The Heavens Shall Fall (26 page)

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Authors: Jerri Hines

BOOK: The Heavens Shall Fall
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Hannah rose and drew a deep breath to steady her voice.
“I cannot excuse my own actions, brother. You do not know what I have done. I did not stop after finding the leak. It was a game upon which I thrived.”

She turned her head away.
“After Gabriel left me, it was as if it filled a void within me. It was too easy. I didn’t even think about the information I obtained. People trusted me, and I used that trust.”

Hannah, there should be no guilt. I know of the good you did. I heard from Tallmadge that it was the reason for the hesitation to withdraw you when they had the opportunity.”

She glanced back at him with a small smile, but it faded before it reached the corner of her mouth.
“I am not worthy of your goodwill. Men have died trusting me, Jonathan. Even now my actions are questionable. My own selfish need for a family has placed many in danger. I’m certain Tallmadge feels I have by marrying Giles.”

Jonathan stared at his sister. He thought her out of the network, but her words suggested she still remained. Her husband…Jonathan had known Giles had taken Hannah into his house after she was saved from her kidnapping.
Was Giles in the network?

I believe Tallmadge is concerned only with his people. As now with your general coming for you. Durham is obsessed with you, Hannah. I don’t believe he will stop just because you crossed the Sound.”

Why do you say that? Because we were lovers?” She frowned.

It was only then that Hannah betrayed her fear. Jonathan heard it in her voice, saw it in her eyes. There was more to her story. He pressed.

“Because you have a son…Seth is his. Even if you had not told me, I can see him in the boy. Does your husband know?”

Giles knows everything I have done. He has been my strength and I will not do anything to hurt him, Jonathan, ever. Giles took Seth as his own. We have a good life. It is best for Seth if Marcus leaves him alone.”

I don’t think he will. He used me to get to you, Hannah. Do you think that he will cease now?”

No,” she whispered. “No, I do not. You don’t understand. I did not leave Marcus; the network parted us. I had set to leave with Marcus to England when I was kidnapped by Gannon. After I was saved, the network would not let me leave. They allowed us only to say good-bye.”

Hannah grimaced, as if remembering the pain,
and then looked at her brother. “God forgive me, Jonathan…the last time I saw Marcus, I begged him to take me with him.”

You loved him. The question becomes do you love him now?”

A hush encompassed the room with her hesitation. Finally, she said,
“I love my husband. He has given to me all that I have ever wanted…a home and children to love. It breaks my heart to be separated from Giles.”

Jonathan took notice she hadn
’t answered his question. He wouldn’t press the issue. Hannah had made her choice. He said instead, “I would like to meet your husband. I owe him a debt of gratitude. It relieves my mind to see you so content. You are happy?”

Very.” A warm smile emerged on her face. “Even with Marcus discovering Seth lives, I know Giles and I will survive. Giles will protect us. He already had a plan in motion in case Marcus found out about Seth. I thank the good Lord every night your wife warned us in time.”

My wife?” The room stilled.

Do not mince words with me, Jonathan Corbett. We have talked for hours about home, Lydia, little William, Giles, my children, the war and never once have you mentioned your wife. How was Rebekah when you left?”

It was a moment before he could answer. He had no desire to talk of his wife, not even to Hannah. The wound was too fresh, but he had known he would have to confess the truth, no matter how much it hurt to admit that once more his wife had betrayed him…and her.

“For Heaven’s sake, Hannah, if you must know,” Jonathan snapped far more abruptly than he intended. “Durham discovered Seth because of me. Yes, I told Rebekah. I trusted her and she…betrayed me…”

I know,” Hannah returned with the same intensity. “I know what happened. Oh, do not look at me in that manner. You are still a stubborn, pig-headed fool. Her brother, Daniel, visited for a time. If you believe for one minute that I would have preferred you to hang than for Marcus to discover that his son lived, than you don’t know me at all. I have enough guilt.”

You don’t know—”

Do not go there, brother. I know you. I know you are a noble and honorable man, one who puts duty before all things. You would have willingly died to protect me…only Jonathan, this time someone protected you. Thank God! Because I could not take another death!”

She reached
over and took his hand in hers. “Rebekah wrote me a letter, begging forgiveness. Her excuse—she could not bear to let you die. Well, brother, neither could I. If I do not hold it against her, than neither should you. For not only did she save you, she warned me.”

It was Rebekah? Tallmadge said it came from Daniel.”

It was your wife. A wife who loves you.” She paused and composed herself. “Rebekah is not Catherine. Catherine was selfish and spoilt. She hadn’t a thought in her head except for herself. Rebekah…Rebekah was motivated by love, a selfless love. You see, I find I like the lady, for we have that in common. We both love you, Jonathan.”

Jonathan fell silent. Thinking back, it would have had to come from Rebekah. Otherwise the message would have been delivered too late. No one else had known of Hannah.

Sudden fears ran rampant in his mind…among them, a quite horrid notion. Tallmadge said that a network had been set up within Charles Town. 
Hellsfire! Rebekah, what have you done! Tell me, God, that she is not mixed up in the network!

Hannah released his hand and reached inside her skirt pocket.
“Jonathan, I’m afraid we are a mess, you and I, but we will get through this war. We will have what Father wanted for us, what we want for our children. Here. This is for you.” She handed him a letter. She kissed his cheek and left him to his thoughts.


The threatening clouds burst when Jonathan came out of the barn. Fortunately, the rain had held back on his long morning ride. He tilted his hat forward and raced toward the main house.

At their reunion, Hannah had told him he had begun to look like an old man
: worn, underweight and his face drawn with strain. The last couple of weeks had rejuvenated his spirits and body.

He had regained a part of him he had thought lost. Rebekah. He discovered that all his other issues paled
at the thought of not having Rebekah in his life. Now he had only to retrieve her.

Over his time visiting Hannah, Jonathan had observed a close-knit group of neighbors. It reminded him of Williamsburg. He found comfort that Hannah had indeed found a home and was encompassed in this circle.

He had met the much-talked of Captain Caleb Brewster. The man had been a frequent visitor to the house and seemed to make himself at home. The children loved the boisterous seafaring captain. From all accounts, he was the best seaman in these parts.

Jonathan didn
’t doubt the captain deserved his reputation. He found he, too, enjoyed the man’s company. Judge Beckett, Brewster, and he had talked and debated of the war for hours on end.

Jonathan found it useless to defend Lincoln
’s actions that led to the surrender of Charles Town to either Beckett or Brewster. Neither man could comprehend the pressure upon the man within Charles Town or the lack of support from Congress. Although the Carolinas were part of their new country, the cultures between the South and New England were vastly different.

Jonathan was impressed by Brewster
’s knowledge of his situation. Jonathan supposed Daniel had connected with Brewster on how to filter information out of Charles Town.

From Jonathan
’s observation of the actions that were ongoing here in Fairfield, he surmised the Charles Town network would be formulated based on those same lines. It would be deemed the best solution given the similarities between New York and Charles Town…both occupied with Redcoats.

It bothered Jonathan
: he comprehended readily that this network was not above using women to obtain their information. He had failed Hannah. He would not allow Rebekah to become a victim.

I need to get my wife out of Charles Town,” Jonathan informed Brewster. “Do you think I can get word to Daniel? Perhaps he could smuggle her out.”

Don’t think it will work. Only get them caught and then everything will collapse,” Brewster stated plainly. “The British have their eyes on her, blocking her request. It will be difficult. We wouldn’t want what is set up to falter. Not saying she done anything. Her brother told me she was only being used as a cover.”

Lord, Daniel! Do not be going around telling others of her involvement!
Jonathan swallowed hard. “Then I need to go from inland. I can arrange it.”

Just a word of advice, Doc. Be patient. Don’t go in headlong. Only get innocent people killed. You know well that the British have become harsher and crueler in their treatment of us. Tread softly.”

I need to know that Rebekah is safe…”

Brewster nodded.
“It’s what I hear. Have faith in her, Doc. She’s a smart one. She is. Not many would have been able to pull off what she did. Remember that.”

It was what he clung to—that she would survive until he could withdraw her. He had to be allowed to make amends.

In the mist of the pouring rain, he noticed a horse tied to the post on his path back into the house. They had a caller.

Jonathan,” Hannah called to him from the drawing room. “You have a visitor.”

Jonathan took the time to take off his coat and hat
before he walked into the room. He didn’t recognize the man, a Continental soldier from his dress. He stood upon Jonathan’s entrance.

Doctor Corbett?”


Private Cornelius Smythe. I have a request from Colonel Tallmadge. I’m here to escort you to his camp.” He reached into his pocket and gave Jonathan the envelope. “We leave as soon as you are ready.”

* * *

Uncomfortable, Jonathan shifted in his chair. He had ridden hard to get
to Northcastle, where Tallmadge’s regiment was stationed. He had little time to refresh himself before Tallmadge requested his presence.

Across from him sat Tallmadge
inside his headquarters, looking over a dispatch. The colonel scowled at the officer who had handed him the news.

Lieutenant Collins, have the unit readied. We’ll be leaving after I have finished with Doctor Corbett. It will not take long.”

The lieutenant acknowledged his orders and withdrew. Tallmadge
set the letter down on his desk. “I’m sorry for the interruption, but it is the Cowboys, a situation which requires my attention. They have been quite active as of late in Westchester. So I’m afraid I will have to be brief and to the point about my request of you.”

I will admit it has confused me to why you would have need of me. I thought I had time before…”

Tallmadge gestured with his hand that Jonathan didn
’t have to reiterate his position. “I have a request, not an order. I need someone I can trust. It is a delicate matter.”

If I’m able to do so, I will.”

It is what I thought.” Tallmadge cleared his throat. “You served with General Arnold, have you not? What is your opinion of the general?”

I have. I was his surgeon when he was injured at Saratoga.”

Tallmadge nodded.
“I understand you saved his leg. I also understand you were there in the middle of the battle.”

I believe my actions were—”

Again, Dr. Corbett, I am interested only of your opinion of General Arnold.” Tallmadge interrupted him once more.

Jonathan shrugged. He thought as most of the men he had served beside.
“I believe he is one of the bravest men I have ever met. I saw him lead his men into battle, giving no thought to his own safety.”

Could you be objective if I give you a mission? It would be of the utmost secrecy because of the damage that could be needlessly done to General Arnold’s reputation. He does not need another scandal. He has suffered greatly with his battle with Congress. I have no wish to add to his woes, but neither can I ignore intelligence.”

You have me quite confused, Colonel.”

Then let me clarify. I have received disturbing intelligence that suggested that the British are on the verge of turning a high-positioned American. One who can do great damage to our cause. General Benedict Arnold.”

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