The High King: A Tale of Alus (59 page)

BOOK: The High King: A Tale of Alus
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made of steel, all made it look like nothing more. The line


of people at the side door and bouncers at the top of the


four step stairway barring the door with a bannered sign


above it revealed that it was no ordinary warehouse.


The Lair, the banner declared in red lettering on


a black background. Music leaked through the door.


Thumping beats drove their way into the night letting the line of waiting people, all dressed to dance and impress,


know that there was something more to want inside.


“Come on, big guy,” a tall, lanky man with dark


hair said begging of the bouncer with a clipboard in hand,


“this place is huge. How can there be a line to get inside


for a place like this?”


“City codes,” the large man stated matter of


factly. A black jacket still seemed to reveal large muscles


beneath the padding. A shaved, bald head with brown


skin was covered with a black hat to match his jacket


and gloves. It was winter still and some of the party goers


looked cold as they waited.


The silver, Mercedes, sport car pulled up to the


valets in front of the building. Nick exited and threw his


keys to the nearest valet, who was actually a female, one


of two, and greeted her, “Evening, Tara. Put it in the


usual spot. Please.” The girl smiled as she caught the keys out of the


air. She took his tip as they passed each other, “Yes, sir,


Mister Steel. I’ll good care of it for you.”


The other three valets all looked on enviously.


Nick was known as a good tipper.


Nick began walking past the line waiting to


enter. Looks of surprise and annoyance followed as he


passed the group. A few called out their ‘hey’ of


disapproval, but Nick ignored them. He knew the owners


after all and never had to wait at the door.


Two women stood together. A pretty blond and


even prettier brunette stood in their short leather


jackets. Black nylons under short skirts leading to their


high heels were not the best idea for a wait in winter. The


girls noticed his glance and smiled at him. Taking pity on


them and deciding that he would like some company


tonight, Nick gestured for the two to follow. At the stairway, Nick held up his hand to the girls


and kept moving until he leaped up using the top of the


rail to finish propelling him up and over onto the concrete


landing. The bouncers merely raised their eyebrows at his


audacity. “Do me a favor and let my friends down there in


for me, Brian.”


The big bouncer tried to look menacing as he


lowered his voice threateningly. “Don’t call me, Brian.


You know I go by Hawk when I’m bouncing here.”


With a sharp laugh, Nick retorted, “Hawk? Maybe


an ox or bear, I don’t know about some little bird for a


nickname. You’re kind of selling yourself short, aren’t




Scrubbing his face with a growled groan, the


bouncer finished by pointing to the two girls and


gestured for them to come up. Several voices raised in


protest. “Knock it off or you can go home!” the big man


shouted them down angrily. He turned a warm smile on the two girls as they climbed the stairs noting how pretty


they were. “Ladies,” he nodded appreciatively.


Nick nodded to the second man holding the door


open for the women. “Brad,” he acknowledged the man.


“You know you two make killer B’s right?”


The second man, almost as big as Hawk, joined


his partner in a groan. Brad had some sort of nickname


also, Nick thought as he passed the man, but like Hawk’s


it escaped him. The second bouncer didn’t bother to


correct him before the three were inside and quickly


enveloped by the sounds and sights within the club.


Leading the girls to the bar, Nick bought a round


before finding an open table. The bouncers weren’t being


exclusive by keeping the line waiting. There were few


tables open and the dance floor was crowded with


undulating dancers moving to the beats thrown out by


the dj in his box. Most of the tables surrounded the dance floor


from an area raised by a half dozen stairs. Two bars on


either side of the building kept up a steady business as


the partiers lined up for their drinks. A kitchen served


from the bar left of the doors, while the one to the right


was mainly a wet bar.


The girls were flirting with him even as they eyed


the dance floor. These were the type of girls to dance the


night away. It was an admirable goal, especially


considering their high heels that Nick figured had to be


relatively uncomfortable. They coaxed him out to dance.


The girls were good, not just your typical sorority girls


shifting weight, but near professional choreography. Nick


knew some steps but was definitely out of his league


with these two. The girls didn’t seem to care. They


laughed and urged him to try some of their fancier steps.


Several songs later they retreated to their drinks.


“You’re not too bad, Nick,” the brunette,


Michelle, said with a smile. “Yes, you kept up pretty well,” Alicia, the blond




Chuckling and knowing they were being nice,


Nick replied, “Well, you’re being kind, but I can tell you


two are quite a bit better than me.”


Michelle reached over to ruffle his hair as she


cooed, “Aw, you’re not that bad. It’s like you’ve been


dancing for years. Alicia and I used to take classes


though and now we teach.”


“Ah, so you are professionals. Now I don’t feel so


bad, since I know you’re ringers.”


The girls laughed. Nick’s eyes wandered to the


far side of the bar, not for the first time. Marek and his


clan were usually around somewhere. In fact, his senses


told him at least a few vampires were nearby. For


Nicholas, finding vampires was as easy for him as a


compass pointing north. Such instincts made him good at


finding strays as well as those he knew. “Nicky! Are you trying to make me jealous?” a


familiar voice spoke from behind him even as cold fingers


found his back sliding up to his shoulder and then played


with his hair trailing above his neck. His new friends’


eyes turned to the girl attached to the voice looking


nearly jealous themselves. They also looked to him like


they feared he was playing them.


Turning on his stool to face the woman, who was


the second of the day to think he made a good ‘Nicky’, he


greeted the blond with her gray piercing eyes, “Hello,


Nicola, I see you’re looking well.”


“Well, I try not to change, you know,” the


vampiress stated it like an inside joke. The two humans


could not know that Nick had known her for nearly eighty


years. She was a later convert by Marek. Her beauty had


drawn him in and the vampire could not help himself.


Nick had not been as involved with Marek and


his clan at that time. Vivian had still held onto him at that


point. “These are my new friends, Michelle and Alicia.


Ladies, this is Nicola, an old friend.”


The vampire sighed loud enough to be heard over


the music. Her hands moved to his arm drawing his hand


towards her mouth. “Only because you wouldn’t let me be


more,” Nicola stated seductively. Feigning a kiss of his


hand, the vampire actually bit into the flesh between


thumb and forefinger. The woman was a flirt and even


worse with men. Nearly eight decades as a vampire had


barely tempered such characteristics. If not for Marek


and Nick’s guidance, the woman would probably have


been put down for her appetites.


After two quick draws of his blood, Nicola looked


to the man’s face. “Mmmm, you still taste good,” she


managed to smile without any blood showing in her


teeth. The other two women looked disgusted at her


antics and they had missed that she drew blood. They


leaned to whisper to each other. Nicola’s eyes narrowed


slightly as her keen ears caught their words. Nick’s hearing wasn’t that of a vampire, but he


could tell that the words weren’t kind. He squeezed her


hand drawing her eyes back to him and gently shook his




“Marek’s not here yet, Nicky, if you were looking


for him,” she stated the fact leaving out the words of


what he might be up to this late at night. Nighttime was a


vampire’s day. They made the most of the time they had


out of the light that burned them as they had become.


Many nights Marek and his clan patrolled their territory.


They weren’t the only vampires in the world and probably


not even in the city. Troublemakers needed to be dealt


with swiftly. Marek and his people took the defense of


their territory and their secret lives very seriously.


“Will you let me know when he arrives?” He felt


the gaze of his new friends as Nicola began to withdraw.


The vampire’s mood seemed to cool as she became more


businesslike. Returning his attention back to his guests,


Nick tried to let the situation fade away. “Well, your friend’s quite… interesting,” Alicia


commented to Michelle’s nod.


“She’s part owner here,” Nick admitted causing


the girls’ faces to show surprise. “You just have to let her


get it out of her system sometimes. Anyway, are you


ladies ready to dance some more?”


Diverting their attention back to the dance floor,


the three returned to the activity and soon the ladies’


moods returned to what they were before Nicola’s


interruption. Nick’s attention, however, never fully left


the vampiress or the door that might see Marek’s return.


Knowing the vampire, they would probably use a less


obvious entrance, but the man could only watch what he


could see. His extra sense that could find vampires was


more likely to be the one that noticed the man’s return




An hour later, he felt them. Nicola’s signaling to


him came soon afterward. Begging his partners’


forgiveness, Nick tried to excuse himself away. “Sorry, ladies, my friend has returned. We need to talk business


for awhile.”


Raising a brow curiously, the dark haired


Michelle asked, “Are you part owner here also?”


Nick let a slight smile touch his lips as he


replied, “In a way.


“Well, until we meet again. I have your numbers


after all.” He kissed first one then the other.


Blushing slightly, Alicia responded, “And we have


yours, Nick. Thanks for the nice night.”


Michelle nodded looking equally flush and


holding the slip of paper with his number on it up for




With a last nod of his head and a smile, the man


moved off to find Marek. The back room was considered a V.I.P. area.


Simple red drapes barred the general public’s view and


bouncers manned those outside. On the other side of that


room, however, was another doorway obscured by more


drapes. Mirrors and pictures lined the walls all around


them, the seating was intimate and could probably have


been enough for their conversation, but they moved


through the second door.


“Hello, my friend,” Marek greeted him from a


plush couch. His second in command, Jake, a dark haired


man with shadowy brown eyes, when they weren’t white


from using his vampire powers, sat beside him with a


glass filled with what appeared to be red wine.


Around the room still dressed in their jackets,


the other two men from the scouting party, Marcus, a


thin black man with a shaved head and sporting a


goatee, and Edgar, a slightly shorter though stockier man


of Hispanic origin. Both had glasses similar to Jake’s.


Nicola sat on Marek’s other side. Despite her flirting, the woman was Marek’s on again, off again girlfriend and


one of his confidantes.


“Two nights in a row? Should I assume that you


missed me or have you simply come back for more


business?” the vampire asked with a smile.


The others smiled at the joke. Despite their many


years of alliance, their relationship had always been sixty


percent business. Give or take. “How could I not miss you

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