The Laird's Future Bride (8 page)

Read The Laird's Future Bride Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Scottish, #Time Travel, #Historical Romance, #scottish clans, #jk publishing, #erotic romance, #scottish highlander, #scotland fantasy, #scottish fiction, #scotland romance, #clansmen, #historical 1500s, #historical romance series, #historical paranormal, #historical scotland, #hazel gower, #scotland highland scots, #scotland clans, #scottish erotic romance, #scotland fiction

BOOK: The Laird's Future Bride
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Duncan let go of her and went and stood by the fire. “Nay. Ye dinna say anything. I should nay have ignored ye. I’m nay used to having to talk to a woman. I talk to me men at dinner and catch up on things I have missed.” He walked to her and hugged her close. “I’m sorry, Holly.”

Holly cuddled into his embrace. She felt safe and content for a moment. “No need to be sorry. You don’t have to baby me and talk to me the whole dinner. I know you are the laird. Your mother told me what a busy job you have. She is going to teach me all she knows. I like your mother.”

Duncan rubbed his hand up and down her back. “Ye dinna ken how many times today I thought of giving me duties to someone else and coming to be with ye. I would have too, if it was nay the first rain-free day we’ve had in almost a sennight.” He raised her chin. “I did as much as I could today so I could spend some time with ye on the morrow. Greggor, me second-in-command, is going to take over so I can show ye around.” He leaned down and gave her a feather-light kiss on her lips, lingering as he undid her dress. “How do ye feel?

“Fine. Good.” Even to Holly’s own hearing, her voice sounded husky.

Her dress slipped to the ground, and Duncan gave a deep groan. “I crave ye, Holly. Ye are all I’ve thought about all day. This…” he pulled her almost-naked body to him, “is what has kept me going all day, knowing I would get to see ye like this and do this.”

Duncan lifted her into his arms and she went, eager to have a repeat of last night.

Duncan stretched his body and enjoyed the warmth of the body lying on top of him.

“Mmm, is it time to get up?” Holly mumbled against his chest.

“Aye. It is if ye want me to show ye around the keep. The sun is shining. If we get out now, we can have a wee swim in the loch. The ice has melted, but it will be cold.”

Holly sat up and yawned, her arms reaching up as her body arched, stretching. Duncan zoned in on her breasts as they pushed forward and, unable to resist, he eased up and sucked one pointed nipple into his mouth, while his hands came up to play and tease the other. Holly gasped as his mouth touched her skin, and the gasp turned into a moan. Duncan moved her so she straddled his lap and ground his erection against her. “Ye are addictive.”

“You are insatiable.” Holly’s voice turned him on more as her voice came out in breathless pants. He loved how she responded to his touch and how eager she was to please him. Her hands threaded through his hair holding him to her chest. “You’re turning me into a nymphomaniac.”

He pulled his head back and looked into her lust filled eyes. “What is a nymphomaniac?”

“It’s a person who wants sex all the time. Who craves it. You, Duncan, do this to me. I haven’t even known you for three full days, and as soon as you touch me I’m ready to jump you and rip your clothes off. That’s a big thing considering you’re the only man I’ve ever been with.”

“I’ll be the only man ye’ll be with.” He took possession of her mouth and showed her that she was his and no other could, would, make her feel the way he did. He tore his mouth from hers. “Ye are mine, Holly. I will kill any man who touches what is mine.” He captured her lips and slipped his tongue in to meet hers.

His fingers trailed down her back and cupped her arse before he dipped a finger into her pussy to find her wet and ready for him. Not willing to wait a moment longer, he lined his cock up with her opening and pushed home.

Holly’s nails dug into his shoulders and she moaned into his mouth. He stilled with his dick buried deep inside her and savored the tight warm vise around him. It had never felt like this with a woman. Never been this good. Every time Duncan was with Holly he had to fight not to come like a lad with his first woman.

Duncan stared up at Holly as he held her waist and lifted her. “Ride me.”

Holly’s eyes lit up and a wicked grin graced her face. “I like this position. I get to be in control.” She set a leisurely pace and he let her, enjoying the look of pleasure on her face.

Letting go of her waist, his hands roamed up to the globes that bounced as she rocked up and down on him. He caressed her breasts, loving the way she responded to him. Her pace picked up and her breath came in breathless pants. He could feel the pleasure building from his balls as they drew up, ready to give him what he wanted, paradise.

Duncan wanted to lean Holly over and drive into her, but he knew she wanted to be the one in control. He would give her this one time what she wanted even if it killed him. He gritted his teeth as she slid him out to let the tip of his cock rub her entrance, and teased the tip of his dick, the most sensitive part.

For the first time since he’d been with her, Holly’s lips came down to meet his as her pussy enveloped him. She devoured him, taking everything she could and more. Duncan went willingly to wherever Holly was taking them. Her hands gripped his hair and the painful pleasure of her pulls had Duncan unable to stop sitting up and lifting his hips to speed up his and Holly’s climb to the bliss that was just out of reach.

When Duncan went he would give everything he had. He could feel the need to let go, but he wouldn’t let himself without allowing Holly to have her pleasure. Needing to let go, he tore his mouth from Holly’s and kissed his way down her neck and back up. Holding her hips, he ground himself into her and sucked on her neck just below her ear. Holly let out an ear-piercing cry of passion as the walls of her vagina pulsed and gripped him in a tight unbreakable hold. Releasing her neck, he took her mouth to his and with one last deep thrust into her he came. Wave after wave of ecstasy washed over him, and he pulled Holly down to the bed with him so he could savor the feeling.

“Yep, I’ve become a nymphomaniac,” Holly said in a breathless voice against his chest.

He rubbed his hand up and down her back. “If ye are a nymphomaniac, then so am I.”

Duncan could feel the lift of Holly mouth. “Do you think anyone heard us?”

“Nay, the walls are thick.” Duncan kenned that people would have heard them. Holly’s scream had been very loud and he reckoned that his own had been too. The walls were thick but a sound as loud as that would have travelled. He didn’t want Holly to be embarrassed; his mother had told him at dinner she’d been blushing at the thought of his parents hearing them from across the hall.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For lying.” Holly stroked his chest. “You were very loud.”

He chuckled. “So were ye, Lady Holly.”

She groaned and rolled off him. “Come on, let’s get up before they come in thinking I’ve hurt you.” Holly got off the bed and went to her rectangle luggage. She put on the things she called ‘underwear’ and ‘bra’ then the dress she’d worn when he’d first met her. “If we go while it’s still sunny, I’ll clean myself in the water. Yesterday and today have been the only days since I’ve arrived in Scotland that I’ve seen the sun. I should have come in summer.” She came over to the bed. “Can you do the back up? The worst thing about these period dresses is I need help doing them up.”

Duncan sat up and did the back of the dress. “What do ye mean, period dresses? What do woman wear in yer time?”

“I told you the other night. You saw my tracksuit pants. That is comfortable clothes. A popular item is jeans. They’re a tough fabric and go with almost anything. Shirts aren’t long.” She pointed to her shoulder and mid arm. “We do wear skirts and tops, but our skirts are like your kilts, short, well, a lot wear them a lot shorter than your kilt. Anyway, we shave our legs and wear a lot less clothing.”

“Ha, surely ye jest.”

“No, I’m not. You know the bra and underwear I wear, that is similar to what we swim in at the beach. Actually, I have swimmers in my suitcase.”

Duncan watched as she dashed back to her suitcase. Holly wiggled out of the underwear and put on purple ones with strings on each side. She struggled for a moment before she changed bras and came over to him again. “Do me up again and I’ll show you the swimmers when we get to the loch.”

Eager now to see what she called swimmers, he got out of bed and dressed as quickly as possible. Duncan could feel her heated gaze on him while he dressed. Once dressed, he pulled Holly to him for a lingering kiss. Reluctantly he eased away. “Come now, lass. If we dinna go now, we’ll never leave.” Holding her hand, they walked out of their rooms and down the hall to break their fast.

The dining hall was mostly empty, but as soon as he and Holly sat down a serving girl came to them with a goblet. He offered Holly first sip and she shook her head.

“No, I’m not really a wine drinker. I get drunk really easily.” The serving girl came back with a plate packed full of food. Holly turned to her. “Hello, Alice. Could I please have a glass of milk like I had yesterday?” The girl nodded and rushed off, coming back with another goblet she gave to Holly. “Thank you, Alice.” The girl curtsied and asked if they needed anything else before she left them.

Holly didn’t touch any of the meats. She ate the fruit and the bread.

“Ye dinna like the meat?”

She grimaced. “I’m not really a meat eater.”

“What do ye mean?”

“Well, I don’t eat red meats and I eat very little white meat. I have a feeling though, if I’m stuck in this time without my vitamins, I will have to eat more meat so my iron intake doesn’t suffer.”

Duncan didn’t like how she still referred to here as being stuck. “I think I ken what ye mean. But ye are nay stuck here. This is yer home now.”

Her lips pursed and she didn’t answer. They finished breaking their fast in quiet.

The silence continued between them as they walked out of the keep. Duncan held her hand, guiding her to the loch. The walk took a good twenty minutes at his usual pace but with Holly it took a little longer.

A gasp was the first sound she made as they came upon the loch. “It’s beautiful.”

The loch was surrounded by forest that cleared not far from the water. His castle backed on to the Isle of Skye, but it wasn’t private to swim.

“The water is probably freezing cold but I’m dying to try it.” Holly started taking off her clothes, her eyes never leaving his. “There is nothing I need to worry about that may bite me or attack me in the water is there?”

He shook his head. “Nay. This isn’t the same as the water behind the keep.”

Duncan watched as her dress slid to the ground, and she leaned down and picked it up, putting it over a boulder. He saw what she called swimmers and couldn’t tell the difference between them and the bra and underwear, except this was brighter and all one color, a dark purple. They were also done up with string everywhere.

Holly turned before him. “What do you think of my swimmers? These are what I wear when I go swimming at the beach or a pool.”

Duncan looked her up and down, marveling at how tempting she looked. It made him angry to think other men had seen her in these. All a man would have to do was undo a knot she had at one side, and they would see her treasures. “Ye wore these and other men saw ye?”

“Well, yeah. There are hundreds of people at the beach sometimes, but all the women are wearing similar things.” She grinned at him and backed into the water, shivering at the coldness.

Undoing his clothes, he took off his claymore and laid everything with Holly’s things and stalked toward her as she walked deeper into the cold water. When Holly was in to her shoulders, he gathered her to him and walked further in.

“Only me. No one else gets to see ye in these.” He fingered the part that covered her breasts. “Ye are mine and I dinna want other men seeing what is mine.” He brushed his lips over hers. “I dinna want a riot on me hands.”

Holly rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. “I highly doubt that will happen.” She rested her forehead against his. “You’re very possessive. I’m not an object you can own. I understand in this time I can’t show any clothes of what I wore in my time, that my clothes would be scandalous. I know in this time men think they are in charge.”

“We dinna think it, lass. We are.” He nipped at her lip, and she unwrapped herself from him and swam away with a wicked glint in her eyes.

“I’ll have to show you that women, no matter what time, are the ones in charge, and that men can’t live without us.”

Needing her close, he lunged for her, and she laughed as she swam away.

“Come and get me if you can, Duncan MacLeod.”

Feeling happy and light for the first time in years, he left being a laird behind for a while and chased his wife around the loch.

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