Read The Lost Treasure Map Series Online

Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #adventure books, #mystery suspense, #mystery detective, #classic horror, #national treasure, #quadrilogy, #classic bestsellers, #science fiction classics, #ancient lost treasures, #fantastic journeys

The Lost Treasure Map Series (94 page)

BOOK: The Lost Treasure Map Series
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Chapter 14


The Bar


People kept buying Cameron drinks in the bar
and he could barely even stand, and he was amazed the three
soldiers had talked locals into it and he thought he would never
make it back to the camp.

The newspapers one of the soldiers brought
in were astonishing and he did not know what to think of the crash,
and if he believed it were aliens that were behind it! He was sure
that they were covering up what had happened! Why had they told him
anyhow? They all seemed to doubt what had happened in different

He carefully read the accounts in two
newspapers and was surprised that they claimed that they had the
definite story and that a giant spy satellite had come crashing
down into the wood, and might have been shot down by one of their
advanced fighter planes by accident.

After some thought he thought they had shot
down something thinking it belonged to someone such as Russia, but
he no longer thought it was of alien origins and was some form of
advanced technology that was part of some confidential project.

While Cameron finally got up to go to the
bar one of his feet seemed to go astray and caught the side of a
wall and he flew forward and through the air and landed on his
arms, and he saw that he had embarrassingly did it in front of a
group of woman at a table and he launched into doing a perfect
somersault across the floor, to cover it up being stupid, even
though he already looked stupid by his standards, and, to his
surprise, they clapped at it and he wondered why he could do a
somersault as he had no knowledge of ever doing so, which lead him
back to wondering what all the missing information in his head

suddenly had an idea and wondered if there was anyone in the bar
that knew him and he could question! He was desperate to
investigate ways of getting his true identity!

He wandered
around and found a pensioner slumped at the end of the bar with a
whisky and realized that he had seen him there on many occasions
and was clearly a local, and had been visiting there for some time,
and he sat near to him, avoiding going to near him as he did not
want to put him off.

After a few
minutes he started to realize that he was drunk and after making
attempts to talk to him and not even getting a reply he realized he
was far drunker than he had realized and he was not even able to

It annoyed him
more than anything and he realized that it could be the only
opportunity he might ever have to question someone there, as they
would surely move the army camp away in the near future, and he
would be put faraway and too far to visit the place.

He had to do
something! He had to find something that would get him what he
wanted! He needed to!

It surprised
him that at the same time as him looking for something the
pensioner was collapsing in a heap over the bar and even started
falling over and off his stool, and the barman rushed around and
stopped him and propped him back in his seat, and Cameron decided
to take action and help him further and he immediately started
helping the barman shift him against the bar so he would not

wouldn’t worry about him so much!” the barman announced, seeing
Cameron’s worried face. “He’s always in here, and gets like this
most of the time!”

nodded, looking more happier that he was a local that did hang
about the bar and that he surely had seen him with the three
soldiers drinking there, and he started thinking of ways to
question him.

Who the hell
was he? Why would none of these blasted soldiers give him anything
on his identity! No matter what he did they refused to say anything
and it was driving him crazy!

So when the
pensioner started slipping off his stool again, and the barman
left, he moved up to him and started telling that man how drunk he
was and that he should take him home and he decided to take him out
the door to a taxi, which he had seen parked outside!

Yet after
trying to get the man up and to the door, with him collapsing all
over the place and over the floor, he got annoyed and started
wrestling with him and lifting him up and he started trying to stop
him and he started pulling him across the floor by the legs, but he
awoke more and started clutching part of the bar to stop him, and
he grew more annoyed with the pensioner and his behavior and
immediately broke his grip on the bar and pulled him away from

He gripped his
legs and dragged him across the floor, while looking about making
sure that nobody interrupted him, but the man kept getting a grip
of places and objects and he furiously tugged him away, forgetting
that he was to get him to give him information on his identity,
with nothing else in his drunk mind except getting him to the

For quarter of
an hour he dragged and pulled at him, from when started getting him
to the door, and once he was finally outside he thought his mission
would be completed but he continued grabbing things like drainpipes
stopping him, and it had clearly rained and he ended pulling him
through puddles and mud, and he pulled a drain at the side of the
road up, and he finally got him to the taxi where he explained to
the driver that he was a relative and had to get him home in his
drunken state, while the man shouted and swore, and they got him in
the back of the taxi and locked the door, and Cameron rushed into
the front seat with the driver.

realized that he never knew the man and he never had his address
and that he had wasted his time, and he wondered why he had not
asked the barman as he surely was a local man.

To his
surprise the taxi raced away without the driver asking for his
address and he sat for along time waiting for the outcome.

To his
surprise the taxi took him straight to his house and Cameron paid
him more for his help and he drove away, leaving Cameron
considering what to do.

The problem
was still there and the man refused to budge or talk to him when he
questioned him and he kept showing him his face features so he
would recognize him, and the pensioner sat slumped on the ground
staring up at him as though he thought he was crazy, and no matter
what he said he never replied.

Deep down he
was starting to realize the truth and he never knew him and that
the plan was a disaster and he would not be able to do anything

He grew
annoyed with him and dragged him along the pavement by the legs,
broke his grip on a lamppost, and pulled him up his pathway kicking
and screaming, with him pulling up chunks of concrete from the
pathway as he yanked him in jerks along it and dumped him in a heap
on his doorstep, and rolled the pensioner around in a ball until
his face was visible to show to his daughter, who came over to the

very much!” she answered, when he told her of the incredible deed
he had done her.

Yet as he
turned to walk away, she moaned back, “But what happened to his

He immediately ignored her and rushed away,
and rain came blasting down, and as they vanished behind him he
watched the pensioner waving his fist at him, and he wondered over
and over why he had not used the taxi to get back, instead of
having to walk through pouring rain, soaked through, tired, and he
realized that the taxi driver had actually known him!


Chapter 15


The Dream


During the night

dreams went into overdrive and it was beyond belief that he could
dream such things and began as a fight for survival with his body
constantly altering to stop it being destroyed by a colossal

He seemed to escape by darting out of it
into a dark forest.

The dark wood was unrecognizable even though
he did not know why, as it looked normally, but he enjoyed it and
his body seemed to reform to it, and he considered what could have
occurred and what was happening, and what his mind was generating
for him.

It was strange and it seemed to adapt
to the surrounding environment it had set itself in and he realized
he was now some form of creature lurking in the long shadows of an
unknown wood, and he realized he had to be a werewolf and that he
had been forming into it and he treated it like his

hideous reaction and revenge on him for his treatment of it and his
hangover, and he watched shadows of his formation like a monster
demon wolf creeping about and he contemplated the vast dangers to
his survival for no reason, and the contemplation of how he could
survive without the technology that he had, and he wondered if it
was his body

s way of informing him of

He realized his body had gone crazy and he
considered opening his eyes and waking but he was so tired he could
not even be bothered doing that, and realized that he would have to
have more rest and it was perhaps what his body wanted him to

He had sensations of being trapped out on a
strange celestial fantasy wood with unknown forms and realized as a
werewolf creature he had to fight to survive and he fought to
escape from the vicinity.

While he shifted monster shadow shapes of
him shifted strangely through the wood and he watched a small black
cat shift near him, and he examined it, and wondered if he was
going to eat the thing and his body decided to alter his appearance
to be more like it and his colossal monster form altered to it.

His strange giant cat shadows shifted in the
moonlight, probing into the dark, and he shifted on like a cat and
studied everything in his surroundings, expecting the worst hideous
encounters to be lurking there.

While he propelled himself on he adapted and
formed more powerful legs, razor-sharp claws, and creature fangs,
and occasionally thick tentacles formed and expanded from his neck
and slithered around, and while shifting his head tendrils formed
from his ears and shuddered frantically testing the air for signs
of dangers and life forms.

His monstrous cat shapes silhouetted
everywhere as he made incredible leaps through trees, further than
any other creature, and he sensed distant humans within the wood
and realized that the cat formation he had taken took its energy
from the consumption of small animals and he decided to wake


Chapter 16


The Complaint


Cameron was tiredly resting on his bed,
dreamily falling asleep again, wondering if he could have a similar
dream as the night before and examine what happened and wondered if
he could alter it to his original self and he might recall his
memories of himself.

He curiously watched a new soldier march in
the tent and ask two soldiers something and dreamily march up to
him afterwards and stand upright in front him.

Malone wants to see you

said firmly, and saluted, and Cameron ignored it and rolled over
and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling drowsy.

Cameron watched him march away and realized
he had done something again, and grabbed a bottle of whisky from
beside his bed and downed some to try to wake him, and shifted to
the door!

Once in Malone

s tent he realized that he
was only slightly annoyed this time, and he examined

face and tried not to look surprised about something, and suddenly
poured a drink, examined his face from the side of his eyes and
gasped, and stopped himself asking him something and looked

Sit down!

Malone ordered, clearly annoyed

Cameron realized he never had a clue what he
wanted him for.


Malone eventually whispered

What the hell are you doing


s staring eyes penetrated deep into
his brain trying to grasp his thoughts and looked away.

Have I done

he inquired, not knowing what it was he meant.

There has been a complaint about you

announced loudly, studying him again, seeing if he would

This time it

s authentic!

What about?

he gasped, wondering who would
complain about soldiers and to them, and he realized that the last
complaint might have been made up by him.

Some people don

t like you,

Cameron was humiliated and tried to get what
he was going on about and realized he should ask the complainers to
tell him and he would try to solve the problem, and grasp what they
were going on about! People should stop complaining about nothing,
and things they never liked the look of and save it for real

He wondered if he could believe their
complaint as he was sure they were talking utter rubbish!

Malone himself must have more people
complaining of him than anyone, especially from the soldiers, and
from the things he was responsible for, and he wondered what the
hell he was up to.

The people of this country could do
without you!

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