The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything (48 page)

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  • Abandonment to Divine Providence
    (de Caussade), 285
  • Addictive behaviors, 65–66
  • Agnostics/atheists, 34–36, 54; author Martin and, 37–38; desire for God and, 63–64; the Examen as “prayer of awareness” for, 101; Ignatian spirituality and, 28; “secular saint,” 35; story of the atheist caught in the flood, 35–36; suffering, question of, 38, 39, 54; totalitarianism and, 45
  • Allen, Woody, 228
  • America,
    278, 280, 286, 288, 348
  • Amos: 3:3, 116
  • Anger, 123–24
  • Aquinas, St. Thomas, 44, 162, 163, 180
  • Aristotle, 140
  • Armchair Mystic
    (Thibodeaux), 113
  • Arrupe, Pedro, S.J., 51, 195, 198, 211–12, 218–19, 274, 300, 364
  • Aschenbrenner, George, S.J., 87–88, 207, 208
  • Asselin, David, S.J., 131
  • Auden, W. H., 73–74
  • Augustine, St., 9, 56, 64, 166, 173
  • Autobiography
    (Ignatius Loyola), 12, 14, 23, 52–53
  • Awake My Soul
    (Cunneen), 144
  • Awe, 71
  • Baltimore Catechism,
  • Bangert, William, S.J., 249, 366, 370–71
  • Barnes, Julian, 67, 83
  • Barry, William A., S.J., 32, 115, 122, 137, 142, 167, 244, 246, 260, 268, 272, 343
  • Bartimaeus, 57–58, 340
  • Beauty, 74
  • Benedict, St., 3
  • Benedictines, 3, 21, 24
  • Berchmans, John, St., 233–34
  • Bergan, Jacqueline Syrup, 170, 344
  • Berrigan, Daniel, S.J., 26
  • Bible: prayer based on
    (lectio divina),
    155–62; scripture as path to God, 117–18.
    See also specific books
  • Birth: A Guide for Prayer
    (Bergan and Schwan), 170, 344
  • Bishop, Jim, 302
  • Bobadilla, Nicolás, S.J., 241
  • Borgia, St. Francis, 191
  • Brackley, Dean, S.J., 183, 203
  • Brideshead Revisited
    (Waugh), 74
  • Broët, Paschase, S.J., 241
  • Buddhism, 10, 163–64, 165–66
  • Burghardt, Walter, S.J., 8, 86, 114, 377
  • Burrows, Ruth, 69, 70
  • Call of the King, 293–94
  • Campion, St. Edmund, 25, 107
  • Campion Renewal Center, Weston,
  • Massachusetts, 106–10, 178, 387
  • Career, 341, 342.
    See also
    Work; Vocation
  • Carmelites, 3, 15
  • Castro, Fidel, 4
  • Catherine of Siena, St., 45
  • Catherine the Great of Russia, 18
  • Celibacy.
  • Centering prayer (Third Method), 162–67
  • Change, 134–39, H2, 170, 261; acting as a leaven agent of change, 355, 360–61; Ignatius Loyola on, 310–11; patience and, 387–88
  • Chariots of Fire
    (film), 351
  • Charism (founding spirit), 3, 21
  • Chastity, 174–75, 176, 213–30; celibacy vs., 216–17; difficulty of, 226; first Jesuits and, 213–14; freedom and detachment and, 220–21, 270, 279; lessons from, 215; love and, 217–30; lust and, 222; married priests, 216–17; popular thinking, 215; religious chastity, 217, 220–27
  • Cistercians, 3, 15
  • Ciszek, Walter, S.J., 25, 30, 31, 280–82, 284, 285, 289, 294, 297, 304, 354, 375
  • Clarity (insight), 75, 130
  • Clarke, Thomas E., S.J., 165
  • Claver, St. Peter, 244–46, 361, 372–73
  • Clement XIV, Pope, 18
  • Cloister Walk, The
    (Norris), 175
  • Cloud of Unknowing, The,
    162, 167
  • Code of Canon Law,
  • Codure, Jean, S.J., 241
  • Colloquy, 167–68, 298
  • Compassion, 31, 94, 129, 159, 227, 228, 234, 254, 258, 273, 289, 298, 339, 360, 368, 386
  • Competition, 260–61
  • Conroy, Maureen, R.S.M., 262
  • Conscience, 166; “account of conscience,” 268; Ignatius on, 202; Peter Favre and, 238; sting of “with remorse,” 327.
    See also
  • Consolmagno, Guy, S.J., 137
  • Constitutions, The,
    16, 21–23, 240; analogous to “rule” of a religious order, 21; on chastity, 213; dismissal from the order, 272–73; length of, 135; love, value of in Jesuit training, 368–69; moderation counseled in, 310; need for health and bodily strength, 187–88, 310, 358; on obedience, 266; on poverty, 186; restrictions on ambitions, 190–91, 260; suggestions about living in, 22–23; superior general, qualities of, 368–69
  • Consumerism, 181–86, 362–63; Brackley’s twelve steps and, 183–85; ladder model of society and, 184
  • Contemplation, Ignatian, 145–55; author Martin’s contemplation of the storm at sea, 152–55; author Martin’s Los Angeles retreat, 298-304; “compose the place,” 145–50; pay attention to God’s voice, 151–52; “sacred events” and, 151
  • Contemplation to Attain Divine Love, 395–96
  • Contemplatives in action, 7–8, 15, 350, 389–97; finding time for God and you, 350; summary of Ignatian spirituality and, 392
  • Contemplatives in Action: The Jesuit Way
    (Barry and Doherty), 268, 272
  • “Corporal works of mercy,” 196
  • Corridan, John, S.J., 26
  • Cozzens, Donald, 216
  • CrazyBusy
    (Hallowell), 358–59
  • Creed, Bill, S.J., 76
  • Cunneen, Sally, 144
  • Curry, Rick, S.J., 266–67, 379–80
  • Daily Office, 111, 169
  • Daley, Brian, S.J., 208
  • Damascene, St. John, 113
  • Davis, Thurston, S.J., 280–81
  • Day, Dorothy, 44, 96, 170
  • Day Christ Died, The
    (Bishop), 302
  • Dead Man Walking
    (Prejean), 117
  • Death: fear of, 67; openness to God, 79–80
  • De Brébeuf, St. Jean, 25
  • De Caussade, Jean-Pierre, S.J., 95, 284, 285
  • Decision making, 1, 27, 305–38; advice in
    The Constitutions,
    22; author Martin’s bad decision, 330–32; “best self” clarification, 324–25; changing paths, 310–11; choosing between desires, 225; commitment and, 311; confirmation as “rightness of our choice,” 320–21, 347; deathbed clarification, 324, 346; detachment and, 9–10; discernment, 48, 62, 305, 326–37; drawbacks of good decisions, 337–38; emotions and, 322; experience and, 337; feeling downcast after, 311–12; First Method, six steps, 319–20, 322–23; First Time (clear and unmistakable choice), 313–15; God’s help in, 305, 308; between “goods,” 311; Ignatian spirituality and, 9–10; Ignatius gets a haircut and, 307–12; Ignatius’s practical techniques, 306–38; indifference and, 306–7, 311, 319, 322, 323, 365; Last Judgment clarification, 324, 346; meditation and, 316–20; no changes during time of desolation, 330–32; “pointer of a balance” image, 307; “pushes” and “pulls,” 329; “reflection-action-reflection,” 322, 365; Second Method (imagination), 317–18, 323–25, 346; Second Time (less clear), 315–18; spiritual consolation and desolation as central to, 308–9, 316, 320; Third Time (no obvious choice), 318–25; the “three times,” 313–25; three ways the “enemy” works, 332–36; of vocation, 343–47; what is “of God” and what is “not of God,” 326–29.
    See also
    Career; Discernment
  • De Guibert, Joseph, S.J., 2–3
  • De Jaer, André, S.J., 22, 188
  • Delp, Alfred, S.J., 290, 374
  • De Mello, Anthony, S.J., 40, 81, 89, 91, 136, 177–78, 384, 388; parable of “The Little Fish,” 102; parable of “The Diamond,” 177–78
  • De Polanco, Juan, S.J., 191, 196
  • De Sales, St. Francis, 258
  • Descartes, René, 135
  • Desire, 57–85; analogy of stream, 344–45; arising in prayer, 133; author Martin and, 59–62, 71–72, 75; clarity and, 75; common longings, 66–69; as communication from God, 61, 67, 75; competing, choosing between, 225; distinguishing between deep and shallow, 343; dreams of the heart, 344, 369–71; exaltation or happiness and, 72–74, 75; experiences of the desire for God, 63–80; feelings of incompletion and, 64–66; finding your vocation and, 339–88; to follow God, 76–77; for friendship, 265; the God who seeks and, 80–81; for holiness, 77–78; holy, 59, 61, 133; Jesus and Bartimaeus and, 57–58; Margaret Silf on, 60, 63; material wants, 58; “Outside-In” or “Inside-Out” approach, 63; praying for what you desire, 343; sexual, 58, 125–26; uncommon longings, 69–72; vocation and, 342–47; vulnerability and, 78–80
  • Detachment, 9–10, 121, 391, 392; from “drive to acquire,” 183; friendship and relationships, 243–46, 253; indifference and decision making, 306–7, 365; love and, 223; second degree of humility and, 207; of St. Ignatius Loyola, 18; in work environment, 360
  • Dineson, Isak, 75
  • Discerning Heart, The
    (Conroy), 262
  • Discernment, 48, 62, 305–38; individual, 268, 269; joke about, 317; Lonsdale on, 309, 316; obedience and, 272; “of spirits,” 189, 278, 326–29, 332–37; rules for, 326–37; spiritual consolation and desolation as central to, 308–9; “the drop of water,” 327–29; your desires and God’s desires for you, 279, 308, 316, 320, 338.
    See also
    Decision making
  • Discernment of Spirits, The
    (Gallagher), 189, 326
  • Disordered affections, 9, 180; defined, 10
  • Dissatisfaction or incompletion, 64–66
  • Doherty, Robert, S.J., 268, 272
  • Donovan, David, S.J., 5–7, 383; on falling in love, 224; God meets you where you are, 81, 143–45; God of Surprises, 49; God’s love for you, 385; God’s use of Ignatius’s pride, 12; on humility, 258; on
    lectio divina,
    155; mother of, and praying the Rosary, 170; on prayer, 96, 114, 115, 140, 146, 151, 181, 328; “shoulding all over yourself,” 329; “you can’t put part of your life in a box,” 6–7, 27, 301, 334, 351
  • Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 230
  • “Downward Mobility” (Brackley), 183, 203
  • Draw Me into Your Friendship
    (Fleming), 207
  • Drinan, Robert, S.J., 273–74
  • Dulles, Avery Cardinal, S.J., 86–87, 234
  • Duty of Delight, The
    (Day), 96, 170
  • Dyckman, Katherine, 58
  • Easterbrook, Gregg, 182
  • Education: early work in, 24; famous people educated by Jesuits, 4, 17, 390; Jesuit colleges and schools, 4
  • Egan, Harvey, S.J., 162, 163
  • Elijah, 133
  • Emotions: arising in prayer, 132, 152, 168, 301–2; clarity and, 75; decision making and, 322; exaltation or happiness, 72–74, 75; fear, nearness of God and, 68–69; feelings about God, 110; gift of tears, 302; hearing God’s voice in prayer and, 130; incompletion and dissatisfaction, 64–69; intense, as communication with God, 53–56, 67; as spiritual experience, 67–68
  • English, John J., S.J., 151, 336
  • Ethics, 359–62
  • Examen, 87–97, 343; for agnostics and atheists, 101; awareness of God in the present and, 356; for busy people, 349–50; closing prayer, 95; Dorothy Day on, 96; to examine your life, 100; final step, asking for grace of God’s help, 95; first step, gratitude, 88–89; in five steps, 97; fourth step, forgiveness, 95; grace and, 96–97; gratitude and, 264, 385; to help you find God in everything, 391; preparation for, 88; second step, “know my sins,” 89–91; seeing God in retrospect, 97–100; as spiritual lifesaver, 349–50; St. Francis Xavier on, 90; third step, a review of your day, 91–95; using, variations for individuals, 95–97
  • Exiles
    (Hansen), 376
  • Exodus: 4:11–12, 118; 20:21, 162; 33:19–20, 98; 34:5, 162
  • Eyes to See, Ears to Hear
    (Lonsdale), 309, 345
  • Failure, 374–77
  • Faith: analogy of garden, 32; not just a question of you and God, 46–47; one pitfall of, 32; Path of Belief and, 30–32; Path of Return and, 36–39
  • “Faith sharing,” 254–58
  • Favre, Peter, S.J., 82, 89, 214, 236, 237, 238–39, 240, 245, 306, 355; as the “Second Jesuit,” 239
  • Fear: of change, 136; of death, 67;
    mysterium tremendum et fascinans,
    69; of nearness to God, 68–69; resistance during prayer and, 161–62
  • Fermor, Patrick Leigh, 345
  • Finding Grace at the Center
    (Pennington, Keating, and Clarke), 165, 166
  • Fink, Peter, S.J., 95
  • First Jesuits, The
    (O’Malley), 20, 24, 186, 213, 239, 250, 270
  • Flaubert, Gustave, 83, 100
  • Flaubert’s Parrot
    (Barnes), 67, 83
  • Fleming, David, S.J., 88, 146, 207, 209, 263, 296, 297, 309, 316, 318, 369
  • Following Christ in a Consumer Society
    (Kavanaugh), 182
  • Forgiveness, 229–30, 259, 312
  • Franciscans, 3, 15, 24
  • Francis of Assisi, St., 3, 17, 44, 45, 186, 196, 217
  • Freedom, 121, 391, 392; admitting your own powerlessness and, 259; chastity and, 220–21, 270; friendship and, 243–46, 261; indifference and, 306; love and, 223, 229; obedience and, 270; simple life and, 203; spiritual poverty and, 211; voluntary poverty and, 270.
    See also
  • Freeing Celibacy
    (Cozzens), 216
  • Free will, 127
  • “Friendship in Jesuit Life” (Shelton), 241, 243
  • Friendship Like No Other, A
    (Barry), 32 137
  • Friendship and relationships, 27, 230, 231–65; barriers to healthy, 246–48; being honest, 122–26; changing and, 134–39; chaste love and, 230; communication and, 252; communication with God and, 243, 254, 331; danger of exclusivity, 262; “faith sharing,” 254–58; forgiveness and, 259; freedom and, 243–46; with God, 115–42; gratitude and, 263–65; healthy, elements of, 259–63; humility and, 258–59; impairing relationships, 248; Jesuits and, 231–34; with Jesus, 108–10; learning, 116–21; listening and, 126–29; maintaining difficult, 248–50; married couples and, 247; openness of heart and, 236; Presupposition, 234–36, 249, 256; silence and, 139; spending time, 116; suffering and poverty, analogy of, 208; union of hearts and minds, 251–54
  • Fülöp-Miller, René, 367
  • Gallagher, Timothy, O.M.V, 189, 326
  • Ganss, George E., S.J., 306–7
  • Garvin, Mary, 58
  • Genovesi, Vincent J., S.J., 216
  • Gilead
    (Robinson), 77–78
  • God, 173; as Almighty Artisan, 383; anger at, 123–24; asking God for help, 103–5, 124; awe and, 71; beauty as passage to, 74; as beyond comprehension (unknowable), 162, 163; clarity as communication from, 75, 130; communication through imagination, 146–50; communication with, 12, 49, 53–56, 67, 83–85, 110, 114, 120, 128–29, 130–34, 145–73, 243, 331 (see
    Prayer); conscience as voice of God, 166; constancy of, 142; decision making and, 306–7, 316–17, 320, 338
    (see also
    Discernment); desire as communication from, 61, 316; desire for, recognizing, 63–80; easier to see in retrospect, 97–100; the examen and finding God, 87–97; experienced in the natural world, 163; faith community and, 49; feminine imagery of, 137–38; finding around you, 351–55; finding by noticing, 86–87; finding and letting God find you, 86–102; finding in all things, 5–7, 27, 50–51, 99–100, 116, 281, 304, 350, 391–92; friendship as communication from, 243, 254; friendship with, 115–42; goal of following, 295; as goal of Ignatian spirituality, 393–97; God of Surprises, 49–50, 61, 138, 153; God the Far-Away One, 43, 49; the God who seeks, 80–81; gratitude, peace, joy, and, 56; as the Great Problem Solver, 37, 38, 39, 103, 137; hearing God’s voice, 127–28, 130–34, 317, 356; Holy Spirit, discernment, and decision making, 309; human connection to, 79–80; as incomprehensible, 9, 286; inner emptiness as the “God-shaped hole,” 65–66; intentional time with, 116; knowing, 9; learning about, 116–21; listening for, 126–29; lives of holy men and women and, 120;
    and, 369–71; nearness of, 392–93; obedience to, 267, 271, 279–85, 304; paths to God, 28; “pocket-size God,” 41; the poor and brokenhearted and, 199–201; relationship with, 81–85, 110, 113, 115–42, 253, 276, 392–94; reliance on, in the working world, 378; Scripture and, 117–18; search for, and simple things, 68; signs of presence and activity, 391; silence and, 139–41; six paths to seeking, 29–44, 138; suffering and, 38, 39, 54, 285–92, 391; as transcendent and incarnational, 8–9; Two Standards meditation and, 188–90; where to look for, 82; willingness to trust in God’s providence, 364; will of, 207, 279–85.
    See also
    God’s love
  • God, I Have Issues
    (Thibodeaux), 126
  • God and You: Prayer as a Personal Relationship
    (Barry), 115
  • God of Surprises
    (Hughes), 136
  • God’s love, 128, 142; chastity and, 222; Contemplation to Attain Divine Love, 395–96; experiencing, 1, 20; God meets you where you are, 81–85, 378–81, 384; “loved sinner,” 76; parable of the Prodigal son, 91; as personal, 385
  • God’s Mechanics
    (Consolmagno), 137
  • God’s Soldiers: Adventure, Politics, Intrigue, and Power—A History of the Jesuits
    (Wright), 4
  • Gonzaga, St. Aloysius (Luigi), 159, 197, 214
  • Gonzalez, Roque, S.J., 370
  • Goupil, René, 296–97
  • Grace, 54, 62, 82, 86, 88, 89, 91, 95, 96–97, 113, 164, 186, 241, 282, 288, 301, 307, 384, 385, 397
  • Gratitude, 20, 55, 66, 70, 76, 88–89, 124, 395; friendship and relationships and, 263–65; Ignatius Loyola on occasions for, 88–89; self-acceptance and, 385
  • Greeley, Andrew, 32–34
  • Guidelines for Mystical Prayer
    (Burrows), 69
  • Guilt, 89–90, 91, 202, 229

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