the Light Of Western Stars (1992) (13 page)

BOOK: the Light Of Western Stars (1992)
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All the while this ceaseless activity was going on there was a strange uproar-bawl and bellow, the shock of heavy bodies meeting and falling, the shrill jabbering of the vaqueros, and the shouts and banterings of the cowboys
They took sharp orders and replied in jest
They went about this stern toil as if it were a game to be played in good humor
One sang a rollicking song, another whistled, another smoked a cigarette
The sun was hot, and they, like their horses, were dripping with sweat
The characteristic red faces had taken on so much dust that cowboys could not be distinguished from vaqueros except by the difference in dress
Blood was not wanting on tireless hands
The air was thick, oppressive, rank with the smell of cattle and of burning hide

Madeline began to sicken
She choked with dust, was almost stifled by the odor
But that made her all the more determined to stay there
Florence urged her to come away, or at least move back out of the worst of it
Stillwell seconded Florence
Madeline, however, smilingly refused
Then her brother said: "Here, this is making you sick
You're pale
" And she replied that she intended to stay until the day's work ended
Al gave her a strange look, and made no more comment
The kindly Stillwell then began to talk

"Miss Majesty, you're seein' the life of the cattleman an, cowboy-the real thing-same as it was in the early days
The ranchers in Texas an' some in Arizona hev took on style, new-fangled idees thet are good, an' I wish we could follow them
But we've got to stick to the old-fashioned, open-range round-tip
It looks cruel to you, I can see thet
Wal, mebbe so, mebbe so
Them Greasers are cruel, thet's certain
Fer thet matter, I never seen a Greaser who wasn't cruel
But I reckon all the strenuous work you've seen to-day ain't any tougher than most any day of a cowboy's life
Long hours on hossback, poor grub, sleepin' on the ground, lonesome watches, dust an' sun an, wind an' thirst, day in an' day out all the year round-thet's what a cowboy has

"Look at Nels there
See, what little hair be has is snow-white
He's red an' thin an' hard-burned up
You notice thet hump of his shoulders
An' his hands, when he gets close-jest take a peep at his hands
Nels can't pick up a pin
He can't hardly button his shirt or untie a knot in his rope
He looks sixty years-an old man
Wal, Nels 'ain't seen forty
He's a young man, but he's seen a lifetime fer every year
Miss Majesty, it was Arizona thet made Nels what he is, the Arizona desert an' the work of a cowman
He's seen ridin' at Canon Diablo an' the Verdi an' Tonto Basin
He knows every mile of Aravaipa Valley an' the Pinaleno country
He's ranged from Tombstone to Douglas
He hed shot bad white men an' bad Greasers before he was twenty-one
He's seen some life, Nels has
My sixty years ain't nothin'; my early days in the Staked Plains an' on the border with Apaches ain't nothin' to what Nels has seen an' lived through
He's just come to be part of the desert; you might say he's stone an' fire an' silence an' cactus an' force
He's a man, Miss Majesty, a wonderful man
Rough he'll seem to you
Wal, I'll show you pieces of quartz from the mountains back of my ranch an' they're thet rough they'd cut your hands
But there's pure gold in them
An' so it is with Nels an' many of these cowboys

"An' there's Price-Monty Price
Monty stands fer Montana, where he hails from
Take a good look at him, Miss Majesty
He's been hurt, I reckon
Thet accounts fer him bein' without hoss or rope; an' thet limp
Wal, he's been ripped a little
It's sure rare an seldom thet a cowboy gets foul of one of them thousands of sharp horns; but it does happen

Madeline saw a very short, wizened little man, ludicrously bow-legged, with a face the color and hardness of a burned-out cinder
He was hobbling by toward the wagon, and one of his short, crooked legs dragged

"Not much to look at, is he?" went on Stillwell
"Wal; I know it's natural thet we're all best pleased by good looks in any one, even a man
It hedn't ought to be thet way
Monty Price looks like hell
But appearances are sure deceivin'
Monty saw years of ridin' along the Missouri bottoms, the big prairies, where there's high grass an' sometimes fires
In Montana they have blizzards that freeze cattle standin' in their tracks
An' hosses freeze to death
They tell me thet a drivin' sleet in the face with the mercury forty below is somethin' to ride against
You can't get Monty to say much about cold
All you hev to do is to watch him, how he hunts the sun
It never gets too hot fer Monty
Wal, I reckon he was a little more prepossessin' once
The story thet come to us about Monty is this: He got caught out in a prairie fire an' could hev saved himself easy, but there was a lone ranch right in the line of fire, an' Monty knowed the rancher was away, an' his wife an' baby was home
He knowed, too, the way the wind was, thet the ranch-house would burn
It was a long chance he was takin'
But he went over, put the woman up behind him, wrapped the baby an' his hoss's haid in a wet blanket, an' rode away
Thet was sure some ride, I've heerd
But the fire ketched Monty at the last
The woman fell an' was lost, an' then his hoss
An' Monty ran an' walked an' crawled through the fire with thet baby, an' he saved it
Monty was never much good as a cowboy after thet
He couldn't hold no jobs
Wal, he'll have one with me as long as I have a steer left

VI - A Gift and A Purchase For a week the scene of the round-up lay within riding-distance of the ranch-house, and Madeline passed most of this time in the saddle, watching the strenuous labors of the vaqueros and cowboys
She overestimated her strength, and more than once had to be lifted from her horse
Stillwell's pleasure in her attendance gave place to concern
He tried to persuade her to stay away from the round-up, and Florence grew even more solicitous

Madeline, however, was not moved by their entreaties
She grasped only dimly the truth of what it was she was learning-something infinitely more than the rounding up of cattle by cowboys, and she was loath to lose an hour of her opportunity

Her brother looked out for her as much as his duties permitted; but for several days he never once mentioned her growing fatigue and the strain of excitement, or suggested that she had better go back to the house with Florence
Many times she felt the drawing power of his keen blue eyes on her face
And at these moments she sensed more than brotherly regard
He was watching her, studying her, weighing her, and the conviction was vaguely disturbing
It was disquieting for Madeline to think that Alfred might have guessed her trouble
From time to time he brought cowboys to her and introduced them, and laughed and jested, trying to make the ordeal less embarrassing for these men so little used to women

Before the week was out, however, Alfred found occasion to tell her that it would be wiser for her to let the round-up go on without gracing it further with her presence
He said it laughingly; nevertheless, he was serious
And when Madeline turned to him in surprise he said, bluntly:

"I don't like the way Don Carlos follows you around
Bill's afraid that Nels or Ambrose or one of the cowboys will take a fall out of the Mexican
They're itching for the chance
Of course, dear, it's absurd to you, but it's true

Absurd it certainly was, yet it served to show Madeline how intensely occupied she had been with her own feelings, roused by the tumult and toil of the round-up
She recalled that Don Carlos had been presented to her, and that she had not liked his dark, striking face with its bold, prominent, glittering eyes and sinister lines; and she had not liked his suave, sweet, insinuating voice or his subtle manner, with its slow bows and gestures
She had thought he looked handsome and dashing on the magnificent black horse
However, now that Alfred's words made her think, she recalled that wherever she had been in the field the noble horse, with his silver-mounted saddle and his dark rider, had been always in her vicinity

"Don Carlos has been after Florence for a long time," said Alfred
"He's not a young man by any means
He's fifty, Bill says; but you can seldom tell a Mexican's age from his looks
Don Carlos is well educated and a man we know very little about
Mexicans of his stamp don't regard women as we white men do
Now, my dear, beautiful sister from New York, I haven't much use for Don Carlos; but I don't want Nels or Ambrose to make a wild throw with a rope and pull the Don off his horse
So you had better ride up to the house and stay there

"Alfred, you are joking, teasing me," said Madeline
"Indeed not," replied Alfred
"How about it, Flo?"Florence replied that the cowboys would upon the slightest provocation treat Don Carlos with less ceremony and gentleness than a roped steer
Old Bill Stillwell came up to be importuned by Alfred regarding the conduct of cowboys on occasion, and he not only corroborated the assertion, but added emphasis and evidence of his own

"An', Miss Majesty," he concluded, "I reckon if Gene Stewart was ridin' fer me, thet grinnin' Greaser would hev hed a bump in the dust before now

Madeline had been wavering between sobriety and laughter until Stillwell's mention of his ideal of cowboy chivalry decided in favor of the laughter

"I am not convinced, but I surrender," she said
"You have only some occult motive for driving me away
I am sure that handsome Don Carlos is being unjustly suspected
But as I have seen a little of cowboys' singular imagination and gallantry, I am rather inclined to fear their possibilities
So good-by

Then she rode with Florence up the long, gray slope to the ranch-house
That night she suffered from excessive weariness, which she attributed more to the strange working of her mind than to riding and sitting her horse
Morning, however, found her in no disposition to rest
It was not activity that she craved, or excitement, or pleasure
An unerring instinct, rising dear from the thronging sensations of the last few days, told her that she had missed something in life
It could not have been love, for she loved brother, sister, parents, friends; it could not have been consideration for the poor, the unfortunate, the hapless; she had expressed her sympathy for these by giving freely; it could not have been pleasure, culture, travel, society, wealth, position, fame, for these had been hers all her life
Whatever this something was, she had baffling intimations of it, hopes that faded on the verge of realizations, haunting promises that were unfulfilled
Whatever it was, it had remained hidden and unknown at home, and here in the West it began to allure and drive her to discovery
Therefore she could not rest; she wanted to go and see; she was no longer chasing phantoms; it was a hunt for treasure that held aloof, as intangible as the substance of dreams

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