The Hidden Library

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Authors: Heather Lyons

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

BOOK: The Hidden Library
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Praise for The Collectors’ Society

“The most unique, fascinating, wondrous book I’ve read in a very long time! I was glued to every page.”–
Shelly Crane, New York Times bestselling author of Significance and Wide Awake

“So unique and different, the first thing I thought when I finished . . . Man I wish I would have thought of that! Buy this book, you won’t regret it!”–
#1 NYT bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken

“This book should come with a handwritten tag that says ‘Read Me.’ And you should. Right now. One of my favorite reads of the year. Loved it! I want to live inside Heather’s brain.”–
Daisy Prescott, USA Today Bestselling author of Modern Love Stories

“This fantasy was a breath of fresh air. It was unique, inspiring, and obviously a five-star read. If you enjoy romance, adventure, and traveling through worm holes go get this book ASAP!”—
Jennifer Foor, author of the Best Selling Mitchell Family Series, The Kin Series, The Bankshot Series, The Twisted Twin Series, Diary of a Male Maid, Hope’s Chance and Love’s Suicide

“One of the most inventive stories I’ve ever read. Brimming with sexiness and romance, magic and lore, it’s a modern-day fairytale adventure that is not to be missed.”–
Vilma’s Book Blog

“THIS BOOK WAS EPIC! . . . I wanted to escape into a story that held not only romance, but also mystery. And that’s exactly what I got when I read
The Collectors’ Society
. I got a riveting, refreshing, and unique plot that was not only driven by a beautifully sweet romance, but also a thriving story filled with suspense and unbounded mystery.”–
Angie and Jessica’s Dreamy Reads

“Alice is the new standard that I set for all heroines.”–
BFF Book Blog

“Deserving to be a new classic for the modern day,
The Collectors’ Society
should be on your must read list.”—
The Paisley Reader

“If you love classic literature, and you love fantasy and fairy tales, this is a must read book for you.”—
Book Briefs

“This is one of those books where you have to sit back and question an author’s sanity because how the hell did they ever come up with this amazingly insane and totally unique idea if not for a bit of insanity on their parts. All I can say is thank goodness for Heather Lyons and her crazy thoughts,
Collectors’ Society
is. . . . . . I can’t even explain it, just know that it IS . . .”—
Reads All The Books

“ . . . A unique tale that will leave you breathless, enthralled and begging for more. If you thought you knew classic fairy tales, think again!”—
Resch Reads and Reviews

“I’m finding it almost impossible to put down in words the love I feel for this story. It was nothing like I expected and yet everything I wanted.”–
The Book Hookup

The Hidden Library

Copyright © 2015 by Heather Lyons


Cerulean Books © Sun

First Edition

ISBN: 978–0-9908436–2-7


Cover design by
Whit And Ware

Editing by
Kristina Circelli

Book formatting by
Champagne Formats


Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the above author of this book.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


Praise for The Collectors’ Society

Also by Heather Lyons


Interrogation Techniques


A Call

Truth Serum


An Ode to Polaris

Bits Of The Past

A Lover’s Locket

Ghost Stories & Selfies

Fairy Tales


Double Identity

A Whiteboard


Status Report





True Love’s Kiss


He Knows

Surveillance Footage

Wee Beastie

Literal Creatures


The Boojum

The Princess & The Unicorn


A Gala


Broken Glass


A Bibliography


Also by Heather Lyons

Deep End of the Sea

A Matter of Fate

The Fate Series

About the Author

Also by
Heather Lyons


The Fate Series

A Matter of Fate

Beyond Fate
—a novella (#1.5)

A Matter of Heart

A Matter of Truth

A Matter of Forever


The Collectors’ Society Series

The Collectors’ Society

The Hidden Library (#2)


The Deep End of the Sea




To Jon,

true love, north star, and binary

all rolled in one.

OU AND I ARE due for a talk, don’t you think? Lady to lady.”

The cackles erupting from the woman before me would make the sorceresses of Wonderlandian lore proud. Or even the Red Queen, who often practiced perfecting such a laugh to be used during the Red Court’s infamous bandersnatch arena games. Rage has turned Rosemary’s eyes bloodshot yet glassy, and with her black hair dipped white and in a bird’s-nest array around her head, she promises to be a fright to behold for many.

I am not afraid of Rosemary, though. Especially not when she is constrained as she is.

We are in one of the Institute’s more secure rooms with a locked door behind me. The only piece of furniture within is the chair she’s strapped to. Everything else was hastily removed prior to our entrance.

The Collectors’ Society, the clandestine organization I work for, never saw fit for such a space prior to the last few days. While technologically advanced and cunning, their specialties have lain in the acquisition and preservation of catalysts from various Timelines, not the capture and interrogation of villains. But two such persons newly reside within the Institute’s walls, and answers must be taken, whether willingly or through force.

As my partner is currently embroiled in important meetings, I am the woman to happily provide such coercion.

“What is your name?”

Spittle flies from between Rosemary’s lips. “Go fuck yourself, you ugly bitch whore!” A frenzy overtakes her, much like the berserkers of yore. She shouts, she struggles against the straps binding her to the chair, she froths at the mouth. And then, just when it appears she might burst out of her skin and morph into a beast, she begins singing in a voice so beautiful, so rich and pure, a woman with a softer heart than mine might shed a tear over it.

Unfortunately for her, though, I am no such lady.

Carry on, beyond the skies,

beyond tumultuous sea,

to the heart of the mountain

lies wondrous future for ye.

Sing, sing, little children!

Spill blood graciously.

Rest assured, in the end,

treasure and glory await thee.

The villainess’ head tilts back, her eyes close. Her voice lowers and begins anew.

Fear not the blade of death,

fear not the hole of time.

Come, come, little children!

Harken to beauteous sign.

The small earpiece I am wearing vibrates as Mary Lennox’s voice says, “Well, if she isn’t crazier than a bag of hungry opossums, then I don’t know what’s what.”

I am unsure of what opossums are, but I feel it is safe to agree with my colleague’s assessment. I have known and fought many a crazed lady in my life, but Rosemary is one of the most unsettling. The others—the Queens of Red, Hearts, and White—all had method and rationale behind their madnesses and were more than happy to wax eloquent on issues when queried. I may have rarely agreed with their actions, but I knew what made them tick. This woman, who has attacked me multiple times and is suspected to have destroyed numerous Timelines and thereby murdering countless souls, cannot willingly offer up any rhyme or reason for her actions.

She is an alien creature if there ever was one.

I cannot allow what she has done to continue, even though Rosemary is now in Society custody. A team of our agents captured her and an associate whilst several others and I were acquiring the Wonderlandian catalyst. Unfortunately for all, though, S. Todd, Rosemary’s assumed paramour and partner, escaped after annihilating a catalyst and slashing Abraham Van Brunt’s throat. The Society’s leader is currently recovering in a nearby hospital and doing well, but the events have left our organization impatient to bring these fiends to justice.

I clap politely whilst Rosemary softly hums another stanza. Her eyes close in rapture, her head slumps forward. “What a pretty song. The time for such diversions is over, though. What is your full name?”

Rage overtakes her once more. This time, her fits send her and the chair she’s strapped to toppling over onto the ground. From there, she lashes about like a fish out of water.

I step forward, crouching down over her sideways body until I have her pinned sufficiently below me. She gnashes her teeth, snarling like a rabid beast. I carefully take hold of her jaw, ensuring my fingers remain safe from her overly sharp-appearing teeth. “You are responsible for the deletion of numerous Timelines. True or false?”

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