The Heist (11 page)

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Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Volume 1 Lee's Girls Series

BOOK: The Heist
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“I’m not done yet,
… I’m not done with you….” He grunted.

He slipped out of her slick, wet channel and beat his dripping cock against her ass. She had little time to think before he entered her anus.

“Nooo…Lee, don’t….” She cried out, unprepared. But he eased in gently and fingered her to intensify the painful mix of pleasure. He paused to make sure she stretched appropriately then fed her anus another inch. Magically, muscles she had never exercised before relaxed and welcomed the invasion. Though she’d never had anal sex before, Lee’s care made it pleasurable and she was glad he was her first. He was careful but forceful, gentle but firm.

“That’s right,
. I want all of you.” His voice came in a dark whisper that sent shivers through her. She groaned, a climatic explosion overwhelming her as his hot seed shot off in her ass. He fell on top of her, pressing her body onto the floor.

Michelle was covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Confused but wanting more, she was thankful he couldn’t see her face, thankful for the chance to conceal her vulnerability. Then he rose and left her sprawled across the expensive coat. She heard water running, but her mind had one single thought: find her clothes and run, get out before it was too late. Sasha needed her; she should never have started this game. This was the man who destroyed her father and kidnapped her sister. What the hell was she doing?

She heard him return to the room and she tensed. When he flipped her over, her lids fluttered but she stared up at him as he snatched off her restraints and scooped her up. Michelle went limp in his arms.

Lee carried her through the dark room into the well-lit palatial bathroom. She lifted her head to voice a concern, one that faded from memory when she caught the lethal look of desire in his eyes. The beast was there, but the man she’d known as a girl could clearly be seen. He lowered her into the cool waters of the Jacuzzi tub. Her body ached and momentarily burned in every orifice until Michelle relaxed and submerged amongst lavender-scented bubbles.

Lee didn’t join her. He didn’t bathe her. Instead, he stepped into the separate shower. As Michelle lay there, her head resting on the rim of the tub with the Jacuzzi spouts tickling her sensitive flesh, she watched him.

He quickly covered his taunt muscles in lather. A long knife scar along his side and just above his pelvis was his only imperfection. The barb-wire tribal tattoo circling one arm could be seen clearly and when he turned, he revealed a larger tattoo of a dark wingspread across his shoulder blades. He stepped under the water flow, rinsing away the fluids of their sex. Steam began to fog the glass, preventing her from enjoying the show any further.

Michelle wondered how she could desire him at all. The self-loathing she carried for harboring feelings for this monster overwhelmed her once more. She allowed herself to calm. And in her calm, the desire for him surfaced once more. Again, she was powerless to choose which emotion should claim her heart. Instead, she closed her eyes and enjoyed her perfumed bath. Gathering her strength, she checked the bruise on her arm from the near-miss gunshot and saw it had turned an ugly purple. It didn’t hurt. Not like her rump. Michelle even tried to ignore her gluttonous pussy as it begged for a repeat performance. Lee hadn’t won anything. She was still in control, and he was the monster she was planning on destroying, just as she was sure he destroyed her father.

The water stopped. The shower door opened. Michelle slowly opened her eyes as Lee stepped from the shower with beads of moisture covering his brick-layered torso and bulging arms. Wordlessly, he reached in the water and lifted her out of the fragrant suds. He dried her and draped a towel around her, before wrapping one around his hips. She exhaled now shy and awkward from his outer show of affection. They returned to his room. He drew back the sheets as an invitation.

His bed was the last place she needed to be. Her warring emotions over affection for Lee were further complicated by desires he’d awakened. “I should go.”

“We’re not done….”

“We are if I say we are.”

“And your body already answered that question an hour ago. My bed,
, I want you in it.

He spoke of more than just this night, and part of her—a small part of her—had wanted this to last. The saner part of her chose to ignore it. She released the towel and lay down. He smirked and walked out of the room. Michelle chewed on her chipped nail and waited, watching the door, wanting more.



Chapter Ten



He reappeared with a tray of assorted fruit, two wine glasses, and a bottle he told her was from his private stock. In the dim lighting, his handsome appearance was still intimidating. Who were the women in his life? Michelle secretly harbored bitter jealousy at the prospect of him loving another.
What a joke!
The idea that he, or she for that matter, knew anything about love made her scoff. Yet a man like Lee could have any woman he chose. There had to be others.

“You okay?”

Michelle forced emotion from her voice. “Yep. What’s this?”

Lee set the tray on the bed then uncorked and poured the wine. He passed her a glass, which she accepted, but with guarded caution. He poured himself a glass from the same bottle and drank from it.

“You’re quite a woman, Michelle.”

She swirled her wine. “So now it’s Michelle. Make up your mind, am I

He laughed and despite her vow not to, she smiled.

“I’m working through that one, kid.”

“Well, I’ll tell you one thing, I’m not a kid. Not anymore. I think I proved that tonight.”

Lee sipped his wine and he nodded. “Agreed. You are different since the last time we spoke, very different.”

“I’m just trying to survive, no mystery there.”

“Aren’t we all?”

He joined her in bed. Plucking a cube of pineapple from the tray, he ran it over her lips before feeding it to her.

“So you go through this much effort for all the women you’re trying to break in?”

“We haven’t established that you’re in yet.” He snacked on a lime green slice of kiwi.

“We haven’t established that I’m not.” She drank the rest of the ruby-red wine too fast. A wave of dizzying light-headedness sent her thoughts swirling into a single incoherent mass. The rush was instant, and relaxing.

“What are your terms? I’m listening.”

“I don’t have terms, Lee. For me, this is old hat. Done. Over. I want you and anything that reminds me of Pops out of my life. It’s pretty much been that way for the last three years, especially the last two. I haven’t...I didn’t see Pops at all.”

“Not an option.” He passed her a strawberry but she turned her face away.

Lee ate it then drank down the last of his wine. He reached for the bottle and refilled her glass, then his. “Don’t you want to know who your father really was? How he played me in the end? It’s a fascinating story.”

“No thanks.”

“It was a big score,
. The Holy Grail of heists. I worked on it with him for months. Put everything I had on the line. He didn’t mention it?” Lee pressed. Michelle shifted under the weight of the pressure his penetrating stare put on her heart.
What was he fishing for?
Pops and she barely spoke before his death; he sent his messages through Sasha. “He turned against everything we believed. Betrayed me and you.” When she didn’t answer, Lee shrugged and returned the bottle of wine to the tray. He was testing her. Well, to hell with his games. She wouldn’t take the bait.

“Maybe it’s time I made love to you.” Lee traced a finger over the top edge of the sheet, then slowly drew it away to reveal her curves.

“You are twisted. What was that? Accusing my father of betrayal as a prelude to sex? You sick bastard, my anger turns you on that much? What the hell am I doing here, Lee? You were right six years ago. I was wrong tonight. This shouldn’t have happened. I’m leaving.” Reality suddenly doused her passion and she pushed herself away from him.

Lee grabbed her arm. “That wasn’t our deal.”

“So what? Are you going to rape me now? Prove yourself to be a man?”

“Stop the act. Show me that fearlessness. You want this; if you didn’t you wouldn’t be here, and you and I know it.” He reached up and cupped her neck, drawing her face down to his. His lips were like a magnet to hers. The kiss, at first soft, soon turned to a charged exchange of tongues, and her anger eased. She pushed at his chest. His cock sprung between them semi-erect. She wanted to ride it. Lee’s foot hit the tray as he took control and rolled her. The food, glasses, and bottle all went crashing to the floor. Rising on his elbows, he moistened his lips with his tongue. His strong, long-fingered hands went over her curves then eased between the apex of her thighs to tap her sex. A sure sign that he expected her to part her legs wider. With baited breath she did, settling into the warmth of his palm pressed there. She felt such sweet tingling sensations in her clit as it brushed the hard flesh of his palm. How could one man’s touch be so soft and gentle, yet firm and strong? She was alive with throbbing heat in his hand; she’d think consequences later. Right now her mind screamed to be taken, hard and strong.

He put a hand above her head to the headboard as he brought his face centimeters from hers. She could feel the strength in his heaving chest, and smell the delicious mix of kiwi and wine once his lips parted and his tongue grazed over the crease of her pressed lips. Next would come his kiss. Michelle craved it. Her lids lowered shut, her lips quivered, her tongue reached for it.
Kiss me, damn it!

Lee hesitated. Michelle opened her eyes. He smirked, staring down at her, while stroking her plump slit. She wanted to smack him. The stop-and-go would work better with a lesser woman. She knew her body, and more importantly, her body loved him. It didn’t need to be seduced.


His gaze flashed up from the quivering peaks of her nipples. He rubbed her between her thighs, opening her to feel the slick readiness, delaying it further by running the tip of his finger in a slow circle around the opening to her pussy. “So much anger, resentment, bitterness—I know how that feels. I like that,” he told her, flicking his tongue at her lips, then tasting her neck.

His hand slid down the headboard as his weight settled over her. All male hardness layered her skin with body heat. Her legs were forced wider apart by his muscle-packed thighs between them. Michelle let a deep sigh of satisfaction escape her. There was nothing hurried in the way he trailed kisses along the outer shell of her ear while his meaty cock rubbed between the tender folds of her slit. She had to touch him. Her hands splayed over the flexed halves of his back and trailed rigid muscle under baby-smooth skin. He must have liked her touch. He flexed the arch of his back and gave a deep groan, reminiscent of a predator's growl, from the back of his throat into her ear. His lips brushed her cheek and found her mouth. At last. She tilted her chin upward and parted her lips then drew in his tongue by allowing hers to sweep sweetly into the cavern of his mouth.

She was wet, aching with the phantom pains of his last exploration. She could not wait to feel the warm thickness of his manhood delving into her most intimate of spots. Hell, she needed to feel him. Just one more time and then she and he were done.
Just one more time
, she repeated in her head.




“Sweet, sweet
,” Lee sucked in a tight breath and kissed her under her chin, forcing her head to tilt back. He’d be damned, if it weren’t like heaven between her soft thighs. With her beneath him, he felt like a king. How could he have denied this pleasure from them both for so long and withstood? Lee ran his tongue down to the slender line of her throat. Denying himself nothing now, he returned to her round, naturally perky breasts. How lovely her tits were. How lovely her body was.

“Mmm, I could play with these gemstones all day,” he murmured, referencing her hard, swollen nipples. He hoped she found his weakness endearing, because it was genuine. Yes, she would bring him to his Golden Chalice. Yes, he’d recover what Pops stole from him. But he’d not deny either of them pleasures along the way.

“Be mine,” he whispered over her nipple, drawing it into his mouth.




Her world tilted on its axis and her universe became nothing more than the pleasure, heat, and sensation. Her vision blurred and her eyelids slipped down as his mouth closed on her nipple. When would there ever be enough? The more she gave of herself, the more she wanted to submit and give more. To the one man she knew didn’t deserve the passion he stirred inside her. She loathed and secretly craved him. Lee suckled tenderly, causing hot awareness to zip through every nerve, every muscle, sinew, bone, and flesh. Her fingers and toes curled tightly as her body shook. Her entire body was awakened with the most intense arousal she had ever experienced.

Lee’s hand was a soft caress in its exploration. He released her breast, his body consuming her as he thrust into her. His mouth covered hers during his entry, and she dug her nails into his shoulders. Slowly Lee worked his pelvis, which was excruciating; she wanted him balls-deep inside her. He infuriated her with his teasing. It was purposeful. His way of reminding her he remained in control. Not only of her life, her sister’s, but even her orgasm. To hell with him and the powerful way he commanded her body. She would not be denied.

Michelle gripped the tender flesh of his ass and forced him to thrust deeper. The combined sensations were too much. She could barely breathe or think past the pleasure to have him stretching her cunt to fill her completely. She constricted her vaginal muscles around his shaft, trying to draw him back inside her. Waves of sensations wrapped around her and she let go. For now, she would let go. This was just sex, after all. Certainly she was entitled to some joy in her misery. She wouldn’t be fooled by his whispers, by the way he kissed her lids, her nose, between her brows. She would not be fooled by his tenderness, though her heart longed to believe him capable of it.

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