The Know (4 page)

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Authors: Martina Cole

BOOK: The Know
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She kept this pearl of wisdom to herself, though, because she knew her son would have other things on his mind, but still it rankled. She gave good service and she knew she did. She had been worried it might stop her from being used again, especially as she knew that Patsy, the head girl in the East Ham parlour, didn’t really like her. That was due to the fact that Joanie had had a thing going with Paulie longer than any of the other girls when poor Patsy had once actually believed that
was going to be Mrs Paulie Martin. More fool her, though that was not what Patsy had wanted to believe. But who was Joanie to piss on her rival’s firework? The truth was, Paulie was already married. Overweight and a pillar of the church, his wife Sylvia was respectability incarnate, and more to the point she was stupid - the perfect foil for his nefarious businesses and strings of other women. Paulie kept her and his two daughters in the manner to which they had become accustomed, and enjoyed keeping the two sides of his life separate. If his wife knew what he really did it would kill her, he believed. Though once or twice over the years Joanie had seen her near the businesses she had never said so to anyone, least of all Paulie. She knew when to keep her trap shut; it was another prerequisite of her job.


Now she lightened her voice as she said: ‘I ended up in the parlour so that was a touch.’


Jon Jon didn’t answer her, but she had expected that. He never spoke directly about her job; it was always roundabout allusions, non-committal comments.


‘How was me little Kira then?’


He smiled.


‘Good as gold, Mum. She always is.’


He watched the lines of strain leave his mother’s face for a second at the thought of her youngest daughter. Jon Jon was having trouble getting out the ironing board. In the cramped space of the kitchen it was a difficult job. Joanie knew he was going to iron Kira’s school clothes. He was good like that.


‘I’ll have a coffee, Mum.’


She could smell the sleep on him still. He was handsome and he was kind; she shut her mind to everything else about him. She had to or she would never sleep another night - or day as the case invariably was with her job.


As he plugged the iron in Joanie said nonchalantly, ‘Oh, by the way, Paulie told me to let you know that there’s work with him if you want it.’


As his mother’s words penetrated, Jon Jon stared at her in disbelief.


‘He what?’


The boy’s voice was high with incredulity.


‘He wants you to work for him.’


Joanie knew what was coming next but she tried anyway. At least if he worked for Paulie she would know where he was and what he was doing.


‘Hear him out, he ain’t so bad . . .’


‘You can tell him bollocks from me!’


Jon Jon’s handsome face was completely devoid of expression as he tried to comprehend what had possessed the woman who had borne him to ask such a stupid thing of him.


‘Don’t talk to me like that! I was only telling you what he asked me to. Anyway, he ain’t such a bad bloke.’


‘No, ’course he ain’t, pimping me mother out for me! Fuck me, Mum, shall I go round and shake his hand then?’


Joanie closed her eyes in distress.


‘Come on, son, I don’t deserve that and you know it.’


Her voice was soft, eyes pained with the insult even if it was true.


‘Think of the wedge, and the perks.’


Jon Jon slammed down the iron.


‘Do I look like a fucking pimp then? Come on, Muvver, answer me!’


Joanie knew she had said the wrong thing and was regretting even mentioning it now.


‘’Course you don’t. I only passed on the message, that’s all.’ She was shouting back at him now.


‘Well, in future, don’t bother.’


‘You could go far with him. He needs someone with a bit of nous . . .’


‘Well, he don’t need me. Whatever you might think, I ain’t no fucking woman-seller.’


‘Piss off out of it, Jon Jon, you could earn a decent poke with—’


He interrupted her, savagely.


‘I know I’m more black than white, Mum, but that doesn’t make me a pimp. Or was me dad one? Is that it? Only no one seems to know anything about him, do they? Especially you.’


He knew he had gone too far and was immediately sorry.


‘Oh, Mum, why do you wind me up like this? You know how I feel about men like Martin.’


Joanie left the kitchen quietly without answering.


Jon Jon carried on ironing Kira’s school clothes but his heart wasn’t in it any more. He was still reeling from the shock of what his mother had said. The fact she’d thought he might even consider the offer burned at him even as he understood her motives.


His mother’s coffee was still side by side with his on the worktop. He took it into her bedroom for her.


‘Here you are, Mum. Have a couple of hours’ kip.’


She smiled at him sadly. She looked old, lost and haggard suddenly.


‘I’m sorry, Jon Jon.’


He ruffled her hair as if she was the child and he was the adult.


‘I know, Mum, I know.’


Both of them were aware he didn’t apologise back.


‘Move, you fat bastard!’


Joseph Thompson watched as his son struggled to make a pot of tea, his enormous bulk making it almost impossible for him in the confines of their kitchen. Tommy was sweating; already it was far too hot for someone of his size. He glanced out of the kitchen window and watched the kids going to school. He felt his father come up behind him and winced.


‘Look at them, little girls dressed like fucking whores. That’s what you’re looking at, isn’t it?’


Tommy was annoyed but kept his voice even as he said, ‘I ain’t looking at them like that and you know it. I just like to watch them chatting and having a nice time, that’s all.’


Joseph sneered at him.


‘’Course you do! Now make the fucking tea, you fat nonce. I have to go to work in a minute. Have you done me sandwiches?’


‘They’re in the fridge.’


No more was said between the two men after that. Ten minutes later his father left the flat without even saying goodbye. Tommy waddled into his bedroom and pulled a box from under his bed with difficulty. Opening it, he smiled.


It was full of Barbies. Some were dressed, nearly all were missing their heads. Underneath them was a dazzling array of costumes and miniature items, everything Barbie needed to be the perfect girl about town, from shocking pink mini-dresses to perfect little handbags and boots. But these were wet, he discovered, and from the sudden stench of urine knew exactly what had happened to them. It wasn’t the first time and he knew it wouldn’t be the last.


Stifling a sob, Tommy set about putting the dolls back together again, setting the clothes to one side to be washed. Sweat was already pouring from his brow. Tommy wiped it away with one meaty fist to mingle with his tears.


As he replaced the heads he mumbled ‘Bastard!’ over and over again.


Kira and Bethany sat in the lobby of the flats and giggled. They were playing the hop and enjoying every second of it.


Unlike Bethany, this was Kira’s first time and for her it was an exciting novelty. Bethany just wanted to sit, chill and smoke.


‘I know, let’s go up the library!’ Kira suggested.


Her friend shook her head in disbelief and said sarcastically, ‘Are you sure? Two school kids in the library on a school day?’


Kira saw the logic of this statement and giggled again.


‘I never thought of that.’


As they sat there they could hear a radio playing the top ten. They swayed together and joked, both safe in the knowledge that none of the adults roundabouts would dare to grass them up to their respective mothers. It would be too much aggravation for them.


‘Let’s go over the park.’


Bethany shook her head and lit another Consulate, pulling the minty taste deep into her lungs and practising trying to make smoke rings.


‘Wanna puff?’


Kira shook her head.


‘No, ta, I hate smoking.’


Just then a door opened and Little Tommy’s head poked out.


‘What are you two doing?’


Bethany as usual was the one to answer.


‘What’s it look like?’


Tommy looked her over, it was not an attractive sight, but smiling brightly said, ‘Want a cup of tea?’


The two girls looked at each other and grinned.


‘Yes, please.’


Giggling together over this grown-up invitation, they walked into his flat.


Paulie saw Jon Jon’s distinctive dreads and bibbed him as he drove past. Jon Jon ignored him and carried on walking to his friend’s. He had a pocketful of Es and was looking forward to unloading them. Since the first craze for them in the nineties the price had been drastically reduced. Four or five years ago he could get good money knocking a few out at twenty-five quid apiece; now he was lucky to get five hundred quid for a thousand.


Still, he was earning from it and that was the main thing.


He also had another item on his agenda and was going to get that out of the way before he got down to business.


He opened the door of his friend Carty’s squat and called out loudly, ‘Only me.’


‘Through here, mate.’


Carty was in the kitchen cooking up batches of crack. The smell was awful but that was mainly due to the overflowing bin and the blocked sink.


Carty was already off his face and this alone annoyed Jon Jon. He could understand people taking serotonin-based drugs like Es, but not crack with its dopamine-induced high followed by deep depression. It was such a selfish drug. At least Es or grass made you empathise with people, enjoy their company more. Want to be in the world of happiness, not the hell of loneliness which was how crack seemed to affect people.


In the past Jon Jon and Carty would snort a bit of coke at weekends and have long meaningless conversations that made perfect sense at the time but were in fact just the ramblings of two mates out of their nuts. But since he had started freebasing the drug Carty had changed. When they had just snorted it he had been a laugh, a
even. Now his whole life revolved around rocks and that was what Jon Jon wanted to talk to him about today.


‘Bit early even for you, ain’t it?’


Carty sighed.


‘Fuck off, Jon Jon. Get off me case, will you?’


He was annoyed.


‘You’re me mate, but have you had a fucking good look at yourself lately? You look like a cunt and you are acting like one.’


Carty ignored him; instead he measured out the baking powder carefully, holding his breath in anticipation of what was to come. His crack pipe was lying idle on the worktop and Jon Jon felt it. It was still warm so he knew his friend was already on his way to nowhere for the day.


‘You got the Es?’


‘’Course I have. Who wants them anyway?’


‘Marky Morgan. He left five hundred in the freezer. Wants you to drop them round his place.’


‘He don’t fucking want much, does he? Get him on the blower and tell him to get here or I leave with the wedge
the drugs.’ Jon Jon pulled open a beer and drank deeply before saying, ‘Fucking cheek of him, eh?’


But Carty was already away in his own world again and Jon Jon watched his friend sadly. He looked around the dirty kitchen. It was full of crack paraphernalia and this annoyed him more. He knew he might get a capture for his dealing, and if he did would take it on the chin, but he would be ashamed to be associated with crack. To him it wasn’t a recreational high, it was a death sentence. He wouldn’t sell that shit even to the crack heads who deserved all they fucking got. You had to have standards and he felt his were high considering that his main job was dealing.


Taking a new bottle of beer from the fridge, he called Carty’s name. As the other boy turned around Jon Jon crashed the bottle into his cheek. Carty collapsed under the blow, and when he hit the floor Jon Jon kicked him until he stopped moving. Then he systematically searched the flat and took every bit of money from the place along with some jewellery and class-A drugs. He pocketed the lot, but left the crack where it was. Carty would need a rock more than ever when he finally came to. Jon Jon had made his point though: the friendship was over.


‘He’s had more than enough warnings so fuck him.’


Calling a cab, Jon Jon whistled silently through his teeth as his mobile rang again and again. He guessed it was Marky wanting his Es. Well, he could get off his arse and come and collect them. Who the fuck did he think he was?


When the cab turned up Jon Jon walked jauntily from the squat, feeling lighter than he had in ages.


It was time for a spring clean and he had started with his best mate.


The cab driver knew him and without asking drove him back to his mother’s flat in silence. Such was the reputation Jon Jon was earning for himself, and he enjoyed it.


‘Where did you get them from?’


Tommy smiled with pride at the awe in Kira’s voice.

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