The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet (21 page)

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Authors: Lori Kenyon Farley

BOOK: The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet
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Reset Your Energy
Aim to cut out caffeine. However, if you aren’t willing to let go of your caffeine addiction during the reset, switch to green tea or a low-acid, organic coffee variety. A few days into the program, you may find that your energy is so high that you don’t need that added morning boost. Get ready to transform in the next twenty-one days.

Reset Your Metabolism
You’re eliminating processed foods and consuming more frequent meals to get your metabolism back on track.

Reset Your Taste Buds
Begin each morning by drinking 1 cup of warm water with a big squeeze of fresh lemon. This morning ritual stimulates digestion and promotes alkalinity while bringing your taste buds back into balance to reduce cravings.

Reset Your Digestive System
During these precleanse days, you’re feeding your body plentiful amounts of fiber and chlorophyll-rich greens to get your digestive system moving things through and out more efficiently.

Reset Your Weight

Day 1: Turn to
this page
and follow the meal plan for Two Days Before the Juice Cleanse.

Day 2: Turn to
this page
and follow the meal plan for One Day Before the Juice Cleanse. You’re only three weeks away from a slimmer, leaner you.

Reset Your Beauty
Skin brushing, sauna sessions, or detox baths are all great ways to assist your body to begin cleaning impurities out of your system in order to maximize your benefits from this supercharged reset.

Reset Your Exercise
Before eating anything, upon rising, do forty-five minutes of cardio at your moderate fat-burning pace (zone 2 or 60 to 70 percent of your max heart rate). You can go on a walk or use a piece of gym equipment leisurely to accomplish this.

Days 3, 4, and 5

These are juicing or smoothie days. Get ready for serious liquid nutrition.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
At the end of each day or first thing in the morning before getting out of bed, celebrate your accomplishment of feeding your body great liquid nutrition while giving your digestive system a much-needed break. Acknowledge the strength of your willpower to resist the primal desire to chew.

Reset Your Energy
The liquid portion of your supercharged reset may leave you sleeping better than ever before. Without the constant burden of breaking down food, you’ll experience restful and restorative sleep.

Reset Your Metabolism
Drink a juice or smoothie every few hours throughout the day to keep your metabolism going. Stay on top of drinking your juices/smoothies, even if you’re not feeling hungry. If you skip a juice and end up starving, it becomes a challenge to return to a place of balance.

Reset Your Taste Buds
These three days are like an intensive taste-bud boot camp that will kick your cravings to the curb. You’re fueling your cells with enzymes and nutrients while flushing out any residual
processed foods and chemicals. Upon completing the liquid phase of your supercharged reset, cravings will be a thing of the past.

Reset Your Digestive System
Continue your morning ritual of warm water and lemon. During these three days, you’re flooding your body with a bounty of fruits and vegetables in readily available liquid form, allowing your digestive system a much-enjoyed break and the opportunity to heal from past damage.

Reset Your Weight
Turn to
this page
and follow the meal plans for the three-day juice cleanse. You should be able to ease into these liquid days with little problem after following two days of the precleanse. After three days of liquid nutrition, you’ll eliminate excess water weight, drop a few pounds, and feel motivated to achieve your goal.

Reset Your Beauty
Do a dry skin brush daily plus two sauna sessions or detox baths during these three days. Indulge yourself with one of the natural facials that best fit your needs (see
this page
). Get to bed early and take naps whenever possible during your liquid days. Sleep offers your body the best opportunity to repair cells and recuperate from life’s daily demands.

Reset Your Exercise

Day 3: Before your first juice or smoothie, do forty minutes of cardio at your moderate fat-burning pace (50 to 60 percent of your max heart rate).

Day 4: Do Pilates or yoga for at least forty-five minutes.

Day 5: Before your first juice or smoothie, do forty minutes of cardio at your moderate fat-burning pace (50 to 60 percent of your max heart rate).

Days 6 and 7

Time to add back in solid foods after three fabulous days of all liquid.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
Throw away all negative thoughts. You are doing amazingly well. After these days of plant-based, organic foods, you should experience clarity and energy. Choose to release negative emotions. You can treat this as a mental exercise, or you can write down any negative thoughts that still weigh you down and then shred, burn, or stomp on the paper. Try this for a sense of immediate gratification.

Reset Your Energy
By now, you should be experiencing the vitality-giving benefits of eating high-quality, pure, organic foods. Take note of how your energy has improved from the time you started this reset until today.

Reset Your Metabolism
Feeding your body real food that it understands how to process will keep your metabolism running as it should.

Reset Your Taste Buds
Continue your morning lemon water ritual. You have probably noticed by now that beginning your day with warm water and lemon makes it easier to make healthy choices all day.

Reset Your Digestive System
On these solid food days, post-juicing and smoothie days, you should feel relief from any digestion issues or bloating you had pre-reset. If you still have symptoms, consider the herbal teas we discussed on
this page

Reset Your Weight
Turn to
this page
and follow the meal plans for the first two postcleanse days in
chapter 5
. This will extend the benefits of your liquid cleanse days and continue to flush toxins.

Reset Your Beauty
Continue dry brushing. If at all possible, enjoy a sauna session or detox bath to keep your pores open and clear.

Reset Your Exercise

Day 6: Before your first meal, do forty minutes of cardio at moderate fat-burning pace.

Day 7: Rest day or outside activity with a friend. Go on a walk or a moderate hike or bike ride. Golf or play tennis or beach volleyball.

Day 8

Today you jump right back into a one-day, all-liquid fast. It should be easy now that your system is clean and your cravings are gone. Get ready to glow.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
Yesterday you eliminated your negative thoughts. Now it’s time to deepen your connection to what you wish to bring into your life in order to fill the space you freed.

If you released negative self-talk, replace it with affirmations. If you released attachment to how others judge you, replace it with dedication to treating yourself with kindness. Whatever it was that you let go of, now is the time to invite and welcome in its better counterpart.

Reset Your Energy
Today is an energy-boosting day. This one-day fast comes at the perfect time to recharge. Because you have been eating clean food and your diet has been free from foods that would typically bog down your energy and make transitioning to liquid a challenge, today you’ll notice that you have more energy than your first all-liquid day last week.

Reset Your Metabolism
After juice and smoothies only today, your metabolism will be ready to burn through tomorrow’s meals quickly.

Reset Your Taste Buds
All-liquid days flood your body with nutrients and enzymes that will leave you craving pure and fresh foods on the days that follow.

Reset Your Digestive System
Today is a great example of how embarking upon a single day of abstaining from food can be just the break your digestive system needs to heal and reboot.

Reset Your Weight
Select from any of the juice or smoothie recipes in this book. Aim for six juices per day or four smoothies. If you’re combining both juice and smoothies, we suggest two smoothies and three juices.

Reset Your Beauty
Continue dry brushing today. This evening enjoy a detox bath or sauna session. Because it’s a fasting day, try to get to bed as early as possible or to sneak in a nap. Getting adequate sleep is essential on fasting days in order for your body to reap maximum benefits.

Reset Your Exercise
It’s time to increase your fat-burning cardio (50 to 60 percent of your max heart rate) to fifty minutes per session this week. Remember, we suggest you do this cardio first thing in the morning. If that is not possible for you, make sure you get this session on your calendar for another time during the day.

Days 9 and 10

These are two days of meals before you transition into smoothies and juices and one meal per day. If possible, prepare these meals in advance.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
Revisit the reset your attitude and your mindset practice from day 8. Stay committed to the same practice for days 9 and 10. Repeating your goals over and over brings them closer to reality. If you have ever considered creating a vision board, now is the time to get that started. Think big and begin turning your vision into your reality.

Reset Your Energy
Pay attention to how you feel after meals. Take note of any surges or slumps in your energy and adjust your future
meals accordingly. This is your reset! If there are certain meals that do not make you feel your best, feel free to change them out with another option from the recipes in this book.

Reset Your Metabolism
Remember to continue drinking at least 64 ounces per day of good-quality water to keep your metabolism and systems of elimination working at their peak.

Reset Your Taste Buds
Continue your warm water and lemon ritual. Remember, this morning ritual stimulates digestion and promotes alkalinity while enhancing elimination and decreasing cravings.

Reset Your Digestive System
If you used herbal teas yesterday, hopefully you feel the benefits today. Continue to drink lots of water between your juices in order to keep your cells hydrated and electrolytes balanced.

Reset Your Weight
Enjoy a smoothie or juice for breakfast and choose any of the meals and snacks found in this book for lunch, snack, and dinner.

Reset Your Beauty
Do skin brushing and a natural exfoliating treatment. For extra silky skin, slather coconut oil on your skin for a natural and chemical-free moisturizer.

Reset Your Exercise
Continue with daily fifty-minute-long fat-burning sessions.

Days 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16

During these days, you’ll consume all liquids until dinner. Juicing until dinner allows your body to continue with the removal of toxins and flushing of excess weight, while you still enjoy an evening meal. If you have a work meeting or lunch with a friend, you may switch to having your one meal of the day be lunch instead of dinner. If you do so, replace dinner with a smoothie or juice.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
Challenge yourself to cleanse yourself of excess technology for these four days. Instead of jumping on your phone to check email or status updates while waiting in line at the grocery store, practice being still and mindful of all that is happening around you. This simple modification to your day can increase your energy and sense of well-being. Try it!

Reset Your Energy
Your energy will soar during these days. You’ll notice that you can feel completely satisfied from liquids alone.

Reset Your Metabolism
Each day, you’re essentially embarking upon a fifteen-hour or longer fast. Your fasting hours will be fueled by nature’s best offerings, and your body will take on the task of breaking down your evening meal with ease.

Reset Your Taste Buds
You’ll find that after feeding your body delicious smoothies and juices all day, you’ll crave the healthiest of foods for your dinner.

Reset Your Digestive System
Your digestive system will be operating at its optimal level. The combination of chlorophyll-rich smoothies and juices and a fiber-rich final meal are the ideal recipe for awesome digestive health.

Reset Your Weight

Breakfast: Juice or smoothie

Snack: Juice or smoothie

Lunch: Juice or smoothie

Dinner: Choose any meal from this book

Reset Your Beauty
Continue dry brushing. During these days, use the extra time you freed up by cutting out unneeded technology to enjoy two detox baths or sauna sessions and at least one facial and two body scrubs.

Reset Your Exercise
Time to increase your fat-burning cardio to sixty minutes per day. Remember to listen to your body and to pace yourself accordingly.

Days 17, 18, and 19

You’re five days away from completing this supercharged reset! You have already come so far and your big day is right around the corner. These next three days are your final all-liquid days. By now, you know which your favorite juices and smoothies are. Stick to those for these three days, but make sure you’re getting plenty of greens. You’re also welcome to add a plant-based protein powder (
this page
) to your smoothies if it feels right for you.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
Accept all parts of yourself and your life. If you have beat yourself up for as long as you can remember about your thighs touching or your stomach not being as flat as you would hope, forgive those parts today. Accept and embrace how beautiful, vibrant, and healthy you are.

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