The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (21 page)

BOOK: The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set
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“Lord Ryder, are you in there?”

He watched as the horror of exposure dawned on her, trapping her lip between her teeth she held herself still. Pulling her into his arms, Will could feel the thud of her heartbeat against his chest. He had never really felt the need to protect and cherish. He’d been too self-absorbed to understand the meaning behind the words, yet at that moment they became utterly clear to him and he knew he would do whatever it took to keep her safe.

“He’s gone, Livvy.”

He reluctantly released her as she pushed against his chest and then quickly moved to fix her clothing. The fire still burning inside him urged him to stop her, but knew that would be a mistake. The moment had passed and she would not yield to his touch again tonight.

“What’s between us has only just begun, Livvy. Tell me you understand that.”

“Yes, I understand, Will.”

Did she really or was she just saying what he needed to hear before running back to her room.

“We will talk soon, Livvy, when we have more time.” He stopped her movements by trapping her hands and then he kissed her again, just a brief brush of his lips, but the contact was enough to reassure him she felt everything he did.

“Come, we must get you back to your room because Freddy is nothing if not tenacious and he will keep searching for me until he finds me. Therefore, I will check the hallway and then when it’s clear, I’ll signal you.”

“Thank you.”

He cupped her cheeks and simply looked at her for several seconds.

“Remember my words, Livvy. We have only just begun to explore what lies between us.”

“Yes, Will.”

He buttoned his shirt and then opened the door and slipped out to check if it was clear for her to leave. Seconds later he watched as she hurried towards her room, stopping with one hand on the door to give him a final look before slipping inside. Closing his door, Will went to his bed. Sitting on the edge, he willed the fire inside him to cool. His head was still full of the taste and smell of Olivia and he knew that had Freddy not interrupted them, he would have taken her innocence and then she would have been his.

I do not intend to wed.
Why had she said that? Again he wondered what secrets she was hiding.

If Olivia thought he would drop her in London tomorrow without a backward glance, she was mistaken. Something had happened to send her there and he was sure it involved her cousin, so he would be keeping her close until he knew where the threat came from and why.


Will found Olivia and Phoebe already in the breakfast parlor, seated with Mr. and Mrs. Munford, when he entered the following morning. She shot him a quick look and then lowered her eyes.

“Good morning, everyone,” he said, moving around the table to bend and plant a loud kiss on her cheek. “How are you feeling now, darling?”

“Well, thank you, my lord.” She kept her eyes down.

“She had a fretful night,” he added, looking at Mrs. Munford.

“Tsk, poor wee lassie, nothing worse than missing out on your sleep when you really need it.”

Will sat beside Olivia, and began to load his plate with food from the dishes before him.

“I’ll pour your tea, my lord.”

He reached out a hand to stop her.

“I am happy to do this wifely duty for you, my lord, as I know just how you like it,” she added, pouring the vile liquid into his cup. He watched in horror as she added three spoonfuls of sugar and too much milk. Stirring it thoroughly, she then placed it directly in front of him with a sweet smile that did not reach her eyes; she then waited expectantly for him to take a sip.

“My sister remembers every little thing her husband tells her, you know?” Phoebe said chattily across from him. “Why, just the other day we were indulging in one of Olivia’s weaknesses, cinnamon buns, and Lord Ryder told us how a lovely hot cup of tea would complement them superbly.”

The look Phoebe gave him matched her sister’s. He narrowed his eyes but lifted the cup. Trying not to smell the hideous brew, he then took a large gulp and forced himself not to shudder.

“I shall have the maid replenish it, my lord.”

Lowering his hand under the table cloth, Will clamped it onto Olivia’s thigh and squeezed.

“That won’t be necessary, my darling, as we must continue our journey if we are to reach London before nightfall. I have no wish to travel after dark in these conditions.”

Olivia’s mew of disappointment was blatantly insincere, yet Mr. and Mrs. Munford seemed to believe it, their faces wreathed in benevolent smiles. She tried to remove his hand by prying his fingers from her leg but Will simply grabbed it and slipped her fingers through his. He kept them captive for the remainder of the meal and he could never remember a breakfast he had enjoyed more.

They left the inn shortly after their morning repast.

“There is more snow this morning, don’t you think?” Phoebe said, looking at the fields and trees topped with white.

“Yes, but it is safe to travel or I would not have let us,” Will added.

She flashed him a smile that he was sure would drop many men to their knees and returned to looking out the window, so he sat back beside Freddy and looked at Olivia.

She had not yet told him why she was traveling to London or what had happened to make her rush there in haste.

“Are you proposing to stay with your cousin in London, Olivia?”

She had been staring out the window like her sister; however, this pulled her eyes back to him. Dressed in her smart blue coat and matching hat she looked again the proper young lady; however, he knew what lay beneath that prim exterior and that when he licked her beautiful breasts, she was anything but a proper young lady.

“I think not, my lord, as he lives alone and is not aware that we are coming to visit him. Phoebe and I had thought to find a small lodging house.”

He seemed to either want to shake or kiss this woman. Right now it was the latter. The image of Olivia and Phoebe walking around London seeking lodgings close to dark was not a pleasant one and he struggled to subdue the resurgence of his temper.

“Excellent. Mr. Blake and I are staying at the Grillion Hotel. I’m sure they will also have room for you both.”

“We shall see to our own accommodations, my lord. I have been reliably informed that there are many small lodging houses that will suit our needs.”

Will knew how to win this battle and it was not by dictating to Olivia. She was stronger now having looked after her family and not easy to intimidate, so he needed to coerce her into his way of thinking.

“I would be honored if you would allow me to secure rooms for both you and your sister, Olivia. I could not, in all conscience, rest easy if I did not.”

She studied him for several seconds, trying to see what was behind his words yet he kept his face calm.

“I fear Grillion’s Hotel will be fully booked.”

“Not many families will be in London, Olivia. Most are still in their country homes. And as it is close to Christmas, I’m sure there will be plenty of vacancies.”

The line appeared between her brows as she thought about how to get around him.
Not this time, my sweet. This time I’m going to win without a fight
. Will knew one of her concerns was the cost, so he addressed it because he knew her pride would not allow her to do so.

“The price, I believe, is not overly grand is that right, Freddy?” Will looked at Freddy to support his lies. In fact, the Grillion Hotel was very expensive, but Olivia did not need to know that.

“No, indeed,” Freddy rushed to add, realizing at once what Will was about. “Most inexpensive, Miss Langley.”

“Thank you then, my lord, I shall think about your suggestion.”

Will knew by the set of her shoulders that this was something that had been bothering her. The shadows in her eyes when she thought he wasn’t looking told him there was much she held back from him, but he would find out her secrets soon. Reaching beneath the seats of his carriage, Will then pulled out two warm rugs.

“Those hot bricks at your feet will cool soon; perhaps these will also help keep you warm.”

They thanked him and tucked them around their legs. Will had to fight the urge to lift Olivia onto his lap and wrap the blanket around them both.

Freddy gave him a foul look as he usually had one on his knees, but now he would have to behave like a man and brave the cold weather.

“I will share with Olivia, Mr. Blake,” Phoebe said handing her blanket to him. “Then we shall be quite snug for the remainder of our journey.”

Will snorted as Freddy said something complimentary to Phoebe.

“I shall make a man of you yet, Frederick Blake.”

“Wanting to be warm does not mean a man is not ah… well, a man, surely?” Olivia said.

Will wished they were alone in his carriage because he would take that smart mouth beneath his and put it to better use.

“Freddy is soft, Olivia. If he is to survive the rigors of English life once again then he needs to be toughened up, and I am just the man for the job.”

The heated debate that followed flowed from one topic to another and finally, as the carriage rolled into London, he was relieved to see that Livvy had lost some of the tension in her shoulders. Both Olivia and Phoebe had a lively wit and Freddy was always ready with a dry quip or two. Will had laughed and scowled and Olivia had never backed down. With each minute he spent in her company he wanted her more. It was as the carriage began to wind through the London streets that she finally said the words he had been waiting to hear.

“We will only be in London for a few nights, Lord Ryder; therefore, I have decided to take you up on your offer of seeking lodgings at the Grillion Hotel, if it is still acceptable to you?”

She didn’t want to. Will could see that by the way her chin tilted and the clipped tone of her words; however, she knew that to find a place to stay in London, a city that until today she had never entered, would be an unpleasant task for two women alone. He would have to watch her closely now, because whatever reason brought her here would have her leaving the hotel to deal with it and Will would make sure that when she did he would be at her side.

Livvy looked at the dark, dreary skies. She shuddered to think how horrendous their journey to London would have been had Will not forced them to accompany him. She couldn’t see much, just buildings jammed closed to each other and streets lined along the edges with snow that would turn into slush.

“What is that building, Lord Ryder?”

Livvy listened to the deep rumble of Will’s voice as he answered Phoebe. Had she made a mistake accompanying him and Mr. Blake to London? If anyone found out, surely they would be ruined, and yet as none of the Langley sisters had had a season, surely no one would know. Was it wrong for two young women to stay at the Grillion Hotel un-chaperoned? Probably, but again, who would know and how could it be helped? Lord, it was taxing, making these decisions with no one to guide her.

She would send a note to Lord Langley as soon as she had a chance, requesting a meeting with him. Hopefully, he would change his mind about evicting them from their home when Livvy explained her family’s situation in full to him. Her pride was not pleased about throwing herself at his mercy, yet until one of the Langley sisters found a match, they would need his support. She did not want to think of where they would live if he forced them from Willow Hall.

“You’re frowning, Olivia.”

Ignoring Will, Livvy looked first at Phoebe and then Mr. Blake. Both were looking out the windows so she turned back to Will and crossed her eyes as she had often when they were younger. It was a foolish, infantile gesture that made his gray eyes fill with silent laughter and one that made her heart feel lighter if only for a few precious seconds.

Minutes later the carriage pulled to halt.

“Freddy will go in and organize our rooms and we shall remain here in the warmth.”

“Oh, but surely I should assist in some way?” Olivia said, preparing to follow Mr. Blake from the carriage.” A hand snaked out and grabbed a handful of her skirt to stop her reaching the door.

“A young, single woman does not go into a hotel and request a room, Olivia. Freddy will do it and we will enter when he returns.”

“Of course,” Livvy mumbled, realizing how foolish she had been. Twitching her skirts free from his grasp, she then reseated herself and sat silently until Mr. Blake returned.

Thirty minutes later they were out of the carriage and walking up the grand front steps into the brick building where a uniformed man awaited them. He then led them up several flights of carpeted stairs to the floor their room was on. Opening a white door, Will then motioned them inside.

“Oh, my,” Phoebe said, walking into the sitting area. Silk curtains in lemon and silver stripes were closed against the gray sky and a fire blazed in the hearth. Thick carpets muffled their feet as they moved deeper into the room. The walls were lemon, the two chairs the color of the drapes and the rest of the furniture was polished to a high sheen.

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