The Irresistible Bundle (43 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"This is our last night here sis" Diego interjected. God bless this man! "I'd like to do something fun... no clubbing or parties perhaps."

Carina smiled. "I could always beat you at miniature golf again" she teased. Griffin laughed as Diego scowled.

"That was only one time muñeca" Diego huffed. Carina was a sore winner; she never let him live it down.

Carina shrugged. "Then I guess we need a rematch" she taunted.

"Game on" Diego narrowed his eyes. There was no way in hell he was losing in front of this group.

Nicholas visibly deflated. Carina's plans with her brother was her polite way of declining his invitation. He escorted the group out of the estate. He'd neglected his hosting duties but it'd been well worth it. Nicholas slid Carina his business card. "Anytime. For any reason... even just to talk." He whispered in her ear. He leaned down and chastely kissed her on the mouth.

"What the fuck" Griffin moaned. How many men did this girl have at her beck and call? This dude owned a fucking sex club! He could get pussy a dime a dozen. The group watched as Carina took the card he'd given her and nodded. She shuffled into the limo with Marco and Valentino right on her ass. The limo dropped them off at their respective places to change into more appropriate attire for their fun-filled evening.

The girls hustled into their dorm rooms. They changed into jeans, sweaters, and sneakers. "Girl" Desirae sang. "Valentino looked like he wanted to kill Nicholas."

"I know" Carina sighed as she nonchalantly put Nicholas' card away. She didn't know if she'd ever call, even just for coffee, but it was nice to have it. She didn't plan to program his number in her phone; that would be asking for trouble.

Chapter Fifty-Three

The girls jumped into Andrea's car and headed to meet up with the guys. Diego wasn't even gone back to college and Carina already missed her brother. These last few days showed her what it could've been like going to the same college with him. Ivy League fucker - why couldn't he dumb it down and go somewhere that she could be accepted too? Andrea pulled into a parking spot next to Marco's sporty car. They stepped out of the vehicle and walked toward Valentino and Marco who were deep into a conversation.

"I think we should go back to just the three of us" Valentino muttered as he watched a family move from one hole to the next. Seeing Nicholas relentlessly pursue Carina
they'd had sex unhinged him. Although still new, Valentino felt confident about their intimate circle but seeing Nicholas in action in and out of bed with Carina left him ruffled; unnerved. Hell if he had to admit it for the first time in his life he wondered if he should stop being friends with Nicholas. They'd shared women before, just like him and Marco but none had been as important to him as Carina was.

"I think you're overreacting" Marco scoffed. Valentino's usually relaxed face was filled with tension lines. Marco knew Nicholas' attention to Carina had bothered him. "Are you saying you didn't enjoy today's festivities?" Marco nudged Valentino, "If I recall Desirae damn near brought you to your knees again."

Valentino snickered. "Like you can talk asshole; you passed out after she sucked your dick."

Marco sighed. "Damn that girl is talented. No wonder Devon almost pisses himself every time she walks in the club." Valentino laughed at the memory of his bartender acting so unlike his usual cool demeanor at the sight of the little freckled bombshell. "But really" Marco replied, "She's young Valentino. Having her explore with other lovers from time to time is good for her. Emotionally and physically... Do we risk losing her? I think any relationship is at risk with an unhappy or overly curious partner. We can talk to Carina about this but I think we're doing right by the relationship and her by alternating our exclusivity and openness as needed. I have no regrets with Desirae and Andrea. Do you regret Sati?"

"Fuck no" Valentino's head snapped to Marco. "Without Sati we might not have Carina. Even if I'd had her that one night she might not have been willing to attempt this relationship with us if Sati hadn't shown her how beautiful a threesome could be. Seeing the girls at the club today so open and uninhibited was beautiful. I was worried one of them was going to feel dirty or jealous but they all did beautifully."

Marco nodded his head. Today had been a risk. Carina could've reacted the same way Valentino had or worse. Their sexual preferences weren't suited for everyone. Amazingly Carina had walked into their lives and cemented something Marco only allowed ever dreamed about.

"Hello boys" Desirae greeted. The guys smiled as they watched the girls saunter up to them. "Where are the other two?"

Marco motioned to the entrance. The group met up with Diego and Griffin and each grabbed clubs and a golf ball. They argued about teams versus competing as individuals. Then they argued about which order they would go in. Eventually the group came to a consensus and competed for top spot. There was plenty of laughter and teasing through the 18-hole course.

Valentino smiled fondly at the group. His professional life had practically taken over everything. Carina reminded him what it was like to take pleasure in the simple everyday things. He couldn't believe he was dating a college freshman but she was unlike anyone he'd ever met.

"You fucking cheater" Carina screamed as Griffin took off towards the exit. Diego smugly stared at his sister. Desirae howled with laughter as Andrea and Marco looked at the group in confusion. "So if you can't beat me then you resort to cheating" she growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about sis" Diego stated completely unaffected by Carina's anger. "Don't be a sore loser" he taunted. "It looks really ugly on you." Diego walked away as she launched herself at him. He laughed as Valentino held her back.

"Damn roomy I knew you were competitive but this really takes the cake" Desirae stared between the bickering siblings, wary of what they would do next. There was no question that Diego and Griffin had cheated. But Carina's righteous anger was fucking hilarious.

"Let's go home" Valentino stroked Carina's hair. "I'll make it all better."

"I'll feel better if you castrate those cheating bastards" Carina kept her steely glare on the two culprits.

"That's vicious" a wide-eyed Griffin whispered. "Dawg you didn't tell me it was going to get so personal."

Diego waived off his friend. "Valentino will untangle her tightly waded panties and she'll be alright."

Andrea and Desirae's jaws dropped as Marco guffawed with laughter. The sibling rivalry was fucking hilarious. "Let the record show that Diego can't beat me at this." Carina crossed her arms over her ample chest.

Diego waved the little score sheet in the air. "According to this paper you got spanked!" He taunted. "Think I'm going to frame it and hang it in your bedroom back home."

Griffin grabbed his friend as he watched steam come out of Carina's ears. "Dude let's go before she makes good on her threat."

"Bowling" Carina shouted. She looked to the group as they looked at the siblings in dismay.

"I'd love to muñeca but Griffin and I have an early flight tomorrow. We really should be getting back." Diego loved messing with his hot-headed little sister. She was so fun to taunt. But they really did need to pack and rest. They had afternoon classes to attend.

"Agreed" Valentino quickly replied; he didn't want this night to become a Lobos match off. The girls hugged Diego and Griffin and watched them drive away. It was really great having them here. Carina's eyes brimmed with tears knowing that it'd be another few months before she got to spend time with Diego again.

"Let's have coffee and cupcakes at my place" Valentino offered. He hated seeing Carina's grief-stricken face.

The girls agreed and followed the men to Valentino's high rise building. They ascended the elevator in comfortable silence. Valentino looked around the enclosed space. He was grateful that the group's dynamic and chemistry hadn't changed since leaving Nicholas' place. If anything it seemed to provide some closure for the two troublemakers.

Chapter Fifty-Four

Valentino led the way and opened the door to his condo. Everyone walked in and headed to the kitchen. Marco made the coffee while the girls chose their cupcakes. Valentino hummed with pleasure as Carina boasted about his place to Desirae and Andrea.

"That is fucking brilliant" Desirae squealed. She bent over laughing as Marco and Valentino followed her howls into the dining room.

"That is fucked up" Andrea scoffed. "Carina is going to kill him." But she couldn't hold her laughter in any longer either.

"Who am I going to kill and why?" Carina demanded as she pushed Marco and Valentino aside. "That fucking prick" Carina screamed as she rushed to grab the framed photo. Carina instantly forgot why she missed her brother.

"Wait" Marco held Carina back while Valentino grabbed the picture. As much as Valentino didn't want to admit it, the picture was fucking hilarious. Carina was forever frozen in time within this framed glass revealing a probably mortifying moment but one that was absolutely humorous. Valentino looked at the picture of his beautiful girl; her frozen face contorted in a half-smile, half-horror expression. The photo detailed bird shit splattered on her shoulder and cheek. The moment was captured perfectly. The picture shook as Valentino laughed.

"I'm sorry baby" he gasped. "It's just that..." but he couldn't finish. It didn't help that Desirae and Andrea were rolling around on the floor in tears.

"I can't breathe" Andrea wheezed.

"Serves you right you traitorous bitches!" Carina valiantly tried to escape Marco's tight grasp. He hadn't yet seen the photo but he knew it had to be priceless if it brought everyone to their knees. Carina stomped on his foot immediately getting him to let go. She grabbed her cell phone. "This is World War III" she screamed into the phone.

Marco looked at the infamous picture. "Oh shit" he gasped as the laughter erupted from his gut. He really didn't want to laugh since everyone else was laughing but damn... this was one of those pictures that made anyone and everyone laugh. Okay maybe everyone but Carina.

"First the airport and now you leave it at Valentino's" Carina screeched.

"Oh shit" Desirae panted. "This is how he greeted you at Thanksgiving?! That's fucked up Diego! But funny!" She yelled.

Carina flipped her roommate the bird as she angrily sat at the dining table and inhaled her cupcake. What did she have on her brother? Revenge was of the utmost importance. First the mini golf cheating escapade and now this!

Desirae and Andrea peeled themselves off the ground and crept toward Carina. They hugged her and smothered her with kisses. The guys followed suit. Carina couldn't stay mad at these jackasses. The picture was funny but Diego was going to pay. Maybe a slow and painful death was in order.... Maybe she should have the world's ugliest stripper show up at his next party.... Hmmm... the possibilities were endless.

Once things calmed down the group ate their cupcakes and sipped their coffee. No one reminisced on the day's adventures; they just enjoyed each other's company. Desirae and Andrea left sated, and sore, back to the dorms. Carina stayed the night with her two favorite men. They fell asleep tangled in a twisted heap of limbs and slept peacefully.


Carina woke the next morning alone and moaning to the smell of breakfast. Both men were already out of bed. She looked at the time and gasped. She'd missed Diego's departing flight. She ran to her phone and blinked back tears as she saw a missed call from her brother.

"Shit" she muttered with dismay. There was no way she could call him now; he was already in the air. She sullenly headed to the bathroom and tended to her needs. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Had she been that wrapped up in Marco and Valentino that she couldn't even remember to set her alarm to see her brother off? Dammit! She had no one to blame but herself. A part of her wanted to be angry with Valentino and Marco; they were always well organized. They knew she would've wanted to see Diego and Griffin off. She took a deep breath and shuffled into the kitchen chanting to herself that she wasn't upset.

"She's alive" Marco teased.

Carina scowled. Maybe if he'd greeted her in any other manner than that one. "Fuck off" she growled. Valentino and Marco gaped at their Latin beauty. She looked like she wanted to rip someone's head off. There was no way she could still be upset about yesterday's events.

Valentino wrapped her in his arms. "Did you sleep well baby?"

His scent and deep voice somewhat pacified her. She let her anger simmer before taking a cleansing breath and pulling away from him. "I didn't get to say goodbye" she sullenly muttered.

Valentino looked at Marco. They knew she'd be upset but they only did as Diego had requested. "Baby he called you this morning. You were dead to the world and he said not to wake you. He'd call when he landed. He said that you and him don't really do
more like
see you laters

Carina nodded. It sounded like something Diego would do. She looked at Marco and blew him a kiss. All was forgiven. "What's for breakfast?"

Marco motioned her to the table. He had three placemats set out. Marco served fruit, omelets, and bacon. Carina served herself coffee while Valentino poured them orange juice. They ate in silence and cleaned up the kitchen together. Valentino grabbed Carina by the hand and led her to the living room rather than back to the bedroom. She looked between the two men. The last time they'd sat down together it had been to have their "serious" conversation.

"We wanted to talk to you about a few things" Valentino began. She nodded her head as she looked at her lovers. They didn't appear unhappy or uneasy. "Have you had a chance to talk to Desirae and Andrea about yesterday?" Valentino inquired.

Carina shrugged. "More or less... they think you're both phenomenal in bed. They were completely appreciative of what happened yesterday... and that's about it. We haven't discussed if there's ever going to be another time."

Marco breathed a sigh of relief. He appreciated that Carina didn't say 'next time'... It would make this entire exchange a whole lot easier. "I like Diego and Griffin. They're cool." He wanted to interject that early before they started on anything heavy. He was grateful that Diego approved of their three-way relationship.

Carina smirked. Diego was playing it cool but he was still trying to acclimate to her lifestyle and sexual prowess. She nodded seeing that Marco wanted some kind of affirmation. She tilted her head toward Valentino and waited for his next comment. She knew they'd have to talk about Nicholas sooner or later. She wondered if he'd ask for his friend's business card.

"We've had a very busy and very interesting month" Valentino surmised. He wanted to gradually build into this conversation. Marco and Carina chuckled helping to keep things stress free. "We wanted to see how you were feeling about everything." Valentino bit his tongue. He wanted to say so much more but he needed to keep an open dialogue between them.

Carina looked between the two men. They were playing poker at the moment with their passive expressions and blank stares. She wasn't sure what they wanted to hear at this moment. Were they more interested in knowing her feelings about Andrea and Desirae or did they want to talk about Nicholas? She shrugged. "I had a fabulous holiday. That sex club was phenomenal. I'd be open to visiting it again and doing a scene anytime. Maybe we could go to the dungeon next time." She watched as Marco's shoulders slumped with relief. Valentino nodded his head. She still couldn't tell if he was still bothered with Nicholas' aggressive approach.

"What else" Valentino pushed. She kept looking between them waiting for more questions but he wanted to know what was running through that pretty little head of hers.

"I had a fucktastic time with everyone yesterday. I think I'm going to have to abstain from sex for a few days though. I'm sore as hell." They all chuckled. Marco cupped his crotch and agreed. It'd been a long time since he'd done so much fucking that his dick couldn't handle even the rough fabric of denim for a while. He smiled at the memory of all the mouths, hands, and body parts that led to his tender dick. It was all well worth it.

Carina recognized Valentino's businesslike stance. He wanted to delve deeper than what she was currently giving them. She swallowed looking at both men. Everything was so new yet so exciting. She'd never had a relationship like this before but she loved every minute of it. She hadn't been sure how things were going to play out. Being with two men, who wanted her as much as they wanted each other, was an entirely world-changing experience. Jaxon paled in comparison to these extraordinary men. She could only hope to keep their attention and affection for as long as possible.

"I don't think it would be good for us to constantly add partners to our inner circle but I like the fact that you're willing to change it up once in a while." Carina knew Valentino was concerned about the parameters of their relationships outside of their intimate circle. Hell, she'd LOVED yesterday but she knew it wasn't good for their relationship to always be so "open".

It killed Valentino to ask this but he needed to know. It didn't escape his notice that his longtime friend not only didn't ask him first but just went ahead and openly invited Carina back any time and gave her his business card. "Do you want to add Nicholas to this inner circle?"

Marco balked at Valentino while Carina furrowed her brows. He'd needed to ask the question aloud otherwise it would eat at him like a cancer. Valentino was pleased by her initial reaction.

"I thought WE were the inner circle Valentino?" Carina quietly asked. She didn't like where her lover was taking this. She knew she was a handful but wasn't two men enough? Did she act like she needed more than that?

"We are" Valentino concurred. "But do you want Nicholas as a sort of
when we go outside our inner circle? I'm sure he'd be in heaven whenever we opted to do something like that."

Carina swallowed the lump forming in her throat. She felt like this was a test or some kind of fully loaded question. Shit... Had she been too eager with Nicholas yesterday? She looked between the men, "Valentino, you and Marco are enough for me."

Marco smiled warmly at her. She was young and Marco respected that she knew what she wanted. "I think what Valentino means" he glared at Valentino daring him to interrupt. "Is that
if and when
we decide to go outside the circle again do you want to explore new partners or call back ones we previously agree on?"

"I think that whatever we do needs to be agreed upon by the three of us" Valentino's deep voice spoke matter-of-factly.

"Of course" Carina appeased the men. She understood where they were going with this. If anything their relationship helped her to better understand herself. She woke up sated and happy this morning, not feeling like some kind of skank. "I think what we just did will keep me satisfied for a while; outside of our intimate circle that is. It doesn't mean I wouldn't love to frequent the sex club for our personal enjoyment.

"Adding someone new or being with Nicholas can be visited at the time we're considering things. I don't want him, or anyone, to be a dark cloud over us. We're obviously very sexual people and I think this works for us. Between the three of us we'll sate the insatiable and when we crave a taste of the outside we can venture out."

Carina straddled Valentino. She cupped one hand on his cheek and the other on Marco's cheek. She looked at her two lovers for a moment before proceeding. "This is enough for me. For the first time ever, I'm physically and emotionally sated. I'm a slut at heart and you two are enough to satisfy my urges. But you two also make me feel cherished. I didn't realize how much I missed that in a relationship. I'd been doing the fuck buddy thing long enough. This is a true, committed relationship for me; even when we venture out. As our relationship progresses we can revisit things. There may be a time when we decide that it's only us and no more outside influences. There may be a time when we decide to move in all together. There may be a time when one of us bows out. We just have to address things as they come."

"Well" Marco huffed. "I can unequivocally say that you two are stuck with me. I foresee us having discussions of where to spend vacations together and whose baby you're having first. That kind of stuff...."

Carina's jaw dropped as Valentino chuckled. He wished like hell they could already be discussing stuff like that but it was only fair to Carina to give her more time. She was only midway through her freshman year in college while they already knew what they wanted. Valentino knew that was Marco's subtle way of tossing out to Carina their intentions and what they wanted. It was too early in their relationship to make any kind of proclamation. At least she didn't run at Marco's comment, which was a good enough sign for them.

"Let's slow down mister" she warned. She could see that was exactly what these two wanted. There was no way she was contemplating anything more than what they already had. The triangle dynamic was challenging enough already. She was grateful for having
sensational men in her life. Soon enough Jaxon would only be a distant memory.

"Okay but for the record she's having my baby first" Valentino teased. He grabbed her ass and laughed as her eyes widened in disbelief. "I mean it's only fair right?" He winked at her.

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