The Last Girl (17 page)

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Authors: Kitty Thomas

Tags: #Literary, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: The Last Girl
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She hasn’t left much blood for me, most of it is in the tub, too diluted to drink. I rip into my wrist and pry her mouth open, forcing the blood down her throat. I heal too fast, and I have to re-open the wound multiple times. Minutes pass, and I know this is pointless. I was stupid to release her. She was going to die anyway, so it should have been in my arms. Not like this. Not alone in a tub meant to numb out the experience. It should have been me.

I begin to pull my wrist away, but I freeze, barely breathing. Her throat just moved.

“Yes, pet. Come back. Drink.”

A few moments pass and her mouth latches on, actively drawing the blood out. I stroke her hair as she drinks, my anger gone. I allow her to drink for what seems like forever. I want to make sure she has enough for her change. The more blood she has, the less pain she’ll experience when she crosses over, and the stronger our connection will be.

She’s had all she can drink. She’ll sleep in a limbo while her body changes. I survey the apartment, trying to determine how to handle things. I turn over all the options. I could erase her parents’ memory of her and make it appear to everyone else that she’s moved away, but there is still the matter of the front door and the damage control for any witnesses.

In the end, it’s too much trouble to do anything at all. I take her home, leaving a mystery no one can ever solve because they can’t let their mind conceive of the possible truth. There is no going back for Juliette now, but either way, her family would have lost her, by her hand or my intercession.

I’m not sure why the idea of her family suffering bothers me, perhaps because she’s become an extension of me. Her pain is my pain and I know losing them forever will hurt her.

I keep her in my bed, comfortable until the change completes.

Finally, the day of her rising is here. My emotions have swung between two points while I’ve waited—gratitude she’s here, and anger that she forced my hand and in the process almost left for good.

Her eyes flutter open.

I want to beg forgiveness for losing control at her expense. The unspoken words taste like ashes in my mouth. For the moment we can only ride the drugged-out high of being in each other’s presence, the crisp possibility of eternity stretched before us.

“Welcome to Hell, little one.”

Despite my cruel taunt, a peace drifts over her face and she smiles up at me. She knows she’s won. It doesn’t matter how hard things are or how bad they may be tomorrow or the next day. Looking into my eyes, she knows.

We’re forever.

If you enjoyed The Last Girl, you might also enjoy other titles by Kitty Thomas, but especially: Comfort Food and The Auction.

About the Author

Kitty Thomas writes dark literary erotica. Her stories explore the psychology of ownership. This work is fiction and meant for an adult audience. The author does not endorse or condone any of the behavior carried out by characters in her stories.

Inspiration for Kitty’s work comes from many sources including Story of O, Nine and a Half Weeks, and the work of Claudia D. Christian.


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