The Joneses (19 page)

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Authors: Shelia M. Goss

BOOK: The Joneses
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“Oh, well.” Looked like I would be going to the craft store by myself.

My eyes caught a glimpse of her diary. I walked to the door. I turned and walked back near the window. I picked up a pen and flipped open the diary. What I was doing was wrong, but in light of Hope's actions I felt justified. I dropped the pen, picked up the diary, and skimmed the pages.

“Oh my God.” The words on the pages jumped out at me.

I glanced out the window again. Hope still hadn't made it back. I took her diary to my room and made a copy of some of the pages.
I heard the front door open. I rushed and placed the diary back on the edge of her table.

I bumped into Hope leaving her room. “What are you doing in my room?” she asked.

“Uh…Uh,” I stuttered. “I thought you were in there. I didn't know you had left.”

Hope held up a bag from a nearby drug store. “I had a headache and we were out of medicine.”

“Since your head's hurting, you don't have to worry about going to the store with me,” I said.

“Good. I'm not feeling it anyway.”

I moved out of Hope's way. She went inside of her room and shut her door. I sighed with relief. I grabbed the copied pages I'd made of her diary and placed them in my purse. I grabbed my keys and left.

I sat in my car and took the time to thoroughly read the pages. I called Lovie. “Where are you?”

“I'm at the funeral home. What's up?”

“Don't go anywhere. I'm on my way over.”

I jetted across town. I skidded into a parking spot at the funeral home.

“Hey, Shannon,” I said, as I entered.

“What's up, girl?” she asked.

I didn't have time to hold a long conversation with her, so I responded, “Nothing much. Just came by to see Lovie for a minute.”

I walked down the hall. My dad's office door was closed, which was fine with me. I went straight to Lovie's office. I shut the door.

He looked up at me and said, “Hi, Sis.”

I pulled out the papers and handed it to him. “I'm only here for you to talk me out of killing him.”

I paced back and forth while Lovie read Hope's diary entry.

“I'll kill him.” Lovie threw the papers on his desk.

I held my stomach. “Every time I think about it, it makes me want to puke.”

“Has he ever tried to touch you?” Lovie asked me.

“No, never.” I tried to control my breathing.

Lovie got up and helped me to a chair. “This man has caused so much pain to our family.”

I looked up at him. “He has to be stopped.”

“You're right about that.”

“Lovie, I didn't mean for you to do anything. We need to talk to Hope, and find out the details from her.”

Lovie picked up the paper and waved it. “This is all I need right here. I don't need to know anything else.”

“Lovie, promise me you won't do anything. Let me talk to Hope, and then we can decide on what to do next.”

Lovie walked around in circles. “Charity, I feel like I'm losing it. Everything is all screwed up. I don't know if I'm coming or going.”

“Lovie, I'm sorry. If I'd known you were dealing with some other stuff, I would have tried to handle this on my own.”

“You did the right thing. I got this. If you can't depend on your older brother, then who can you depend on, right?” His attempt at joking failed.

“Lovie, you're scaring me.”

Lovie sat back down behind his desk. “I'm sorry. I'm going to be okay. This is a lot to digest.”

Someone knocked on Lovie's door. “Come in,” Lovie said.

“Shannon told me you were here.” My dad walked in.

We hadn't seen each other since I discovered his infidelity. I stood up and hugged him. He seemed to hold on to me longer than he normally did. The anger I'd had against him disappeared.

“Dad, sorry I can't stay. I have some errands to run.”

Lovie held up the papers. “You're forgetting this.”

“Thanks.” I grabbed the papers from Lovie and placed them in my purse.

The only person who had the answers I needed lived in the house with me. She couldn't avoid me forever.


atience was never one of my strong points. As soon as I saw Charity's car pull out of the driveway, I went to the bathroom and removed the box I bought out of the bag. I'd lied and told Charity it was medicine, but it wasn't.

I glanced down at the white stick and sighed with relief. “I'm not pregnant. Thank you,” I said out loud, as I looked up toward the heavens.

Charity nor Lovie had to worry about me hooking back up with Tyler. I'd promised God if I wasn't pregnant that I would never be with Tyler again. Temptation kept calling me. Tyler would call and send text messages. The more I ignored him, the more calls and texts he would send.

I sat on the edge of my bed and thought about my life. I thought about the bad decisions I'd made. My life had spiraled out of control. If I could just shake Tyler from my system, I would be okay. I don't know how long I sat on the bed rocking back and forth, but the sound of Charity's voice broke me out of my self-induced trance.

“When did Uncle Jason start molesting you?' Charity blurted out.

She caught me off-guard. “I don't want to talk about it.”

“Either you do, or I'll go find out what I need to know from him.” Charity stood with her arms crossed.

My biggest fear—being exposed—had happened. I couldn't look Charity in the face. “It started when I was eighteen.”

Charity sat down on the bed beside me. “What about before then? Had he touched you in any way before then?”

“No. I promise you, he hadn't.”

Charity embraced me. “Are you still sleeping with him?”

“No, not since Tyler.”

“No wonder you think you're in love with Tyler. Tyler's older. Probably reminds you of Jason. Well, do know this, Lovie knows about this, and he wants to kill Jason for what happened between the two of you.”

The years of shame exited my system in the form of tears. I cried on Charity's shoulder. Charity rocked me.

I stopped crying. “I'm okay. I knew it was wrong, but once it started, I couldn't stop.”

“I don't blame you. It's him. He's been manipulating you.”

“But—” I said.

Charity interrupted me. “No buts. Don't take up for the pervert. He's going to pay for what he's done to you.”

She stormed out of my room.

I crawled up on the bed, pulled my legs up, and held on to my knees. My entire world was changing right before me. My phone rang. It was Lovie. I thought about ignoring his call, but decided it would be best to get the interrogation over with.

“Why didn't you come to me?” Lovie sounded hurt.

“I couldn't. I didn't want anyone to know.”

“So, are you still sleeping with him?” Lovie asked.

“Of course not. Although, he did threaten to expose me to the family if I didn't.”

“Oh, he did, huh? Let me deal with him.” Lovie hung up.

I dialed Lovie's number several times, but all my calls were sent straight to voicemail.

I ran to Charity's room. “Lovie just called, and I think he's going to do something to Uncle Jason.”

“He's not our uncle so stop calling him that,” Charity yelled.

“Lovie won't answer his phone.”

“I just got off the phone with Lovie. He's not going to do anything. He's just pissed. Like I am.” Charity put on a pair of jeans and fastened them.

“Why are you changing clothes? Are you going somewhere?” I asked.

“Yes, I'm going out. Is that okay with you?”

“Give me a minute, and I can go with you.”

“No. I would rather go by myself.” She pulled her hair up in a ponytail.

“Fine.” I pouted and left the room.


“Charity, I want you to stay in the car.” I parked my car behind Jason's.

“I'm going in with you,” she said, ignoring my plea.

Charity could be just as stubborn as our mom. “Fine, come on,” I said as we walked up the walkway to Jason's door.

“Maybe I should do the talking,” Charity suggested.

“You do that. While I size him up,” I responded.

I rang the doorbell.

Jason opened up the door. “I'm surprised to see you two.”

“Are you going to invite us in, or should we talk out here?” I asked.

Jason looked around us. He unlocked the screen door. “Come on. I hope this isn't going to be long.”

Charity walked in first. “It's not going to take long at all.”

Jason kept his distance from me. I don't blame him. Every time he was in my presence, I wanted to hit him. I kept my hands by my side.

Charity paced the floor before taking a seat. I waited for Jason to sit before sitting next to Charity.

The only sound heard was the television. Jason cleared his throat. “I would offer you something to drink, but I know this is not a social call.”

Charity said, “There's something Lovie wanted to talk to you about.”

Charity looked at me. What I was about to reveal would shock Charity, but she insisted on coming with me. “Jason, you're good at trying to blackmail people, so let me get down on your level.”

“Son, you sure you want to go there with me?”

I held my hand up. “Wait. Let me finish, and then you can say what you want to say.”

“I'm listening.”

I looked at Charity. “Do you mind giving us a moment? I promise I'll behave.”

Charity seemed reluctant at first, but stood up. “I do have to use the bathroom, so I'll be right back.”

Since we'd been over Jason's place many times, she didn't have to ask for directions.

I faced Jason. “I need for you to stop harassing my folks.”

Jason faked innocence. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

“You tried to set up my dad with a prostitute. I found the prostitute, and she confirmed it.”

“Can't pay a hoe enough for them to keep their mouth shut.”

“But you can pay them enough to talk.”

“So what? There's so much you really don't know.”

“You can keep it to yourself. Be warned. If you don't stop harassing them, I will be going to the police.”

“You promised me if I returned the money, you wouldn't.”

“That was about the embezzling, but I have something even more damaging.”

“What?” Jason didn't seem too cocky now.

“I'm sure you wouldn't like getting arrested for messing with a minor.”

The color disappeared from his face. “I've never slept with a minor, so go right ahead.”

I pulled out a copy of Hope's diary entry and handed it to him. He read it. “You can't prove anything.”

“Who do you think they will believe? A young naive girl who trusted her uncle, or a con artist?”

He threw the paper at me. “What do you want from me?”

“I told you what I wanted. If I hear from my mom or my dad that you've giving them any type of drama, the police will be the least of your worries.”

“Fine. You got what you want. Satisfied?” He extended his hand out to shake mine.

“I'll pass on the handshake. Just be a man of your word for a change.”

I stood up. “Charity, are you ready?”

Once we were seated in my car, Charity asked, “Why did you really want me to leave?”

“Some things you don't need to know.”

“Look, I'm not Hope. So spill it.”

I was bursting with secrets, but didn't want to burden Charity. She was already harboring the knowledge of Dad's affair. She didn't need to know about our mother's. “It's nothing I can't handle. Just know that Jason will no longer be a thorn in the Joneses' side.”


ix weeks. That's how long I'd been preparing for Royce's big day. The day was finally here. Royce insisted on going to work today. I tried to talk him out of it, but failed.

I'm a control freak. Charity got her organizational skills from me. She'd actually done a good job, but I'm so hands on that I'm sure I got on her nerves during the whole process. I'm hoping when people see how wonderful Royce's party goes, they'll be blowing up her phone with requests.

“Mom, you're in the way,” Charity said, as she walked behind me while I stood in the patio doorway.

“Sorry. Just making sure everything is up to par.”

“It will be. I promise you that.” Charity walked past me and went to supervise the men who were putting up the tents with the tables and chairs.

It was a nice, spring day with no rain in the forecast, so I wanted to have the party outside in our huge backyard. Besides hors d'oeuvres, guests would be served a three-course meal.

Satisfied that Charity had everything under control, I went back inside. “Mrs. Jones, Mr. Jones' tux just arrived. Where should I put it?” Sherrie, one of the ladies Charity hired, asked.

I reached for the garment bag. “I'll take it upstairs with me.”

I needed to get dressed for the party anyway. I went upstairs and showered. An hour later, I stood in front of the floor-length mirror in my bedroom.

“Hi, beautiful.” Royce walked up to me and kissed me on the lips.

I glanced at the clock. “I was beginning to think the birthday boy was going to be late for his own party.”

“Oh, no. And have you kill me? I just turned fifty. I want to see fifty more.” Royce laughed.

I went back to putting on my make-up. “Your tux is in the closet. I've laid out your other clothes on the bed. Your shoes are in the box.”

“What would I do without you?” he said, as he removed his clothes and walked to the master bathroom.

“Let's hope you'll never have to find out,” I responded.

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