The Lost Book of Chaos: How to Divide the World (The Secret Wars of Angels 1) (22 page)

BOOK: The Lost Book of Chaos: How to Divide the World (The Secret Wars of Angels 1)
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“Believe in humanity Gabriel,” The Master said. “They are learning faster than anticipated. In time, they will rival even our technology.”

“And so will they rival our technology for war,” Gabriel said. “If we’re already having trouble with ourselves, then what more if they too possess the power to wage war on the level of angels.”

The Master was silent. Everyone expected The Master to have all the answers, but even he did not know everything. Sometimes, he too had to take risks. That was what it meant to believe.


Despite what had happened between him and Judas, Arcana had been monitoring what Judas felt through the amulet. Judas had no business doing what he did to her, even if it was in his dream.

She continued to monitor Judas despite that because Judas was constantly surrounded by unearthly powers, and that intrigued her.

After feeling flustered, embarrassed, then angry, Judas had left the amulet somewhere. Arcana could tell because the bond between them seemed to be weaker. Good try, but the amulet was more powerful than that, it had a wide radius, and so far, he was still within it.


Judas walked back to his room. He tried to sleep, though he was troubled by the things that he had learned. At the back of it, he also thought about Arcana. She pushed the thought of her away.

Eventually, sleep came to him.

However, in the middle of the night, something woke him.

The golden serpent bracer, coiled around his arms, had become stiff, constricting his arms so that the color of his skin began to turn red.

The golden serpent coiled tighter and tighter, twisting around his arm like a live snake.


And the Messiah turned to Judas and said:

You will become the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations—but you will come to rule over them. In the last days they will curse your ascent to heaven.

– The Gospel of Judas Didymous “The Twin” Thomas

Chapter 27 – The Fountain of Eternal Youth

He tried to pull the golden serpent off, but it wouldn’t come off. But as suddenly as it started, the golden serpent became still. Judas sighed in relief. It looked like he would get to keep his arm. He studied the serpent bracer.

Was it Nacash?

He prodded it with his fingers to try to get it to move again. “Move!” Judas commanded. But it did not move. He tried to pry it its tiny scales open with his fingernails, but it was solid. He tried to look for any hidden compartments. But he couldn’t find anything. Then Judas jumped as something—or someone—whispered in his ear.

It was a strange voice that sounded like a snake hissing.

It was very much different from the usual voice of Nacash, The Great Serpent, however.

Talk to me serpent. Judas thought to Nacash. Still nothing. Judas shrugged, giving up. Nacash seemed to talk to him whenever he wanted. If it was a ‘he’, for that matter. There was no telling if Nacash was male or female from his voice.

Just then, there was a knock outside his room.

The door of his room opened. Judas stood up and went to the door to see who it was. It turned out it was Gabriel.

“Did you rest well?” Gabriel said.

“Yes,” Judas said.

“Come,” Gabriel said. “We have much to do today.” Judas had not had time to clean himself up, but he did not object. They went through the city and its structures, and went inside one of the big structures. Inside the structure were many passageways.

He followed Gabriel as they went through several passageways. The passageways were complex, dividing into several directions, some forking in two, some three, some four. Judas tried to remember where they turned, but after several turns, he stopped trying. He made a mental note to explore the structure later on his own. They stopped inside a room, an empty one except for what seemed to be a well of water in the middle.

The well looked ordinary to him, in fact, it looked out of place because it was so ordinary, compared to the other strange things on the ship.

Gabriel gestured for Judas to come closer. “Try drinking from it.” Gabriel suggested.

Judas did so. The water tasted like honey, with a hint of cinnamon, and something else that Judas could not describe because he had not tasted anything like it before. His eyes went wide as, suddenly, he felt all the aches in his body go away. He put his fingers to his neck to feel the raw spots there from almost being hanged yesterday, but they too were gone. He was completely healed.

“What is it?” Judas said.

“This,” Gabriel answered, “is
water of eternal youth
.” Judas gulped some more of it. “The Fountain Of Life.”

“Drink as much or as little as you need,” Gabriel said. “As long as you drink this whenever you are hungry, you can live thousands of years.”

When he was done, he took in what Gabriel had just said. “You mean I am now
?” Judas asked.

The angel laughed. It was a deep, hearty laugh that made Judas feel warm inside. “Not quite.” The angel answered. “You can still be killed,” Gabriel said. “Weapons, accidents, disease, hunger, the things that kill a normal human, the same can kill you. But drinking that will heal your wounds and cure your diseases. So as long as you keep drinking from it, then you will be fine.”

“So,” Judas said. “As long as I keep myself safe, I can practically live forever?”

“Close to it,” Gabriel said. “But there is no such thing as true immortality.” Gabriel continued. “Eventually, you too will die. But if you are careful, you can live tens of thousands of years.”

Tens of thousands of years. Judas thought that
was as good as immortality. “Understood,” Judas said. Feeling good about the day, Judas followed Gabriel to another room. As they walked, Judas thought about what he would do with all the time he had left to live. He had thought a hundred years of life to be sufficient and he had been living his life based on that, but now he had to rethink things.

Then they headed to another room within the same structure.

In the room, Judas saw another angel waiting, his back turned from them. Hearing their approach, the angel turned. Judas was surprised, the angel looked
, perhaps even more so than Gabriel. Gabriel nodded to the angel, and the other angel, in turn, nodded back. Gabriel began the introductions.

“Here is Judas,” Gabriel announced. Judas’s gaze fixed on the other angel, as the other angel looked him firmly in the eye.

The angel’s gaze was calm, warm, and even welcoming. Then Gabriel introduced the other angel.

“Meet the Overlord of Chaos, Lucifer,” Gabriel said.


Judas almost yelled, feeling a sudden dread at the mention of the name. Judas had heard Lucifer to be the evil angel who led one third of the angels in a revolt against heaven. Everything he had been taught since he was a child was that Lucifer was an angel of evil. Even brave men cowered at hearing the name of Lucifer, and Judas was no exception. Lucifer’s other name was Satan, the ruler of Hell, and the prince of demons.

Had he found himself in heaven? Or had he, somehow, made a wrong turn and this was hell after all?


The broken sword that Fielle now held was the same sword that Judas bore. Fielle, in wounding herself with that sword, mixed her blood with his. Fielle now possessed all the memories that Judas had prior to being caught.

Because of that, Fielle knew the woman in front of her.

“Arcana,” Fielle whispered. She still could not believe that Arcana was here. How many years had passed since then? And yet Arcana’s face was the same as then. But so was the face of Judas. Somehow, they had not aged. But Fielle also knew the answer to that. The water of life… It kept one young forever.

“So he sent you?” Arcana said.

“Yes,” Fielle answered. “Judas gave me some clues. Judas is powerless now… but…”

“We have been looking for him,” Arcana said, “but they hid him pretty well. Whenever we thought we caught up, they moved him somewhere else.”

“We?” Fielle asked. “And, they?” Fielle did not have the memories of Judas after the sword was hidden here. A lot must have happened since then.

“Yes,” Arcana answered, “you will meet the team. And ‘they’ means people who rule the Earth. They are afraid of what Judas can do, so they sealed his power. That is of course if…” Arcana hesitated.

“I want to help you,” Fielle said. “I believe that what Judas said is true. I saw through his memories. I know most of what happened.”

Arcana smiled.

“Then let’s go,” Arcana announced.

With that, their journey to free Judas began.

A Word From The Author – Judas D. Thomas the Dragon, also known as Judas Iscariot the Betrayer

So that there may be no misunderstanding of intent, I wanted to clarify that this book was meant to be a book of love, of hope, of peace. The original title of this book should have been “A Book of Compassion” rather than the “Lost Book of Chaos” but few people would read something entitled “Book of Love” or “Book of Compassion”, and those who would pick it up would probably do so hoping to read some romance. I have pondered on the title “A World Without Outcasts”, but that would not bring as much attention as HOW TO DIVIDE THE WORLD. And so the title became the opposite of what the book is about.

But how is this a book of love, hope, and peace? Three ways.

First, the message of this book is to love your enemies, to love the unlovable. The power of Judas and his sword enables him to understand 100% what the circumstances of his enemy are. The sword, named The Spirit Of Truth, enables Judas to see all the memories of anyone he wounds with it, without killing the enemy because the blood of Judas heals the wounds of the enemy. In other words, the method that Judas fights is the method of the peacemaker and the pacifist.

Second, even Shaul (the Biblical Paul), who was a mass murderer of Christians, who tortured Christians that he caught, and who voted for the Christians to die, we come to understand his circumstances. In Shaul, we get a glimpse of what makes a person think the way he thinks. That is, even our enemies belief they are right, and if only we come to understand them, it can foster peace. Also, historically, the mass murderer Paul eventually became an Apostle. Again, the key is understanding and compassion.

Third, the character of Judas is unlovable, because he is The Betrayer. Today, many people equate the name Judas with the word “traitor”. It is an irony that the core teaching of Christianity is forgiveness, but many people still have not forgiven Judas.

How can we love a man such as Judas Iscariot, The Betrayer? Perhaps if we see his mission in a different light.

Several of the characters in this book, you may find, are in the same situation. The Master Joshua, the demon-angel with two horns, who has a big heart, Ichab, the thief with a code of honor, Arcana, the witch, Captain Gnaeus the adulterer, and the various characters that Judas will meet down the road—murderers, destroyers, lawbreakers.

Here, the core to is understanding other’s circumstances, forgiving their faults, and compassion.

Fourth. Perhaps by studying our history of peace and wars in the last 12,000 years, we can learn something about our nature not just as individuals, not just as a generation, but as
generations separated by space and time.

In writing this book, I attempted to connect our history, mythology, and spirituality in the last 12,000 years and show a continuous struggle across generations to end all wars and end unkindness and suffering. Regardless of religion, beliefs, mythologies, there is something that connects us all. And that, perhaps, is that we are all victims of war, conflict, and suffering on multiple levels. For example, I live in a country, that in the last 500 years have been ravaged by multiple conquerors—the Spanish, Americans, and Japanese. Even today, our people feel the effects of being a colony to multiple empires, and perhaps even today, we continue to be dependent on our colonizers.

This attempt of writing a story that addresses the issues of conflict and war, no matter how feeble, inconsequential, or futile, is still an attempt.

In this book, you may encounter The Ouroboros (the symbol of a serpent eating its own tail, until it eats itself and it dies). The Ouroboros represents our tendency to wage wars upon each other, and in the end, destroy ourselves through our own wars. Brothers against brothers, father against son, cousins against cousins, the wars never end. Again, it is my reasoning that by studying the past 12,000 years of our ancestor’s attempts at peace and avoidance of wars, we can learn something that we can use to end the cycle of needless suffering once and for all.

The threat of the Ouroboros…

Is it real?

Perhaps so, because today it takes only 1% of the nuclear weapons of the world to destroy Earth. Because if 1% of the nuclear weapons of the world are used, it will generate a radioactive cloud that will cover the earth, destroying everything in its path. And what it does not destroy, it will desolate. The nuclear cloud will cover the Earth, blocking the sun, plunging the temperatures around the Earth to minus 20 degrees Celsius to minus 40 degrees Celsius—a post apocalyptic ice age. With no plants surviving, there is no food, there is nothing to support life. Much of the population would die, save those who are prepared. (source: Gaia, Planet Management)

The snake biting its own tail is this... Humanity, destroyed by humans.

But there is a second type of Ouroboros. While the first type ends the world with a bang, the second type of Ouroboros is the slow destruction of our resources; the arable land is less and less every year, the desertification of land intensifies, there is a decline of nutrients due to overfarming such that the food today is no longer as nutritious as the food before. The natural resources in the seas are being destroyed, the growth of our population puts a strain on the available resources which in turn puts more pressure on our leaders, leading to geopolitical wars for acquiring resources (source: Gaia, Planet Management)… And so on and so forth.

Again, the snake biting its own tail. The Ouroboros of humanity destroying humanity, through the depletion of resources.

Will the Earth perish from the Ouroboros of a nuclear war? Or will it perish in a slow death? Either way, the outlook is not good. But I believe there is hope. Surprisingly, this hope comes 4000 years ago. And another hope comes in 2000 years ago.

What is this hope?

Hope in the seeds of compassionate, peaceful, kind, and loving types of spirituality, various religions, different ways of life, and even those that are not religious and non-spiritual that live according to the idea of kindness, compassion, and love for each other.

While I do not subscribe to any particular religion, I believe firmly in the benefits of religion, spiritualities, faiths, and in protecting man. Religion and spirituality teach the next generations of man to live in the path of righteousness, kindness, compassion towards each other.

It is a myth that religion is the root of wars because even before religion was invented, we already waged war on one another. Others may argue that religion is the cause of wars and conflict… But I argue otherwise. People who do not believe in religion have started wars too. World War 2 was not a religious war. Neither was World War 1. The two World Wars are geopolitical wars, wars for resources. Instead, my proposition is that wars are inherent in a people who are suffering. Hitler led Germany, because Germany was suffering—their money could not buy anything, they were buried in debt, they could not sustain their lives because the economy collapsed. Worse, the other countries did not care, they did not send help to Germany. Still, it does not make Hitler right to do what he did, far from it.

It is my opinion, that wars are caused by Greed. The Spanish conquerors conquered my country claiming “God, Gold, and Glory”. Only later would I learn that it was the greed of a small group of leaders (not the whole Spain) of the Spanish faith that was actually the real motivator—they were searching for the keys to immortality, the Fountain of Youth, as evidenced by the letters that passed between the leaders to their explorers (source: Zechariah Sitchin, Stairway To Heaven).

Because the leaders of the Spanish conquerors already had everything, they had gold, they had power, they had influence, but they were getting old. They chased after legends, and myths, and islands that promised the youth of Eternal life. After achieving wealth, fame, and power, there was only immortality left that still interested them. The resources they acquired along the way, such as spices, was only a small consequence, eternal life was far more important to them.

The Christian Crusades were done because the spiritual leaders of Christianity back then were at a similar loss—the pope-king had gotten all the wealth, fame, and power he could get. But he was getting old, he wanted a way to survive, to live forever and enjoy his status forever. Thus began the search for the Holy Grail, the cup of Christ, The Cup Of Life, because they hoped that it held the secrets to immortality—since it bore the blood of Christ, which had the power to heal all diseases. (source: Zecharia Sitchin, The Stairway To Heaven)

But I digress…

Let us go back to the Ouroboros, the self destruction of the Earth.

To my surprise, this problem of self destruction was not only persistent in our history, but also persistent in our mythology and religion. And even more surprising, was that the angels, sometimes either falsely claiming or falsely labelled as “gods”, were also struggling with their own wars.

While this book is fictional, many aspects are not, and are based on ancient tablets, scriptures, archaeology, and history and countless researches of great men.

The angel Enki, who you will probably meet in the later books, for example, was the angel who gave us the Ten Commandments. Mainstream knowledge does not teach us that. Why? Because the presence of angels was lost in the translation from Hebrew to Greek then to English. This angel’s name is still present as Enki/Anki and Ea/Eyah in the original Hebrew texts, you will see his name mentioned several times throughout the Bible. Fortunately, the original Hebrew version still exists to this day and anyone can verify this by looking at Exodus 20 to 23.

Perhaps even more surprisingly is that Enki’s name is the first word in the Ten Commandments, which begins with Enki Yahweh Your Elohim, which means “ENKI of the Creator, Your First Keeper”. Enki was the angel who was sent by the Creator, commanding Moses and his people to “Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name
in him.” (Exodus 23:20-21).

This translation still exists today, and can be seen in the side by side interlinear English-Hebrew translation Bibles that are easily available to anyone for free online and in print.

Angels abound in the original Bible, collectively known as the Elohim, but this word has been mistranslated as “Lord”, or “God”, perhaps in an attempt of the non-Hebrew scribes to unify multiple deities into One God. But many scriptures tell us otherwise, that rather than acting as one, angels have been with us throughout history, sometimes causing us good, sometimes causing us harm. This suggests that they are not to be taken as a whole, and was never meant to be. That their actions do not necessarily reflect the will of the Creator. But rather, if angels exist, they are to be taken as separate individuals, much like us. Some of them are good. Some of them cause chaos and wars.

But wait, does this conflict with the belief in one Creator? Perhaps not.

Angels themselves believe in one True Creator.

I believe in the Creator, but do not subscribe to any particular religion. Rather, I put myself to study the different religions, faiths, and ways of life—in my search I have read the Scriptures from Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhism, Bahai, Mormons, including the other non-canonical Gospels and Apocrypha, and so on and so forth. There is something to learn from each, and there is more in common in their foundations than there are conflict in teachings. All these religions teach the belief of one Creator. All teach the love, kindness, compassion towards one another. All teach the protection of the weak, the oppressed. All teach to provide for the poor, the needy, the orphans.

In the Lost Book of Enki translated and compiled by Z. Sitchin from archaeological finds, Enki warned the other angels that they would be judged by the Creator in the end. In Psalms, God also warned “You are Elohim, but like princes you shall fall.” This is translated in English as, “You are gods, but like princes you shall fall.” Who are these “gods”? Again, they refer to the angels, and they should never have been translated as gods in the first place, but instead, as angels and First Keepers.

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