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Authors: Sara Alexi

The Gypsy's Dream (25 page)

BOOK: The Gypsy's Dream
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It’s hardly likely that I have changed in these few days, Dad.’ Her tone sarcastic, ‘How long have you been here?’ She didn’t mean to sound so sharp.

Well, when I arrived it was odd, the village was empty and then some bells rang and all these people swarmed out of the church up here.’ He turns to point. Abby decides that he is definitely tipsy, ‘Someone pulled me with them and told me to drink, little shot glasses, all the men around me cheering and shouting something. It felt rude to refuse.’ He giggles, Abby feels her cheeks colouring, it’s so embarrassing, ‘Then they invited me to eat. How amazing is that! I was starving but I tried to explain that I was looking for you, but they just brought me food and more wine and then that woman made me dance …’ He trails off.

That’s Stella. Dad, what are you doing here?’ Abby meets his eye, defiant.

Oh darling, did you think I wouldn’t come? How could I not come? You must have been so cross at me to make such a big display of running away like this.’ He puts his hand, tentatively, on her shoulder.

It is not a display, and I have not run away,’ Abby say and pulls her shoulder away from his hand with a twist from her waist, ‘I am laying down some foundations so I can go to university, I am getting on with my life. I suggest you do the same.’

Yes exactly, yes darling. I have been so taken up with the baby and everything that perhaps I didn’t explain myself very well about your schooling. Of course you will do your A levels next year, of course my dear, I have talked with Sonia and she agrees, and then we will just have to see about university when we get to that bridge.’

Abby looks him up and down, he no longer frightens her. When did he suddenly become so annoying? But he clearly only means well. He would never treat Sonia like Stavros treated Stella, he is not bad in that way. B
ut he does suffocate her, with his views, his superior knowledge. Look at his opinions on university - because he has never been he thinks there is no value in it, he thinks making a mark in the world is more important. Just because she does not have a laid out path he thinks that road does not exist.

He lives in a different world to her. A world where a job is a job for life, a trade a guaranteed income. Well that is not her world.

Greece has shown her something different. Something she never ‘got’ in any of her classes in school. For one thing she had never realised just how big the world is - or how small it is, lots of little places all linked together. More excitingly how the world is just lying there open for whoever wants to discover it and at every place she stops there seem to be so many paths that lead on from there. Well Dad, some are easy walking, like your job for life, guaranteed income path. Some are a bit more of a struggle, but she knows, in her life, there will always be a choice of direction and what matters most will be how she handles each step.

She smiles to herself.

Taking the wrong boat and ending up here, in this tiny village in the middle of nowhere, has taught her that if she grasps what’s on offer with both hands she can create the best out of any circumstance.

Dad is smiling back at her, uncertainly.

She has also learnt, directly from Stavros, if she pokes at things in her way timidly it will not have much effect and the fear will seem insurmountable.

She unfolds her arms, she loo
ks up at the stars. ‘S
’, apparently is the Greek word for star. Or is that Latin? It doesn’t really matter …

Everything is made bearable with the right people around her, no matter what the path. People with whom she chooses to surround herself, not t
he random selection Dad has found himself involved in with his job. She steps from behind the kiosk so she can see her table of friends. Vasso is miming something for Juliet who is laughing. Stella is dancing, Strong women. Mitsos watching, tapping his crook against the table leg in time to the music. Impressive people.

Dad tentatively reaches out for her attention.

‘Actually Dad, you are right,’ Abby says. His smiles grow confident, but then his eyebrows arch as he senses there is more to come.

I will be doing my A levels and I will go to university,’ she takes a breath before adding, ‘… at some point.’ She enunciates clearly. Dad frowns, his mouth hangs open a little. He has a piece of spinach between his teeth, Abby doesn’t want to see and looks past him to the party. ‘But right now what is most important is to get this business going with these friends I have made.’ She pauses but Dad says nothing, he continues to stare at her. ‘That comes first and then, my guess is, life will take care of the rest.’ She edges out from the shield of the kiosk, Dad following her lead.

You may not have physically grown since you have been here, but you sound like a different person.’ He straightens his back and looks her in the eye, they are the same height. He seems surprised, as if he has only just noticed. Abby feels taller than him.

Dad, will you do something for me?’ She takes another couple of steps towards her friends, away from him.

Yes, what do you need?’ His back softens immediately, he tries to keep in step to look at her. Abby notices he has one or two grey hairs at his temple. She taps her own teeth with her finger and looks him in the mouth.

Thank you,’ he mutters and takes a hanky from his pocket and rubs it against his mouth.

Will you stay a few days, give Sonia a rest from your fussing and yourself a rest from your stressing?”

His first expression is shock, then he smiles and shrugs before considering and then he nods. They have reached Abby
’s friends.

So you must be Abby’s dad?’

Bernard’ He says.

‘Hello. I am Juliet.’ She holds out her hand and shakes his vigorously. ‘Now take hold of this’, she passes him and Abby each a little shot glass, she holds another out to Vasso, and picks two more up for Stella and Mitsos. When they are all gathered around Juliet continues.

Bernard, there are two very important words you must learn, they mean “to your health”, but they also mean more than that, they mean here’s to life, here’s to seizing the day, squeezing the joy out of living.
“Yia Mas”,
’ she shouts.

They all chink glasses.

Yia mas,
” they shout, which is responded to by those on the neighbouring table, the call of “
yia mas”
ripples out from the centre, through a sea of smiling faces.

Bernard puts his arm around Abby and pulls her close, she leans in
to him, just perceptibly, and smiles.

As Mitsos stands he whispers, ‘My beautiful Gypsy, my dream,’ and gives Stella a small bow as he takes hold of his crook to leave the square and amble his way home. Stella responds with a grin which breaks into a laugh.

Vasso links her arms with Stella and Juliet stands, holding firmly to the back of her chair.

‘See you tomorrow,’ Mitsos says with a wink, and begins to head towards the road to his home and then suddenly changes direction and makes his way over to his brother to wish him and the baby well.

Stella watches the back-slapping and the laughter. Mitsos
’ younger brother, who is not so young now, has the same nose but his eyes are not as kind. He takes something from his top pocket and presses it into Mitsos’ hand. Mitsos seems to be refusing but his brother is insistent. New drinks are brought to the table, and while his sibling is distracted Mitsos quietly walks away.

Stella loves this about him, his humility, never one to push himself on anyone. She leans ag
ainst Vasso, gazing at his retreating back, which slightly curves as the crook takes his weight.

For goodness sake, you are like a soppy teenager. Get a grip, woman.’ Vasso smiles.

No, enjoy Stella, enjoy,’ Juliet’s speech is slurred.

Ok, who’s for a little night cap?’ Stella turns her eyes to her three friends and then sees Bernard. ‘Ah, Bur-nards, a drink to your wonderful daughter.’ she laughs.

Don’t mind if I do.’ he raises his glass. ‘
Yia mas

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Sara Alexi

About Sara Alexi

Sara Alexi divides her time between England and a small village in Greece. She is working on her next novel in the Greek Village Series, to be released soon.

Contact Sara Alexi

[email protected]



Oneiro Press

The Gypsy’s Dream

Book Four of the Greek Village Ser

Copyright © 2013 by Sara Alexi

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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