The Knight Behind the Pillar (12 page)

Read The Knight Behind the Pillar Online

Authors: John Pateman-Gee

Tags: #Historical, #Adventure, #Action

BOOK: The Knight Behind the Pillar
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“Clegis!”  I responded loudly, alerting Arthur to the fact I knew him and that we had no choice to stop for the man pushing through others to seek us out.

“My boy, my boy, was you late again?” He called over, but when he then reached us and took a moment to take a better inspect and scrutinise what stood before him added with humour.  “My word you are in a state, even for you, whatever happened?”

I was quick to answer.  “Horse riding practice.”

Meanwhile Arthur was desperately trying to avoid being noticed behind me, but I could not work out why as no one would know who he was.

Clegis laughed, “You,” And he laughed on.  It was never a quiet laugh; it was a roar that came from deep inside.  Clearly with the aid of drink today, but then this was never unusual, “When will you learn boy, when will ya.  Would think that Bedivere would of known better by now.” 

I smiled politely and a little awkwardly hiding my grimace.  Arthur was now more aware than ever how useless I was with horses and I cursed my own stupid lie that I had not completely thought it out. 

“You would think, but it’s been a long day we had better get….” I said in an attempt to move on, but failed.

“And who is this?” Clegis asked ignoring me and noticing Arthur behind me.

It was clear wine and beer had been flowing freely given Clegis’s unsteady arm now seeking support from my shoulder while he looked pass me.  His weight, as he was not a small man, on my shoulder was unwanted as my body had had enough for today.  Clegis focused on Arthur who half smiled meekly. 

I twisted around to regain Clegis’ attention.  “He’s Art, a squire from, hmm, Northumberland.” I lied with a cough and urge to escape the unseen intoxicating fog escaping Clegis’ wide mouth that seem to me to physically crawl across my face. 

Clegis’s arms threw out widely, “Welcome, welcome my boy.” He greeted.  I thought I was free, but Clegis slapped me on the shoulder again that almost knocked me out cold from the spike of pain that followed it.  Clegis did not pay any attention to my agony and was studying Arthur thoughtfully.  “Northbumbleland is it, ah, isn’t that where Tor here came from as well?”

I rolled my eyes, Clegis memory was better than I realised and I was being stupid to not to think of better deception.  I did entertain the idea that perhaps Clegus thoughts were far clearer when had too much to drink! 

Arthur nodded a wary acknowledgement taken back by this excited seemingly mad man, but said nothing and just looked around nervously.

“Better get back.” I attempted again and at the same time stepped across this time to intercept Clegis’ attention from Arthur.  

“Yes yes, go.  Oh, there is a thing, my boy, bout the loft.” Clegis said and had released me for a second, but then pulled me back closer still.  To Arthur’s relief Clegis walked me away and forgot him for a moment. 

“What about it.” I snapped a little, an overreaction to my aches and pain more than anything I dreaded to hear next from Clegis.   

Clegis smiled, “Now,” His voice lowered, it was either his deal making voice or I have done something wrong voice, “I have taken the liberally, ah, I mean lib-er-ty to earn you some extra… know.  Had some wanting a bed for the night, so I have said yes, but there’s coin for you as well.”

“What, they are sleeping there?”

“It’s not long and there is good er…”  He insisted.

“Compensation?” I offered as Clegis stalled and I realised I had no bed tonight. 

He dismissed me to offer his own words loudly again above the noise of celebration around us, “Good will my boy, good will.”

“Just tonight!” I asked with a sigh and mild acceptance.

Suddenly Clegis turned around to look across to the crowd and he waved.  It appeared as if someone had got Clegis’ attention from across the way, but I was not entirely convinced. 

“Yes be there,” He answered the unseen, before ushering us away, “you better be off then you said.”

He quickly headed off into the dancing.  It was a surprisingly quick, stable and sober escape.

“Just tonight?”  I shouted after him repeating my words, just before Clegis completely disappeared into the burry movement of the mad festival.  While he might be a similar age or older than my father, he was young at heart and would be lost in the festivities now till dawn.

I thought I heard two nights in a drowned reply which dismayed me entirely.  After long day and as much as my hay filled loft didn’t represent a bed it was something to look forward to and much needed now.

“Northbumbleland?”  Asked Arthur in jest, he had stepped over to behind me.  “That makes you Prince of Northbumbleland.”

“Shut up, it’s not funny.  I’ve just lost my bed for the night.” I retorted, but not harshly. 

It was bad news for me, but somehow against everything else after a pause it made us both laugh and with slightly improved spirits we headed to the fortress gates.

The fort itself seemed deserted, especially compared to how busy I had got use to it being in recent days.   In a way this was a relief as the revelry in the town appeared to have pulled people away from the fort’s protective walls no matter if commoner or servant.  It was almost again the normal uninteresting uneventful place I had known for years.  We slowly wandered towards the main tower, noting only a few remaining servants and the odd guard who paid us little attention.  Neither of us wanted to decide what to do or where to go next.  My body could only hope it was not far as I continued to ignore my own tire and aching limps. 

Its wish was granted as a voice yelled across the courtyard calling “Arthur!” 

The owner was not familiar to me and I feared it was one of the nobles from this morning, but instead it was Arthur’s turn to see a familiar face.  His reaction was clear, his face lit up with a mix of surprise and delight and the sombre person I had been walking with for the last ten minutes was forgotten. 

“Kay!” Arthur answered calling back with enthusiasm as he spun around to find the voice’s owner.

In a flash Arthur was racing across the courtyard towards a tall slender figure who had just dismounted from his horse.  His horse had blue cloth decoration draped across its saddle and around its neck, but also ripped in places.  The colour matched the knight’s own long flowing tabard.  Of course only a few days ago he was at the tournament I remembered, but surely he must have had a chance to change his horse or his own clothes since?  Underneath he worn a chain mail over his brown tunic and the gauntlets covering his hands he was now pulling off as Arthur ran to him.  One hand now free of a gauntlet he pulled off his plain helmet and revealed a stern face that was thin and very tired.  He looked around with clear trepidation.  A fine specifically trimmed dark brown moustache, matched the shade of his jaw length hair and dark eyes.  He looked in no way like the fair haired Arthur and I wondered how anyone could have believed them to be related.  I regretted this thought at once, had I not known the truth I doubted it would have occurred to me that they were not blood relatives.  They were at least the same height I saw as I searched for common traits against my guilt, but suspected this small fact would be of little comfort.

I stood back a moment and watched, wondering what Arthur was going to say and unsure if I was close enough to hear.  I was not needed now.  My job was to stand hold the horse and wait.  This was harder than it sounded when you all of your being consisted of countless bruises and wanted just to lie down before it collapsed.  It was then I decided to admit it to myself, I did know why I wanted to help Arthur it was a moment of awakening despite how tired and how punished my body felt. 

When my brother Aglovale left suddenly all eyes were on me to be the heir.  My father swiftly discovered that I existed when before I just one of the other sons, one of the other spares.  All at once I was expected to be a leader one day, just as Arthur has now un-expectantly found himself in the same position.  In a way I did as Arthur and ran away from it all and that was my decision.  I had no intention to ever go back.  Despite knowing that I would have hated my father even more than I already did if I had stayed and regardless of knowing I would not now be who I am, I did find myself wanting to be a prince sometimes.  I was still unsure what Arthur was going to do and was he going to run or was escaping to the wood today going to be all the running he needed?  Of course a prince that was now Arthur and the king that Arthur might soon be could not be compared to whom I could have been. 

Remembering home was difficult.  At least there I would have a dry and warm bed that didn’t smell of horses, but even that sounded good right now.  Better drink, a bath!  I could not remember the last time I had a bath instead of jumping in the river to at least attempt the removal of the top surface of grime.  Servants to bring me food and not scrapes you competed with the hounds for.  Fine clothes, money, my favourite hawk, fishing for fun and a treat for that night, dancing I remembered and my mother….  I bite my lip to stop myself, Shut Up Shut Up Shut Up!   I pushed it all away, back to the emptiness inside and locked it shut. 

Instead I shock myself and focused back towards Arthur who had reached his brother and had embraced him in greeting and initial joy of seeing his brother.  Some memories could not be locked away and I would be glad to see my brothers now, any of them.  I would embrace them the same way I watched now.  I had no one when the world changed for me, but that was a long time ago. 

Was there the reason I wanted to help Arthur somewhere in the middle of my thoughts?  I decided yes.  Simply put I wanted to look out for Arthur as his world changed compared to having no one when mine did. 

Yet now I hoped he would at least have his brother with him as well.  Kay appeared to me to be a thinner, younger and less rounded version of his father.  He was older than Arthur by several years and I guessed he was in his early to mid twenties.  As luck would have it, the abnormal quiet of the courtyard allowed me to hear them.  I stood trying not to be noticed or appear as if I were listening¸ but standing in the centre with a horse and nothing else around me would represented a challenge to anyone even the most experienced servants.

“What are you doing here, where’s father?” Kay asked in a deadly serious deep tone of voice. 

He pulled himself away from Arthur having returned the embrace with a quick friendly thump to Arthur’s back.  He was clearly wary and suspicious of his surroundings and hastily returned to looking towards the surrounding walls as if awaiting an ambush. 

“He’s here,” Arthur answered, but quickly to set aside Kay’s questions for his own, “Where have you been?”

Kay countered at once. “Where is he, it’s important.” He asked urgently. 

Kay pulled off the remaining gauntlet, unaware of Arthur’s growing frustration at being ignored that was certainly evident to me. 

              “I don’t know.   I’ve been outside; he’s likely to be in the fort somewhere.” Arthur responded absently. 

His survey of the fort over, Kay purposefully set off towards the main tower and in fact towards me and leaving Arthur behind just standing there.  “Come on, follow me.” He ordered not looking back.

Arthur called after him “Kay, wait!” And in a slightly lower voice to avoid announcing himself to the world and perhaps to believe his own words he added, “They’re making me king, the king of the country, just wait a minute!”

Kay stopped, his shoulders dropping as he let out a meaningful sigh.  Setting aside his mission Arthur’s words had plainly reached him and a different calmer Kay was revealed.  He unhurriedly turned around to look at Arthur.  “I know, was there remember.  Didn’t father tell you where I’ve been?” Kay questioned with a voice that had lost its edge, but not allowing time for Arthur to say anything then answered his own question.  “I guess not, makes sense that he didn’t I suppose.”

A confused frown appeared on Arthur’s face and without doubt I had a matching expression if anyone were interested in looking at me.  I was curious at once at what Kay had to say, enough that for a moment my own suffering was completely forgotten now.     

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