The King's Falcon (Roundheads & Cavaliers Book 3) (52 page)

BOOK: The King's Falcon (Roundheads & Cavaliers Book 3)
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‘Unlikely,’ returned Francis, cheerfully.
‘It must be plain to the meanest intelligence that I’ve neither the wish nor the ability to rival masterpieces like
Le Cid

A hint of colour crept along the Marquis’s cheekbones at the not-quite-veiled insult.
Turning away and with the merest suggestion of a bow, he said, ‘Mademoiselle de Galzain … radiant as ever, I see.
And Madame Fleury.’
A deeper, more correct bow for Pauline.
‘I wished only to congratulate you on your very welcome return to the stage … even in a piece so unworthy of your talents.’

‘Thank you,’ said Pauline, aridly.
‘But I’m sorry you think so poorly of the play.
Perhaps you missed some of the finer points?’

Being called stupid twice in as many minutes made d’Auxerre clench his fists.

‘Or perhaps I simply have a more sophisticated palate,’ he snapped.
And with another brisk nod to the room in general, he stalked out.

Athenais gave a tiny, semi-hysterical giggle and sat down with a bump as relief drained the strength from her knees. She said, ‘He’s gone. Just like that?’

‘Looks like it,’ replied Pauline.

‘Thank God.
I’ve been so worried about what he might do next – and all for nothing, it seems.’

Pauline’s glanced to where Francis was apparently enjoying the clinging arms and openly inviting smiles of his female admirers and wanted to slap him. Returning her attention to Athenais, she said, ‘Get changed – and I’ll find the Colonel. Then, if Francis can tear himself away, we can leave.’

Athenais stood up, a naughty light dancing in her eyes.

‘Why, Pauline!
You sound almost jealous.’

‘Nauseous is what I sound.
The silly widgeons have been drooling over him for the last fifteen minutes.’

‘He doesn’t seem to mind.’

‘Of course he doesn’t.
That’s men for you.’

She stopped as Marie d’Amboise entered the room and paused near Athenais long enough to say carelessly, ‘You’re wanted in Froissart’s office.’

Athenais stared at her in surprise.

‘Monsieur wants me?

En route for the tiring-room, Marie shrugged and continued on her way.

‘I neither know nor care.’

‘How odd.’ Athenais shook out her skirts and, tossing an impish grin at Pauline as she left the room, added, ‘I won’t be long. Meanwhile, if Francis doesn’t get rid of the widgeons, you’d better do it for him.’

No more than five minutes after she had gone, Ashley walked in and, taking in the fact that Francis still had a female hanging on each arm, murmured wickedly, ‘Spoilt for choice, Francis?
Or contemplating decadent pleasures?’

The ladies giggled, then directed blatantly appraising glances in his own direction.

Ignoring them, he walked over to Pauline and said, ‘Is Athenais getting changed?’

‘No – but everything is fine.
The Marquis came, made his bow and left.
No more than that.’

‘I know.
The last I saw of him, he and his pups were passing through the auditorium towards the front door.
So if she’s not changing, where is she?’

‘Froissart wanted to see her.’

His brows rose.
‘He did?

She shrugged.
‘He’s probably got some new bee in his bonnet.
It happens sometimes.’

A faint sense of unease prickled Ashley’s mind.
He said, ‘How long ago was this?’

‘A few minutes.
If you’re worried, they’ll be in his office.’


Ashley spun on his heel, aware that there were two ways to approach that particular room – one of them being from the main entrance. ‘Froissart’s not in his office.
He’s out front, talking to de Bergerac.
Francis – with me!’


Athenais knocked on Froissart’s door, then opened it and took a step inside.
A hand closed round her wrist, jerking her forward – and she found herself facing the Marquis d’Auxerre while, behind her, one of his acolytes turned the key in the lock.

For a second, shock held her immobile.
Her mouth went dry and her brain refused to function.
Smiling coldly, the Marquis strolled towards her saying, ‘Did you think I had forgotten you,
ma petite?
You should have known better.’

Swallowing the bitterness in her throat, she concentrated on keeping her spine straight and her voice steady.

‘Oddly enough, I prefer not to think of you at all.’

He halted no more than two steps away.

‘Now why do I not believe that?’

‘Because you don’t want to?’ she hazarded.

‘Because the women I want don’t refuse me.
And I don’t intend you to be the first.’

Athenais wished she could look away from his face.
With that unpleasant curl still bracketing his mouth, he conducted a lingering appraisal of her body and let his gaze dwell with unconcealed intent on her
She told herself he wouldn’t touch her – wouldn’t do anything with his two friends in the room – and then wasn’t so sure.
Also, after last time, she couldn’t stop her stomach clenching with fright.

Using every skill at her command, she managed a cool smile and said, ‘Forcing me won’t change the fact that I’ve said no, will it?
And I
said no – repeatedly – but never with the intention of insulting you. It’s simply that I … I refuse
such offers.’

Please God, let him understand and back off
, she prayed.
If he finds out about Ashley, there’s no telling what he’ll do.

The Marquis sighed, closed the space between them and gripped her chin with hard, merciless fingers.
He said, ‘So many words. I am weary of them.’
And pulling her against him, he took her mouth in a rough, possessive kiss.

Instinctively, Athenais twisted away but he clamped his other hand on her arm and held her fast, his tongue invading her mouth.

The door-handle rattled and was immediately followed by the deafening thud of a booted foot.
The door flew in, its lock smashed, and the fellow who had been leaning against it was catapulted into the room to collide with Froissart’s desk.

It happened so fast that the Marquis didn’t have time to do more than turn his head.

Ashley stood in the doorway with Francis at his shoulder.

‘Get your hands off her,’ snapped Ashley.
And held out a hand towards Athenais.

Wrenching herself from the Marquis’s suddenly slack hold, she stumbled to his side.
His arm closed round her and he said, ‘Are you all right?
The bastard hasn’t hurt you?’

She shook her head.
There was no time.
How --?’

Francis – take her back to Pauline, would you?
And you two …’ His glance skimmed d’Auxerre’s apparently transfixed friends, ‘Out.’

‘They will stay.’
D’Auxerre was plainly maintaining his
with an effort.
‘These gentlemen don’t take their orders from such as you.’

‘Do they not?’
Ashley turned his head, giving Athenais a little push in the direction of the door.

Taking Athenais’s reluctant hand, Francis said, ‘Sure?’

And again to the mute pair, his expression at complete variance with his butter-soft tone, ‘Don’t make me say it again.’

They didn’t.
With muttered apologies to the Marquis, they followed Francis and Athenais from the room.
The door closed behind them.

Ashley’s smile was openly insulting.

you find them?
Since they’re so indistinguishable from each other, one is tempted to wonder if you don’t have them specially bred.
One also wonders what possible uses you have for them.’

The inference was plain and the Marquis flushed.

‘Mind your mouth. You killed Henri and Jean-Claude.’

‘One of them, certainly.’

‘I can have you charged with murder.’

‘Not unless you want to explain why you sent them to kill me.
And before you put that string-and-clapper arrangement that serves you for a brain to work – allow me to inform you that I have a witness to the attack.’


‘Does it matter?’

D’Auxerre drew a steadying breath and decided to attack the core issue.

‘You will get in my way once too often.’

‘I’ll get in your way as often as is necessary,’ retorted Ashley, strolling to within two feet of the Marquis. ‘Tell me something. Just how arrogant or thick-skinned or downright stupid
The lady does not want you.
Which bit of that can’t you understand?
Because I’m not sure how much more simply I can put it.
She doesn’t want you.
She is not available … and she never will be. And finally, if you ever touch her again, I won’t be wasting my breath on conversation.’

There was a short, airless silence and then the Marquis said, ‘You’ve had her.’

‘What a banal mind you have.’ Revulsion coiled in Ashley’s stomach but he kept his expression unreadable and his voice perfectly level as he continued to press his attack.
‘But I imagine the possibility hurts. The thought that I, with my shabby coat and empty pockets, might have succeeded where you, despite your title and money, have failed.’ He paused to let his words sink home.
Then, ‘I believe I just threatened you.
Didn’t you notice?’

‘I noticed.
You can’t touch me.
I, on the other hand, can brush you from my path at any time I choose.’

Ashley’s laugh was like splinters of ice.

‘You think so?
It didn’t work out so well for you the last time, did it?
Of course, if you were a man, you’d come for me yourself instead of sending your pets.
Then again, if you were any kind of gentleman, you wouldn’t be forcing yourself on an unwilling woman. But perhaps you don’t mind looking ridiculous?’

‘You’ve had her,’ said d’Auxerre again, his voice thick with temper.
‘If you hadn’t, you’d think twice about making an enemy of me.
It is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made.’

The biggest mistake I ever made was not putting your head through the wall the day I first caught you half-way to raping a frightened girl.’
He fixed the other man with an expression soul-hacking contempt.
‘You just don’t learn, do you?’

‘From you?
I’ve learned enough.
You’re a bag of wind. You daren’t do more than puff words at me for fear of reprisals.
As for your little whore, I’ll --’

Without waiting to hear the rest and thankful that the moment had finally come, Ashley moved.
He slammed his fist into the fellow’s jaw hard enough to loosen a couple of teeth and knock him to the ground but not quite hard enough to render him unconscious.
Then, standing over the Marquis with a look in his eye that spoke of terrible temptation to put a boot in his groin, he said, ‘You were saying?’

D’Auxerre struggled to his knees and spat blood.

‘You’ll die for that.’

‘I doubt it.
Get up, why don’t you?
Get up and try hitting me back.’ He waited for a moment and then, in a tone as insulting as he could make it, added, ‘But you won’t do that, will you? You won’t even issue your challenge because you haven’t the nerve to face up to a man.
The only thing you’re good at is hurting girls. You’re just a stinking, pusillanimous coward.’
Another pause.
Then, ‘Stay away from Athenais. If you touch her again, I
kill you.
And enjoy doing it.’


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