| Violence, implied in use of weapons, 57
| Virginian, The (Wister), 163
| Virginia reel, on horseback, 159
| Wacholz, Bess Lindsey (grandniece), 127-29, 192, 196, 232
| Wah-Ki-Kaw (chieftain), 45
| Walsh, J. J. (editor), 113
| Ward, Lillian (performer), 160
| Weather: effect on outdoor shows, 30, 34;
| as factor in matches, 72-73
| Wells, Lucy (ranch owner), 159
| ''We're the Janes Who Make the Planes'' (song), 213
| Wessel, Christian C. (clergyman), 201-202
| West, American: Annie Oakley's identification with, 55, 57-58, 145-75, 199-200;
| Hollywood versions, 212, 217-18, 223-24;