The Lady and Sons (23 page)

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Authors: Paula Deen

BOOK: The Lady and Sons
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H. DEEN was born and raised in Albany, Georgia. She later moved to Savannah, where she and her two sons, Bobby and Jamie, started the Bag Lady catering company. The business took off and evolved into The Lady & Sons Restaurant, which is located in Savannah's historic district and specializes in Southern cooking.


This book was set in Galliard, a typeface designed by Matthew Carter for the Merganthaler Linotype Company in 1978. Galliard is based on the sixteenth-century typefaces of Robert Granjon.

Copyright © 1997, 1998 by Paula H. Deen
Introduction copyright © 1998 by John Berendt

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by
Random House, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group,
a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

This work was privately published in different form in 1997
Favorite Recipes of the Lady & Her Friends.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Deen, Paula H.

The Lady & Sons Savannah country cookbook / Paula H. Deen;
introduction by John Berendt.
p. cm.
Previously published under title: Favorite recipes of the Lady &
Her Friends.
Includes index.
eISBN: 978-0-307-55728-5
1. Cookery, American—Southern style. 2. Cookery—Georgia—
Savannah. 3. Lady & Sons (Restaurant) I. Deen, Paula H.
Favorite recipes of the Lady & Her Friends. II. Title.
TX715.2.S68D44 1998
641.5975—dc21 97-41561

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