The Irresistible Bundle (118 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Yes Mistress D" he whispers. Desirae caresses the man with the wand. We collectively hold our breaths expecting him to jump with the contact but nothing happens. I stare at the foot-long device in her hand. Can it really provide enough power to get this man off? And how the hell does someone even discover that they need to be shocked to get their freak on anyway?

A soft buzzing sound hits our ears just as the man's entire body tenses then jumps at the contact. Desirae glows as the room leans forward to watch her performance. The tatted dude remains perfectly still; only his soft pleasurable moans and the occasional eye rolling lets us know that he's thoroughly enjoying it.

"Mistress D" his choked voice makes Desirae pause.

"Yes" she purrs shocking him again with the wand before he can continue.

"May I come now?"

She bites her lip tilting her head while observing his flushed skin, ragged breaths, and twitching dick. She really knows how to administer the right amount of pain and pleasure to make someone insane with need. The tatted guy can barely function. I'm envious while somewhat pitying him.

Desirae squats allowing him to get an eyeful of her spectacular tits. I growl unable to refrain from being heard. She stills but doesn't look back, as if she knows it's me who made the sound. Instead she places the wand between his dick and nuts pulling it away just as he explodes all over his stomach and chest.

She's fucking magnificent.

Watching her there; unable to enter the room... This is exactly how I feel in real life too. Desirae is that shining star that's close enough to touch but too far away to make contact with. She burns hotly and brightly. But something about her makes me aware that for all of her brilliance, a darkness resides in her that threatens to swallow her whole. I'm not sure what it is or if she'd ever let me get close enough to her but I'll do anything to get the chance... Even if it means I have to get on my knees for her.



"Dude, when are you going to give in" Griffin sighs, following Desirae and Andrea with his eyes.

"Too many minefields" I mumble as we watch the bartender blow Desirae a kiss. It's still hard to get my mind around the fact that Carina and the girls rule Club 69. My sister's been dating the club owner for several months but the staff and patrons act like she owns the joint alongside Valentino and Marco. Sometimes that's an uncomfortable feeling.

Griffin and I have heard plenty of stories. It's part of the reason why I decided to change schools. Technically I could go anywhere I please. I have an impressive transcript, highly sought-after degree, and throw in the fact that I'm a Hispanic male. Every fucking Ivy League institution needs a colorful array of minority students. Believe it or not, Asians are not the minority in places like MIT and the sort. I'm the rarer breed. How many people enter college with the aspiration in a Master of Computer Engineering as a starting point for their academic career?

"Freckles doesn't make any qualms about who she does and doesn't like" Griffin nonchalantly continues. "She makes it blatantly obvious that she despises that skank blonde Chelsea but I've seen her eye-fuck you on plenty occasions."

"Who hasn't she openly eye-fucked" I bitterly reply. I know that's a dick thing to say but after meeting Desirae almost a year ago I still have yet to see if she has any limits. The girl doesn't have a particular taste: she's fucked men of all varieties. The one thing she doesn't tolerate is a man who has a bigger pussy than she does.

Desirae loves to dominate men but if they aren't in the dungeon beneath her command then she doesn't give them the time of day. There's a story there. I've told Carina I suspect some kind of jaded history in Desirae's past and my little sister doesn't deny or counter my spoken thoughts. It only makes me all the more curious.

"She hasn't given me the time of day" Griffin mumbles. My lips tilt with amusement. I've seen the way my best friend ogles the girls, including my sister. The great thing about Griffin is that he respects boundaries. He could fuck most of the group and I wouldn't give a shit but he can't touch Carina or Desirae... period.

"I think I've seen her compare her pussy to yours" I snort. Griffin narrows his eyes before slugging me in the shoulder. He really isn't a pussy but it's so much fun to give him shit.

"I've had plenty of pussy in my life but I haven't grown one" He haughtily replies. I raise my eyebrows silently challenging him. Griffin is lean, naturally good-looking but it's his charming demeanor that gets the girls' attention.

"Remind me again how many girls you've actually slept with?"

Griffin scowls not liking my good-natured teasing. Neither of us brags about our conquests but the fact of the matter is that we really haven't slept with an insane number of girls like a lot of guys our age. Griffin lost his virginity right before he graduated high school and he's only slept with a few girls while in college. I might venture to say he's still in the single digits.

I lost my virginity sooner in high school. I only slept with girls if we were in a relationship. If they didn't want to bother getting to know anything more than my dick then they could find that a dime a dozen. I wanted, really needed, that connection.

I've done meaningless sex in my life and I fucking hated it. I also hate seeing what it does to girls the morning after. Call me soft. Call me a pussy. Don't give a shit. But I won't be one of those assholes that taps it and leaves. My father taught me better than that.

"About as many as you fucktard" Griffin huffs.

Everyone in the club is aware of the girls' presence. Staff wave while guys brazenly approach asking to buy them drinks, or dance with them. Some of the girls are eager for the attention. Luckily Carina and Desirae aren't one of them. Andrea isn't either. Although a year older, she seems to always do whatever her two other friends want to do.

"You guys planning to join them" Marco saunters up to us. His eyes mischievously gleam as he eyes the girls and our distance from them. I'm not purposely avoiding them, just unsure how receptive they're going to be with our presence. Carina knows I'd never try to ruin her game unless some asshole is being overly aggressive or disrespecting them.

"They might ruin my chances to get laid tonight" Griffin sarcastically replies. If anything being with the girls gets us noticed by other females; it's one of the perks of hanging out with them.

Marco throws his head back laughing. Several heads turn watching him. He motions to the table silently telling us to get our asses over there. A brave group of girls approaches. I have to give them credit; go big or go home. They have a one in three shot of someone saying yes, one of them being the club manager.

"Hello ladies" Griffin purrs. I snort looking away so it won't be so obvious. As much of an outrageous flirt that my best friend is, he doesn't go home with just anyone.

"Hi guys" the one in the center greets. She brazenly eyes each of us from head to toe making it obvious who her choice of the night would be. "Me and my girls wanted to see if you'd like to hang out at our table in the VIP section."

I can't hide my smirk. They're cute and confident. Add the fact that they're sitting in the VIP section and they think they've hit a homerun. Before any of us can reply we're blindsided by the three troublemakers.

"Hey baby" Carina croons as she wraps her arms around Marco's neck. She eyes the girls before leaning in and licking the bottom of his lip coaxing Marco to give her an open-mouth kiss despite the fact that he's working. Marco growls cupping her ass while hungrily kissing her back.

"I didn't think you'd ever get here" her voice electrifies every part of my body. My brain knows she's just acting for the girls but my body doesn't get the hint. Desirae grabs the waist of my jeans pulling me into her curvy body. My thoughts scatter into a thousand directions as she brushes against my zipper instantly making my dick take notice. The little vixen plays dirty. A part of me wants to retaliate but I can't do much more than breathe. "Let's go" she purrs licking my neck while dragging me back to the oversized booth.

The girls at the table cackle with delight as Marco snickers in the background. With that act Andrea doesn't have to do much to finish the job of blowing the girls off and getting us to the others. It takes a few minutes to recover; I'm man enough to admit that. Desirae is potent and I'm not immune. Carina's other friends don't faze me like Des does. No other woman on this planet affects me the way the freckled firecracker can. I'm beginning to understand Carina's inability to stay away from Jaxon. If it feels something like this then I need to apologize to my sister. Desirae's barely done anything and my brain fragments into a thousand pieces.

"One of these days your little game is going to backfire on you" I growl into her ear. Desirae devilishly smiles at me. She leans forward giving me an open glance at her succulent breasts and freckled skin. I swallow the saliva pooling in my mouth. Freckles has never been so brazen and fucking sexy before. All I want to do is discover every mark on her skin with my hands and mouth. I suspect she needs to play a little rougher than most. I can nibble and bite on her breasts and clit. I'd love to pound into her until her skin flushes bright red and her eyes become glassy and dilated. Fuck. I need to stop thinking like that around her.

I place my hand on my lap praying she doesn't see my raging hard on. It doesn't escape my notice that she always looks at guys' dicks. At first it irritated the shit out of me but I'd be a fucking hypocrite if I called her out on it. I love looking at a woman's body, even if only for a brief moment. I adore curves, pouches, and soft skin. I can't stand being with a woman who's all skin and bones no matter how pretty her face may be. I think my old basketball teammate said it best once. He complained having sex with an anorexic-looking girl had him afraid he'd break a bone or light them on fire with all the friction. It's fucked up, funny as shit and in my opinion spot-on.

Time always seems to speed up and drag whenever Desirae's around. The hours fly by while we dance and drink but I'm aware of every moment that passes while she dances with someone else or flirts with the bartender. I know she's fucked him on more than one occasion. Too bad she doesn't realize that their time is officially over. Carina's a major reason why I transferred schools... but Desirae is part of that reason too.


No matter how hard I try, I can't stay away. It pisses me off watching her dance with other guys but I don't remain passive for long. A few hours later with a few beers in my system I choose to act more than think. Desirae controls every damn thing in her life. She believes she's incognito about it. She thinks she has everything in its place... but yet she still hasn't figured out what to do with me and I fucking love it. I refuse to be pushed away. I won't be compartmentalized. I want to be the first thing she thinks about and the last face she sees before she falls asleep.

Carina, Andrea, and Desirae shamelessly grind against each other on the dance floor. Guys hoot and holler while they put on a show. Marco has security close to them knowing that one of these fools will soon enough fuck up and get grabby. I don't know how I missed my sister being such an exhibitionist but I refuse to venture into that line of thinking. My focus is on the brazen beauty who keeps stealing glances my way while gyrating her hips a little more and sticking out her luscious tits for everyone to see. I know she's fucking with me but she thinks I won't retaliate in any manner. Wrong sweetheart.

I kiss Carina on the cheek and wink at Andrea before yanking Desirae out of their naughty-girl dance sandwich. Guys boo but step back when security inches forward. They look between me and the girls but since none of them protest my presence they allow me to whisk her away. Desirae doesn't appear thrilled or pissed at my actions. Her confusion and hesitance makes it easier to pull her into a corner of the club. Her eyes light up as I press my body into hers. This is the language she speaks. This is what she lives for.

"You wanna get out of here" her sultry voice tempts me. She bites my lower lip eliciting a groan from the back of my throat. My dick would love to get better acquainted with her but my mind and heart won't allow it. I need Desirae to meet me halfway. I won't be just another fuck buddy to her but I also know she can't, won't give herself to me the way I want her to; at least not yet...

I don't reply, afraid that I might say yes when I need to say no. Instead, I grab a fistful of her soft, thick hair pulling it until our lips make contact. I don't give her time to refuse, only responding with the same heated passion that I'm kissing her with. The moment our tongues touch my blood heats to boiling. My hips thrust forward all on their own and I want to curse my body for the inability to control itself. Desirae grabs the back of my neck. Her thumb presses beneath my jaw, in a dominant gesture. I recognize what she's trying to do but I'm not having it. She doesn't get to control this interaction; not this time anyways. I shove her hand away, growling a warning. I'm not one of her little bitches. She's going to learn to give and take.

Her eyes flare with anger. Her passionate kiss turns aggressive. Our teeth clash as she nips at anything and everything. That just pisses me off too. I don't care if it hurts but she needs to respect boundaries. I grip her hair tighter pulling her head away from me. My lips sting like a mother; I taste droplets of blood on my lips. Fucking-A she's aggressive. My body burns and howls for this girl. Desirae growls right back at me showing that she isn't cowed in the slightest. That's okay. I'm not looking for a pissing match here.

She opens her mouth to say something but gasps instead. Her body shivers as my hand finds its way inside her tight-ass leather pants beneath her panties. I bite my lip surprised to find curly hair
Damn near every girl I know shaves or waxes. But I don't allow myself to get distracted. I groan with approval as my fingers find heated warmth. She doesn't protest, doesn't look around to see if anyone's watching. No. She's completely, 100% focused on what I'm about to do next. Her eyes scream a challenge. She doesn't think I have the balls to finger fuck her in a club full of people. Shit, the DJ could put the fucking spotlight on us and I wouldn't stop. Not with her eyes turning colors and her freckles disappearing beneath her beautifully flushed skin.

My fingers trace her lower lips, swollen clit, exploring what my eyes and mouth cannot yet get to. Desirae has layers of hidden treasures; one just has to know where to look and how to unlock it. Her fingernails dig into me as I slip a finger into her soaked channel. Fuck me. Her muscles clamp around me and I can't do anything more than watch with utter fascination as she closes her eyes bucking her hips. She shamelessly fucks my hand, only further encouraging me on. I thrust in two more fingers, loving the feel of her heat and tightness. Desirae pants and moans while I watch.

She refuses to open her eyes and look at me and I'm okay with that. We have plenty of time to work on that level of intimacy. This is a halfway point for us. She's getting what she wants and I am too. I curl my middle finger knowing the moment I touch the right spot. Her back arches, she claws my biceps, as she bites hard on her lip swallowing the groan that tries to escape. She looks fucking spectacular while my dick screams with indignation. I've never been this fucking hard in my life. Her muscles clamp around my fingers immediately drenching my hand. I tuck my other hand around her waist feeling her body slump in satiation.

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