The making of a king (42 page)

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Authors: Ida Ashworth Taylor

Tags: #Louis XIII, King of France, 1601-1643

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Galigai, Leonora. See Concini

and Ancre Gaston, Due d'Anjou, afterwards

Due d'Orleans, son of Henry IV.,

birth of, 153 ; at the Queen's

Coronation, 197 ; 200, 272, 318 Giovannini, Tuscan envoy, 35, 40,

43, 44, 46, 53, 70, 76 Gondi, Bishop of Paris, 224 Gonzaga, Cardinal de, 264 Grand, M. le. See Bellegarde Gudalesta, Marquis de, 182 Guercheville, Antoinette de Pons,

Marquise de, 2, 53, 286 Guidi. See Volterra Guise, Chevalier de, 280; kills

the Baron de Luz, 283 seq. ; 287 Guise, Due de, 140, 194, 199, 200,

206, 276, 277, 285, 286, 287, 292 Guise, Duchesse de, 53, 258, 282,

286 Guise, Mademoiselle de, 18, 53,

57. See Conti


Harlay, President of the Parle-

ment, 215 Henri IV., King of France, his

love for Fontainebleau, i, 2 ;

3 2 5

interview with Heroard, 3 ; his son's birth, 5-9 ; has his horoscope cast, 9-11 ; question of his divorce, 12 seq. ; the choice of a second wife, 13-15 ; passion for Henriette d'En-tragues, 15 ; war with Savoy, 16 ; marriage, 17 ; his character, 18-20 ; at Calais, 22 ; 25, 26, 27 ; Biron's conspiracy, 27 seq. ; dislike of the Concini, 23 ; visits to Saint-Germain, 34, 45, 46, 52 ; dealings with the conspirators, 40 seq. ; 48, 49 ; his daughter's birth, 50 ; serious illness, 54, 55 ; complains of his wife, 57, 58 ; affection for Madame de Verneuil's son, 59 ; his sister's death, 60 ; conduct with regard to it, 60, 61 ; friction with the Dauphin, 63, 64 ; recalls the Jesuits, 65 seq. ; relations with the Queen and the Marquise de Verneuil, 69-73; recovers his written promise of marriage ; leniency towards the conspirators, 76, 77 ; relations with the Dauphin, 80, 82 ; their quarrel, 83-87 ; estrangement from Rosny, and reconciliation, 90-93 ; the Dauphin's affection, 95, 116; receives Marguerite de Valois at Saint-Germain, 97, 98 ; expedition to the Limousin, 100; at Saint-Germain, 102, in ; New Year's Day at the Louvre, 103-106 ; dines with Sully, 107, 108; expedition against Bouillon, 108-110; escape from drowning, 112 ; the Marquise restored to favour, 113, 119, 121 ; quarrels with Sully, 122-124, J 36, 137 ; with the Queen, 124-131; severe towards Louis, 133 ; birth of his second son, 135 ; arranges marriages for his children, 144-148 ; gives audience to Tuscan envoy, 149, 150, 152 ; betroths the Due de Vendome, 153, 155 ; receives Don Pedro de Toledo, 156; true to his pledges, 161 ; letters to Sully, 161, 162, 172 ; con-

ciliates Concini, 163 ; his opinion of him, 164 ; letter to the Marquise, 164 ; relations with the Dauphin, 167, 180, 182 ; and with Sully, 171, 186, 187 ; at the Arsenal, 172, 173 ; 174, 175 ; his passion for Mademoiselle de Montmorency, 176 ; marries her to Conde, ibid. ; his decline, 177-180; anger with Conde, 183 ; prepares for war, 184-186 ; breach with Madame de Verneuil, 187 ; forebodings, 192, 193 ; 194 ; at the Queen's Coronation, 196, 198 ; his last hours, 199 seq. ; his murder, 202 seq. ; different theories concerning it, 201-212 ; his heart carried to La Fleche, 216 ; his obsequies, 223, 224 ; remembered by his sons, 237, 263

Henriette Marie, daughter of Henri IV., 197, 200, 272

Heroard, Maitre Jean, Physician to Louis, 3, 4, 9, 24, 26, and constantly quoted


James I., King of England, 73

Jeannin, President, 298

Jesuits, re-admitted to France, 65 seq. ; accused of complicity in Henri IV.'s murder, 211

Joinville, Prince de, 50, 317

Joyeuse, Cardinal de, 115, 245

La Fin, traitor and informer, 28,

Landrecies, Conde flies to, 184

Lerma, Duke of, 243

Liancourt, M. de, 166

Longueville, Due de, 70, 170, 291 joins the malcontents, 297 makes his submission, 303, 304


Longueville, Duchesse de, 70 Louis, first Dauphin, afterwards Louis XIII., King of France his birth, 4-7 ; horoscope, 9-11 at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 25 conspiracy against him, 29, 73


visitors at Saint-Germain, 26,

34. 37> 3 8 . 39, 45, 4<5 ; 4 8 ', his companions, 51, 52; "reflects court jealousies, 53, 54 ; compared with the son of the Maf-quise, 59 ; early training, 62, *33, J 34 ; friction with his father, 63, 64 ; 69, 71 ; relations with his half-brother, 75-77, 101 ; visits Fontaine-bleau, 78 ; his father's affection, 81 ; visit of the Count de Sora, 82 ; quarrel with his father, 83-85 ; reconciled to him, 87 ; dislike for Rosny, 90, 93, 138 ; for Spaniards, 95, 117 ; love for his father, 95, 96, 116, 117, 133 ; meets Marguerite de Valois, 97, 98 ; 102 ; 104 ; visit to Paris, 108, no; parts with his father, 109 ; his jealousy, in ; and unsocial moods, 112 ; his public baptism, 114, 116; conduct on Maundy Thursday, 135 ; wishes to kill Turks, 139 ; receives Due de Guise, 140 ; is rebuked by Madame, 141 ; 142 ; jealous of Henri de Verneuil, 143 ; talks of the Spanish marriage, 145 ; 149 ; horror of parsimony, 151, 152 ; 153 ; visited by Don Pedro de Toledo, 156; his companions, 165 ; and his discipline, 165, 166, 169, 170; lie and his father, 167 ; at the Louvre, 168 ; 180 ; the King's severity, 181, 182 ; looks on the Infanta as his wife, 182 ; rivalry between gouverneiir and gouvernante, 189, 190 ; at his mother's coronation, 197 ; 200 ; 203 ; after his father's murder, 209 seq. ; accession, 213-215 ; 216; his fears, 220, 221 ; assists at his fa/Eher's obsequies, 223, 224 ; is proclaimed, 224 ; jealousy of Conde, 228 ; receives him, ibid. ; relations with the Queen, 230; and with the gouverneur, 230-232 ; his childhood shortened, 233 ; character and conduct, 234-236 ; love of his father, 237 ; a visit

from Pierrot, 237, 238 ; receives the Duke de Feria, 243 ; supposed hostility to Spain,

243, 244 ; journey to Rheims,

244, 245 ; coronation, 245, 246 ; Paris entered, ibid. ; complains of Conde, 247, 248, 265 ; regrets Sully's dismissal, 249 ; desire for war, 251, 252, 294 ; his tutor changed, 255 ; religious observances, 257 ; parted from the Chevalier de Vendome, 2 57-259 ; death of his brother, 261 seq. ; takes Luynes as falconer, 266, 267 , his marriage arranged, 269, 272-274 ; liking for Bellegarde, 275 ; his first valet, 280; his mother's discipline, 280-282 ; intervenes to save a woman's life, 288-290 ; love of justice, 290-293 ; civil war imminent, 299 ; armed escort necessary in Paris, 299, 300 ; eager for war, ibid. ; at the Council-board, 302 ; anger with the Due de Vendome 305, 314; taken to the disturbed districts, 308 seq. ; at Orleans, 311; plays the bon compagnon, 312 ; at Nantes, 314 ; receives Vendome's submission, 315, 316 ; entry into Paris, 316 ; attainment of his majority, 318; its declaration before the Par-lement, 318-320

Luynes, Charles d'Albert de, 266,

267, 289, 301 Luz, Baron de, the father, his

death, 283 seq. Luz, Baron de, the son, killed in

a duel, 288 Lyons, first meeting between

Henri IV. and Marie de Medicis

at, 17, 18


Malherbe, the poet, quoted, 63, 156, 171, 172, 174, 186, 187, 284, 285, 300, 303

Mantua, Duchess of, 115, 259

Mantua, Duke of, 294

Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain, death of, 260

3 2 7

Marguerite de Valois, Queen, 12 ; her divorce, 13 seq. ; 96 ; visits Saint-Germain, 97 seq. ; in Paris, 99, 100 ; 108 ; 174 ; 273

Marie de Medicis, Queen of France, 3 ; her position, 4 ; gives birth to Louis XIII., 5 seq. ; recovery, 9 ; marriage to Henri IV., 15 seq. ; arrival in Paris, 18 ; character and destiny, 20 ; her favourites, 20-22 ; her son's birth, 23 ; domestic dissensions, 26; 43, 45 ; her complaints, 46 ; her daughter's birth, 50; 52, 53 ; 63, 64; fresh quarrels, 69 seq. ; 75-77, 84 ; at peace with her husband, 100, 101 ; relations with Rosny, 103-106 ; birth of her second daughter, 108; domestic discord, 120 ; birth of her second son, 135 ; complains to her uncle, 137 ; 149, 150, 164, 165 ; Henri proposes a compromise, X 77. J 79 ; ms warnings, 181, 182 ; question of her coronation, 192; it takes place, 196-198 ; 200; the King's murder, 201, seq. ; Marie declared Regent, 207, 208 ; 209 ; her power confirmed by the Parlement, 214, 215 ; conduct after the murder, 218 ; Sully's description of her, 219, 220 ; beginning of her rule, 222, 226 seq. ; relations with Louis, 230, 233» 234 ; her policy, 239, 240 ; makes Concini Marquis d'An-cre, 241 ; 242 ; at Louis's coronation, 244 seq. ; dismisses Sully, 250, 251 ; anxiety for the Spanish marriage, 251, 254, 255 ; sends away the Chevalier de Vendome, 257-259; a matchmaker, 259, 260; question of her re-marriage, 260, 261 ; her son's death, 263-265 ; concludes the Spanish marriages, 269, 270, 273 ; makes peace with the Princes, 271, 272; 276-278; her severity to Louis, 281 ; angry at de Luz's murder, 284 seq. ; condones it, 287 ; her cousin's marriage, 291 ; 293 ; in favour

of war, 294 ; breach with the nobles, 295 seq. ; thinks of resigning Regency, 298; parleys with the rebels, 299 ; scene at Council-board, 301, 302 ; makes peace, 302 seq. ; Conde's complaints, 306; decides on strong measures, 307-310 ; progress through the provinces, 310 seq. ; return to Paris, 316 ; receives Conde, 317 ; is confirmed in her authority, 319

Mayenne, Due de, 162 ; his loyalty, 253

Mayenne, Due de, the younger, 272, 273, 274 ; with the confederate nobles, 296 ; submits, 304 ; 308

Medicis. See Marie

Medicis, Don Giovanni de, 113, 114, 148

Mercoeur, Due de, 154

Mercceur, Duchesse de, 154

Mercoeur, Mademoiselle de, married to Due de Vendome, 153-

155 Mesnard, his Regrets Amoureux,

100 Metz, Henri de Verneuil to be

Bishop of, 146 Mezidres, taken by Due de Nevers,

297 Michelet, quoted, 12, 18, 44, 179,

215, 225

Moisset, charges against, 275-278 Monaldesco, murdered at Fon-

tainebleau, 2

Montbazon, Due de, 202, 304, 305 Montglat, Madame de, gouver-

nante to the Dauphin, 3, 6;

35. 3 8 > 39, 50; her system of

training, 62; 63; 83, 133, 134,

141, 142, 151, 152, 168, 221, 222,


Montigny, M. de, 177 Montmorency, Charlotte de. See

Conde Montmorency, Due de, Constable

of France, 2, 27, 49, 99, 154,

176 ; Henri's letter to, 183 Montmorency, Henri de, 260;

marriage of, 291, 292 Montpensier, Due de, 2, 61, 74


Montpensier, Duchesse de, 19, 203 Montpensier, Mademoiselle de,

betrothed to the Due d'Orleans,

145, 264, 265

Morgan, treasonable agent, 73 • Mortemart, Marquis de, 166


Nantes, Louis at, 314 seq. Nemours, Duchesse de, 2, 18 Neuilly, Accident at, 112, 113 Nevers, Due de, 273 ; with the confederated nobles, 296, 297

Orange, Louise de Coligny, Princess of, 14

Orleans, Due d', birth of, 135, 136; betrothed, 145; 209; his death, 261-263 ; and funeral, 264

Orleans, Henri IV. at, 4 ; Louis at, 311 seq.

Orsini. See Bracciano

Passitea, the Madre, 75

Paul V., Pope, 115

Perron, Cardinal du, 147

Philip III., King of Spain, 73, 156,

265, 273

Pierrot, at the Tuileries, 237, 238 Pluvenal, sous-precepteur to Louis,


Poitiers, Bishop of, 306, 313 Poitiers, Louis at, 313 Praslin, Captain of the Guard,

203, 299

Ravaillac, 179 ; murders Henri IV., 202 ; different theories as to the crime, 210, 211 ; 221

Renouliere, Mademoiselle de, 3

Retz, Due de, 297, 315

Rheims, Louis at, 245, seq.

Richelieu, Cardinal, quoted, 101, 125, 250, 263, 275

Riviere, M. de la, casts Louis's horoscope, 9-11

Rohan, Due de, 207, 234, 314

Rohan, Duchesse de, 129

Rosny, Marquis de, Sully 's son,

127 seq., 172 Rosny. See Sully Roquelaure, M. de, Lieutenant of

Guienne, 313 Rouet, Sieur de 1'Isle, 312

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 25, 26 Saint Julien, favourite to Queen

Marguerite, 100 Savoy, Duke of, 16, 239, 251, 252,

260 Serta, Don Sanchez de la, visits

the Dauphin, 56 Sillery, Chancellor, 70, 71, 76, 206,

254, 256, 265, 269, 286, 288,

296, 298, 307, 311 Soissons, Comte de, 2, 52, 55, 195,

211, 212, 222, 223, 229, 253,

254, 256, 268, 269, 270, 271 ; his death, 279

Soissons, Comte de, the younger, 300

Sora, the Count de, 82

Sourdis, Cardinal de, 236

Souvre, Chevalier de, 292

Souvre, M. de, gouverneur to Louis, 168, 170, 182, 209, 210, 230-233 ; 235, 236 ; 247-249, 256, 262, 267, 272, 282, 289, 303

Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, Marquis de Rosny, then Due de, Henri IV.'s letter to, 9 ; n, 13-16, 32, 33, 42-44 ; Henri's affection for, 49, 53, 55 ; Henri's confidences to, 57, 58, 61, 71, 72 ; his enemies, 89, 90 ; Louis's dislike for, 90, 94, 171, 190 ; in disgrace, 90-92 ; restored to favour, 92, 93 ; at the Louvre, 103 seq. ; created Due de Sully, 107 ; Henri at the Arsenal, 107, 108 ; relations with King and Queen, 121-130, 171 seq. ; Henri's letters to, 161, 162 ; 185, 186, 192, 193; 186, 187; 201; hears of Henri's murder, 214 seq.; 215; describes the Queen, 219, 220 ; 227 ; 239, 240, 246, 247 ; his dismissal, 248-250 ; 261, 313, 315

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