The Irregulars (41 page)

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Authors: Jennet Conant

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“full size secret police…”: Troy,
Wild Bill and Intrepid,
p. 74.

“all but blind adoration…”: ECP.

“all against an atmosphere…”: Ibid.

“Bill knew this very well…”: CBC, Dahl, take 3.



“He’s a killer with women”: Patricia Neal, interview by author.

“a roaring time”: Dahl, to a
magazine correspondent, unpublished interview.

“They were having a ball…”: AH.

“parties for a purpose”: Brinkley,
Washington Goes,
p. 141.

“racketeers”: CMC.

“paid to throw parties”: CMC.

“Dahl, an R.A.F. man…”: Susan Mary Patten to Joseph Alsop, July 30, 1943. Courtesy of Elizabeth Winthrop, reprinted with permission of Anne Milliken and Bill Patten.

“The truth is”: OH.

“A good rumour”: Ibid.

“She absolutely hated…”: AH.

“Don’t touch it, bad luck…”: “Town Talk,”
, December 23, 1944.

“parasite”: Brinkley,
Washington Goes,
p. 139.

“Just why are you…”: HWD.

“Be sure and come back…”: Ibid.

“Her basic thought…”: Ibid.

“She runs a good saloon…”: Ibid.

“Come back…”: Ibid.

“cut quite a local swath”: “The Magazine Rack,”
September 21, 1947.

“Girls just fell…”: Treglown,
Roald Dahl,
p. 59.

“There was a parade…”: AH.

“one of the biggest…”: Treglown,
Roald Dahl,
p. 59.

“She went for Roald…”: CF.

“She is a clever…”: Brown,
Secret Life of Menzies,
p. 479.

“Clare, you just can’t be that way”: CMP.

“But much of what Mr. Wallace…”: Henley,
Au Clare de Luce,
p. 172.

“spheres of influence”: Josephson,
Empire of Air,
p. 12.

“Freedom of the air…”: Ibid.

“The future of every nation…” Henle,
Au Clare de Luce,
p. 174.

“clarification of loose thinking”: WD, p. 153.

“Some have spoken…”: Culver and Hyde,
American Dreamer,
p. 277.

“to assume leadership…”: Ibid.

“All bets are off…”: Josephson,
Empire of Air,
p. 214.

“Otherwise there will be friction…”: Ibid., p. 11.

“in stirring up strife…”: WD, p. 151.

“I am all fucked out…”: Treglown,
Roald Dahl
, p. 60; reconfirmed by CF.

“She was something else…”: AH.

“a lucky stroke”: CBC, Dahl, take 1–2.

“You’re a flying chap…”: Ibid.

“an immensely secret…”: Ibid.

“I thought, my goodness…”: Ibid.

“the emancipation…”: Brown,
Secret Life of Menzies;
p. 483.

“hair stand on end”: Ibid.

“He flashed off…”: CBC, Dahl, take 1–2.

“a bit of a stir”: Ibid.

“could hardly believe what…”: Ibid.

“people like Adolf Berle…”: Brown,
Secret Life of Menzies
, p. 483.

“Anglo-Saxon superiority”: HWD.

“Charley Marsh told me…”: HWD.

“some chap in Washington…”: CBC, Dahl, take 1–2.

“could be very devious”: Brown,
Secret Life of Menzies
, p. 484.

“a lovely man…”: Ibid.

“You have shown…”: CMC.

“You have had the wisdom…”: Ibid.



“rather lucky thing”: CBC, Dahl, take 1–2.

“took a liking…”: HWD.

“So I went to dinner…”: CBC, Dahl, take 1–2.

“the excellent photograph”: ERP, Eleanor Roosevelt to Dahl, June 29, 1943.

“she was not in his bedroom”: Dahl intelligence report: “Visit to Hyde Park, July 2nd to 4th,” July 6, 1943, CMP.

“You must be pretty tired…”: Ibid.

“He did not ‘glamor’ me…”: Transcript of Dahl’s private verbal report to Marsh, “Comments of Week-End Reporter—Hyde Park,” July 7, 1943, CMP.

“with a wave of the hand…”: Dahl report, “Visit to Hyde Park, July 2nd to 4th,” CMP.

“but only if he is not busy…”: Ibid.

“took delight…”: Ibid.

“a very nice man”: Ibid.

“would do anything for a change”: Ibid.

“the President’s attitude…”: “Comments,” July 7, 1943, CMP.

“too old a hand…to sit back…”: Ibid.

“like diving into the sea…”: Dahl to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 8, 1943, ERP.

“Miss Thompson and I…”: Eleanor Roosevelt to Dahl, July 21, 1943, ERP.

“I think it is 50–50…”: “Comments,” July 7, 1943, CMP.

“The Crown Princess…”: Ibid.

“entirely under the influence…”: Ibid.

“He is truthful…”: CMP.

“The name of Wallace…”: Ibid.

“This young observer…” “Comments,” July 7, 1943, CMP.

“I remember once…”: CBC, Dahl, take 1–2.

“to prepare London”: Ibid.

“buffers”: Ibid.

“discreet indiscreet conversations”: ECP.

“My job really was to try”: CBC, take 1–2.

“With unstinted and constant…”: BBB, p. 89.

“You never spoke directly…”: CBC, take 1–2.

“Although it was in a way bleeding…”: Ibid.

“If the isolationists had known…”: BBB, p. 89.

“The very considerable espionage”: NR, p. 400.

“That’s why our side…”: Stevenson, “A Piece of Cake in Tinseltown.”
TV Guide
, May 5, 1979, p. 3.



“pretty careful tabs…”: Brown,
Secret Life of Menzies
, p. 482.

“Henry Wallace was…”: Haines,
Private Philanthropist
, p. 13. Excerpts courtesy of the Public Welfare Foundation and quoted with permission of Davis Haines.

“He had a direct pipeline…”: CBC, Dahl, take 1–2.

“We became very good friends…”: Ibid.

“For all I know…”: Ibid.

“malicious rumors…”: Daniels,
White House Witness
, p. 210.

“I don’t even own…”: Ibid.

“It’s all nonsense…”: Ibid.

“is still circulating…”: WD.

“out to get Hopkins…”: HWD.

“high-level stuff”: Haines,
p. 19.

“What does he…”: Ibid.

“Dear Governor…”: Kopper,
p. 50.

“Men do not make…”: Haines,
p. 18; Kopper,
, p. 59.

“He and Roosevelt…”: AH.

“positively sick to his stomach”: HWD.

“the Preceptor”: CMC.

“He always wanted to be…”: Welly Hopkins, Oral History Interview, LBJ.

“He could be rude…”: Ibid.

“As I listened…”: HWD. The detailed description of life at Longlea was furnished by Antoinette Haskell, both in interviews and in the form of written reminiscences provided with her permission by the Public Welfare Foundation.

“Alice was a beautiful…”: CF.

“There was a constant stream…”: Leinsdorf,
p. 75.

“her long blond hair…”: RIP.

“You are not for Austin, Texas…”: Ibid.

“The choice is hers…”: Ibid.

“ingenious and mischievous…”: Ibid.

“a skirmish with bandits”: Ibid.

“She took on the privileges…”: AH.

“loved Lyndon like a son”: Kopper,
, p. 64.

“a young, young man”: Dallek,
Lone Star Rising
, p. 150.

“Marsh was effective…”: Welly Hopkins, Oral History Interview, LBJ.

“tutored…swaddling days”: “Millionaire-Maker C. E. Marsh Dies,”
Orlando Sentinel,
December 31, 1964.

“It could kill me politically”: Caro,
Years of Johnson,
vol. 2, p. 25.

“one of the most interesting…”: Kopper,
, p. 66.

“She’s so tall and blonde…”: Caro,
Years of Johnson,
vol. 1, p. 491.

“she, too, helped ‘educate’…”: Kopper,
, p. 69.

“seems to be the only person…”: Caro,
Years of Johnson,
vol. 1, p. 480.

“give Herman the dam…”: Ibid., vol. 1, p. 483.

“quite a bit of horse sense…”: Ibid., vol. 1, p. 480.

“with a terrific shock”: Leinsdorf,
p. 76.

“treated Charles with the…”: Ibid.

“You have a great art…”: Dallek,
Lone Star Rising
, p. 169.

“The United States had a holy…”: Leinsdorf,
p. 77.

“his masterpiece of a letter”: Ibid.

“Man, you almost…”: Dallek,
Lone Star Rising
, p. 190.

“He was asking her and asking…”: Caro,
Years of Johnson
, vol. 1, p. 485.

“Everything was subordinate…”: Reston,
Lone Star
, p. 41.

“They didn’t let her…”: AH.

“At a formal dinner…”: RIP.

“I will make that little Claudia…”: Ibid.

“He turned her down…”: AH.

“It is an incredible story…”: Susan Mary Patten to Joseph Alsop, July 30, 1943.

“because of its timely…”: WDA.

“With the amount of money…”: Ibid.

“to look things over…”: Ibid.

“I must comply…”: Ibid.

“when the German armies…”: Roald Dahl, “The Sword,”
Atlantic Monthly
, July 1943.

“raising her fists…”: Roald Dahl, “Katina,”
Ladies’ Home Journal
, March 1944.

“I was greatly taken…”: CMP.

“a return ticket…”: Ibid.

“Considering your age…”: Ibid.

“I think he was glad…”: CF.



“outside activities…”: CMP.

“big people”: Ibid.

“Washington was the key…”: Peter Smithers,
Adventures of Gardener
, p. 19.

“mainly [the] Air Chief Marshall”: CBC, Dahl, take 1–2.

“I fell far, as one is bound to…”: Ibid.

“When Bill heard…”: Ibid.

“I thought, well, if he can…”: Ibid., take 3.

“I went home…”: Ibid., take 1–2.

“What the hell…”: Ibid.

“He never outlined…”: Ibid.

“But for the tremendous pressure…”: Hyde,
Room 3603,
p. 54.

“to neutralize”: Ibid.

“most Americans…”: OH.

“the Beaver” was in fighting form: Beaverbrook Archives, House of Lords Records Office, Engagement diaries, 1922–1964.

“grabbing the air traffic…”: Chisholm and Davie,
p. 447.

“several generations…”: Ibid., p. 448.

“large concessions”: Ibid.

“He believes that…”: CMP.

“He was very serious…”: AH.

“America’s arch strategist…”: Josephson,
Empire of Air
, p. 21.

“chosen instrument”: Ibid., p. 156.

“high and devious diplomacy”: Ibid., p. 196.

“There will always be wars…”: Ibid., p. 202.

“let their hearts bleed”: CMP.

“Entrenched position…”: HWD.

“let it slip”: Ibid.

“a mistake”: Ibid.

“had a purpose…”: Ibid.

“Clare does not pee…”: Ibid.

“hamstringing bureaucracy”: Culver and Hyde,
American Dreamer,
p. 305.

“an alarming sense…”: Ibid., p. 306.

“In wartime no one…”: HWD.

“Pop has tried for…”: Ibid.

“Henry Wallace has…”: Ibid.

“some activity in the British…”: Ibid.

“The supposition is that…”: Ibid.

“I came to regard Wallace…”: Brown,
Secret Life of Menzies,
p. 484.

“Menzies was always…”: Ibid.

“what the natives…”: BBB, p. 73.

“an irreconcilable rebel…”: Ogilvy,
The Unpublished David Ogilvy
, p. 101.

“The good salesman…”:
, April 1965.

“the most wonderful…”:
Current Biography

“took to ordering…”: BBB, p. 81.

“repulsive egotists”: Ibid., p. 80.

“There is no great trick…”: Ogilvy,
The Unpublished David Ogilvy
, p. 90.

“Do you think the…”: Cull,
Selling War,
p. 109.

“readily agreed”: OH.

“moonlighting”: BBB, p. 86.

“Brooker was a born…”: BSI, p. 143.

“shoot a man…”: Stevenson,
Man Called Intrepid
, p. 194.

“I was taught…”: BBB, p. 90.

“Rumors were spread…”: OH.

“an average of forty…”: BBB, p. 91.

“engaging in a little…”: CBC, Gilbert Highet, take 1.

“This is really one of…”: Ibid.

“extraordinary fertility”: BBB, p. 90

“one of the most effective…”: Ibid., p. 88.

“The President of the…”: Ibid., p. 90.

“a sympathetic grin…”: Ibid.

“pressing this country…”: Hyde,
Room 3603
, p. 80.

“British Intelligence Item”: CMP.

“a mother in black hat…”: CMC.

“knowledge of geography…”: Ibid.



“Orders from Military Air”: CMP.

“Probably this matter…”: Ibid.

“It would be…”: Ibid.

“You might tell…”: Ibid.

“relieved”: RDM.

“Berle said he was…”: HWD.

“Stalin was very angry…”: Ibid.

“an ex-republican…”: Dallek,
Lone Star Rising
, p. 197.

“The real fact…”: CMP.

“I think I can say…”: Ibid.

“So as you go west…”: HWD.

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