Read The Magic of You Online

Authors: Johanna Lindsey

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Fiction, #Erotica

The Magic of You (34 page)

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“It was a bloody mouse,” she cut in with a perfectly straight face. “It’s already disappeared, but you can see I’m taking no chances.” She wiggled her feet up on the sofa to show what precautions she’d taken. “And close the door on your way out.”

Wide-eyed with bemusement, the butler did as ordered. Amy turned back to Warren to find him frowning at her.

“Do you always lie with such innocence?”

“That’s not something you’ll ever have to wonder about, since I’ve sworn that I will always be honest with you. But I don’t expect you to believe that, skeptic that you are. Did you only come to heat my posterior?”

“No, I’ve come to tell you I’m sailing tomorrow.”

Arrows through the heart, cruelly accurate. She moved off his lap. She wished he would have tried to stop her, but he didn’t.

“I figured it would be soon,” she said.

“You aren’t going to try to change my mind?”

Amy heard the question rather than the statement. “Would you like me to?”

“It won’t do any good,” he insisted.

“I’m aware of that. I’ve been deluding myself. And I haven’t exactly been fair to you, not once taking your feelings into account. Rather self-centered of me, wasn’t it?”

That wasn’t exactly what he was expecting to hear, and the words had a strange, wrenching effect on him. “What are you saying, Amy? That you’re giving up?”

She turned away before she burst into tears. This was really too painful. “What choice do I have?”

He was behind her suddenly, swinging her around, his fingers biting into her shoulders. “Dammit, you can’t give up on me!”


He hadn’t meant to say that. In fact, he couldn’t imagine where those words had come from. “I didn’t mean—”

“Oh, no, you don’t,” she cut in quickly and locked her arms behind his neck. “You’re not taking that back, Warren Anderson. You’ve fixed yourself but good, and now I want to hear you say it.”

He looked chagrined for a moment. Anger had brought him here, but that was only an excuse, and it was time he admitted it. She was smiling at him, waiting, every promise she’d ever made him there in her eyes, laughter, happiness, love—which he could no longer deny he wanted, just as much as he wanted her.

The words he’d never thought to say weren’t so hard after all. “We’re getting married.”

She surprised him by shaking her head. “Not until you ask me, we’re not.”


“Count your blessings that I’m not going to make you get on your knees for this,” she added sternly. “Well?”

“Will you marry me?”

She drew in her breath sharply to finally hear it, but she wasn’t letting up on him yet. “What else?”

“I don’t know how you did it, but you’ve invaded my heart, my mind, I fear even my soul.” And it was absolutely true. She saw it in his eyes and in the breathtakingly beautiful smile he bestowed on her before he added softly, almost reverently, “I’m in love with you, Amy. In fact, I don’t think I can bear another day without you.”

Her tone softened as her body moved in closer to his, and his arms gathered her closer still. “Was that so hard?”

“Christ, yes.” He sighed, but it wasn’t, not really.

“It will get easier, I promise you.”

He had no doubt of that now, but after everything he’d put her through, it was no wonder he held his breath after asking, “What’s your answer?”

Amy was too happy and too full of her love for him to tease him anymore. “You
had it months ago, you stubborn man. You just weren’t ready to hear it.”

Warren’s relief came out in a joyful laugh, a tighter squeeze, and then a kiss meant to sear her toes, which did just that and more.

Chapter 44

Charlotte gave a dinner party for family and friends to officially announce the engagement, but the family had already been apprised of the happy news. Which was why both Anthony and James had to be browbeaten by their wives to make an appearance.

But once there, they put a good face on it for outsiders. Anthony was even seen shaking Warren’s hand in congratulations, though what he said to make Warren burst out laughing was anyone’s guess.

Jeremy cornered Amy three times during the evening to ask if she was sure, positive, absolutely certain that she wasn’t pregnant. She
was going to take pity on him the day of her wedding and tell him she hadn’t been serious about that bet of theirs. Then again, she might not. A month of abstinence wouldn’t hurt that young scamp, might even help him devote some time to his studies, which he most certainly needed to do—if he could manage not to get kicked out of school this next term.

Drew teased her outrageously for not choosing him instead, and he did it deliberately, just to provoke Warren. But Warren’s temper was conspicuously absent these days, and Drew finally gave it up when he realized he wasn’t going to get a rise out of his brother.

When Amy finally found a moment alone with Warren, she asked, “How are you surviving your welcome into the Malory clan?”

“It’s a good thing I’m a tolerant man.”

She laughed delightedly at his wry expression. “What did Uncle Tony say to you earlier?”

“After admiring his brother’s black eye, he wants to take lessons from me now.”

She’d noted that black eye herself. “You aren’t going to be fighting with Uncle James anymore, are you?”

“Wouldn’t think of it. Now that he’s going to be my uncle, too, I’ve decided to show him nothing but respect.”

“Good God, he’ll murder you.”

Warren laughed and pulled her back against him. She sighed and wrapped her arms over
his. She wondered if a person could get much happier than she was now.

Looking out over the room filled with her family, she said, “This reminds me of the night I first saw you and fell in love. You didn’t even notice me that night.”

“I noticed, but you were too young—”

“We aren’t going to start that again, are we?”

He chuckled. “Absolutely not.”

She leaned into him to whisper, “I’m not going to be able to wait, you know.”

“For what?”

“To make lust with you again. You know I can’t be this near you without wanting you.”

He went stiff behind her, his whole body reacting to those words. Softly, he corrected her. “That’s make love.”

“Ah, so you’ve got it right at last,” she teased.

“Leave your window open tonight.”

“You’d climb up?”


“How romantic—but that won’t do a’tall. I’m not going to risk your falling and breaking your neck. I’ll meet you in the garden.”

“To make love in a rose bed? You won’t like it.”

Amy remembered that outrageous conversation with his sister about flowers and grinned. “How about under a pussy willow, on a fur mantle, with strawberries and—”

“Keep that up, and I’m dragging you out of here right now,” Warren growled in her ear.

Amy giggled. “You don’t want to do that. My uncles might get the wrong idea and come charging to the rescue. That would really put a damper on things, don’t you think?”

Chagrined, he asked quite seriously, “How does abduction sound to you?”

“Actually…it sounds delicious. But is that you abducting me, or me abducting you?”

He burst out laughing.

James, watching them from across the room, said to his wife, “Good God, what’s she done to the poor man?”

Georgina smiled at the complete change in her brother. “He’s happy. She said she’d do it.”

“That’s disgusting, George.”

She patted his cheek with a loving hand. “Put a lid on it, James.”

Have You met the Malorys?

A family of dashing rogues and rakehell adventurers.
Ladies of uncommon beauty and incomparable spirit.
Their amorous exploits are spoken of in envious
whispers from Regency London to America’s shores


New York Times
Bestseller Johanna Lindsey invites you to join the family and lose yourself in the passion and excitement of a family unlike any other…


The Malorys


“If you’re looking for sensuality,
you won’t be disappointed in Johanna Lindsey.”

Chicago Sun-Times


“Johanna Lindsey transports us…We have no choice
but to respond to the humor and the intensity.”

San Diego Union-Tribune


“First-rate romance.”

New York Daily News


Enjoy the following beautifully repackaged novels.

Love Only Once

The exquisite niece of Lord Edward and Lady Charlotte Malory, Regina Ashton is abducted by Nicholas Eden—an arrogant seducer hardened by a painful secret from his past.


Reggie has vowed to marry the golden-haired rogue who has besmirched her good name—and who arouses her womanly desires to an unendurable level. But her beauty only stirs Nicholas’s passion—giving rise to dangerous misunderstandings…and a love that can live only once in a lifetime.


Tender Rebel

Scottish heiress Roslynn Chadwick needs the safety of marriage to protect her from an unscrupulous cousin—and from the army of fortune-hunting scoundrels who covet her wealth and beauty.


Anthony Malory is everything she has been warned against.


A ruthless, irresistibly handsome English rogue, Anthony’s sensual blue eyes speak of limitless pleasures. Can Roslynn dare to love such a man, whose passionate promises will only lead her into uncertain realms—and to unimagined heights of love?


Gentle Rogue

Heartsick and desperate to return home to America, Georgina Anderson boards the
Maiden Anne
disguised as a cabin boy—never dreaming she’ll be forced into intimate servitude at the whim of the ship’s irrepressible captain, James Malory.


The black sheep of a proud and tempestuous family, the handsome ex-pirate once swore no woman alive could entice him into matrimony. But on the high seas his resolve will be weakened by an unrestrained passion—and by the high-spirited beauty whose love of freedom and adventure rivals his own.


The Magic of You

As wild and reckless as the most incorrigible of her male cousins, Amy Malory has reached a marriageable age and has set her sights on a most inappropriate mate: the straight-laced American ship captain who once nearly had her Uncle James hung for piracy.


Warren Anderson is shocked by the brazen advances of his despised enemy’s beautiful niece. Though determined to resist her, he burns for the enchanting British minx. And an impassioned heart implores him to surrender to a love that could stoke the smoldering fires of a family feud into a dangerous, all-consuming blaze.


And don’t miss
these classic reader favorites:

Say you Love Me

Left penniless after her parents’ death, Kelsey Langton must now take responsibility for the well-being of her younger sister, Jean. But when circumstance and human frailty conspire to leave them homeless as well, Kelsey is forced to resort to drastic measures. Only by allowing herself to be sold at auction can she rescue her sister’s future—and so Kelsey enters the infamous House of Eros, resigned to becoming the plaything of some well-heeled gentleman.


Lord Derek Malory is the highest bidder for Kelsey’s charms—a dashing rakehell from a family of charming London rogues, who draws the sensuous dark-haired maiden into a world of unparalleled pleasures and dangerous rivalries. But Kelsey must scrupulously guard the secret of her highborn past—even as her grace, wit, spirit and beauty entice her new “master” to renounce his scandalous ways…and take a chance on true love, the most perilous and rewarding gamble of all.


The Present

As the entire Malory family gathers at Haverston to celebrate the holiday season, a mysterious present arrives anonymously. The gift is an old journal—a tender and tempestuous account of the love affair between the second Marquis, Christopher Malory, and a dark gypsy beauty named Anastasia, who seeks a love match with a non-gypsy in order to save herself from a prearranged marriage to a brute.


Though the dashing English lord Anastasia sets her sights upon burns for the exquisite, exotic miss, Christopher could never consent to wed such a lowborn lady. But miracles have been known to happen in this season of peace and giving and love, as two extraordinary people separated by circumstance of birth begin a passionate dance of will and wiles. And in the miraculous blossoming of a glorious romance at a long ago Christmastime, there are wise and well-learned lessons that will enrich the hearts of the Malory descendants—and, indeed, of everyone who has ever dreamed.


About the Author

Johanna Lindsey
has been hailed as one of the most popular authors of romantic fiction, with more than sixty million copies of her novels sold. World renowned for her novels of “first-rate romance” (
New York Daily News
), Lindsey is the author of forty-seven previous national bestselling novels, many of which reached the #1 spot on the
New York Times
bestseller list. Lindsey lives in Maine with her family.

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If you’re looking for sensuality, you won’t be disappointed in

Chicago Sun-Times

“One of the most reliable authors around. Her books are well-paced and well-written, filled with strong characters, humor, interesting plots—and, of course, romance.”

BOOK: The Magic of You
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