maps, 66–68, 70, 81, 111, 112, 136–137, 139, 202

Sentencing, 194–199, 201–202

Slater, Felicity, 100–101, 170

Slater, Gordy, 101, 217

Slater, Scott

Boys’ Weekends, 101–102, 154, 209–210

letters to Smiley when imprisoned, 216–217

at Leventhal exhibition at Boston Public Library, 128

on Martha’s Vineyard house project, 158

New York Public Library visit, 127, 128

on Smiley’s arrest, 170

on Smiley’s financial system, 83

on Smiley’s generosity, 102

on Smiley’s intelligence, 34

at Smiley’s sentencing, 194

at Smiley’s wedding, 69

vacations in Maine, 83, 100

Slaughter, Lawrence, 68–69, 82, 91, 96–98, 119–123, 125, 126–127, 171, 189

Slaughter, Susan, 120, 122, 123, 125

Slifer, Rosejeanne, 28, 40, 61

Small, Buzz, 143, 155

Smiley, Adele Moreau (mother), 30

Smiley, Edward Forbes (grandfather), 29

Smiley, Edward Forbes, III

after imprisonment, 215–219

arrest, prosecution, and sentencing, 163–165, 167–184, 194–199, 201–202

birth of son, 129

business names, 40, 71

business strategy and skills, 79–80, 104–105

carpentry skills, 34–35, 36

childhood of, 29–33

college experience, 34–35

early career, 28–29, 37–40

financial situation, 11, 83–84, 94, 98, 123, 159–160, 162–163, 175

generosity to friends, 101–102

health problems, 125–126, 159, 194, 206

imprisonment, 208–210

painting, 217–218

personality of, 10–11, 32, 34, 36–37, 154–155

physical appearance, 32, 33, 82–83

scholarly articles and catalogs, 64, 88–90, 98

Smiley, Edward Forbes II (father), 29–30

Smiley, Edward Forbes IV “Ned” (son), 129, 207–208

Smiley, Lisa (wife), 36, 40, 69, 70–71, 79, 99, 100, 124, 129, 158

Smiley, Marilyn (sister), 30, 32

Smiley, Marion (sister), 30

Smiley, Susan (sister), 30, 32

Smith, John

childhood and early adventures, 14–15

death of, 18

in Jamestown, 15–17

New England map,
13–14, 17–19, 24, 62, 157–158, 162–163, 170

Pocahontas legend, 14, 16

Virginia Company expedition to America, 15

Virginia map, 78, 89, 149, 174

Sotheby’s, 98, 146, 189, 211

South Carolina maps, 14, 174

Spanish maps, 110

Speculum Orbis Terrarum
(de Jode), 25, 56, 145, 163, 179

Speed, John, 60, 62, 63–64, 148

Spiegelman, Daniel, 114–116

Statt, Paul

Boys’ Weekends, 154

childhood friendship with Smiley, 32–33, 35

on Derryfield school, 32

on Martha’s Vineyard house project, 158

New York Public Library visit, 127

referral of lawyer, 172

on Sebec home, 83

Smiley’s betrayal of, 216

at Smiley’s court appearance, 182

on Smiley’s generosity, 36

on Smiley’s personality changes, 154

on Smiley’s Sebec home purchase, 100

at Smiley’s sentencing, 194

at Smiley’s wedding, 69

vacations in Maine, 101–102

Sterling Memorial Library

description of, 135–136

New England map (Seller), 81

security practices, 213

Smiley case evidence, 171, 180–182

thefts, 13, 110–112, 135–141, 156, 184, 189–190, 205

Swann Galleries, 157–158

Taliaferro, Henry, 78, 202, 204, 206

Tallman, Jean, “Map of Bedford Center,”

Tenochtitlán, 162,
205, 221

Thames School, 85

Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine
(Speed), 60

Theft of Major Artwork Act, 169, 188


Arader’s view of, 76–77

by Bland, 107–109

from Boston Public Library, 144–149, 151, 160–161, 171, 174, 175, 178, 179–180, 190–191

from British Library, 175, 185–189, 192–194, 208, 210–213

from Harvard University, 161

history of, 109–110

by insiders, 113

from Library of Congress, 114

library security practices, 116–118

methods, 113, 208

motives for, 113

from New York Public Library, 156–157, 184

number attributed to Smiley, 210–211

recent, 212–213

Smiley’s arrest, prosecution, and sentencing, 163–165, 167–184, 194–199, 201–202

Smiley’s rationalization of, 153–154, 206–207

of Smiley’s studio, 91–94

by Spiegelman, 114–116

vulnerability of dealers and libraries, 113, 176–177

from Yale Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 161–165

from Yale Sterling Memorial Library, 110–112, 135–141

Thornton, John, 66, 70, 89, 157, 174, 190, 221

Thornton, Samuel, 140

maps, 47

Tooley, Ronald Vere (R.V. or Mick), 59–61, 77, 139

Turner, Frank, 195

United States, maps of.
American maps and map making

University of Georgia, 113

US Attorney’s Office, 179, 188

Van de Passe, Simon, 17, 19

Vermeer, Jan, 57

Vespucci, Amerigo, 51–52

Virginia maps, 78, 84, 89, 97,
149, 151, 174, 190, 204

Von Elgg, Bob, 102, 128, 154, 209

Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon, 64

Waldseemüller, Martin,
49–52, 110, 175

Walker, Bill, 121–122, 124, 125

Wall Street Journal,

Washington D.C. maps, 82, 89, 97, 119–120, 189

Washington Heights, 35–36

Welsh, Howard, 97

Western Washington University, 212

West Indies maps, 191, 204

White, John, 147, 149, 190, 204

Willingham, Robert “Skeet,” 113

Witten, Laurence, 111–112

Wood, William, 62

Woodward, David, 70

Woram, John, 212

World maps

Apian, 175,
186, 193, 194, 213

Best, 186, 187, 205, 210–211

first, 44

Principall Navigations,

Martellus, 12

Mercator, 54–55

of Middle Ages, 47

Ortelius, 25, 26, 56, 145

Ruysch, 82, 212

sixteenth century, 52

Speculum Orbis Terrarum,
163, 164, 168

Ulm Ptolemy, 212

Waldseemüller, 49–52, 175

Wormholes, 168–169, 183

Yale Police, 20

Yale University.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library; Sterling Memorial Library

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