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Authors: Kate Roth

The Low Notes (15 page)

BOOK: The Low Notes
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It's late,” she sighed.

They stood in unison, leaving the mess of multi-colored cards strewn about the coffee table. Although the door was just a few feet away, they were taking their time with slow, deliberate steps that direction and it was almost as if a magnet was pulling them back, deeper into the house. Nina picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder.

Thank you for all of this,” Nina reached up boldly and put a hand on Kevin's face. His eyes widened, shocked at the feeling of her skin against his. She took her hand and slid it around the back of his neck just as she had hours earlier. But this time fear and that other foolish word were out of her head. Nina pulled him down slowly and pushed herself up until they'd almost met at the lips. She could feel his breath on her mouth and she felt him moving closer when they were stunned apart by the loud ringing of Nina’s cell phone.

They stared at each other in bewilderment for an instant, the phone still buzzing and screeching. Nina heaved a sigh and rolled her eyes before digging the phone out of her bag. James. She looked at Kevin and frowned.

Goodnight, Nina.” His voice was hushed as he opened the door for her.

Her mouth twisted awkwardly. “Night.”

Hi, James.” She went down the steps and got into her car as she answered.

God, what took you so long to answer?” James was barking at her but all Nina saw was Kevin still standing in the doorway.

Uh, couldn’t find my phone,” she lied with ease. She pulled out of Kevin’s driveway wishing she could stay. Wishing she would've thrown the phone on the floor and kissed him. Wishing they could make Wexley Falls disappear around them.

Are we going to the game tomorrow night?”

The football game? Why? We hate football,” Nina scoffed.

But it’s our senior year and it’s Homecoming,” James pleaded.

Nina agreed to go without any more convincing when the thought popped into her head that Kevin might be going. That was motivation enough. She listened to James ramble on about how high school was going to end up being the best days of their lives and they should have the ultimate experience. She held back a laugh as she wondered what she would think of her senior year and everything that came along with it when it was time for her ten year reunion. Sadness stuck in her gut for an instant as she thought about how absurd it was to imagine her and Kevin still together then.

They agreed James would pick her up at four the next afternoon and Nina hung up just as she pulled into her driveway. Greta’s car was still gone and Nina was thankful she wouldn’t have to talk to her. Walking upstairs, Nina decided upon a bath before bed.

The tub was filled and brimming with steaming bubbles when Nina shed her clothes and dipped one toe in to test the temperature. It was hot but perfect. She slid herself carefully into the water until she was resting comfortably with her head against the tile wall. Her body pulsed in the sweltering water but it felt good. Sweat was beading up on her forehead as she lay in the bathtub letting the vapors rise around her. She shut her eyes and let her mind wind down. The day had felt like a lifetime. From her forward assertion with Kevin that morning to their rendezvous in his darkened classroom to the Caldwell acceptance and another evening spent in Kevin’s home. Her life was turning into a ride that left her spinning. She thought the three words in her head just once then she shut them out.

Nina was getting sleepier by the second. The heat brought with it deep, sighing breaths and her mind was taking a turn. As usual, Kevin’s face appeared. She remembered the vision and the sensation of her lips enveloping his tender fingertip, the way his chest felt sturdy under her hands as he took subtle control of her in that moment. She imagined what it might have been like if she hadn’t stopped with the enticing taste of him. What if he’d pulled himself nearer to her and placed his lips against her collarbone? What if he went further down to kiss her high on her thigh where a tingle burned for him.

Nina heard her heart beating in her ears. The thoughts wouldn’t stop. Then those pesky three little words crept in again. She tried to focus on the lust she was feeling but it was tangled in a web of that
emotion. She envisioned it clearly as Kevin towered over her in his kitchen. As he drew her nearer, sliding his hands under the back of her shirt lifting the material higher, he said the words into her ear ever so softly. Nina’s hand slipped below the surface of the water and she succumbed to her thoughts of Kevin.

Chapter Thirty-Three


It seemed as though the entire town of Wexley Falls had turned out for the high school homecoming game. Cool October air rushed through Nina’s hair and she instantly regretted coming to the game, being stuck in the stands filled with screaming students and parents. She was trying to keep warm in her sweatshirt and jeans but each time the wind blew, she cursed herself for not bringing gloves or a scarf. The stadium was a sea of black and yellow, Wexley colors. James and Nina sat near the bottom of the bleachers where most of the other seniors were stationed watching the game. But James and Nina could’ve cared less about football.

Don’t look now but here comes Laura Correll. What a bitch,” James whispered into Nina’s ear. She almost didn’t hear his comment as she was preoccupied with the feeling of warmth on her ear from his breath.

You just hate her because she dates Chris Cumberland,” Nina said, taking another scan of the crowd as they all went wild, most likely from a touchdown.

He’ll figure it out in college and then I’ll have my chance,” James muttered as he took in the sight of the boy they spoke of on the football field. The air brought smells of hot dogs and pretzels causing Nina’s stomach to growl loudly.

You gonna answer that?” James teased, poking his index finger into her side. Nina scooted away from him and yelped playfully as he kept jabbing at her as the fans went on again with hoots and hollers for another point scored.

What do you want? I’ll go get it before the lines get crazy at half-time,” James said, standing up. Nina smiled at him and dug in her pocket for a few dollars.

Nachos and a diet something,” she said, handing him the money. He nodded and hopped down the metal steps, headed for the concession stand. Nina breathed in the fall air once more. Even though she despised the cold, she couldn’t deny that she loved the different smells of each season as it rolled in to Wexley Falls.

Go Eagles,” a voice came from behind her almost as close to her ear as James had been earlier, sending a chill up her spine. Nina whipped her head around to see him behind her but he was already claiming James’ empty seat next to her. Kevin was decked out in black and yellow just like the rest of the fans. A black knit hat was pulled down to cover his ears and his cheeks and nose were rosy from the chill in the air. Nina felt herself going red as she locked eyes with him and suddenly remembered her fantasies the night before.

You‘re not here by yourself are you?” he asked. Nina shook her head keeping her lips tightly closed in a thin line. Kevin stared at her for a moment and she avoided his eyes. His brow furrowed and he started to grin as she sat silently looking forward at the field.

What are you doing?” She mumbled as the people around them cheered loudly.

He leaned closer to her. “I’m enjoying a football game.”

Nina peered at him out of the corner of one eye as she puffed out a breath. He scooted just slightly closer and whispered in her ear as the stands grew louder.

You could say I’m doing
whatever I want

Mr. Reed, when did you get here?” James asked as he made his way up the steps and scooted back in close to Nina on her other side. He handed her the nachos and drink and she felt him elbow her hard in the side. She shot him a look before flipping her head back to Kevin.

Kevin smiled at James. “I was just saying hello to Nina. I’ll let you guys get back to the game,” his voice trailed off as he stood up and looked down at Nina. She glanced up at him, letting bliss fill her as she enjoyed his handsome face just as she had in her fantasy.

No. Stay,” James interjected. Kevin and Nina shared another look, each of them testing the other. Kevin reclaimed his seat next to Nina, a tight squeeze at best. The three of them were huddled together staring onto the field in silence for more minutes until James began his interrogation.

So Mr. Reed, where did you move here from?” he asked, leaning over Nina.


And what made you move to Wexley?” James continued. Nina looked at James and opened her mouth as if to speak when she realized how she'd be giving herself away if she stopped James from asking his questions. She glanced back to Kevin.

I have family here,” he replied easily.

Ooh, it’s a small town. Anyone I know?”

Actually, Mrs. Benson is married to my cousin Jeff.”

James laughed and slapped Kevin on the back, reaching around Nina to do so. “Man. Sucks to be you,” he said.

Nina’s eyes went fiery. She couldn’t believe James would be so obnoxious. What kind of game was he trying to play? Kevin burst out laughing and James followed and then they were both cracking up. Nina wrung her hands tightly as they continued.

I know, right?” Kevin said through fits of laughter.

I‘m going to see if there are gloves in the car,” Nina muttered as she got up and started her descent on the stairs, pushing past Kevin to get out.

Lock it when you‘re done,” James said, handing her the keys, watching as she walked away.

She was nearly to James’ car when she heard footsteps behind her. She didn’t dare turn around. Pressing the unlock button on the rectangle key fob, she heard the beep and put her fingers on the handle when she saw him in her periphery.

You got out of there fast,” Kevin said, leaning against the car alongside her.

Someone will see you,” she said, her voice quiet and soft.

What is this? What’s the matter?” he asked, reaching over slowly linking a few of her fingers with his. Nina shut her eyes at the feeling. His touch was something she was sure she'd never grow tired of. She shook her head back and forth, unable to think of a response. She had none. If she told him she was scared, he'd ask why. And she wasn’t ready to tell him why. She saw him pulling something from his jacket pocket then he held the object out for her. She looked over and smiled when she saw the pair of black gloves. Nina took the gloves and slid them on her hands, staring back at the ground.

You‘re worrying me,” he said.

It’s nothing, just paranoia. You know, so much has happened in just a few days. I wouldn’t want anyone to catch on.” It wasn’t quite a lie but it wasn’t the truth either. She did worry about someone noticing them but her hesitation wasn’t driven by that. She just needed more time to get used to the words in her mind. Those three little words she wanted to shout every time she saw his darling smile.

We’ll talk later, okay?” she said, putting a gentle hand on his chest just wanting to feel him again, to fuel her dreams some more.

Sure. Later.”

See you Monday,” she said before heading back to James without looking back.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Monday came and went, as did the next few weeks. Each morning in class Kevin and Nina shared something. A glance, a smile, a brush of the hand. One day Nina ran her hand through Kevin’s hair and he’d been dreaming of it ever since. But Kevin was waiting for her to bring up whatever it was she’d been so preoccupied with. He tried not to worry himself about it. When she wanted to talk, she'd talk.

Halloween fell on a Saturday and Kevin was reluctantly following his cousin and his wife for a night out. Jeff told Kevin that a band he loved was playing the Halloween show at The Black Jewel just like last year. When they entered the restaurant, Kevin looked around at the transformation. Halloween decorations were everywhere. Fake cobwebs and skeletons graced the walls and hung from the ceiling. The eerie purple glow of black light bathed the bar in the back, a spot Kevin was quite familiar with.

The place was more crowded than Kevin had ever seen it with people dressed in costumes dancing to the blaring music. It was a fluke they'd found an empty table given it appeared to be a standing room only crowd. But Jennifer snagged the small round table at the very back of the sunken area near the stage. Kevin left to get drinks absentmindedly bobbing his head to a song he recognized and loved. He didn’t remember Jeff mentioning anything about the band having a female lead singer.

Kevin made it back to their table through the swarm of people, creatures really. They were ghosts, goblins and even a few dead presidents. He doled out the beverages and took his seat next to Jeff.

This sucks, where are The Basement Snakes?” Jeff asked, staring at the stage.

Oh shut up about that stupid band, this is way more exciting!” Jennifer squealed to which Jeff just rolled his eyes.

What’s going on? This isn’t the band that was supposed to be here?” Kevin looked at Jeff rather than at the stage.

BOOK: The Low Notes
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