The King and I: Celestial Soul-Mates, Book 1 (7 page)

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The three of them moved together, undulating, thrusting, moaning, crying out in pleasure. Her orgasm started in her groin and rose through her body like a geyser. She spasmed and shook, screaming in primitive, unadulterated pleasure.

She stayed pressed between them for long moments, enjoying the heat, the hardness of their bodies, the exquisite feeling of being fully sated. Finally, Tai slid off the top of her and drew her into his arms. Zander curled into her body from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist.

She drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Eleven

Aria awoke still cradled between her two hot, incredible men.

She rolled onto her back and took a long cock in each hand and stroked, wondering who would reach full length first. She sat up to lick and fondle first one, then the other. Two pairs of silver eyes watched her intently, glazing slightly as she stroked them to full erection. Drawing one into her mouth and urging the owner onto his knees, she positioned him beside her pillow as she lay back, continuing to suck on his penis with all she had. She spread her legs wide, inviting the other cock into her warmth. The owner obliged her by sliding inside.

He thrust as she sucked. She stroked as he twirled. She moaned, muffled by the hard flesh in her mouth, as he grunted. Warmth spurt inside her mouth and she swallowed, sucking him dry, then she fell back on the bed as waves of bliss flooded through her, mind-numbing in its intensity. He thrust and thrust as she screamed in wonderful agony, then burst into a world of pure sensation. She felt everything at once, as though she were the universe. Every cell of her body seemed activated, and connected to every other cell in the universe. Bliss. Total knowing. Complete understanding. Which slowly faded.

She felt greedy now. Impossibly, both cocks still stood erect. She opened her legs and one of them—Zander—obliged her by sliding into her, deep and hard. He pulled her against his body, then drew her to a vertical position as he shifted to his knees. She wrapped her legs around his waist.

She felt a cock nudge at her backside. Tai’s. Oh, God, she wanted to feel it plunge into her, to fill her anal passage at the same time as the other cock filled her vagina. But as she felt his enormous erection push against her, she panicked. “No, it’s too big. I’ll never be able to—”

“What about this, love?” Tai asked.

She felt something the size and feel of a well lubricated finger push between her cheeks. “Yes.” She sighed as the finger—larger than a finger, actually—nuzzled her small opening. “Oh, yes,” she sighed as it pushed into her a little.

She arched her bottom toward him. Whatever it was Tai was using slid deeper into her.

“Aria, one thing you don’t know about me yet,” Tai said, “is that I can control the size of my penis. We both can.”

She glanced at Zander, who’d been waiting patiently, his cock happily filling her vagina.

“It’s true,” Zander said. “We can make our male members change in size at will.”

“That sounds like every man’s dream,” she said, flabbergasted, wondering why Tai chose to tell her this now.

“Every woman’s too,” Zander said as his penis expanded slightly within her, taking her breath away. It decreased in size just before it stretched her to a painful level.

“It’s my penis I’m sliding inside you,” Tai clarified. He nuzzled her ear and murmured, “Is that okay?”

Her anal muscles twitched around him. She wanted him deeper.

“Yes.” As he eased in farther, she groaned. “Oh, God, yes.”

He started to move in and out.

Zander followed suit, his huge, hard penis caressing her vaginal walls.

The two cocks sliding in and out of her seemed to stroke each other through her flesh. The exciting sensation thrilled her.

“Oh, Tai, make it bigger.” Instantly, she felt it expand inside her—not to full size—just enough to make her gasp in appreciation. She felt so completely full. He kissed the back of her neck. Both cocks slid up and down, stroking her. She gasped for air, adrenaline shooting through her.

“More, Tai. Give me more.”

He expanded wider and longer, an incredible, erotic feeling.

“I’m going to—” She sucked in a breath. “Oh, God, I’m going to come.”

The men picked up the pace and she groaned as their arms tightened around her. Their rigid spears slid the length of her and, at once, both pulsed in width, their cocks stretching then releasing her tightly stretched sheaths. She shot over the edge, screaming in mind-blistering ecstasy.

First Tai, then Zander grunted loudly and Aria felt the most incredible sensation as both men shot liquid life into her at the same time. Hot and wet. All her muscles went lax, but the men held her tightly between their bodies, continuing to thrust into her. Another orgasm pulsed through her.

Finally, they all slumped. Zander took her lips in a passionate kiss while Tai wrapped his hands around her breasts and nuzzled her neck. She fell back against Tai, still kissing Zander. Tai kissed behind her temple, then nuzzled her ear, his head resting on her right shoulder. Zander released her lips and rested his head on her left shoulder.

She must have died and gone to heaven. Terrified she’d wake up from a dream, she clung to both of them, each of her arms wrapped around one of their arms.

Finally, they eased her back to the pillows and cradled her between their bodies. She fell asleep immediately.

Chapter Twelve

“Aria. We need to talk.”

Aria woke up to see Tai staring down at her. Or was it Zander? Or had Zander only existed in a steamy dream? “Tai?”

“Zander,” he corrected. “Tai is in the shower. I need to talk to you before he comes back.”

She nodded, then pulled the sheet around her and sat up. “The link I feel with you is stronger than I feel with Tai,” she said, her voice laced with guilt. “Even so,” she rushed on to say, “I won’t leave him.” Her gaze locked with Zander’s. “Please don’t make me,” she implored. “You said yourself that it was good that he spoke up for himself and—”

He covered her lips with his finger, stilling her words.

“I don’t intend to make you.” He stroked her cheek with his index finger, arousing every nerve-ending along the way. “You’re wrong that you feel the link stronger with me.”

She stared at him, dumbfounded, unable to believe he was denying their link. Her heart clenched. It was one thing for her to decide to stay with Tai. It was quite another for her true soul-mate to deny her effect on him. How could he so casually shrug off what they had?

Yet another person who didn’t feel she was worth fighting for.

“How can you say that?” she demanded. “You felt it too. I know you did.”

His hands slid over her shoulders. Gentle. Reassuring. “Yes, I did.”

As she stared into his soft gray eyes, she felt the pain of rejection slip away. That insecurity didn’t suit her anymore. It was an old habit she decided to drop, right here, right now. Tai had fought for her. He’d loved her enough to endanger his relationship with his brother. And his king.

The king who sat before her right now. The king who’d made love to her not long ago.

She pulled the sheet tighter around herself. “So you will let Tai and me get married.”

“Yes, if you still want to after I explain.”

“What’s going on?”

Aria froze as she heard Tai’s voice.

Tai walked toward the bed, a white towel loosely wrapped around his waist.

is an amazing woman, Tai.” Zander locked gazes with her, his silver-gray pupils holding her attention with hypnotic force.

Tai rubbed his hair briskly with a towel. “Don’t I know it.”

“She gave up being queen for you.”

“She never did like the idea of pairing up with you.”

“Maybe not before…”

Tai froze, then slowly lowered the towel from his head. “What do you mean by that?” Tai’s words came out slow and tight.

Aria glanced from one to the other. What was Zander trying to do?

“When Aria and I first kissed, she felt a stronger link than she had with you.”

Tai’s eyes narrowed. “Are you saying—?”

“No, I’m not saying I’m taking your woman. But I need to tell you that you are not her

Aria felt a part of her die inside. How could he hurt his brother like that?

Tai’s hands slashed sideways. “No way, Zander. You aren’t going to convince me of that. If this is another test—”

“Not a test. She isn’t my
, either.”

“What the
are you saying?”

“I’m trying to tell you that she is

“Ours?” Tai looked a little stunned, then slowly a smile spread across his lips.

“Wait a minute, guys. Are you saying I’m supposed to marry both of you?”

“Do you have a problem with that, Aria?” Tai asked.

She remembered their two cocks thrusting into her, and the orgasm to end all orgasms.

“Uh, I don’t know.”

“Aria, kiss Tai,” Zander commanded in a soft voice.

She glanced at Zander in surprise. Tai reached for her hand and drew her to her feet. His lips compressed hers and a tingling spiral of heat swirled through her. Intense. Overwhelming. Just like her first kiss with Zander.

She planted her hands flat on his chest and pushed away from him.

“You’re really Zander, aren’t you?” she accused, glaring at the man who’d just kissed her.

She turned her glare on the man sitting on the bed next, but he shook his head.

“No, I’m Zander.” He stood and took her hand, drawing her to him. He meshed his mouth with hers and the same intense heat thrummed through her.

He drew back, leaving her breathless. “You see?”

“Maybe you’d better explain it,” she suggested, her head spinning.

“It’s like we complete a circuit. We are both meant to be with you. The connection you felt with Tai at first was only half what was possible. When you connected with me, the circuit became complete.”

“So my link isn’t stronger to you than Tai.”

“That’s right. Either one of us will make you feel the same, powerful feelings,” Tai answered. He stroked her shoulders. “But, Aria, it will never be as good with one of us as it will be with both.”

“What are you saying?” Her brain seemed incapable of putting the pieces together on her own.

“I’m saying we are a threesome. We are meant to be together. All of us.”

“And, Tai,” Zander added, “you and I are meant to rule together. That’s always been true, but we couldn’t make it a reality until you found your own voice. Aria helped you do that. Now, if you wish, you can both join me on the throne.”

“It’ll be a tight fit, won’t it?” Aria quipped.

The men sandwiched her between them, one pressing against each side of her.

“It can be as
a fit as you’d like,” Tai rumbled in her ear.

She remembered his cock expanding inside her. “Mmm. I like it pretty tight.”

“What do you say, Aria?” Zander whispered in her other ear. “Will you be my queen?”

“And mine?” Tai echoed.

She grasped Zander’s growing cock and slid her hand under Tai’s towel, her fingers wrapping around his erection, too. She drew them back to the bed, then flung away her sheet and stretched out naked on the bed. “I think I could probably be persuaded.”

She might be leaving behind her townhouse, but it was just a building. Home was where these two men were. Because she loved them.

And they loved her. Joy fluttered through her at the thought.

Zander sat beside her and stroked her breast.

“Wait.” Tai dragged his hot gaze from Aria’s puckering nipples, then shifted to Zander. “There is something we haven’t discussed yet. There is someone Aria will not be happy leaving behind, so I think we should be open to adding another to our relationship.”

Aria stared at Tai. What was he talking about?

Zander’s face darkened and he drew away his hand. “She’s involved with another man?”

Tai turned his head, hiding the wink he sent Aria. “His name is Rex. She’s been living with him for years.”

She almost giggled. He was talking about her cat.

“But she is bonded to us.”

“Zander, she made a commitment to Rex, and we should respect that.”

Zander pushed himself to his feet, anger vibrating from his totally naked, yet formidable body. “No. I will not stand for it.”

He pinned her with his gaze, but she calmly stared back. Even with his powerful air of authority, she did not feel intimidated. With the nature of their bond—the way she could sense the depth of his love at all times—she knew her would never use that authority against her.

Tai’s eyebrow arched. “Really? What happened to the two of us ruling equally?”

Zander sucked in a deep breath, then moved to the bed and sat down beside Aria. He took her hand and his gentleness touched her.

“What is it you want, my love? Is this Rex important to you?”

She glanced at Tai, who stood behind Zander with a big grin on his face. He nodded.

What the heck? Zander had put Tai and Aria through hell with his test. He deserved a little good-natured payback. She drew in a deep breath and gazed at him with a serious expression.

“Yes. I really want him here.”

Zander exhaled, then released her hand and stood. He paced across the room. “If it is what you desire, and since Tai is agreed, then so be it. This Rex can come to Sa’oul.”

“And live with us?” Tai pushed.

Zander’s jaw clenched. “Yes, and live with us.” He turned to Aria. “But if he does not want to move here, tell me you will not insist on going back to Earth, because Tai and I—”

“If you’re worried Rex will be intimidated because he’ll be sharing a bed with Aria and two kings, don’t be, my brother. Rex is already here, and I think he’s quite happy with the situation.”

Aria’s gaze darted to Tai. “He is?” Had Tai really brought Rex here? She hopped to her feet. “Where is he?”

Tai opened a door to another room in the suite and returned a moment later with a gray tabby in his arms. Her heart swelled at the sight of her beloved cat, and at the thoughtfulness of Tai’s gesture. Rex murmured as Tai petted him. Obviously, the two of them had bonded.

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