The Long Ride

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Authors: Bonnie Bryant

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The Long Ride

Pine Hollow, Book One

Bonnie Bryant

For my sister, Penny Carey


“Do you think we'll get there in time?” Stevie Lake asked, looking around for some sign that the airport was near.

“Since that plane almost landed on top of us, I think we're close,” Carole Hanson said.

“Turn right here,” said Callie Forester from the backseat.

“And then left up ahead,” Carole advised, picking out directions from the signs that flashed past near the airport entrance. “I think Lisa's plane is leaving from that terminal there.”

“Which one?”

“The one we just passed,” Callie said.

“Oh,” said Stevie. She gripped the steering wheel tightly and looked for a way to turn around without causing a major traffic tie-up.

“This would be easier if we were on horseback,” said Carole.

“Everything's easier on horseback,” Stevie agreed.

“Or if we had a police escort,” said Callie.

“Have you done that?” Stevie asked, trying to maneuver the car across three lanes of traffic.

“Yeah,” said Callie. “It's kind of fun, but dangerous. It makes you think you're almost as important as other people tell you you are.”

Stevie rolled her window down and waved wildly at the confused drivers around her. Clearly, her waving confused them more, but it worked. All traffic stopped. She crossed the three lanes and pulled onto the service road.

It took another ten minutes to get back to the right and then ten more to find a parking place. Five minutes into the terminal. And then all that was left was to find Lisa.

“Where do you think she is?” Carole asked.

“I know,” said Stevie. “Follow me.”

“That's what we've been doing all morning,” Callie said dryly. “And look how far it's gotten us.”

But she followed anyway.

Alex Lake reached across the table in the airport cafeteria and took Lisa Atwood's hand.

“It's going to be a long summer,” he said.

Lisa nodded. Saying good-bye was one of her least favorite activities. She didn't want Alex to know how hard it was, though. That would just make it tougher on him. The two of them had known each other for four years—as long as Lisa had been best friends with Alex's twin sister, Stevie. But they'd only started dating six months earlier. Lisa could hardly believe that. It seemed as if she'd been in love with him forever.

“But it is just for the summer,” she said. The words sounded dumb even as they came out of her mouth. The summer
long. She wouldn't come back to Virginia until right before school started.

“I wish your dad didn't live so far away, and I wish the summer weren't so long.”

“It'll go fast,” said Lisa.

“For you, maybe. You'll be in California, surfing or something. I'll just be here, mowing lawns.”

“I've never surfed in my life—”

“Until now,” said Alex. It was almost a challenge, and Lisa didn't like it.

“I don't want to fight with you,” said Lisa.

“I don't want to fight with you, either,” he said, relenting. “I'm sorry. It's just that I want things to be different. Not very different. Just a little different.”

“Me too,” said Lisa. She squeezed his hand. It was a way to keep from saying anything else, because she was afraid that if she tried to speak she might cry, and she hated it when she cried. It made her face red and puffy, but most of all, it told other people how she was feeling. She'd found it useful to keep her feelings to herself these days. Like Alex, she wanted things to be different, but she wanted them to be very different, not just a little. She sighed. That was slightly better than crying.

“I told you so,” said Stevie to Callie and Carole.

Stevie had threaded her way through the airport terminal, straight to the cafeteria near the security checkpoint. And there, sitting next to the door, were her twin brother and her best friend.

“Surprise!” the three girls cried, crowding around the table.

“We just couldn't let you be the only one to say good-bye to Lisa,” Carole said, sliding into the booth next to Alex.

“We had to be here, too. You understand that, don't you?” Stevie asked Lisa as she sat down next to her.

“You guys!” said Lisa, her face lighting up with joy. “I'm so glad you're here. I was afraid I wasn't going to see you for months and months!”

glad they were there. It wouldn't have felt right if she'd had to leave without seeing them one more time. “I thought you had other things to do.”

“We just told you that so we could surprise you. We did surprise you, didn't we?”

“You surprised me,” Lisa said, beaming.

“Me too,” Alex said. “I'm surprised, too. I really thought I could go for an afternoon, just
afternoon of my life, without seeing my twin sister.”

Stevie grinned. “Well, there's always tomorrow,” she said. “And that's something to look forward to, right?”

“Right,” he said, grinning back.

Since she was closest to the outside, Callie went and got sodas for herself, Stevie, and Carole. When she rejoined the group, they were talking about everything in the world except the fact that Lisa was going to be gone for the summer and how much they were all going to miss one another.

She passed the drinks around and sat quietly at the end of the table. There wasn't much for her to say. She didn't really feel as if she belonged there. She wasn't anybody's best friend. It wasn't as if they minded her being there, but she'd come along because Stevie had offered to drive her to a tack shop after they left the airport. She was simply along for the ride.

“… And don't forget to say hello to Skye.”

“Skye? Skye who?” asked Alex.

“Don't pay any attention to him,” Lisa said. “He's just jealous.”

“You mean because Skye is a movie star?”

“And say hi to your father and the new baby. It must be exciting that you'll meet your sister.”

“Well, of course, you've already met her, but now she's crawling, right? It's a whole different thing.”

An announcement over the PA system brought their chatter to a sudden halt.

“It's my flight,” Lisa said slowly. “They're starting to board and I've got to get through security and then to Gate … whatever.”

“Fourteen,” Alex said. “It comes after Gate Twelve. There are no thirteens in airports.”

“Let's go.”

“Here, I'll carry that.”

“And I'll get this one …”

As Callie watched, Lisa hugged Carole and Stevie. Then she kissed Alex. Then she hugged her friends again. Then she turned to Alex.

“I think it's time for us to go,” Carole said tactfully.

“Write or call every day,” Stevie said.

“It's a promise,” said Lisa. “Thanks for coming to the airport. You too, Callie.”

Callie smiled and gave Lisa a quick hug before all the girls moved away, leaving her alone with Alex. They were going to miss her, but the girls had one another. Alex only had his lawns to mow. He needed the last minutes with Lisa.

“See you at home!” Stevie called over her shoulder, but she didn't think Alex heard. His attention was completely focused on one person.

Carole wiped a tear from her eye once they'd rounded a corner. “I'm going to miss her.”

“Me too,” said Stevie.

Carole turned to Callie. “It must be hard for you to understand,” she said.

“Not really,” said Callie. “I can tell you three are really close.”

“We are,” Carole said. “Best friends for a long time. We're practically inseparable.” Even to her the words sounded exclusive and uninviting. If Callie noticed, she didn't say anything.

The three girls walked out of the terminal and found their way to Stevie's car. As she turned on the engine, Stevie was aware of an uncomfortable empty feeling. She really didn't like the idea of Lisa's being gone for the summer, and her own unhappiness was not going to be helped by a brother who was going to spend the entire time moping about his missing girlfriend. There had to be something that would make her feel better.

“Say, Carole, do you want to come along with us to the tack shop?” she asked.

“No, I can't,” Carole said. “I promised I'd bring in the horses from the paddock before dark, so you can just drop me off at Pine Hollow. Anyway, aren't you due at work in an hour?”

Stevie glanced at her watch. Carole was right. Everything was taking longer than it was supposed to this afternoon.

“Don't worry,” Callie said quickly. “We can go to the tack shop another time.”

“You don't mind?” Stevie asked.

“No. I don't. Really,” said Callie. “I don't want you to be late for work—either of you. If my parents decide to get a pizza for dinner again, I'm going to want it to arrive on time!”

Stevie laughed, but not because she thought anything was very funny. She wasn't about to forget the last time she'd delivered a pizza to Callie's family. In fact, she wished it hadn't happened, but it had. Now she had to find a way to face up to it.

As she pulled out of the airport parking lot, a plane roared overhead, rising into the brooding sky.
Maybe that's Lisa's plane
, she thought. The noise of its flight seemed to mark the beginning of a long summer.

The first splats of rain hit the windshield as Stevie paidx their way out of the parking lot. By the time they were on the highway, it was raining hard. The sky had darkened to a steely gray. Streaks of lightning brightened it, only to be followed by thunder that made the girls jump.

The storm had come out of nowhere. Stevie flicked on the windshield wipers and hoped it would go right back to nowhere.

The sky turned almost black as the storm strengthened. Curtains of rain ripped across the windshield, pounding on the hood and roof of the car. The wipers flicked uselessly at the torrent.

“I hope Fez is okay,” said Callie. “He hates thunder, you know.”

“I'm not surprised,” said Carole, trying to control her voice. It seemed to her that there were a lot of things Fez hated. He was as temperamental as any horse she had ever ridden.

Fez was one of the horses in the paddock. Carole didn't want to upset Callie by telling her that. If she told Callie he'd been turned out, Callie would wonder why he hadn't just been exercised. If she told Callie she'd exercised him, Callie might wonder if he was being overworked. Carole shook her head. What was it about Callie that made Carole so certain that whatever she said, it would be wrong? Why couldn't she say the one thing she really needed to say?

Still, Carole worked at Pine Hollow, and that meant taking care of the horses that were boarding there—and that meant keeping the owners happy.

“I'm sure Fez will be fine. Ben and Max will look after him,” Carole said.

“I guess you're right,” said Callie. “I know he can be difficult. Of course, you've ridden him, so you know that, too. I mean, that's obvious. But it's spirit, you see. Spirit is the key to an endurance specialist. He's got it, and I think he's got the makings of a champion. We'll work together this summer, and come fall … well, you'll see.”

Spirit—yes, it was important in a horse. Carole knew that. She just wished she understood why it was that Fez's spirit was so irritating to her. She'd always thought of herself as someone who'd never met a horse she didn't like. Maybe it was the horse's owner …

“Uh-oh,” said Stevie, putting her foot gently on the brake. “I think I got it going a little too fast there.”

“You've got to watch out for that,” Callie said. “My father says the police practically lie in wait for teenage drivers. They love to give us tickets. Well, they certainly had fun with me.”

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