The Legend (25 page)

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Authors: Shey Stahl

BOOK: The Legend
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His head
popped up from my shoulder. “Sounds great.” he reached for my hand, “I can’t
wait any longer!”

Hot damn.

Our hands
were busy as we road back to the drivers compound in the golf cart. I was
practically undressed when we reached the door. His hands everywhere all at
once, grunts and groans as he worked quickly getting my clothes off. We did one
important thing, locked the goddamn door.

mouths, tongues, hands, hips meeting with a desire that couldn’t be broken,
twisting to get closer, it was a blur but I wouldn’t have it any other way. My
husband, the legend in the making, commanded the respect of thousands of fans
tonight and dominated once again. That always made me a little…well…in

let out a groan as his mouth found my breasts. He ripped my shirt up and over
my head quickly, his mouth finding the same spot again.

My clothes
and his racing suit were soaked, the sheets of the bed now soaked but it made
it that much more exciting.
It felt like we were horny
teenagers again and rushing before the parents came home.
Now we were
rushing before the kids got home.

I could
feel him, sweat, rain, the thunder cracking outside, our chests rising and
falling, heavy breathing, this was us. A dance between two people, just like
the hold before the race, this was something special, something between a husband
and wife, something between the Dirty Heathen and Mama Wizard.

along the way, Jameson’s movements became forceful searching for his rev limit
when I giggled after meeting mine. “Are you going to come?”

honey,” he moaned the tendons in his neck evident as they were when he thanked
the fans earlier. “I don’t wanna. I wanna stay right here until tomorrow. I
want you to fuck me senseless. He rolled, I rolled and then I was in control,
his hands on my hips, tight but comforting.

It wasn’t long
when his hips rose jerking and off rhythm when he grunted in my neck. “Goddamn,
you were right.” He said breathlessly as he rolled to the side. The motor coach
burst with light as another flash of lightening shot across the sky, the wind
rocking it slightly.

“About what?”

“You did
fuck me senseless.”

straight I did.” I said throwing my hands behind my head. “The Mama Wizard
doesn’t joke about fucking.”

Compound – Axel


Compound –
The rubber mixture for tires. A softer compound tire provides better traction
but wears out faster than a harder compounded tire which doesn’t provide much


When I
think about racing, a lot of things come to mind. Mostly my dad and grandpa but
there were others that influenced me too.

I don’t
remember how old I was but I was sitting on the wing of my grandpa’s sprint car
watching my dad and him talking about racing and setups wondering when I could
do the same. I wanted to be part of those conversations with them and their

always wanted that. I wanted the connection between them and racing.

never mattered, I barely graduated with a passing GPA but I did and from then
on it has been racing. Now at eighteen, almost nineteen, racing was still the
only thing that mattered. Only now, it was my profession. I had never held the
8-5 job nor would I ever, that wasn’t me.

What did
matter outside of racing was my family, including Lily. That’s one very
important part about all of this that I learned from my parents and our family.

My dad
once told me it’s hard to see past the speed when it’s going 200 mph.

Boy was
it. Since stepping into grandpa’s car at the beginning of the season, I was in
a different city, different track each night. The outlaws ran and 82-race
schedule in 10-months. That’s a lot of racing at time away. When we went to the
live out on West Coast and run those tracks, I didn’t see my own bed for three

Soon I had
a motor coach of my own and was traveling around just as my dad and grandpa
did; only I never felt like them. I’m not sure why but I just didn’t feel like
I had what they had. They were legends. Me, I was just a rookie trying to fill
big shoes.

Williams Grove I flew home to see Lily. We were living together now in a condo
on Lake Norman a few miles from my parents’ house. Since it was a day off, we
spent the greater part of the day on the lake wakeboarding with Casten and some
chick he was seeing. I was sure it wouldn’t be past this weekend but I was kind
to her regardless.

While I
was a one woman man, my little brother had other ideas about that. He didn’t
disrespect them, he was nice to them but he still wasn’t a one woman man. At
fourteen, he wasn’t a man but he had other ideas about that too.

All the
stress was getting to me so it was nice to just hang out with my brother. Arie
would have come too but she was visiting Lucas in Texas for the week with Lexi
and Macy, Van’s daughter.

“Do you
think Arie will be home next week?” Kale, Lily’s younger brother asked while
Casten took his turn wake boarding.

Kale was
in love with Arie but she had no feelings toward him. Since we all grew up
around each other, she looked at him as though he was her little brother.

Kale was
not accepting that though. I also didn’t tell him that since Brian, Arie had
absolutely no plans of dating any time soon. I was okay with that. I wasn’t
wild about Arie dating anyway, and since Brian, I was even more against this.

should be.” I told him as I guided the boat through the rippled waves the other
boats created, pulling Casten on the rope.

He sucked
by the way. He spent entirely too much time trying to impress this Erin girl
with him than actually attempting to wakeboard. The thing about my brother was
he didn’t care about competition. Where I strived to be the best, Casten was
just happy and content being himself. He didn’t care whether he won or lost,
just as long as he was having a good time.

I was sure
by his loud cackling every time he fell that he was having a good time.

After a
full day out there, and sunburn, we headed back to our parents’ house where the
food was. Mom did a good job keeping the house full of food with all the boys
in the family. I was also sure she had some aloe for me there. I did not tan, I
don’t know why but I just didn’t. I burned.

“I hope
she got those Jalapeño chips again,” Casten said jumping from my truck when we
pulled into the driveway.

At any
given time on the weekends, my parent’s house was empty. During the week, it
was scrambling with people from various team members and family. We were all
very close and usually never went a week without seeing each other but
sometimes it happened. Like this week, mom flew to Washington, then to
Martinsville and then back home to Mooresville for a day and now she was
heading to Martinsville to watch dad there on Sunday.

We saw her
for a brief moment and then she was out the door in a mad scramble to catch
Roger, my dad’s pilot of his private plane. Lane and Cole snuck in just as she
was walking out the door.

“Do you
guys have food here? Our house doesn’t have shit.” Cole announced slumping on
to the couch in just a pair of board shorts. My brother and Cole were
constantly running around half-dressed. It was as though they thought nothing
was wrong with this.

little playmate for the weekend walked inside in just her bikini causing Lane
and Cole to both watch her walk by. Casten smirked. I quickly averted my eyes
the other direction to avoid the questions I would later be asked. Lily wasn’t
exactly confident in my popularity. She was constantly asking if I thought
other women were pretty or not. At least once a month I got asked if I was
sleeping with someone else. It got old quick but I also loved Lily and wanted
to prove to her that I did.

“I’ll be
down a little later.” Casten told us following Erin upstairs to his room.

disgusting.” Bailey, Lane’s ex-girlfriend, snorted rummaging through the fridge
beside Lily searching for food. “She’s seventeen, what’s she doing with

they’re just talking.” I suggested with a laugh.

laughed getting in the way of the girls. “You should know by now he never
sleeps within his age group. Besides,” he leaned back against the couch
throwing his arms behind his head, “I’m pretty sure I would do just anything to
sleep with Erin.”

would.” Bailey said shoving Cole out of her way.

I’m not
sure who found my little brothers sex life more interesting, Casten, or our

probably thinking my brother is some kind of dog when it comes to women but
he’s more than up front with them. They knew he wasn’t with just one of them
and frequently he had more than one at a time up there. He was also still good
friends with
of them, even the ones he no longer fooled around with.
He had quite the setup for a fourteen year old kid. Believe me when I say that
I thought he was entirely too young to be having sex but if you ever met
Casten, you wouldn’t think that. He was probably the most respectful
fourteen-year-old I knew and treated all of them respectfully and he was
careful too.

I never
understood it but I also never tried. We may be brothers and look identical to
each other besides our heights; I was cheated on the whole height gene by the
way. But regardless, Casten was a ladies man. I’ve heard people in our family
joke that he took after my uncle Spencer in that manner but I also knew enough
about my dad that he never had any problems either.

I wasn’t a
ladies man. I wouldn’t say I didn’t like women because I did. I was eighteen.
Sure I liked women but only one woman.

returned downstairs about an hour later with Erin wrapped around his side. They
stayed like that the entire night and eventually returned to his room while the
rest of us just laid back and relaxed.

It was nice
to have Lily with me. We ended up going back home around ten that night.

These days
I was contemplating how to propose to her but chickened out any time I tried. I
had a ring and everything but I still couldn’t do it. My dad put me to shame
with his epic proposal on national television that was still played on Sports
Center as the “Best Proposal” in sports history.

following that one.

I asked my
mom what to do and her advice: “Don’t embarrass her. Lily is shy so nothing

My dad’s
advice: “It should be just the two of you.”

advice: “Don’t get married.” Lane recently had the girl of his dreams, Bailey,
break his heart. He was bitter.

advice: “Don’t ask her after sex, that’s stupid.”

finally, my grandma’s advice: “Oh sweetie, that’s exciting.” I hadn’t proposed
but she was already excited just at the thought.

As you can
see, I got nowhere really but maybe slightly more confused.

Lily fell
asleep soon after we got back to our condo whereas I stayed awake, staring at
the ring in my hand. I must have lost track of time and fell asleep because
when I woke up, her bright blue eyes were gazing at me.

Her long
blonde hair was pulled back into a messy bun it was an incredibly adorable bun
on the top of her head as she lay on my bare stomach.

Her hand
moved to mine, the one holding the ring and I panicked closing my fist tightly.
I’d spent the entire night fretting over asking her that I forgot to put it

giggled softly. “I already saw it.”

Still on
my back, I threw my arm over my face and groaned, the velvet box smacking me in
the face. “I’m such a fucking idiot.”

“No you’re
not.” She assured me straddling my hips. Leaning forward, her hands rested on
either side of my head against the mattress. “It’s beautiful.”

I reached
up to stroke the side of her face. Her eyes closed and she leaned into my hand.

hesitated and then just went for it.

up, I moved back against the headboard. Lily seemed to understand what I was
going to do when I reached for her hand, holding it with my own.

“I wanted
this to be romantic and perfect.” I stared at her, stunned by her natural
beauty in the morning. “I wanted it to be perfect, everything you are to me but
I got so worked up over it
nervous.” I shrugged. “It didn’t work out
like that.”

She let
out an adorable sigh. “Axel, just give me the ring.” She held out her hand.

“I should
say something though, right?”

rolled her eyes. “Yes, ask me!”

“Lily Anne
West—” she started giggling. Her hand flew to her mouth to stop herself. “Are
you going to let me finish?”

“Yes.” She
squeaked wrapping her arms around her knees pulling them against her chest.

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