The Letter (19 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Bernadette Mance

BOOK: The Letter
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Then, suddenly Victoria was free of William’s embrace. The only thing that kept her from stumbling back was his strong hands on her shoulders steadying her.

Her shocked eyes met his. Her breathing labored with sensual emotion. They both knew he could take her if he so chose.

Inside you go, then,” William commanded in a hoarse voice. “Before I go back on my word to wait and make you mine.”

Victoria stared at him dazed a moment longer before he turned her, opened the door and gently pushed her inside.

Damn.” He swore harshly on the other side of the door. “Damn.”




Rising from her chair and toppling the book on her lap, Victoria went swiftly to the door and down the steps. It had become a habit over the last few weeks for William to call her when he arrived home. And it was her practice to go to him.

There was something distinctively domestic about this routine. However, Victoria didn’t bring this to William’s attention. There was, however, certainly nothing domestic about his hot glances and tangible desire.

As always, he looked her up and down, slowly lingering over her curves while she moved down the winding staircase toward him; as if he wanted to consume every inch of her.

And someday, she was certain he would.

Victoria’s heart thudded against her ribs. When would he take what he so clearly wanted from her and what he had bargained for...what he had purchased?

I have something to show you ... come,” he softly commanded.

Taking his extended hand, Victoria followed him outside to the waiting carriage with such haste that she forgot to take a wrap to warm her against the chilly fog that was creeping over the city.

Let me go back and get your wrap,” he offered.

No, I don’t need it. “What is it you wish to show me?” she asked.

You will see my darling,” he whispered, his eyes glowing into hers.

When they had settled inside the carriage, Victoria drank in his striking figure sitting casually across from her with a mischievous smile playing about his sensual lips. Victoria instantly cast him in the role of beautiful Satan, tempting her to some unknown sin.

William wrapped her in small talk and his allure while they traveled a few blocks and came to a stop in front of a winsome house painted light blue with intricately carved white trim and darling shutters framing the windows. Neat rows of hedges punctuated with abundantly blooming red roses spanned the front of the house.

The pretty house bore a distinct resemblance to a doll house she once saw in the window of Joshua’s General Store in Fort Worth at Christmas time.

Victoria immediately and instinctively knew this was to be her house.

It cannot be. Is this meant for me?” she asked, in utter awe.

Of course,” William responded casually, as if it was every day that he gave away a house.

Let us get a closer look to see if it is to your satisfaction.”

He helped her alight from the buggy and lead her up the porch steps. Victoria stared around her in mute shock as they progressed toward the front porch. So engrossed in looking at the house, she stumbled on the last porch step.

Watch yourself darling,” William chuckled at her distracted progress, obviously enjoying every second of her shocked delight.

In a quick movement William swept Victoria off of her feet and carried her across the threshold and into the house. Victoria squeaked with delighted surprise then giggled as he gently set her onto her feet.

Victoria gazed around in complete disbelief.

The house was exquisitely decorated in rich, jewel tones, mostly rich reds and accented with gold. Comfortable, elegant furniture graced the small, front parlor. There was a hall that led to a large kitchen and separate dining area.

Victoria pulled William along as she raced to see the kitchen. The first thing she noticed in the large, pretty sunny yellow kitchen was that it overlooked a little garden behind the house. Two of the walls boasted white, wooden cabinets with glass fronts filled with dishes and cookware.

The adjoining intimately sized dining room was stunningly decorated with a dark mahogany dining table with high back chairs for six. The small chandelier above the table was mirrored in the polished surface of the table and along one wall stood a carved mahogany cabinet with framed glass doors.

Long stemmed red roses standing in tall crystal vases were scattered about the house leaving a heady scent throughout the rooms.

Good gracious it so beautiful!” Victoria whispered, enthralled.

Let me take you to see what is upstairs.” His eyes twinkled into hers spreading a delicious warmth through her.

William led her up the winding staircase where he opened the master bedroom door. Slowly, Victoria entered the stunning room, her breath catching.

There was a large, heavy and ornate canopied bed in the center of the room with a ruby red velvet coverlet.

Displayed on the walls and framed in gold were beautifully romantic paintings of women and men, scantily dressed and engaged in ardent activities. Victoria flushed and didn’t dare turn around to look at William.

The splendid cherry wood furnishings in the room shined a rich burgundy color reflecting the color of the room in the fading sunlight.

Even to her untrained eye, Victoria knew it was designed specifically to be a private, sensual haven for lovers.

She went to the bed and put her hand on the soft red velvet cover suddenly savoring her role as mistress. Her fingers glided over the rich fabric and she closed her eyes as the images of what was to come engulfed her. Recognition of the moment and its rightness deluged her.

The ambiance of this room overwhelmed her with sensuality that she never knew existed within her.

Shocked by her thoughts, she mentally stepped back from the passion she knew she should not revel in.

It is beautiful Will,” she said softly, then shivered deliciously when she felt his hand on her shoulder.

How does it make you feel?” he asked in a low voice.

Feel? It makes me feel so . . . .”

Erotic,” he supplied, accurately guessing her deepest shameful musings. “Or perhaps that is just my own thoughts.”

She gasped.

He pulled her to him and enclosed her in his arms and Victoria could feel his heat and his solid chest under her token restraining hand.

I want you to think of me — of us — here in this room, even when I am away from you.”

Victoria’s heart skidded to a halt and she jumped from his arms as heat rushed through her.

William chuckled low.

Do not say such things, it is scandalous,” she whispered, ignoring the way his words made tingle with anticipation.

He laughed softly and said, “I am going to be more scandalous than you can possibly imagine.”

Don’t,” she whispered, mentally shoving away the erotic images that assaulted her.

Alright then, I will leave off. Do you like your house?” he asked, his voice still husky and low. Victoria crossed the room and was staring at the street below, gathering her wits. William followed her came up to stand behind her, his arms encircling her. Victoria tensed but did not attempt to escape his embrace.

It is absolutely magnificent,” she said, turning within the circle of his arms to face him. William leaned down to her.

I would give you nothing but the absolute best, darling,” he whispered against her ear and pulled her still closer. Victoria could feel the hard length of him.

Here we shall find heaven,” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions Victoria pulled away from him and concentrated on the intricate design in the wood that surrounded the dresser mirror.

Why do you say such things to me?”

Victoria had never
like this.


I am being honest with you about how I feel, women like that do they not?”

Then, why don’t you just do it and be done with it?” she whispered, trembling.

You are not ready and it is not the right time. Better that you know me, have some affection. I want you to want me as I want you.”

Victoria gasped.

But, come now, before I do this sooner than I planned. I want everything to be perfect,” he said, his voice thick. Victoria turned to find him holding out his hand to her, his eyes still simmering.

Trembling and silent she took his hand.

Hand in hand they silently walked down the steps and out of the house. William helped her back inside the carriage and then took the seat across from her, his gaze intent on her face.

Here is the deed for the house sweetheart.” He took a folded paper from his coat and handed it to her. Victoria looked at it for a moment in calm amazement. Could that lovely house really be hers?

You are just going to give it to me, just like that?” Victoria asked her voice incredulous.

Yes. It is yours. See your name is printed on the document,” William said, gently, smiling as he tapped the deed next to her printed name.

Victoria recognized the gift for what it was. A sense of inevitability gently rolled through her. This was the first installment of their deal and when she took it, she officially accepted his terms.

With trembling hands, she folded the deed and tucked it into her little bag. She didn’t need to look at William to know that he was staring at her. It was final. Now, she must fulfill her part of the deal.

The deal with the devil was complete.

God help her.

The carriage jolted her back in her seat and started to move.




Dear Mandy,

I don’t know how to find the words to tell you this, so I will say it as plain as I can. I have agreed to become Mr. Worthington’s mistress. I hope dear sister, that you will not judge me harshly
this, or him, for that matter. I wish I could tell you that I had agreed to this only in an effort to keep the store and somehow find a better life for the two of us, but that wouldn’t be the whole truth.

The truth, my dear sister, is that I want to be with William more than anything I have ever wanted. You know how I feel about marriage, and now that I have met him, I know I shall never marry another. I know you will not understand why I didn’t hold out for marriage, but you see, Mandy, William and I could never marry. I couldn’t fit into his world, I would never belong, any more than he would belong in mine. I know that I will never want to marry another. So you see, it was the only choice I could make. Believe me when I tell you, I am happy with my decision. Don’t worry about me. While I am here, I will be having the grand adventure I always wanted. This, Mandy, will be the time of my life.

I do not
how long I shall be here in San Francisco, but I will write you every week.

All my love,


Blowing gently on the ink, Victoria folded her letter, put it into an envelope and sealed it. Heart pounding, she addressed the envelope and set it to the side of the desk to be put into the mail in the morning.

Taking out a book to distract her, Victoria willed herself to read rather than think about where William was and what he was doing. She was acting like a child having her first crush on a boy, which was inappropriate given the mercenary terms of their relationship.

Suddenly, awareness swept over her and blew a cold chill through her that causing the hair stand up on her arms and on the back of her neck.

Slowly, Victoria’s gaze left her book and met William’s smoldering slate orbs. She had not heard the door open, but he had managed to materialize in the doorway connecting their two rooms.

His large frame blocked out the light behind him. He was wearing a white shirt that was partially unbuttoned, revealing dark brown curling chest hairs that beckoned to be touched.

His smoky gray eyes touched her inside and out, burning her to the core, telling her he had come to her room for a reason. Victoria’s breath caught, and for a moment time suspended.

He was
to have her this night.

But she was not ready.

Where she had been brave and pragmatic, she was suddenly afraid — more afraid than she had ever been in her life.

Oh, it wasn’t that she was afraid of making love with him, nor was she afraid of becoming his mistress, those things didn’t frighten her.

What she was afraid of was what he would do to her heart. He had the power to trap her in his invisible web. She was certain that once they had been intimate, he would trap her forever in his invisible web.

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