The Guardians (Book 2) (42 page)

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Authors: Dan O'Sullivan

BOOK: The Guardians (Book 2)
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Danil, even with the weapons from the ships, I doubt we can defeat them,’ said Milgorry. ‘You’ll need more than that to stop them from crossing the lake. How exactly do you intend to stop them?’

I intend to fill up the lake with chiniocelle,’ said Danil. ‘It was Dale’s idea; he just didn’t mention it because he can’t work out how to make enough of it without killing everyone.’

Chiniocelle?’ Duchess Vera frowned. ‘I know very little about chiniocelle excepting that it paralyzes you if you touch it or drink it or breathe the fumes. Are you saying it has the same effect on the Nailmarni?’

No. It has an entirely different effect on them. It burns into their skin and...Rudi?’ Dale prompted.

It burns them to death,’ Rudiger explained bluntly. ‘Even a weak solution killed one of them like they were aflame with invisible fire. It was very effective. Being burned to death is a terrible way to die, it’s a horrible thing to do to someone, but I doubt I’ll lose any sleep in this case.’

felt the same way. He had seen what happened once in the castle kitchen when a junior kitchen servant threw a bucket of water onto a pot of oil which had accidently caught fire. Kelian had been standing not far outside the kitchen door at the time and the heat from the incident stunned him. One moment there was a small fire inside a pot on the stove, then the next second the entire kitchen was burning. Kelian would never forget the terrible look on the young man’s face before he was burnt to death. Tolly had taken woollen blankets and he and several cooks managed to put the fire out, but not in time to save the young lad.

I’ve seen chiniocel beetles hanging around the churnwood trees,’ said Dale, looking at Danil curiously. ‘But I can’t think of any way of catching enough to poison the lake.’

Perhaps there is a way,’ said Kelian, looking at Lady Karri. ‘My Lady, before we were attacked, you had success in increasing the amount of flour and oil we had to feed the people. If we can catch enough chiniocel beetles, and if we can make up some chiniocelle without killing ourselves, can you increase it?’

Possibly,’ replied Karri. ‘It might take some time, but – how much do we need?’

Not as much as you might think,’ said Milgorry certainly. ‘It spreads through water really fast. Faster than you would think was naturally possible. If you drop some in the water the entire lake will be defiled within minutes. Chiniocelle takes on a life of its own when it hits water.’ He paused as Tiernan stared at him, obviously wondering how Milgorry knew so much about the use of chiniocelle. ‘The only problem is, everything alive in the lake will die; plants, fish, insects. Fortunately the poison stays in the water. It’s not dangerous to people unless you deliberately splash them, or you have the mixture so strong they start breathing it in,’ he said, not meeting Tiernan’s eye.

So if we were to drop the chiniocelle into the water on the eastern shore, how long would it take to spread as far as the western cliffs,’ asked Duke Percy.

Minutes. As I said, it spreads faster than you would believe is possible. It’s one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen.’

But I imagine we’ll still need enough to make sure anyone who goes into the water doesn’t come out,’ Duke Percy observed. ‘How much would that be?’

Dale, you’ve made the solution before. How much of the chiniocelle did you use in proportion to water?’ asked Kelian.

I dipped a few hairs into the solution and then stirred them through a tub of water,’ said Dale.

It doesn’t seem possible,’ said Kelian, looking stunned. ‘Are your certain?’

I’d been warned by Tolly that it was really powerful, but until I actually used the solution I had no idea just what an understatement that was. It defies logic, but it seems to strengthen as it moves through the water.’

‘Is there anyone else who shares your gift?’ Kelian asked Lady Karri. ‘Is there someone who can help you if the task is too difficult?’

There were two others. Unfortunately Viljo was returned in the first attack,’ said Karri sadly, ‘and Mical disappeared when he went after Callum and Elliot.’

What happened to Callum and Elliot?’ asked Enri.

We’re not entirely sure,’ said Tiernan as an expression of pain flashed across his face. ‘It was as if Elliot suddenly decided he had to leave the Dwellings. What prompted him to do this we may never know, but he slipped through the crevice leading from the beach to the top of the cliffs. As soon as we knew what had happened, Callum went to look for him and Mical went with him. I know Tim saw Callum’s and Elliot’s bodies in the nest of the Nailmarni before he was returned, but we aren’t sure what happened to Mical. I have no idea why the child would suddenly wish to leave. The other children knew nothing of what he was doing. One day he was playing happily with them, and the next day he was gone, with never a word to anyone, or a thought of his intentions. And that’s what disturbs me most. If he had thoughts of leaving this place, someone would have known,’ said Tiernan certainly. ‘He made no conscious decision to leave; he just left. I find that terribly alarming actually.’

It certainly is,’ Lady Karrijeuiga agreed, looking as grieved as Tiernan as she considered the loss of the soldier and his young brother.

Maybe the Nailmarni somehow influenced him to leave,’ Enri suggested, ‘or can’t they do that?’

There was a stunned silence.
‘I wonder if that’s possible,’ Tiernan mused, staring into the distance.

Well, if we can’t be sure, we have to continue on as we were,’ said Enri firmly.

Right,’ said Lady Karri. ‘You want me to attempt to increase some chiniocelle until we have enough to poison the lake,’ she reiterated.

If you can do this, the soldiers and guardians outside the city can help drive the Nailmarni into the water. They should have no chance of escape.’ Danil folded his arms, looking decidedly pleased with his idea.

I notice you haven’t told his Majesty one of the key points of your plan – the bit nobody seems to like,’ Milgorry hinted.

No need to go into fine details until we decide if the plan can work,’ said Danil casually.

You will explain the particular detail that Mil is worried about immediately,’ said Kelian shortly, frowning at Danil.

I think we should also make use of the caverns under the cliffs. With the right incentive, I think we could trap quite a few of them in there,’ explained Danil.

The right incentive,’ said Kelian drily. ‘I suppose that means you intend to rush in there with hundreds of Nailmarni on your tail and somehow try to escape.’

That’s more or less what I was thinking,’ said Danil, not looking Kelian in the eye.

All except the bit about escaping,’ said Milgorry. ‘That’s the only bit you haven’t figured out, isn’t it Danil?’

I’m working on a plan,’ said Danil vaguely, frowning at Milgorry.

Well, unless you can come up a way to escape, you can kiss that part of the plan goodbye, King’s Marshall,’ said Kelian with finality.

Understood,’ said Danil and it was obvious from his expression that his mind was racing through possibilities.

Tiernan smiled.
‘Interesting. A guardian who can strategize. That’s practically unheard of.’

y sat for the remainder of the day and far through the night discussing the infinite details of Danil’s proposed strategy. Dale snored through most of the discussion, but everyone ignored him as they were quite certain he would remember every detail of the discussions when he awoke. Kelian found his strange trait amusing, and more than a little unsettling. Enri fell asleep in the early hours of the morning. Milgorry pushed him upright as he fell sideways from his chair, and he staggered sleepily to his room, content that he would hear the outcome of any further discussion in the morning. By dawn, every facet of their plan had been discussed in detail and tactics were devised in case all did not go as planned. Weariness overcame Kelian as the sun rose.

The only remaining question is ‘when’. Have you decided?’ Tiernan asked Kelian.

The night after tomorrow night,’ said Kelian. ‘No. I mean tomorrow night, it’s already today.’

Can we be ready?’ asked Karri.

Definitely,’ said Danil positively. ‘That will give us time to brief everyone well, and to make preparations, such as removing the weapons from the ships. And those who need to sleep can do so.’

I’ll make up the chiniocelle myself,’ Lady Karrijeuiga decided.

Do you know how to make it? Have you made it before?’ Milgorry asked curiously.

No, but I’m quite certain
have. Are you volunteering to help?’ asked Karri.

I can help.’

Good,’ said Kelian tiredly. He rose from his seat and everyone stood respectfully. ‘I want everyone, even the Daoine Maithe, to eat and sleep well before tomorrow night. Everyone will need to be at their best. For our soldiers, it’s an order. For everyone else, it’s a suggestion.’

Kelian, as King of Alkira, the guardians are under your authority. It’s an order for them as well,’ Milgorry observed.

And the free pledged to fight beside you and under your command,’ said Dale, opening his eyes briefly. ‘So it’s an order to the free as well.’

Fine,’ said Kelian, yawning widely. ‘I’m off to bed. I’ll see you all back here at sundown today, so if you foresee any difficulties with our plans, or if you can suggest improvements, we will discuss them this evening.’ He left the room and made his way towards his bedroom. The room seemed like an oasis of peace as he sank into his bed. He lay against his pillows wondering if this would be the final blow for his people and then he pushed the depressing thought aside, trying to concentrate on their plans for attack, which he felt had more chance of failure than victory. And if they failed, not only was everyone at the Dwellings sure to be killed, his people’s entire way of life would be gone. Those who remained alive would be doomed to be scattered across the land, running and hiding from the Nailmarni, sure to be quickly captured and consumed. He groaned and turned on his side, redirecting his thoughts to Danil’s strategy. He sighed and sat up. It was no good. He was almost beside himself with exhaustion, yet his mind was racing and he couldn’t relax. He lay down for a few more seconds reminding himself of how tired he was and how much he needed to sleep. ‘I gave the order to sleep,’ he said to himself, ‘and here I am wide awake!’ He sat up once again, wondering if he should ask one of Daoine Maithe to help him sleep. Immediately there was a knock at the door.

Enter,’ he called wearily and Tiernan opened the door.

You’re not the only one having difficulty following your own orders,’ said Tiernan drily. ‘Of those who you called to discuss strategy, I think Enri and Dale are the only ones who are sleeping well. My lady suggested I speak to you.’

‘Where is Lady Karri?’

She’s gone with Milgorry to collect chiniocel beetles.’

Do you think she can do it? I mean, do you think she can increase the poison until we have enough?’

I think so. Her gift is unusual, to have control over the natural earth. There is much about her gift that even she hasn’t yet discovered. But I think she can do this. I think once she begins, it will become easier and easier for her to control.’

Is the lake where the drinking water comes from?’

No. There are fresh springs high up inside the caverns. We don’t drink from the lake at all.’

Do you think we’ll be ready?’

To face the Nailmarni?’

Yes.’ Kelian leaned back on his bed and closed his eyes.

It’s difficult to be truly ready with so few guardians.’

We’ve had so little control over this horrible situation,’ Kelian admitted. ‘So many people have died.’

Now we take control,’ said Tiernan reassuringly. ‘We may not be entirely ready, but at least we won’t be caught by surprise.’

’s eyes opened suddenly. ‘Don’t let anyone actually put the chiniocelle in the water yet,’ he said. ‘Otherwise we are going to have a whole lot of dead fish and who knows what else floating on the surface of the water. I seriously doubt the Nailmarni will fall for our ruse if they can see that the lake has been poisoned.’

So when do we put the chiniocelle into the lake?’ Tiernan wondered.

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