The Letter (5 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Bernadette Mance

BOOK: The Letter
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You are beautiful and graceful, pay them no mind, they are just busybodies.”

You are so kind to say that,” Victoria whispered, her flush deepening. “But surely you know what they are thinking.”

William held her protectively as they walked through the restaurant.

I am well aware of what my peers think of those not in their circles or with their means,” he whispered to her low. “I never realized until this moment how troubling their behavior is.”

However, this will be the last time you will go anywhere in an outdated gown,” William assured her as he sent a cold stare and nodded curtly to a group of ladies who were giggling behind their napkins. The giggling ceased immediately.

What do you mean, my entire wardrobe is out of date.”

I will make sure you have the finest gowns in the city. You will be breathtaking in the gowns I will buy for you.”

Once she became fully his, William thought.

You will not be buying me anything,” Victoria said fiercely. “Do not say such a thing.”

William did not stop to ponder how he had arrived at the decision she would not just be in his bed, not just stay in San Francisco, but that she would be his mistress in full but he was certain that she would be.

As his possession, she would enjoy endless pampering, clothing and jewels beyond her imagination. Of course, he knew that she would resist such an offer should he propose it now. But soon, very soon, he would acquire her, just as he acquired everything else he desired.

An attentive host who knew Mr. Worthington well, promptly seated them at his usual table near the swan fountain tucked behind the exotic foliage. The table was secluded, yet it gave William a full view of the dining room.

When they were settled, and the host had scurried away to make sure they were waited on immediately, William smiled warmly at Victoria. Victoria’s insides fluttered in reaction.

Mr. Worthington, you are not purchasing me any clothing. All I require help with is the store and money for repairs, not a wardrobe for me.”

Please, Ms. Riley, let us not discuss this now. I would prefer to simply enjoy your company,” he said softly, sending her another smile and touching her with his glowing eyes.

Victoria’s heart pounded in her chest. When had a man ever smiled at her like that? She had never in her life met a man as handsome and charming. He affected her and frightened her even more than her lies about her Pap.

Can I call you Victoria?” he asked, his deep voice caressing her skin while his steel eyes moved over her again.

Victoria will be fine.” Before the words were even out, Victoria wanted to grab them back. Had she completely lost her mind to allow him such liberties? He was a stranger and she had lied to him.

Darn him anyway. No one should be so handsome or make her feel like this, especially not him. It just wasn’t fair.

Then you must call me Will.” A dazzling smile spread across his handsome face.

The waiter scurried up to their table eager to take their order saving her from responding, but not stopping the clean blush that suffused her face.

Victoria looked at William closely taking advantage of his distraction, as he spoke quietly to the waiter. He probably had women throwing themselves all over him wherever he went. Yet, he had the ability to make her feel as if she were the only woman in the world.

As if sensing her thoughts, those smoldering, gray eyes fell on her just as he dismissed the waiter. Victoria swiftly looked away, mortified to have been caught staring.

She studied the giant black swan fountain that rose from the pond. It was breathtaking. Water trickled over its spread wings creating an illusion that the swan was rising from the water.

Below the fountain was a shimmering pond. Blooming water lilies and candles floated on the glassy surface.

When she couldn’t reasonably stare at the pond and fountain any longer, Victoria focused on the people around her. In the quiet elegance of the dining room, the patrons, finely dressed, carried on conversations punctuated with polite laughter. It was a scene that unfolded naturally, yet there was something distinctly orchestrated about the spectacle of beautiful people coming together and dining. It was a script that only they understood and followed.

Tell me about yourself, Victoria,” he coaxed in a low voice, his eyes touching her.

Her body immediately responded to his husky demand. She had never thought much about men on an intimate level yet now she was wondering what it would be like to touch those sensual lips of his — and feel his bare skin against hers.

Where had those sinful thoughts come from?

There isn’t much to tell,” Victoria answered evasively, her cheeks flushed from her wayward thoughts. This situation had taken on an intimate tone that Victoria never imagined it would take. He was deliberately keeping her off topic and was causing her to forget what she was doing here. Somehow, she had to stop this before it got completely out of control.

I know you are trying to be nice to me, Mr. ... Will, but honestly, I think we need to talk about the business at hand.”

The smile left William’s face, his eyes seared into hers and he said, “Where is Charles Riley?”


Victoria’s eyes widened in shock. She knew the question was coming, yet his unexpected demand hit her like a blast from a shotgun.

He couldn’t come,” she answered quickly.

At least that part wasn’t a lie.

So you came instead,” he supplied, watching her carefully. Victoria shifted uncomfortably. She was not a good liar.

So I came instead,” she agreed, a weak smile trembling on her lips.

Victoria’s temples pounded. Good heavens, she had never lied about anything like this. Of course, actually she hadn’t exactly lied just yet. Her father was, in fact, not in any shape to go anywhere. She just conveniently left off the part about him being dead.

A sharp shard of sadness cut through her. A lump formed in her throat and she looked away blinking back the hot wetness that stung her eyes. If only Pap were here, because if he was, then she wouldn’t be here now and she wouldn’t be forced to do any of this.

Tell me about the store.” His husky voice held a hint of pity. Victoria sat up straight in her chair. He thought her father was ill and he felt sorry for her. She didn’t want Worthington’s pity and most certainly she wasn’t going to beg for his help. Pride dried her eyes and thickened her spine. She was Charles Riley’s daughter after all.

The accountant has been taking money, he keeps taking more and more, I think …. I mean…my father believes he is not properly recording things in the ledger.”

The bald accusation fell between them like a heavy stone in a shallow creek.

His eyebrows rose.

The accountant has been handling those books for a number of years. Why would he suddenly start embezzling money?” William frowned.

I don’t know why he would do this. Do you ever look at those books?” she asked.

The waiter arrived at their table carrying a red-shelled, clawed beast, the likes of which Victoria had never seen.

What is that?” Victoria shuddered in revulsion gaping at the food.

William chuckled. “Why, my dear Victoria, these are the most delicious crustaceans you will ever eat.”

Victoria watched in fascinated horror as William took a small fork and pulled fluffy white meat from the shell and dipped into a melted butter mixture. “They are called lobster and they come from the ocean.”

Taste,” he commanded, handing the fork over to her.

No, no, I thank you, but ...” Victoria was unable to hide her aversion. “That looks so horrible!”

Take it, Victoria,” he tempted. “If you never try anything new, you are going to miss out on a great many of life’s pleasures….come on…I dare you.”

Her heart thudded in response. Victoria seldom passed up a challenge. She had once eaten a fish eye on a dare.

However, she couldn’t reach across the table and take the fork without removing her gloves and then he would see her work worn hands!

Maybe I don’t want to experience life’s pleasures.” She avoided his heated gaze.

William laughed, low and tantalizing, while moving his fork toward her filled with the white fluffy lobster meat.

There was no option but to take a bite. She pulled her gloves off and laid them on the table, hoping he wouldn’t notice her hands.

Ah Victoria, someone as young and passionate as you should not forgo life’s pleasures.” His words invoked delicious and unwanted thoughts.

Victoria reached out and her trembling fingers touched his and around the delicate fork.

His eyes rested on her hand. Victoria inwardly cringed, barely tasting the rich meat of the lobster. To Victoria’s complete and utter humiliation, William continued to look at her hand.

You have beautiful hands,” William commented with candor and tenderness in his husky voice. “You have the most delicate bone structure I have ever seen, yet, they look so utterly capable....what could be more beautiful than capable, working hands?”

Victoria was utterly stunned.

She searched his eyes for mocking but found only sincerity. Victoria returned the fork to the plate and folded her hands back into her lap.

Thank you. But you are still distracting me from the purpose of my visit.”

Perhaps it is my intent to distract you.”

I am not sure why you should wish to distract me, but can we please get back to the matter at hand, and your previous question.” Her tone was crisp with the mental reminder that she must stop acting like a complete ninny.

He picked up another lobster tail and placed the meat on her plate. “So, tell me what exactly is happening to raise your suspicions about my accountant.”

Victoria ignored the piece of lobster and focused on her explanation.

When Pap got sick, I started handling the affairs at the store. I guess the accountant thought a woman wouldn’t be able to count. He kept demanding more and more of the profits. I assume you have been getting them.” She said. William took another piece of the lobster, dipped it, and put it into his mouth, leaving Victoria in breathless lingering distraction over his sensual lips.

When he had swallowed the lobster and touched his mouth with the linen napkin he said, “So why didn’t you go to the local authorities?”

Who is going to listen to a woman?” She tore her gaze from his lips and resumed breathing.

In her attempt at being casual she took her small fork and ate the cold piece of lobster on her plate. The fluffy white meat melted in her mouth.

And that is why my Pap wrote to you. It is your store and he works for you.”

I see,” he said, taking another bite of lobster, his gaze catching and holding hers as if he could see down to her soul.

And the store itself needs repair, lots of repairs, but there is never enough money to do so,” she said. “That is why he demanded that you do something.”

William smiled.

I cannot recall the last time anyone had challenged me, if ever. Do you have any idea Ms. Riley of what you have decided to take on by challenging me?”

I am not afraid of you Mr. Worthington,” she said even while a telling quiver weaved through her brave words.

The store is losing money.” He picked up his wine glass and sipped while his glowing gaze held hers over the rim.

Yes, yes I know it is, but if I could fix it up, I have so many ideas . . .,” she broke off.

You do a lot of work at the store Victoria?” he asked. “Has your father been ill for a while?”

Well, yes . . . yes I do a lot of work at the store, I always have, even before my father became ill,” she allowed.

So then tell me your ideas, what is it you wish to do?”

Well…no one is ever interested in my ideas...only sister...but not men….I mean… I don’t know many men besides my father of course…but it is just..”

Well, I am interested, so come, tell me,” he coaxed. “I really do want to know.”

Victoria’s cheeks went warm with pulsing excitement. “I thought we might put seasonal things in the store . . . for instance, items for Christmas…and Easter…whatever. And I thought we could price things differently, like a lower price on one thing, you know...put a sign outside to get people to come in to see the sale item and maybe then they would buy other things at a higher price. I might have to have more inventory of that one thing and I might lose a bit of money on each one, but I would make more overall because I would sell more.”

Victoria, I am utterly fascinated. You are not only very beautiful…you are extremely intelligent and have quite the business head.”

You are terribly kind, but I have so much more to tell you,” Victoria flushed under his approving words.

It was so thrilling to talk to someone about her ideas…someone who would understand. Victoria tossed aside her wariness of this dangerous man and delved further into her ideas.

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