The Love Letter (7 page)

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Authors: Erica Matthews

BOOK: The Love Letter
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So it was duty and not curiosity. I suppose this is one duty you wouldn’t consider delegating to someone else.”

As she realized his meaning, S
abrina paled alarmingly. His dislike of her was even stronger than she imagined. When she answered, her voice was unnaturally subdued. “Casey would think it strange if I did, but if you insist, I’ll tell her that you don’t want me in your room.”

Meredith was
again ashamed of himself. It wasn’t like him to behave this way, but something about Sabrina brought out the worst in him. “That won’t be necessary - I’m not that unreasonable.”

She wished he would go; any minute
now she was going to start crying. “Is that all you wanted to say? I need to get started.”

Yes, I know. Afternoon tea – a delightful custom Juliet will no doubt enjoy. I need a room for her; is Casey around?”

Sabrina digested this
piece of news with a glance in his direction which was fielded with a mocking smile. Biting her lip, she went behind the desk and opened the leather bound book.

I can take care of it for you. Room 4, which is the room to the left of you, is only available for tonight. The only other option is Room 7 which is along the back of the house on the upper floor.”

t appears it will have to be Room 7,” he drawled in a soft voice.

Sabrina turned to get the key and when she again met his eyes, the mocking look was very pronounced. “Was there anything else?
I really must get going.”

He took the key
from her. “I don’t suppose the guests will complain if tea is not served at four on the dot. If any of the rooms closer to me come available, would you let me know?”

Sabrina nodded and
watched the door shut behind him. Slowly closing the reservation book, she made her way into the kitchen mentally comparing the tone of voice he used with Juliet with the cold one reserved especially for her. As she remembered his scathing remarks, the tears that had been held in check streamed down her face.

With a shuddering sigh, she wiped her face with the
back of her hands. She couldn’t lose her self-control every time Meredith said something unpleasant to her. If she was to survive this ordeal, she had to learn to treat his remarks with indifference. For pride’s sake alone, she must not let him see how easily he could hurt her. Small though it was, this was the only measure of comfort she had left.

Sabrina had herself well under control by the time
Casey joined her in the kitchen. “You’re back early. I didn’t expect you until later.”

tossed her purse on the counter. “John and I had a disagreement.”

Sabrina listened to th
e vehement tones, and couldn’t suppress a grin. “So does this mean the end for John? Has he gone past the point of no return?”

tried to look affronted, but couldn’t manage it long enough to fool her sister. “You think I’m ridiculous, don’t you?”

“I think you’re looking for perfection
, and no man is capable of that. Since you’re back, would you slice the cake?” She waved a hand toward the plate on the counter. “I’ll get the sugar and cream bowls filled.”

pulled on an apron, sliced the cake into attractive ovals, and took the tray into the dining room. She returned almost immediately. “So our writer returns with a girlfriend. I guess he’s not looking for solitude after all.”

Sabrina continued to pour boiling water into
an oversized teapot. She couldn’t afford to get second degree burns because her heart was breaking. “Nor does he appear to be in a hurry to work on his book,” she added dryly.

“Maybe she’s his inspiration.”

“I’m not sure what she is or how long she’s staying. He booked a room for her; I gave her Room 7.”

On this parting shot, Sabrina gingerly carried the full and very hot teapot into the dini
ng room. Her destination was a lace-covered buffet situated in the corner of the room. Once her burden was in place, she returned for the cream and sugar bowls. She studiously ignored the low-toned voices of the couple seated by the window.

On her way
back to the kitchen, Meredith called to her. With an inward sigh, she moved toward their table.

“Would it be too much trouble for you to make coffee? I
don’t care for tea.”

Giving him a wintry
smile that merely amused him, Sabrina replied, “No trouble at all.”

y the time she returned with the coffee, another two couples had made their appearance. She set the small carafe in front of Meredith. “I hope I didn’t make it too strong for you.”

It’s more likely you didn’t make it strong enough.”

Longing to tell him
that in the future he could make it himself, Sabrina drifted to the next table. Here she found all the appreciation for her efforts that she could have wished. While she listened to a recital of various cake recipes, she couldn’t help hearing the conversation taking place at the table behind her. Juliet was speaking, and it appeared she was doing her best to be accommodating.

“I promised I would
n’t get in your way, and I mean to keep my word. During the day, I can sunbathe and catch up on my sketching. There’s so much here I can use. I’d forgotten how lovely this place is.”

h’s low laugh was disbelieving. “That all sounds good in theory, but writers don’t keep to a certain schedule. What will you do should I choose to write all night?”

Hopefully, you won’t need to – at least while I’m here.”

Sabrina was
n’t able to hear his reply, much to her disappointment. She’d been asked a question and had to respond. By the time this lengthy conversation was over, Meredith and his lovely companion had departed.

It appeared
Juliet had more or less invited herself along, and what man in his right mind would refuse her. She was distracting in the best sense of the word. Sabrina wondered how much writing Meredith would actually accomplish.

During her
walk the following morning, she ran into John, Casey’s imperfect boyfriend. She was surprised when instead of merely greeting her and continuing on his way, he joined her.

“This is the best time of day to enjoy the beach,” he said in a friendly tone. “Not too hot and not too crowded.”

“Oh, I agree. Since I’ve been here, this has become part of my morning routine.”

ntil recently you were in college, weren’t you? Casey mentioned that you came to her rescue.”

“I graduated in May with a teaching degree
and was supposed to go to Europe for a month this summer, but I couldn’t turn Casey down.”

He smiled wryly and shook his head. “You gave up Europe for Tybee Island? Your affection for
Casey must run deep.”

“There’s not much I wouldn’t do for her.” She did
n’t notice her companion’s speculative glance.

“Me, either, but it doesn’t seem to be helping my cause.”
Startled to be the recipient of such sentiments, Sabrina remained silent. John didn’t appear to share her reticence. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

She hadn’t until she’d collided
with Meredith outside the door of her classroom. “I think that when two people meet, all sorts of things can happen.”

I’m having a hard time convincing Casey that I’m serious.”

Time should take care of that. You’re going to have to be patient. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.”

I’m not a very patient person,” he admitted ruefully.

By this time, t
hey had arrived at the path that led to the inn. Sabrina stopped walking and turned to John with a grin. “Is anyone patient when it comes to love? I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, but right now I’ve got a meal to prepare.”

Sabrina flew
along the winding trail, her bare feet sending sand flying in all directions. She didn’t slow down even when she reached the steps. Just as she rounded the corner leading to the back door of the inn, she cannoned into what felt like a brick wall. For a moment, she actually saw stars and would have fallen if two hands hadn’t reached out to steady her.

Where are you going in such a hurry?” Meredith asked irritably as he guided her to one of the nearby chairs.

Still d
azed by the impact, Sabrina raised an ashen face to his. Had he asked her something? To her dismay, she began to feel light-headed. Surely she wasn’t going to faint in front of this man.

Not slow to interpret the signs, Meredith
gently pushed her head down toward her knees. After a few moments, the feeling passed, and Sabrina was able to sit up. She was startled to find him so close, his blue eyes watching her with an expression that was hard to define.

“I’m sorr
y for running into you, but I think I got the worst of it. I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck.”

“Considering our relative sizes, I’m not surprised.
” When she tried to stand, he pushed her back. “I wouldn’t chance it just yet. You’re still not quite yourself, are you?”

Sabrina hated to admit he was right even if he
had been helpful. She knew he must hate having to do anything for her. “I’ll just sit here a few more minutes. You don’t have to stay; you were on your way somewhere.”

It’s nothing that can’t wait.” After a moment, he continued, “This is the second time you’ve tried to mow me down.”

Sabrina’s eyes widened
, and Meredith couldn’t help noticing how vividly green they were. “I’m surprised you remember that,” she uttered in a whisper.

threw her a strange smile. “I was taking over for Professor Masons, wasn’t I?”

She nodded, a smile she couldn’t suppress forming on her lips.
“You were a welcome change for many reasons.”

Meredith laughed softly. “
Let’s be honest, it was because I was thirty years younger and didn’t assign as many papers. By academic standards, I was a poor substitute. Professor Masons knows more about literature than I could learn in a lifetime.”

“That might be true, but he’s a boring person to listen to.”

“It isn’t a professor’s job to entertain the class. Tell me why you were in such a hurry this morning.”

I lost track of time and was late getting back to help Casey with breakfast.”

She may be better off doing it herself. You don’t look capable of lifting a piece of paper – I can’t imagine you trying to pour coffee.”

Before Sabrina could deny this, Casey came around the corner and stopped short
at the sight of them sitting close together. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

Meredith didn’t give
Sabrina a chance to explain. “Sabrina ran into me and is still recovering from the impact.”

“She does look a bit out of it, doesn’t she?”
Casey observed.

“Why are you both talking
as if I’m not here?” Sabrina inquired petulantly.

She stood
up before Meredith could prevent such an unwise move and promptly fainted at his feet. Before Casey’s scream had ended, he had Sabrina in his arms. He was immediately aware of two things: a childishly slender shape and skin as soft as a rose petal.

“I think we should
get her in bed,” he suggested in a voice he hoped sounded more normal than he felt.

“Yes, that’s the best thing. Follow me.”
Casey led the way to the kitchen and indicated a staircase cleverly hidden behind a curtain. “Her room is the first one on the right at the top of the stairs.”

Meredith gave the room a cursory glance before he lowered his burden onto
the day bed. The pink striped wallpaper, matching drapes and white carpeting brought an amused grin to his face. He felt overwhelmed by so much femininity.

His glance drifted back to the slight figure on the bed. A ray of sunlight
making its way through the window beamed directly onto her face. He reached down and turned Sabrina’s head to the side. As he did so, a few silken strands of her hair glided across his skin.

This casual contact produced a
variety of sensations, and as none of them were particularly wanted, Meredith moved away from the bed. A better, and perhaps safer, idea was to look out the window. When he heard Casey’s footsteps coming up the stairs, a surge of relief when through him. This was the last place he wanted to be.

“She’s still not awake? I
need to serve breakfast. Is there any way you could keep an eye on her until Carly arrives?”

wished he could refuse; he’d already spent more time in this room than he wanted. “Sure, no problem,” he assured her, feeling like an uncaring fraud.

As he watched Casey leave, he felt his irritation mount again. Why couldn’t Sabrina have run into someone else? He hoped Carly wouldn’t be too long in making an appearance. Meredith wanted to be gone
before Sabrina woke.

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