The Holiday From Hell (3 page)

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Authors: Demelza Carlton

BOOK: The Holiday From Hell
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A cold breeze wafted across Luce's bare arse before he heard the front door click closed. Oh Hell. Of all the times for some random visitor to wander into his house, they had to pick right now, while he was arse-up on the floor in the most submissive pose he'd ever held. Luce longed to get up, but he couldn't seem to make his body cooperate. He couldn't even raise his head to peer into the dust that occupied the space where Mel's body should be standing.

For humiliating him like this, Luce swore the imp would pay.

"Pay Lady in service," the imp's soul-voice said in his head. "Respect owed. No humiliation in offering respect. Angel should bow. Owes Lady greater debt than Lord." Sptlk seemed to hesitate. "Lord can return illusions with blink. Lady knows."

Shoes clomped across the floorboards. "Well, that's a sight to see when you walk in the door. Your taste has definitely improved since that demon I found in your house. That's one damn fine arse. I must say I approve, Mel."

"Please get up," Mel whispered.

She was still there, somehow. Or perhaps the dust was her, Luce decided, remembering how her body had disappeared outside the gates to Hell. The imp was right. He lost no face in prostrating himself before her – she was Lady Muriel, after all. No other angel on Earth stood higher than her – not even the one admiring his arse.

Luce lifted his head to squint into the glowing cloud. He saw Mel's true self now – glittering gold outlined the feminine form he knew and loved. And she'd asked him to stand. Luce rose smoothly to his feet. "Thanks for the compliment. Of course Mel has impeccable taste. I sculpted this body for her pleasure." He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her until she gently disengaged from him.

"Luce. Please go put some pants on," she said.

Luce winked at Raphael. "As Lady Muriel commands." He blew Raphael a kiss. "Can't have you staring at my sexy arse all night." A glance at Mel told him she approved, though she was trying to smother a laugh with her hands. Still grinning, he marched off to find the promised pants.

Luce dug out some casual pants that he knew showed his arse to the best advantage, then decided he'd best wear underwear, too. He selected some red silk boxers. He'd noticed the way Mel liked to stroke silk as much as skin and, if he had his way, once they'd evicted the interfering angel there'd be a lot of stroking going on.

"Cannot give Lady her desires," Sptlk said mournfully.

Luce's shock quickly turned to anger. "I will give her anything and everything she desires. No matter what it takes. She deserves no less." He remembered the forced obeisance that had pinned his body to the floor. "What did you do to me in there? You made me look like a submissive slave!"

"Lady's orders. Remove illusions. See Lady as she truly is." The imp's eyes glittered with malice. "Remove all illusions. Illusion of self-worth, self-respect, arrogance, belief Lord is Lady's equal. Lady deserves more respect. Satisfaction to see Lord give."

Mel hadn't asked for it. The imp had obeyed her order to the letter, adding a broader meaning for his own reasons. Mel didn't want him bowing and scraping around her, Luce knew. Even the show of respect from the angels outside Heaven's gates had unsettled her. "I know I'm not good enough for her. I'm working on it. But she never asked me to be her equal. So what in Hell does she want that you think I can't give her?"

The imp settled onto the pillows, looking depressed. "Lady lacks strength and angels continue to sap it." The image was replaced with a blurry picture of Mel and Raphael, conversing quietly in the lounge. Mel's glowing soul seemed to dim. Even as he watched, glittering motes winked out.

Luce zipped up his pants. Without wasting time on a belt, he strode back to Mel.

"My sources say she's been spotted in Egypt. Some say in Cairo, while others say she frequents the ruins. There's talk that she's looking for the entrance to the old Underworld. The one before…" Raphael stopped abruptly to glare at Luce.

From warm glow to sparkling stars, Mel's soul had taken on a ragged appearance in Raphael's presence. She patted the seat cushion beside her, inviting Luce to sit down. "Raphael was just telling me that Persi might be in Egypt, but she's shying away from any angel who approaches her." She sighed. "I wish I knew what's troubling her."

Luce plonked his backside on the couch, making sure to sit as close to Mel as possible. This seemed to irritate Raphael no end, so Luce stretched an arm around Mel's bare shoulders to enrage the angel further. It also gave him better access to try and heal her, or hold her together. "Me, probably. The little half-angel was so obsessed with me she chained herself to my bed and tried to keep me out of Heaven." Hoping Mel didn't notice, Luce directed a tiny stream of healing energy into her body from his palm.

"I'll have Gabi book your flights for tomorrow," Raphael said eagerly. "It shouldn't take you more than a couple of weeks to check Egypt for her – maybe three or four weeks, if you have to comb the desert – and you can –"

Go somewhere else to exhaust her even more when she desperately needed a holiday? To Hell with that.


Both Mel and Raphael stared at Luce. Her expression wasn't hostile – it was one of wonder.

"Mel's just sorted out a huge political mess in Japan after scouring London for your lost nephilim, and she needs rest," he continued. "That's why she's here. And I'm damn well going to make sure she gets it. Searching the bloody desert isn't something she should be doing – it's grunt work. I wouldn't send anything above a junior demon for that, and it'll go faster if you have more searchers. Get your Grigori on it or I'll send some demons instead. I'm taking Mel on holiday so she doesn't have to deal with this sort of stupidity. You're supposed to be the director of an agency full of helpful angels. Find some damn helpful angels and stop bothering your boss!" Luce bared his teeth in a snarl.

Raphael cleared his throat, looking like more than his throat was irritated. "Mel, put a leash on your pet demon. This is angels' business and none of his concern."

Luce glanced at Mel. She smiled serenely back, but she didn't say a word. Was she waiting, or simply too tired to speak? Luce took her silence as permission. "The Hell it isn't. You dragged her and me into this because you lost one of your employees. Now we're both managing the HELL Corporation for you, while we attempt to do our normal jobs, too. It's a wonder Mel doesn't demote you to gate guard like that nuisance Michael. It beggars belief that she lets you stay in a position of authority when you're this useless. She's got way more patience than I'll ever have. Find that girl on your own. Mel's done enough. She needs to recharge and sending her on another wild goose chase is the last thing she needs." Luce saw a fleeting look of panic cross Raphael's face before it disappeared. "You're just trying to keep her away from me, aren't you? Fat chance. The only one I take orders from is Mel."

"She should have left you to rot in Hell," Raphael hissed.

Mel rose and Luce stood beside her, not willing to let go of the fragile angel. "Raphael, that's unacceptable, as you well know. Answer Luce, please. Have you sent your team of Grigori into Egypt to follow up this lead?"


She bowed her head. "Then do so, please. Helping Luce out of Hell took quite a toll on me, at a time when I had little strength to spare. Luce is right that I need time to recuperate. We will continue to help with the HELL Corporation, but I leave the search for Persi in your capable hands. Bring her to me as soon as you find her and make sure every angel knows that I want her found. Perhaps she'll hear the gossip and come to me of her own volition."

Raphael oozed relief. "Sure. I'll give you daily updates on their progress and –"

"No," Mel said softly. "I only want to know if you find her. Contact me through Luce, for he'll know where I am. Raphael, give me your hand." Luce felt a burning flare of jealousy as Mel's fingers wrapped around the archangel's much larger ones.

Raphael's eyes widened in shock and further into horror. Luce hid a smile as the archangel fell to his knees. "Mel, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. Let me call Patrick. Koyane. Anyone. Someone to watch over you while you're this weak."

She released his hand and sank onto the sofa, breaking the healing contact between herself and Luce. "No. Luce is doing an admirable job so far and I like his recovery plan, too. He'll take good care of me."

Raphael's gaze wove uncertainly between Mel and Luce. "You can't. Please, Mel. I should never have asked for your help against the HELL Corporation. If I hadn't, you'd be safe and well and he wouldn't know where you are."

Mel lifted her chin, her eyes blazing. "You asked for my help and my condition was that I would assist in my own way. Forgive me if my plans are more far-reaching than yours, changing as circumstances require. My projects are completed to my specifications, not yours. And if Luce wishes, he will play a significant part in them."

"You can't trust him. No matter what you think he's become, he's still…"

"Lucifer, light of the morning, Lord of Hell and my love," Mel said steadily. "As you are Raphael of the Hashmallim and my trusted lieutenant. And you will understand one another. I want you both to shake hands." Her voice was deadly quiet. "Now."

Luce extended his hand to the angel, keeping his face carefully blank. "I will protect her at all costs. Even from you and the rest of her own kind."

Raphael gripped Luce's had firmly. "Harm her and I'll lead all the forces of Heaven against you. Then we'll see the true colour of your blood."

"I would spill every drop for her." Luce found that if he concentrated, he could faintly sense the angel's soul and the turbulent emotions churning through it. The fierce protectiveness for Mel, anger and frustration, strong attraction he was trying to resist for…Luce? Luce fought to maintain his composure as he dug deeper into the angel's psyche. Desire and disgust, and fear for… "Michael. Mel, did you know this dick's Michael's boyfriend? That explains a lot."

Raphael reddened and yanked his hand away. "Everyone knows demons lie."

Luce winked. "Ah, but I'm not a demon any more, and angels don't lie. That means you can't lie, either. Does Mel know you're banging Michael?"

"Luce, Michael and Raphael have been close friends for a very long time. Given their natural inclinations, it seemed inevitable that their friendship would blossom into more. I wish you both well of each other, Raphael. Tell my brother the same, the next time you see him."

Now it was Luce's turn to look from Mel to Raphael and back again. Mel's serenity contrasted with Raphael's acute embarrassment. For all that Mel had known, Raphael hadn't told her a thing.

The angel seemed lost for words. Finally, he said, "If you need me for anything, let me know."

Mel leaned forward. "Find Persi. She needs your help more than I do."

Raphael nodded and hurried out. He almost collided with the waiter wheeling their order for room service, but he dodged around the man and continued on his way.

"Dinner!" Luce exclaimed. He heard Mel's footsteps fading away behind him – going to get dressed, he guessed. Ushering the waiter into the house, he led the way to the dining table. The man identified which covered dish was which, told Luce to leave the trolley and dishes outside when he was done and assured him one of the restaurant staff would collect them later tonight or early in the morning.

Luce locked the door behind the man and returned to the table. "Oh my God."

Mel blushed, glancing down at her white nightdress. It was just translucent enough to show she wore nothing underneath the silky fabric clinging to her curves, while covering all of the essentials. "I figured this would be more appropriate than day clothes, seeing as I intend to go to bed right after we're done with dinner. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. I think that's a brilliant plan. Dinner, then bed," Luce blurted out. If he wasn't absolutely starving, he'd happily skip dinner and take her straight to bed now.

Mel eyed the trolley. "So, what did you order for dinner?"

Luce pulled out a chair and waved extravagantly. "Take a seat, my lady, and let me serve you."

She laughed softly and sat. After a moment's confusion, Luce worked out which were the entrées and set Mel's before her. He poured her wine, too, before he sat across from her with his oysters and wine. He lifted the cover from her plate with a flourish. "Stuffed mushrooms. You like them, don't you?"

Mel nodded. "Much better than oysters."

He grinned as he lifted a shell to his lips. "Hey, I'm eating these at your command. I even ordered an extra dozen in case you wanted to share."

She swallowed her mouthful of mushroom. "Luce, I don't need shellfish to stimulate my desire. But you'll need every one of them for what I have in mind." Wickedly angelic eyes regarded him over her wineglass as she sipped.

Luce choked.

"Are you all right, my love?"

He coughed out some sort of reply that included the word 'fine' and headed for the kitchen for a big drink to wash down the troublesome oyster. Did she mean what he thought she did? All those times she'd turned him down…was it because his performance wasn't up to par? Was that why she was always so quiet and calm when he…when they…oh God. Loss of illusions...that damn imp. When he'd managed to get a hold of himself, he returned to find Mel had finished her mushrooms.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Mel asked, her worried eyes reading his very soul.

"No. I'm not, am I? I'm not good enough for you. After seeing your other men – Patrick and that Japanese one, Koyane – you started thinking about how perfect they are and how I'll never be an angel like that. Never was, never will be. And if you feel I need aphrodisiac food to be able to satisfy you…should I be buying that Viagra stuff next? Horny goat weed or whatever herbal supplements the human health food shops are peddling? I'll never be good enough for you, will I, Mel?"

Her horror said more than any words could. Luce knew he was right.

"I should serve your next course. At least I can manage that."


He held up his hand to stop her. "You don't need to try and make me feel better. I know what I am. And your dinner will get cold while you slap a band-aid on my bruised ego."

Shoving his untouched oysters onto the trolley, Luce passed out the main course plates – some sort of creamy pasta with little prawns. Shrimp? Whatever they called those things. He poured more wine and shovelled forkfuls of food into his mouth so he wouldn't have to say anything else. He scraped the last shrimp through a drift of sauce and heard the clink and clatter of cutlery hitting the floor. He glanced up to see Mel swaying in her seat.

Luce rounded the table in two strides, grabbing her before her face landed in her half-eaten meal.

"I'm sorry," Mel mumbled with her eyes closed. "I can't seem to stay awake. So…tired. Didn't sleep enough on the plane and hardly at all in Japan."

"So go to bed then," Luce replied. She was probably up all night with that angel Koyane and maybe even the siren, too. The girl had been eyeing Mel with unconcealed lust since the moment they met.

"You've gone to so much trouble. I want to have dinner with you. I missed you." She levered her eyes open with considerable effort. "I missed you, Luce." The dark circles beneath her eyes were more noticeable now and she felt unusually heavy as she leaned against him, as if exhaustion had sapped even her will to sit up.

Luce swept her up in his arms. Now he could feel how tired she was – the heaviness in every limb and the cloying fog in her mind. "Bed or dinner?" he asked.

"I…" she began, then sighed, resting her head against his shoulder.

Her body needed both energy and sleep to repair, and she had said she wanted dinner. Luce dropped into her chair, hearing the timber creak beneath him at their combined weight. He hooked his leg around the chair beside him and pulled it out from under the table, then laid Mel's legs across it. Her head still rested against his shoulder, but he'd freed up his left arm to reach for his fork. He loaded it with a piece of Mel's filled pasta and lifted it to her lips. "Dinner, Melody?"

Gratitude warmed her half-closed eyes. "Thank you." Her sweet lips parted to permit the pasta inside and he felt the gentle jar of her teeth on the fork as her tongue swept the morsel deeper into her mouth. Reluctantly, Luce withdrew the fork, noticing a slight smear of sauce on her lips. The tip of her tongue took care of it before he could surrender to the desire to kiss her. She lifted her chin a touch as she swallowed, enticing Luce's attention to the silky skin of her throat and the smooth curve down to the swell of her breasts beneath the filmy white nightdress. His pants grew uncomfortably tight, but he forced himself to dip the fork into Mel's meal again.

Slowly he fed her, one bite at a time. Even the simple act of chewing and swallowing seemed a struggle for her. Unobtrusively, Luce stretched his soul out to touch hers once more, letting a trickle of healing flow between them. When she didn't react, he increased the intensity, praying she wouldn't stop him this time.

To cover his distraction, Luce trawled the tines of his fork through the thick sauce, looking for any pasta pieces he'd missed. Instead, he snagged a shrimp.

"Last one, Mel," he coaxed. "After this, it's dessert."

This time, she didn't open her mouth. Luce glanced down and realised her eyes were shut just as tight as her lips. He popped the prawn in his own mouth and let the fork clatter onto her plate. A deft swipe of the napkin removed the last traces of sauce. He debated whether to try and wake her or find somewhere more comfortable for her to sleep. Mel sighed and turned her face into his shoulder, a smile lifting her lips as her cheek rubbed against his skin.

To Hell with dessert. He was taking Mel to bed now before he burst through the zip of his pants. And nothing was sweeter than his angel.

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