The Independents (22 page)

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Authors: Joe Nobody

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure

BOOK: The Independents
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few moments
after he had finished
, Sam emerged
from behind the
, brushing her hair. “I feel like a new person. Thank you. Can we leave to go find my grandpa now?”

Bishop nodded and held the door open for the lady. He ran around the front of the Hummer like a hired chauffer, smiling all the way.


It was about two hours later when Bishop brought the Hummer to a stop at the
roadblock. He picked
up his rifle and strode
ward the guards. He hadn’t managed
four steps
someone shouted out, “Who are you?”

Bishop responded with his name, and was shocked to see the headlights of one of the blocking trucks turn on immedi
ately. “Please follow me into

Bishop got back
in his truck and turned to Sam.
“They must know you here.” His comment was met with a blank look.

Just like Terri two hours before, Bishop was escorted to Pete’s. This time, the guard didn’t even have to honk his horn before everyone was pouring out Pete’s front door.
Bishop parked along Main Street and turned to his passenger, “We’re here.

By the time Bishop unbuckled
his seatbelt and opened the door,
a small crowd gathered around,
waiting for him to
get out. He saw Pete and smiled.
“How are you
Pete? Damn
good to see you.” The two men hugged
and then it seemed like everyone wanted to shake Bishop’s hand or give
him a squeeze
. He felt like he was going down the reception line at his wedding, not knowing who most of the people were, but scared to ask in case he should

At least ten of the men and two of the women asked to b
uy him a beer. He had seen his
truck par
ked nearby, and assumed Terri
had made it to town safely. As he made his way to Pete’s, he almost forgot about Samantha, but she pushed her way through the crowd and was right
by his side. He looked at Pete.
“I have someone I want you to meet. This is Samantha. She is a brave little lady.”

Pete smiled from ear to ear and held out his hand
“Any friend of Bishop’s is a friend of mine.
” Sam shook his hand and nodded.
to meet you
Where are
my grandfather and brother?”

It took Pete a second
to connect the dots.
“Oh, that is your grandpa? Miss Terri and some of the men took him over
he Manor
. Would you like to see them?”

“Yes sir, please.”

Pete looked around the crowd and nodded to a woman standing close by. She came forward and extended her hand to Sam, but the girl recoiled and grabbed Bishop’s
. She looked up at her rescuer and said, “Please
, Mister Bishop,
can you take me. I
like it very much if you would take me.”

Bishop smiled down at her and then signaled the woman it was okay. “Of course I will
Sam. I want to see Terri anyway.” He looked around
the crowd and raised his voice.
“I had better go check in with my wife before I start drinking. She carries a gun all the time now
ya know

Everyone laughed and several of the men nodded their understanding. Their wives were armed a
s well.
Bishop waved to the crowd
promised to return soon.
and he turned and
proceeded toward
The Manor h

As they walked silently the few blocks to the hotel, Bishop started getting a tight stomach. He hadn’t been back here since the shootout that night with the bank robbers. He had th
ought it was all over then. But
Terri, Pete and some of the town’s me
n had saved his life. As
and he approached
the front steps to the main door, he was in for another surprise.
met them
all smiles and hugs.

“Betty, it’s damn good to see you! What the heck are you doing here this time of night?”

“Bishop, I
he Manor now. It got too dangerous for me to stay out at the bed and breakfast. We had some trouble after you left, and the townsfolk asked me to move in here and run the place. But enough about me
, dear.
I bet you want to see your wife. Come right this way.”

lead them through the small office area and out into the gardens. The Manor’s gardens were known far and wide.
an oasis in the middle of the desert, many guest
nt out of their way to vacation here to
simply enjoy the gardens. Bishop struggle
to keep from thinking about the night of the gun
fight. The bank robbers had been holed
up in
he Manor
and the battle had been in these very gardens.
He had been pinned down
to receive the coup de gr
when Terri had come to the rescue.

It helped Bishop a little to see that T
he Manor apparently was being used for something good now.
told him that one whole section of the rooms was now being
as a hospital ward for the d
octor. As Bishop happened
past the spot where
he had almost been killed, he couldn’t help but stare at the earth as if it should say something to him.

Sam spoke
“Mister Bishop, you’re hurting my hand.”

Bishop relaxed his grip, clearly embarrassed.
“Are you okay
Sam? I’m really sorry, I would never hurt you.”

“It’s fine
Mister Bishop. If you
scared and need to squeeze someone’s hand, take mine. I’m ready for it now. I
understand because I
feel the same way when my d
ad takes me to the doctor to get a shot.”

Bishop grinned and took her hand, but was careful not to hold on to tightly.

walked up to one of the rooms and quietly tapped on the door. Terri’s face appeared and
, “I have someone here w
ho wants to see you.” Terri peer
ed over
’s shoulder, and exploded out of the door, “Bishop!”

Bishop met her embrace and lifted her into the air, turning in circles and kissing her cheek.
After they had assured each other they were fine and that the baby was fine, Bishop told Terri he had someone she needed to meet. He pointed at the young girl standing beside him, “Terri, this is Samantha. Sam, this is my wife

Sam stepped forward and h
eld out her hand. Te
rri smiled and gent
ly shook her hand
, “Was Bishop nice to you
He isn’t around girls very much;
are you okay?”

Samantha got a very puzzled look on
her face and then scolded Terri.
“Mister Bishop was the perfect gentleman
except for when he threw me into the dumpster
. He saved my life.
He even stopped and let me brush my hair and didn’t make fun of me when I smelled like garbage.”

Terri gave Bishop a puzzled look, o
nly to have him return one of “
t’s a long story

Sam was impatient,
“Can I see my grandpa now?”

“Yes you
may, sweetie
, but you hav
e to be very quiet because the d
octor is trying to help him.”

offered her hand to Samantha, but the girl hesitated and took a step closer to Bishop. Bisho
p looked down at her and smiled reassuringly, “It’s okay
Sam. Y
ou can go with
she will take you to your Grandpa.”

Sam hesitate
and edged closer to Bishop.
“Can’t you take me
Mister Bishop?”

Bishop smiled at
the girl reassuringly
“I won’t go far
Sam. I’ll be here in the gardens with Terri. We need to talk while you visit The Col…your grandpa.”

Samantha hesitated, but then took
’s hand. As she walked toward the hotel room, she k
ept looking
over her shoulder

As soon as they were out of sight
Terri put her hands on her hips as if to scold him.
“Well, I see there is another woman in your life. You
away for a few hours
and already I
yesterday’s news.”

Bishop shook his head
“I didn’t anticipate that
but it makes sense
. She
been through some serious shit the last few days, and I guess I
the father figure right now.”

Terri smiled and
rubbed her tummy.
“You should get used to that role. I think it’s cute by the way.
So what happened, Bishop?
How bad was it?”

Bishop held
Terri’s hand
, and they strolled
through the gardens. He
recounted the day’
s events, beginning
th the meeting that morning
and continuing
right up to his arrival in Meraton
. As usual
his wife interrupted him several times to ask questions or to clarify something he said. Almost a half hour had gone by before he f
the tale of his escapade
. Terri hugged him again.
“Bishop, for a man who doesn’
t want to take chances
anymore, you sure have a funny way
of showing it. I’m glad you got
Samantha out of there though
. And I really do
understand why
you took the risk. By the way, what color is my new Hummer?”

Bishop laughed
pulled Terri close. He looked her in the eye and leaned in for a kiss. Slyly avoiding his pass, she
whispered in his ear, “Bab
y, I can make it worth your while to give me the keys to that Hummer.”

Bishop decided to beat Terri at her own game. “Did I mention the leather interior and a slightly used nav system?”

Terri, not to be outdone, upped the ante. She pressed her body against his and
whispered to him
in her most sultry voice.
“I guarantee
it will be worth it, baby.”
was just moving into seal the
a distant voice interrupted their moment.

was standing a f
ew yards away.
“I hate
to break
up you two lovebirds, but the d
octor has finished
and I think you should talk to him.”

Chapter 10

them t
o an adjoining hotel room where
Richard Hopkins
washing his hands. Bisho
p had met the man the day
and he
were leaving
way to the
ranch. The harried looking physician had somehow made it out of Houston and navigated to
Meraton. Bishop respected him
for that reason alone, having barely survived that journey himself.

The doctor dried
his hands before shaking Bishop’s.

so frustrated with
this frontier medicine,” he remarked,
pulling off his glasses and cleaning them
in the candle
. “I might
be able to
save you
friend if I had
basic equipment. I
stabilized him for the moment, but it won’t last. I can’t remove that shaft without x-rays. It’s too close to so many vital internal organs
and I would be operating blind. Even with an x-ray, his chances of contracting infection would be very high
and we don’t have
much more than
a bare bones
of meds here
Of course, he is already beginning to show signs of infection. The longer we leave that foreign object inside of him, the weaker he gets
eventually the bugs will win.

Bishop looked down at the floor and shook his head. He thought he
already accepted the fact that his ex-boss wasn’t going to make it, but now realized he
been holding out hope.

Terri broke the silence.
“What ki
nd of equipment would you need, D

“Terri, I don’t know. We only have what I brought with me from Houston.
The community gathered up all
the o
prescription drugs, but it
a ho
ure at best. I
know many of
expired. I guess I would need
the contents of a modern operating room, maybe even a field MASH unit

Bishop as
ked to
the Colonel, but the d
octor said he was sleeping.

Terri decided to see what David and Sam were doing,
while Bishop and
Hopkins sauntered
own to Pete’s. They had just stepped
out onto Main Street when
the d
octor put his hand on Bishop’s shoulder and stopped him.

“Bishop, we are all going to have to get use
to this. Healthcare has taken a big step backwards with the rest of society. Last week, I lost a woman giving birth. It was so frustrating because I could have saved her just a few months ago. The baby didn’t make it either.
I am doing my best, but I
so limited. I understand now what my colleagues went through just 100 years ago.”

’s pulse quickened. He
stared at the man for a moment and then mumbled, “A woman died giving birth?”

The d
octor i
mmediately realized his mistake.
“Oh, Bishop, I’m sorry. I
sure Terri and her child
will be fine. I didn’t mean to

held up his hand, interrupting the doctor’s train of thought.
“It’s okay Doc
. I guess I hadn’t considered
her having trouble, but it could happen. What
was the survival rate of child
birth back in the old days?”

Doctor Hopkins
turned away, leading the way
the local wat
ering hole
, avoiding the
question. “I don’t know
Bishop. I
shouldn’t have said that
. I
need a drink.”

Bishop thought about all the people waiting for him at Pete’s. He didn’t like his newfound popularity, but didn’t know what to do about it. He walked a
long a few more steps with the doctor when he got an idea.
“You need a drink
Doc, and I need a bath. Tell everyone at Pete’s I
hope to
be down shortly, but
had some business to attend to
. Give them my best.”

Doctor Hopkins
nodded, patted Bishop on the shoulder
and proceeded on down Main Street.

Bishop tu
rned around and headed
back to T
he Manor. He had noticed
the swimming pool looked as clean and fresh
as ever.
The filters must be solar powered
and someone is taking care of it.
When he arrived at
poolside, he looked around to make sure no one was close by
removing all of his load gear and clothes. He checked his rifle
safety, and then laid the weapon on the pool decking
. After he was naked, he dove in the cool water and came up for air.

It felt so wonderful to be free of all his gear and clothing. It seemed like he
had to wear
heavy armor and
load vest these days. The
of the water
combined with the sensation of skinny dipping
his mood.
He swam around for a bit, enjoying the experience
and then
realized he was going to have to put his dirty
lothes back on. He breast-
stroked to
the side of the pool, next to the discarded
pile of smelly l
aundry,  grabbed his t-shirt, jeans
and socks and took them for a swim with him.
I hope
won’t mind if I pollute the pool a little more.

After soak
and wringing out his
Bishop climbed
out of the pool and draped his wash
over a nearby
chair. He k
new his clothes
would dry quickly in the low humidity desert air. He jumped back in the water and just floated on his back looking up at the stars.

A few moments later, a voice startled him, “No skinny dipping allowed in the pool, can’t you read the signs?” He turned just in time to see Terri’s naked body dive into t
he water beside him. She swam alongside
him unde
r the water, before surfacing for air and putting
her arms around her husband.

“You’re a bad, bad boy
Mr. Bishop. Sneaking into the pool at night and going
. What am I going to do with you?”

Bishop played along
“I have a few ideas
now that you’re here.”

Terri stu
ck out her lower lip and pouted.
“Are you sure you don’t mind being seen with a fat
pregnant girl?”

Bishop misread
her meaning and got all serious.

not fat
and I love you with all my heart. I’m glad you joined me. Isn’t it kind of fun
breaking the rules?”

grinned at her husband’s remark.
“The kids are asleep.
fed them
and they crashed almost instantly. I was heading to Pete’s to make sure all those women down there kept their hands off of my man. I heard you swimming and thought you might like some company.”

Bishop picked her up
and she wrapped her legs around him. They started kissing passionately, holding on to each other tightly.

It was the rare romantic moment for the couple
and they took advantag
e of it. The famous gardens of
he Manor surrounding the pool were illuminated by the soft, warm glow of the landscaping lights.
The cloudless sky was
by a star field that no longer had to
the electric lights of mankind. They went at each other slow, soft and gentle at first, each enjoying the weightlessness of the water and the softness of the air. The cool water contrasted with
warmth of skin wherever their tightly mingled bodies would all
it to seep in. Eventually passion
and things moved faster, more direct.

Bishop was strong and lean.
She could feel the cords and sinew flex as he moved against her softness.
As he neared the end, his arms held Terri like a pair of steel bands that would never let her escape. She knew it was
a savage
taking her now.
The man she loved was no longer in her arms. He had been replaced by a wild beast that
sensed the end
and nothing
ould stop him
He was going to take what he needed, and she had to let him.
his entire focus was on her
nothing else mattered. The stars had ceased to exist. The water was no longer there. Air itself had disappeared. The
were only their souls,
touching through flesh. She let herself go. It was
knowing she didn’t have
a choice and waves of pleasure shook her body and took away her breath. Terri pulled Bishop over the edge with her. The noise that came from low in his throat was that of a
predator taking its prey.
beast reared its h
ead and roared its triumph.

The warm glow of the aftermath was accented by the hushed sounds of the desert night. After recovering, Bishop and Terri climbed out of
the pool
and found a stack of soft towels nearby. Bishop made a mental note to compliment
on her management of the hotel.

They didn’t even bother to get dressed
. P
icking up their clothes and gear
, the coupled
directly to the
. As Bishop closed the pool gate, he glanced at the wet
left on the smooth deck surrounding the pool.
Side by side – just like it should be.
They feel asleep spooning in each other’s arms.


Bishop had the d
octor by the throat. The man’s eyes were bulging out of his head
and his face was a reddish purple color. Bishop was screaming at the top of his lungs, “What do you mean
, she is dying?
Save her!
Save my wife
or I
kill you!” Bishop squeezed harder and felt the man’s windpipe
in his hands. The d
octor’s eyes flashed a last, helpless
look as his lifeless body slid
to the floor.

Bishop bolted upright in bed. He was having a nightmare and was covered i
t. Every muscle in his body ached and
was knotted. Terri rolled over to face him.
“What’s the matter
baby? Are you okay?”

Bishop shook his head
and wiped the beads of perspiration from his forehead. “I’m okay
hun. It was just a bad dream. I’ll be fine.” He leaned
over, gave her a kiss on the forehead,
and told her he needed to go for a walk. She yawned, smiled
and then rolled over to go back to sleep.

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