Read The Grunt Online

Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson

Tags: #Romance

The Grunt (17 page)

BOOK: The Grunt
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“Black,” Courtney said as she rose up on her tiptoes. She looked over at Brett, who didn’t crack a smile. Why did weekend tough guys always end up with these jobs? And why did he have to try to tough talk Courtney?

“Okay,” the bouncer said, unclasping the rope. “You’re in the seat right up front. The names are on the front of the chairs. Enjoy.” He looked at Brett as they passed, checking out the Recon tattoo on his arm.


The people on the outside of the rope looked over at them as they entered wondering who they were. To get seats at the front, you had to be very important. And at the moment, Brett felt the part.

They made their way right beside the stage and sat down as the opening band finished up. Brett was highly impressed. He had never been so close during a concert. Normally, he would get nose bleeds, so far away until he could barely make out the people on the stage. However here, he could practically see what kind of socks the lead singer had on. The idea of how cool this all was started to slowly numb the fact that he was around so many people.


“Thanks for this,” he said, leaning in to Courtney.

She crossed her legs and nuzzled her body into his. “You’re welcome. You deserve it.”

“I need to do something special for you. I mean, you’ve been amazing.” He bit his lip. She looked extra hot tonight under the lights. Her glossy, pouty lips begged to be kissed. Her bright hazel eyes gleamed at him with a trust and hope that he had never experienced before, and her body begged him for other things, thing he would happily oblige her with later. Lucky to be with her, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. He wanted everyone to know that she was with him tonight.

“You’ve done enough, Brett.” Courtney felt an indescribable happiness. “This isn’t going to be too much for you with the lights and music and everything, is it?”

Brett shook his head and lied. “No. I’m good.”

“Great,” Courtney said with a giggle.


Again another thoughtful thing from her, he thought to himself
. Most women would have never thought about that, but she did. And that was what made her special. There was no way that he would ruin this for her tonight. He put his reservations aside and committed to being the best date possible.

A blonde, petite waitress in a pair of the shortest shorts he had ever seen came over and took their order then brought them back their drinks, while Courtney pulled out her camera and snapped a few pictures of them. They were so busy laughing and talking to one another and watching everyone around them that they barely noticed the headliner band’s entrance on the stage. Then the lights went dark.


The sudden change made Brett tense with alarm, but he tried to hide it from Courtney. Holding her hand, he adjusted his eyes in the darkness. Then suddenly with a large boom from the drummer and guitarist, the lights came on and the Kung-Foo Fighters were right in front of them.

The leader singer of the band screamed out, “Hello Wilmington! Are you ready to rock and roll?”

The entire club erupted all at once, and Brett and Courtney were forced to their feet to cheer on the band. Reaching down beside him, the lead singer gave Brett a high five and began singing. Courtney laughed aloud and nuzzled into his chest.

“This is awesome!” Brett screamed. A bright smile pulled at his mouth.


“I know. I love this band,” Courtney screamed back. She snapped another picture of the band and stuck her camera in her back pocket.

What shocked him most was Courtney. He watched her lips in amazement and realized that she knew all of the songs. With her fist pumping in the air and a bright, carefree smile on her face, she forgot about everyone around her and just had a great time. Her enthusiasm was contagious. With one hand around his beer and the other up in the air, he sang along with the band also, jumping in the air with the rest of the crowd.


For a while, fifty miles from the base, in a club with thousands of people, Brett Black was just a guy. He had no worries or concern. He was young, happy and with an amazing girl on a wonderful date that included his favorite band. What more could he ask for? He had nearly forgotten what such a thing could feel like. Euphoria drowned him. In and out of reality, he moved with the rest of the crowd to the beat as the guitarist laid down a riff that sent chills over his skin.

“This is so fucking awesome!” he screamed to Courtney.


“I know. Right?” she screamed back.

Just then, the lead singer eyed the couple and brought them up on the stage. Brett could barely believe it. Jumping up on the stage, he lifted Courtney up and danced around with the band as they sang their very patriotic rock tune,
Take It to the Limit
. After they sang on the stage in front of everyone, the lead singer asked Brett name and thanked him for his service. The crowd erupted and fellow Marines screamed out their names and their units. It was a proud moment for Brett and Courtney was right there to share it with him.


It was way after midnight by the time that Brett and Courtney made it to the hotel. Courtney had thought of everything. Realizing that they would be drunk off their asses after the show (which they were), she had arranged a room at the Marriott for the night, which was walking distance from the club.


Under a perfect full moon, Brett had carried Courtney on his back to the hotel as they talked and laughed. It seemed they had more in common than he thought. Courtney liked the same music that he did, including Bob Marley and Rage Against the Machine. She also loved to rock out, hated vodka, enjoyed skinny dipping, wondered what her life would be like at fifty, dreamed of being comfortable and had no desire to be rich.

He found her energy relaxing and at the same time revitalizing. She had so much to give the world. And she genuinely loved people. But yet and still, she was okay if not proud of what he had to do in his career.


Getting to their room, he put the key in the door, waited for it to turn green and pushed down on the lever. The door opened and a gush of cold air from the air conditioner met them, cooling their sticky bodies.

“Oh, this feels so good,” Courtney said, lying on the bed. “I think I have quite the buzz.”

Brett lay on the bed beside her and looked up at the ceiling. “I’m completely fucked up.” His voice echoed around the room.

Courtney giggled. “Well, I guess the second part of the night is out then.”

Brett’s brow rose as he threw his arm over her. “I’m not
drunk,” he said, pulling her close to him. “Just drunk enough to make you regret taking advantage of me.” His eyes locked on to hers.

“Oh, I haven’t taken advantage of you yet,” Courtney said seductively.

“Cort, no one has ever done anything this nice for me before. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She put her fingers on his lips and traced the curves in their fullness.


“Do you know how much I love you?” he asked seriously. He swallowed hard and pulled her on top of him. He wanted her to see his face and hear his words to know how true they were.

She straddled him slowly and leaned down where their bodies touched. “Yes, I think that I know now.”

Brett’s voice was low and gruff. “It’s horrible to say but the best thing that ever happened to me was that plane crashing. I would still be trying to work things out in a relationship that should have never been in the first place. But you saved me.”

Courtney had a twinkle in her eye. “You saved me right back, Brett Black.”

Brett shook his head. “No, you’re so strong. You would have been alright with or without me. But Cameron and I were lost. We didn’t know what to do.” He clenched her waist. The combination of alcohol and love overwhelmed him. “You know, when my mom died, I felt like a hole burned deep down in my soul. We were really close. She was always doting on me, proud of me, proud of everything that I did. No one had ever treated me like that, and after she was gone, I just figured that I’d never experience that again. Amy was
a nurturer. She was always on the war path, never happy with a damned thing that I did. Even when I was given the Purple Heart, the only thing we did to celebrate was go to the Golden Coral on military discount day.” He chuckled. “But a man needs to feel special, Cort. He needs to know that there is someone at home waiting for him, who loves him and thinks that he’s special.”

“Well, you know that I do.”

“Oh, I know. I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve it, but I have to tell you that I’m sure damned glad to have you in my life.” He ran his hand over her face and moved her hair from her eyes. “This isn’t the booze talking either.”

Courtney shook her head and spoke softly. “No, it isn’t the booze.” She smiled. “You make me feel special, Brett. All I’ve ever wanted in this life was to be needed. And you and Cameron make me feel like I’m a part of something special.”

His heart squeezed tight. “Don’t ever leave me, okay. I know that at times it’s difficult being with someone who is always gone, but I promise you that I’ll always come back. I have something to come back to now, and there is nothing out there that is going to keep me from you.”

Tears ran down Courtney’s face. “Why would I ever leave you? You’re the best man I know…
except daddy

Brett laughed. He loved that she was daddy’s girl even though he was certain her father wanted to kill him. “Yeah, well, Old Man Lawless is a hell of a man. So, I better shape up, if I’m going to follow his footsteps.”

“You’re doing just great now. I always thought that you Recon boys were hard to the bone. But to see how you take care of your son, how you love him, how you love me…it makes me think that maybe you boys have the biggest hearts. You’re always giving, sacrificing and you never ask for anything in return.”

“I have one request,” he said, running his finger down her neck. He looked up at her under lusty eyes.

“Just one?” she asked, biting her lip. “You mean to tell me with all that muscle you can only do it once?” Her eyes had a glint of mischief in them.

“Is that a challenge?” he asked in a husky voice, rolling her over on the bed. In between her legs now, he pulled off his shirt to reveal a perfect muscular frame. “Now, you’re in trouble.”

Courtney put her foot up on his chest and gave a lazy smile. “No, I think it’s quite the opposite.”

Sex with Courtney was different than with other women. He enjoyed her muscular, slim frame, her sexy smile, her fragrant skin, but he also enjoyed how she gave herself to him in every way. When he needed it rough and hard, she pushed her body physically to the breaking point. When he wanted her slow and easy, she moved with his body in a synchronic grace that made him feel like he was floating. But no matter how they made love, it was always beautiful, never demeaning. He never wanted her to feel cheap or unappreciated. He would never ask her to do anything that went against her morals. Even though they were not married, he regarded her body, mind and spirit as a pure temple, and he was grateful for her every gift. Maybe it was the way that she carried herself. Maybe it was the way that she made him feel. Maybe it was just because she was so special. But the thought of her existence was so powerful until he couldn’t help but marvel at her.

Easing his jeans down, he watched her match his every move. His pants came off then hers. Teasingly, she pulled off her shirt then her bra. And the way that she ran her hands over her naked skin, over her soft flesh, sent chills down his spine. She was so sensual. So graceful. So feminine. Slipping off her lace panties, she laid back on the bed and rested in the nest of her long, flowing hair. Hazel eyes stared back at him, loving and pure.


She watched his every move, never taking her eyes off of him as he kissed the ball of her foot. Arched into his hand, he cupped her foot to his cheek.

“Did it hurt?” she asked suddenly.


His brows rose. “Did what hurt?” he asked as he kissed her ankle.

“Your wound. The bullet that went through your arm.” Her eyes locked on his shoulder, tense and bulging with muscle.

“Yeah, it hurt,” he said with a smirk. “It didn’t feel good.” Looking down at his shoulder, he curled up his lips. “Does it bother you?”

“No,” she said, reaching out for him. “It’s a turn on. It reminds me of how strong you are.”

Brett liked that she thought of him in that way. He slid between her legs and kissed her flat stomach. Spearing her navel with his tongue, he looked up at her with is blue, icy eyes. “You make me feel like a man,” he confessed.

“And you make me feel like a woman,” she smiled. “All woman.”

Running his hand down the outer sweep of her thigh, he made his way up to her breasts. He groaned deeply. “I want you so bad.” His tongue lapped her nipples.

Courtney closed her eyes and bit her lip. “Take me then. I’m all yours.”

Her will to submit only made him harder. He took her hand and placed it on his throbbing penis. “Where do you want me?”

“Inside me,” she whispered, rolling her hips as she opened her legs wider. “I want you to fill me to the brim.”

Now directly on top of her, he looked into her eyes and ran his hands down her shoulders. She felt like satin as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Don’t take your eyes off of me,” he said as he lifted his hips.


His entry was slow and easy.

She did what he commanded. Even though she wanted to close her eyes and drift off into her dream world, she watched him. His perfect face tensed as he entered her, eliciting another gasp from her pouty lips as he moved.


Her fingers clenched the sheets. Taking all nine inches of his thick sex was not an easy chore. Sucking in a deep breath, she realized that he was not wearing a condom, but she did not want to protest. The feel of his unprotected body inside her was glorious.

Breathing shallow, she pushed into his erection, the tip of him deep inside of her. Hot liquid lapped between them as he moved in and out of her. His large arms covered her from sight as he rested them beside her head. She looked again at the bullet wound in his arm. The thought of him not coming back from Afghanistan caused a strain in her chest.

BOOK: The Grunt
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