Read The Lost Treasure of Annwn Online

Authors: Catherine Cooper,RON,COOPER

The Lost Treasure of Annwn (22 page)

BOOK: The Lost Treasure of Annwn
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‘Wake up Jack,' called Camelin as he bounced up and down on Jack's bed. ‘We can't have breakfast till you get up and I'm hungry.'

Jack woke from a deep sleep. He'd not dreamt, or not that he could recall but as soon as he opened his eyes he remembered what he'd seen in the Stone of Destiny.

‘Don't you want to know what happened last night?'

‘Naw, I just want my breakfast. See you in the kitchen.'

Jack sighed and swung his feet out of bed. Hopefully a cold wash would shake all thoughts of Velindur from his mind. Besides, they were in Annwn and there were far more exciting things to think about. At sunset they'd be going to the First Fruits Feast. He wondered what Nora had planned for the rest of the day.

Jack could smell freshly baked bread as he got nearer to the kitchen. When he opened the door he could see the table had already been laid. Camelin had positioned himself directly in front of one of the jars of blackberry jelly they'd brought with them into Annwn.

‘Did you sleep well?' asked Nora.

‘I did, thank you.'

‘Gwillam's gone to the palace library and he won't be back for a while.'

Camelin groaned.

‘We haven't got to wait for him too have we? I'm feeling very faint; I really do need my breakfast.'

‘You may eat now Jack's here but don't you dare put your beak in that jar.'

Jack quickly spooned some of the blackberry jelly onto Camelin's plate.


Breakfast didn't take long. Jack and Nora had just finished clearing the table when Elan stepped through the open door.

‘Are you two coming to help?'

‘Of course,' replied Jack.

‘You don't even know what you're volunteering for, you should always ask why or what for before you say yes,' interrupted Camelin.

Both Elan and Nora frowned at Camelin.

‘We need to use the equipment we bought in Newton Gill,' replied Elan and winked at Jack.

‘What kind of equipment?' asked Camelin.

‘Oh, just a few scrubbing brushes, dusters and some varnish,' said Elan.

‘Well you can count me out. I've got important things to do today.'

‘You're welcome to help,' said Jack.

‘Naw, cleaning's not for ravens, see you later.'

‘He'll be back,' said Nora. ‘He won't be far away and his curiosity will get the better of him.'

‘Shall we go and groom Ember?' Elan asked Jack.

‘I can't wait. Where is she?'

‘She's meeting us by the lake.'

‘Are you coming too?' Jack asked Nora.

‘Not just yet. Unlike Camelin, I really do have important things to do!'


It was only a short distance from the Druid's village to the lake. They'd almost reached the water's edge when Elan stopped. She fished in her pocket and pulled out a small silver whistle. Jack saw her blow it but he didn't hear a sound.

‘Ember won't be long,' she explained, ‘she has incredible hearing and if I need her I use this.'

Elan passed Jack the whistle. It was beautiful. As he turned it around he could see the likeness of Ember had been etched into the silver.

‘Lloyd made it for me,' she said.

The sound of beating wings made Jack turn. Ember in flight was a magnificent sight. As she got nearer she roared and circled around the lake before landing. The draught from her wings nearly knocked Jack and Elan off their feet. They clung onto the signpost until Ember had folded her wings.

‘Come and say hello properly.'

Elan went over and stroked Ember's lowered head.

‘We're going to make you look really magnificent for tonight,' she explained. ‘We'll scrub and polish you and then varnish your nails silver.'

Ember nodded and bent her head towards Jack so he could stroke it too.

‘We'll need you to get into the lake first so we can scrub your nails and scales.'

Jack watched as Ember stood by the water's edge. She put one foot in the water but quickly brought it out again. Without warning the great dragon opened her mouth and breathed a huge flame directly into the water. Ember closed her heavy jaws and tested the water again before plunging into the lake. A great wave of water erupted and drenched Jack and Elan.

‘We might as well get in too,' laughed Elan.

The water was lovely and warm and for the next half hour, Jack and Elan scrubbed Ember's scales.

‘We'll paint your nails on the shore when you're dry,' Elan shouted.

Ember nodded and moved her tail towards them.

‘Climb on,' she said.

When both Jack and Elan were ready, Ember set off at speed around the lake. It was difficult holding onto her spines but it was such a thrill to skim the water on her tail. They both whooped and squealed as Ember circled the lake. A crowd had gathered by the oak trees where the stalls were being erected in readiness for the feast. Each time they passed the crowd cheered and waved. Jack could see Camelin watching from the battlements of the Glass Palace. He couldn't complain about being left out this time since he'd been invited. When Jack didn't think he could laugh any more Ember finally slowed and landed near the signpost. They basked for a while in the sunshine until they'd all got their breath back.

It was a long hard job polishing Ember but it was worth it. When they'd finished with the beeswax her red scales glinted in the sunlight.

‘We'll paint your nails now,' Elan shouted. ‘Don't touch anything until they're dry.'

Ember nodded and moved her right foot towards them. There was just enough silver nail varnish in each bottle to paint one of Ember's claws. By the time they'd finished the last one, Jack felt a bit giddy from the pungent smell of the varnish. He lay back on the shore and looked up.

‘Shouldn't we polish her horn too?' he asked.

‘I've got that covered,' replied Elan as she turned and waved both arms towards the Palace.

Jack smiled as Winver and Hesta glided down towards them. They took the cloth Elan offered them and flew onto Ember's snout. They each held one end of the cloth in their claws and began to pull it back and forth around Ember's horn. Winver flew down and Elan put polish onto another cloth. When the two white ravens had finished, Ember's horn shone. They dropped the cloths at Elan's feet and flew into a nearby tree.

‘You really do look magnificent,' Jack told her.

Ember stood and walked down to the water's edge. She peered at her reflection in the water.

‘Thank you, I feel magnificent.'

‘I'll call you when it's time for you to light the barbecue,' said Elan.

Ember turned and ran a short distance away from them. She opened her wings and began to beat them. Jack knew he'd never tire of watching Ember fly and now she'd been scrubbed and polished, she looked even more impressive than she had before. Winver and Hesta flew over to them and landed on Elan's shoulders.

‘Have you seen Camelin?' asked Elan.

‘He said he wouldn't help,' said Winver. ‘He wouldn't even stop to talk to us.'

Jack looked up at the battlements. Camelin was nowhere to be seen.

‘Do you know where's he gone?'

‘He said he was off to find Gwillam in the library,' answered Hesta.

‘He will be able to sit with us at the feast, won't he?' Winver asked.

‘I think he should sit between the two of you, don't you?' replied Elan.

Both ravens giggled and tittered before flying back to the palace.

‘Time to go,' said Elan as she gathered up the empty nail varnish bottles. ‘Could you take these back to Gwillam's house for me, I really should be getting back to the palace. There's a lot to do before tonight's feast and I shouldn't leave it all to Cora and Gwen.'

‘That's fine, I'll see you later.'

Jack didn't go back to the Druid's village straight away; instead he lay on his back in a patch of tall grass and watched the clouds. This really was the most wonderful place to be; especially now Velindur was gone. Jack sat up abruptly. He hadn't intended to let any bad thoughts spoil his day, but like Max and his gang, Velindur was ever present. He knew deep down he'd have to face them all sooner or later. It was time he got back. He wondered if Camelin was still in the library or whether he'd only used that as an excuse to get away from Winver and Hesta. Jack picked everything up and made his way back to Gwillam's house.


‘Psst, Jack,' came a hoarse whisper as Jack entered Gwillam's kitchen, ‘follow me.'

He followed Camelin to the top of a flight of steps. A row of unlit candles lay on a shelf. Jack lit one before following Camelin down the steps. The air felt cool as they descended.

‘Where are we?' asked Jack.

‘In Gwillam's cellar, we can't be overheard here and there are no trees to snitch on us.'

Jack could see from Camelin's expression that he had something important to tell him, something he didn't want Nora to know about.

‘What's wrong?'


BOOK: The Lost Treasure of Annwn
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