The Lawman's Betrayal (6 page)

Read The Lawman's Betrayal Online

Authors: Sandi Hampton

Tags: #Western,Scarred Hero/Heroine

BOOK: The Lawman's Betrayal
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After another cup of coffee, Wes extinguished the fire, then looked around for the best vantage point. Two rounded boulders which formed a vee proved to be ideal. He propped his rifle up between the two. After finding his extra ammunition, he settled in for his watch.

Naomi joined him, rifle in hand. “Where do you want me?”

“It’s early. Why don’t you get some rest? I’ll call you if I need you.”

“All right. I’ll spell you at midnight.” She bent low, scurried to the saddles and grabbed a blanket, then returned to his side. Wrapping the blanket around her, she leaned against the boulders.

“Naomi,” he said, liking the sound of her name on his lips, “go lay down over there near the horses. You can’t rest like that.”

“Yes, I can.” She wiggled around a few minutes until comfortable, then she stared up at him for a few minutes. “How did you get that scar?”

He laughed. “Well, I’d like to tell you that I got it during some great act of bravery, but it wasn’t. Years ago, I got into a fight with a friend of mine. He knocked me into a window, and I got cut. Simple as that.”

“What was the fight about? A woman?”

Wes laughed softly. “Don’t even remember. We’d both had too much to drink that night.”

“You still friends?”

“Yeah, at least I think so.” He thumbed his hat back. “All right. I answered your question. Now answer one for me. If you’re not going back to Gila Bend for the stolen money,” she opened her mouth to protest, but he held up a finger. “Hear me out. Your husband is gone, so why go back?”

“My question wasn’t personal. Yours is.” Her eyebrows drew together. For a moment, he thought she wasn’t going to answer. Finally she spoke.

“There’s something I have to do.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m going to find my husband’s killer—and whoever framed me for his murder.” Her mouth firmed into a hard line.

He stared at her for a long moment. “You might be putting yourself in more danger.” He nodded toward the ridge. “As if our friends out there aren’t enough.”

“I don’t care. I won’t be able to rest until I find out who it was—and why.”

“Probably one of his gang,” Wes countered. “That’s the only logical explanation.”

“You mean, if I didn’t do it.”

He shot her a grin. “Yeah.”

“At least you’re honest about it. Well, while it may be the only logical explanation, I don’t think it was one of Roy’s gang.” She scrubbed a hand across her brow. “I’ve had a long time to think about it. All Roy’s men wanted, then and now, is the money. Right? They knew I wasn’t part of the gang, that I didn’t know anything, so they wouldn’t care what happened to me. Right? Whoever framed me wanted me out of the picture for good.”

“But who?”

“I don’t know—yet.”

“Is knowing worth your life, Naomi?”

“My life is already gone. It was taken from me. I lost everything, including my freedom for three long, long years. So if I lose my life…” She shrugged. “What will it matter?”

“Don’t talk like that. That’s crazy talk. You’re still young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Why, you can even marry again.”

“Not a chance. You married, Marshal?”

“Nope. Why?”

“Just wondering. It still baffles me that I thought I knew Roy, lived with him for over two years, then found out he was a complete stranger, living a double life. How do you live with someone, yet not really know them?”

“Beats me.”

She leaned back against the rock and closed her eyes, ending the conversation.


“I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“But you can’t—”

“Yes, I can.”

“All right. I guess I can take a hint.”

Fifteen minutes later, her light snores told him she was asleep. A warm feeling washed over him, one he wasn’t very familiar with. He tucked the blanket under her chin. With his finger, he traced the line of her cheek, her skin soft against his rough, calloused hands. When he realized what he was doing, he jerked his hand back. Her cheeks were tinged pink from the sun, yet still not filled out from her time in prison. He felt protective of her, not just because he was supposed to investigate her and find the stolen money and guns, but because she seemed so…vulnerable…and another emotion he didn’t want to name.

Where was that objectivity he prided himself on?

She stirred in her sleep, thrashing and muttering a few unintelligible words. Had her nightmare come again? He could make out the word Joe. He worried his bottom lip. Who the hell was Joe? He couldn’t remember anyone by that name in Brecker’s gang. To his surprise, jealousy rose in his throat unbidden and unwanted. He cursed under his breath.

A rustling in the bushes at the entrance had him grabbing his rifle. After a moment, he dismissed the noises as night critters scurrying about. The full moon lit the entire countryside, clearly illuminating the surrounding area. The outlaws, or whoever they were, would be stupid to try to sneak up on them tonight.

About midnight, Naomi stirred. “Is everything all right?”

“Quiet as a field mouse.” He pulled his watch from his pocket. “Twelve o’clock.” He raised his eyebrows. “To the minute.”

“At the prison,” she said with a wry smile, “the guards did a bed check every night at midnight. I got so I could tell the time within five minutes.”

He chuckled. “Well, go back to sleep. I’m fine.”

“No. It’s my fault that you’re in danger. They’re after me—not you.” She sat upright and stretched.

“Well, that’s true, but you didn’t ask me to come with you,” he reminded her.

She smiled at him. “Now that you mention it, you did sort of tag along on your own. Serving and protecting. I believe I even told you to leave.”

Her smile churned up butterflies in his gut, conjuring up images he had no right to even think about.

“Despite that,” she continued, “I’ll take over the watch. I can wake you if I see or hear anything. It’s as bright at day out there.”

He hesitated.

“Listen, Wes, be reasonable. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so you’d best rest while you can.”

“You’re right. Best take advantage.” He rubbed his jaw, the rough stubble prickly. He pushed himself to his feet, walked across the cave to his saddle, and grabbed his blanket. He spread it out, then sprawled on it. Leaning back against the saddle, he stretched his legs out. He tugged his hat down low on his forehead and sneaked a last glance at Naomi who was chewing on her bottom lip.

As he drifted off to sleep, he wondered how it would feel to wrap his fingers in the honey-gold tresses and kiss her rosy lips.

Chapter Five

Naomi couldn’t tear her gaze from the lawman as he stretched out and pulled his hat low over his eyes. From his broad chest to his lean waist to his long muscular legs, he looked incredibly powerful and manly. What it would be like to be with him, in his arms, to taste his lips—have him make love to her? A spark ignited in her belly, infusing heat throughout her body. Why was she so attracted to this man? During her entire three years in prison, she’d never yearned to be with a man. In fact, she’d sworn she’d never trust another man. Roy Brecker had deceived her and made a fool of her. A jury of nine men had convicted her for a crime she didn’t commit.

What was it about Wes Cooper that made her want to trust him?

That made her

He stirred in his sleep. Naomi averted her gaze, afraid he would catch her staring at him and read her thoughts. She forced her attention back to the task at hand—standing guard. She scanned the area outside the cavern. A faint whiff of sage wafted on the night breeze and far away, a coyote wailed its mournful cry. But no movement broke the stillness of the night. No bushes rustled with unwanted visitors. Not even a bird sang its song.

What were they waiting for?

The hours dragged by. It took all her willpower to keep her eyes open and her attention focused. Several times she found herself nodding off, and she pinched her cheeks to drive the sleep away.

In the darkness, memories crowded in around her. In the beginning, it’d been good with Roy. They’d had a small ranch with a couple of hundred cattle and horses, a nice house and a garden with all her favorite flowers. She’d been happy—loving Roy with a passion that had burned brightly. Even though he was gone so much, she’d told herself he was working for their future. When she found out she was pregnant, she thought her world was complete. Until Roy extinguished it with his lies and deceit.

The marshal’s words came back to her: maybe you know something, but you don’t know you know it. Roy had never talked much about his work. Her questions had always been ignored or unanswered. Once, after their lovemaking, he had told her of a place he’d like to take her—a valley where thousands of beautiful butterflies of every color flitted in the wind. But he’d never mentioned it again and she’d not given it a second thought.

Until now.

Should she tell Wes? Or did it not mean anything? Probably not.

A couple of hours before dawn, Wes awakened, stood and stretched. The grin he shot her curled her toes. “All quiet?”

“Yeah.” A flush crept up her neck.

He nodded at the spot he’d just vacated. “I’ll take over. Why don’t you go get another hour’s sleep?”

“No, I’m fine. But I do need to…” her face flamed. “You know…”

He grabbed his rifle. “Let me take a look around first.” He disappeared into the night. In a few moments, he returned. “It looks clear, but take your weapon—just in case.”

“Okay.” She grabbed her rifle and scurried outside. She hurriedly took care of her personal needs, all the while glancing over her shoulder expecting to see armed men. When she returned to the cave, the aroma of coffee brewing and bacon frying met her. She sniffed appreciatively. “Smells heavenly, but are you sure you should have started a fire?”

“There’s not any smoke to speak of. Besides, I’m sure they know where we are. If you’ll finish the bacon, I’ll fill the canteens and saddle the horses. If we get an early enough start, maybe we can slip out and lose them. I’d like to make Wild Horse Mesa by tonight if we can.”

She knelt by the fire and took the frying pan from him. “That’s a long way. Are you sure we can make it that far?”

“Pretty sure. I’m thinking if we can reach the mesa, we’ll be close to town, so there’ll be more people around. There’s also a couple of big ranches in the area where we can hole up. Might help our chances. “

“I’m all for that.”

“Think you can make it? It’ll be a hard ride.”

“Oh, I’ll make it, but if not, just toss me over the saddle and haul me in—any way you can.”

A chuckle escaped him. “I hope it doesn’t come to that.” He walked to the horses and led them to the pool to drink.

When the coffee was brewed, Naomi filled two cups, all the while wishing she had some sugar to sweeten the strong liquid. “Wes, coffee’s ready.”

“Be right there.”

In minutes, he joined her, sat opposite her, and reached for the cup. “I have to hand it to you, Mrs. Brecker.”

“Oh? And why is that, Marshal Cooper?”

“When I saw you ride out of the prison town, I didn’t give you a snowball’s chance in hell of making it.” He clinked his cup against hers.

“To be honest, Marshal, neither did I. I was so afraid—afraid to go and yet I couldn’t stay.”

“You hid your fear well. There’s more to you than meets the eye.”

“Well, I’m sure—” she looked out at the empty ridge “—that if you weren’t with me, I wouldn’t have made it this far. They would already have made a move against me, and I’d probably be dead. Besides, we’re not there yet.”

“If they’re going to try anything, it’ll have to be today.” He gulped down his coffee and reached for the pot, then yelped as he burned his hand.

“Are you all right?” Naomi slipped over beside him and grabbed his hand. “Did you burn yourself? Are you all right?”

His face hovered a mere few inches above hers. Blue eyes darkening, he leaned toward her. He was going to kiss her—and she wanted him to. Her lips seemed to part of their own volition. Even as her lips met his, warning bells rang in her head.
But the moment his mouth touched hers, she no longer heard them.

At first, his lips were soft…tentative…gently brushing hers, as if asking permission. She looped her arms around his neck. He pulled her into his arms and deepened his kiss, his tongue probing for entry into her mouth. As she parted her lips, his tongue met hers in a frenzied mating, exploring the recesses of her mouth, sending exquisite sensations of need and desire tingling through every inch of her body. She pressed against him, entwining her hands in his dark hair. In all their years of marriage, Roy had never made her feel like this.


It came back in a flash. U.S. Marshal Wes Cooper wanted to know where the stolen money was, and since his straight-on approach hadn’t worked, he now sought another way to get what he wanted.

Well, two could play this game.

Even though her brain told her to end this charade, her body told her different. His kiss had excited her, his touch driving her body to a fever pitch. Even now, his hands on her body, soft and caressing, sent her thoughts careening out of control in the wrong direction.

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