The Keeper (31 page)

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Authors: John Lescroart

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John Lescroart puts Dismas Hardy and his daughter Rebecca in the middle of a murder case where nothing is certain and winning the trial might mean losing everything. Order your copy today!

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In his most personal case to date, Dismas Hardy must defend a close friend against charges that he murdered his daughter's rapist.

The Ophelia Cut



Though the actual writing of this novel was very much a solitary affair, I'm much indebted to those friends and acquaintances who bore with me through the artistic and creative angst that seemed to be a near constant companion as the pages of
The Keeper
piled up. Helping to lighten that load on a regular basis were: my assistant, Anita Boone, Tom Hedtke, Max Byrd, perennial best man Don Matheson, Chief Sommelier and Chevalier of the Brazen Serpent Frank Seidl, the Bistro 33 Friday-night gang, and my golfing instructor, Bob Zaro.

Deserving special mention is my friend and consultant on all things legal, Al Giannini. As in almost all of my other books, Al not only acted as a sounding board for the flow of this story as it developed; he also offered comments and insight on legal issues and law enforcement culture that played a large role in the book's completion. The other main contributor to this book has been my longtime friend and agent, Barney Karpfinger, whose taste and sensitivity as a reader and critic cannot be overstated. Barney played an active supporting role in every aspect of this book, from the original outline to the finished manuscript.

Several people have generously contributed to charitable organizations by purchasing the right to name a character in this book. These people and their respective organizations are: Joe Payson (the Olaf ­Wieghorst Museum, El Cajon, CA); Maria T. Solis-Martinez (the Anaheim Public Library Foundation); Dan Sillin (San Francisco CASA); Mary Patricia Whelan-Miille (Yolo County CASA); Tom Scerbo (Baby Basics/Children's Aid and Family Services); and Lyle P. Wiedeman (Men of Mystery, Writers of the Future).

For some critical medical and pharmaceutical issues, I'd like to thank John Chuck for the introduction to Frank Paloucek, PharmD, DABAT (Diplomate of the American Board of Applied Toxicology), Pharmacy Residency Director, University of Illinois, Chicago.

For everything having to do with social media—my Web page (
), blog, Twitter ­(
), and Facebook—I'm grateful to Dr. Andy Jones and his crack team of computer wizards at Eager Mondays. I truly love to hear from my readers, and I invite one and all to stop by any of the sites and join these lively, interesting, and fun conversations.

My two private editors, Doug Kelly and Peggy Nauts, continue to find and correct mistakes that keep trying to make their way into my books. Thanks to both for their keen eyes and critical intelligence.

I am proud to be published by Atria Books, so thank you very much to my publisher, Judith Curr, and my editor, Peter Borland, for giving me the opportunity to work with one of the best imprints in the world. Thanks also to the efforts of the publicity and marketing departments at Atria, especially the indefatigable David Brown.

Oh, and last but not even a little bit least—my children, Justine and Jack, are great joys in my life, and inform all of my books in ways both great and small. I'm so glad we are sharing this life together.


The Ophelia Cut

The Hunter


Treasure Hunt

A Plague of Secrets


The Suspect

The Hunt Club

The Motive

The Second Chair

The First Law

The Oath

The Hearing

Nothing But the Truth

The Mercy Rule


A Certain Justice

The 13

Hard Evidence

The Vig

Dead Irish

Rasputin's Revenge

Son of Holmes


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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are ­products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or ­persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by The Lescroart Corporation

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Atria Books Subsidiary Rights ­Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Atria Books hardcover edition May 2014

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Jacket art and design by Tony Mauro

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lescroart, John T.

The keeper : a novel / by John Lescroart. — First Atria Books hardcover edition.

pages cm

1. Missing persons—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3562.E78K44 2014



ISBN 978-1-4767-0918-5

ISBN 978-1-4767-0920-8 (ebook)

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