Read The Invasion Online

Authors: K. A. Applegate

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic

The Invasion (10 page)

BOOK: The Invasion
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Visser Three was an Andalite.

Or at least he was an Andalite-Controller.

“What the …” Rachel said. “Isn’t that an Andalite?”

Only once has a Yeerk been able to take an Andalite body,
the Andalite said.
There is only one Andalite-Controller. That one is Visser Three.

Visser Three walked confidently toward the wounded Andalite. The Visser seemed so much like the Andalite it was hard to tell them apart at first. He had the same mouthless face; the same extra stalk- eyes that turned here and there, checking out
everything in all directions; the same powerful yet sleek four-legged body; and the same wicked tail.

But if the Visser
like any normal Andalite, he
different. It was like he was wearing a mask, only you just knew that under the fake sweetness of the mask there was something twisted and foul.

Well, well,
Visser Three said.

I almost had a heart attack when I realized I was
the Visser’s thoughts.

“Can he hear our thoughts?” Cassie whispered.

“If he can, we’re so dead I don’t even want to think about it,” Rachel told her.

He cannot hear your thoughts,
the Andalite said.
Unless you are morphed and you direct them to him. You hear his thoughts because he is broadcasting them for all to hear. This is a great victory for him, so he wants all to hear.

What have we here? A meddling Andalite?
Visser Three looked more closely at the Andalite’s ship.
Ah, but no ordinary Andalite warrior. Prince Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul, if I am not mistaken. An honor to meet you again. You’re a legend now. How many of our fighters have you shredded? Seven, or was it eight by the time the battle ended?

BOOK: The Invasion
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