The Grim Wanderer (37 page)

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Authors: James Wolf

BOOK: The Grim Wanderer
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The three adventurers crossed the river Bodium, by the main Prosper Bridge, passing groups of masked revellers as they walked through the Entertainment Quarter. Taem was sure a hooded man had been watching him from the other side of the street, but when he looked back the man was gone. The man had made Taem feel uneasy. Inside the watcher’s hood, Taem had caught the sparkle of an emerald jewel, but before Taem could think further on it he saw there was a fire up ahead. The warriors ran once they saw The Jester’s roof was ablaze.


Logan charged in with fury. Every moment in ferocious attack, he had to trust in speed alone to be his defence. The Sodan Master knew the only chance he had of surviving this night, was if he finished these eight assassins in the moments before the other dozen reached him. Logan killed the nearest three enemies as he stormed in, swinging his blade diagonally upwards, straight down and horizontally back across his body. He blocked an attack with a high sideways parry. Logan dropped to a low stance and cut through his opponents exposed mid-section. His charge had taken the gang of assassins by surprise. Two enemies came swinging at Logan. Acting on reflex, the Sodan swept his blade all over his fighting compass as the men attacked. Logan knew these assassins were trained warriors. Their strikes were fast and precise, but the Sodan blocked and dodged them all. Logan surged forward and hit outwards. He enveloped the enemy’s blade with his own, and thrust his sword point up and through the assassin. He pulled back and defended a downward chop with a rising block. Logan swung down without hesitation, cleaving through the enemy from forehead to navel.

The Sodan looked for the other two assassins, and saw one had been impaled through the chest by a spear from behind, the other had been hurled against one of the buildings to the side. He turned, knowing the charge of the other dozen assassins was imminent, but he saw, instead, how they hung back warily.
Fortune favours the Grim Wanderer this night
, Logan thought.

‘Hirandar sent us,’ Jvarna said, as Ragad made sure the assassin he had flung into the wall was finished. The huge Croma buried his warhammer in the still body for good measure.

The three warriors lined up to face the remaining twelve assassins.

‘Leave none alive,’ Logan said grimly, as he brought his Sodan blade up. The opposing parties closed on each other.

The Sodan warrior blocked to his left, and struck out powerfully through a foe on his right. Logan flicked his blade out to another assassin on his left, nicking the enemy’s throat. It was a shallow but precise cut. The assassin toppled to the floor, trying to stem the blood pumping out of his body. The Sodan blade flashed, and a third assassin’s head was removed clean from its shoulders. Three more assassins surrounded the Sodan. Logan blocked to his front. Brought the sword over his back, point down, to defend his rear. He swung his blade round to the side, deflecting the attack of the third. The Sodan Master was forced to repeat that sequence three times within two seconds, until the assassins faltered. Logan swung his blade in a mighty circle, whipping all around him, and cut all three enemies down in one move.

Ragad had caved in the chest of one of the assassins, and was about to deal a fatal blow to another – who was lying lame on the floor, the enemy’s leg sliced by Jvarna’s spear. Another enemy was gasping for breath, leaning against a wall at the side of the street, a dagger piercing his side. Jvarna drove her spear through the heart of one of the remaining assassins that rushed her, whilst Ragad’s hammer made a mess of another assassin’s face, and Logan leapt forward and chopped through the last of the enemies.

‘Thank you,’ Logan flicked the blood from his Sodan blade, ‘you saved my life.’

‘Not sure about that,’ Jvarna gasped. ‘It is true, the Wanderer
the greatest swordsman that ever lived. I have seen it with my own eyes now. Perhaps you might have survived on your own?’ Jvarna gave a sly grin.

‘Best we did not find out though,’ Logan nodded.

Ragad was rifling through the bodies, searching for anything that would give them a clue as to who sent the assassins.

'Hirandar said you may be in danger,’ Jvarna glanced around at the dead assassins, ‘and she was right.’

‘She usually is,’ Logan smiled. ‘
The others
,’ Logan gasped. ‘If they tried to kill me, they likely went for Hirandar as well. Come, we must get back to The Jester!’


Taem, Baek and Drual ran down the lamp-lit street, towards the burning Jester Inn. Taem watched as a flaming figure was hurled through the air out of the inn door, his body consumed by blue fire. As the three warriors ran closer another man stumbled out of the inn, with a phantom green light boring a hole in his stomach. Taem saw another enemy crash through the common room window. This one was holding his bleeding side, a more worldly wound – but no less deadly – dealt by a great axe. Yet another man came running out the doorway, screaming, as he flapped to put out the green flames that were devouring his arms. Hirandar came rushing from the inn, a blur of red cloth, as she chased the assassin with a ball of pure blue energy in her open hand. Hirandar launched the magic bolt toward the fleeing assassin, but it missed, blowing a hole in the building across the street from The Jester. Baek drew back his bow, eying down the shaft, and relaxed as he released his three fingers. The would-be assassin convulsed, mid-stride, as the arrow thudded into his back, and he collapsed down dead.

Hirandar was checking the assassin she had hit with blue fire, as Taem, Drual, and Baek reached the Wizard. Taem saw the assassin lying in the street was badly burnt but still breathing, although he would soon be dead. The man had long white hair, and his whole face was covered in a red jagged tattoo that give him a frightening demonic appearance. Baek gaped at the man’s face.

‘Who sent you?’ Hirandar said sternly.

‘You’ll never win, Firefist,’ the burnt man gasped, and Taem shuddered at the look of unhinged glee in the assassin’s eyes. ‘My Master is more powerful than you could
imagine. The Great Lord will take the world and devour your
,’ the Dark Servant hissed with his last breath.

Hirandar turned away in disgust. Forgrun emerged from the inn, helping Bessie out of the smoking building.

‘Forgive us, Bessie,’ Hirandar placed a hand on her shoulder, as she checked the woman was uninjured. ‘We have brought danger to you, and destruction to your house.’

‘The workings of the Dark One are not your fault, Hirandar,’ Bessie said calmly. ‘I have always known there was risk being a Watcher, but still it was the life I chose. My house can be built again; I’m just glad we’re still alive. I should be thanking you for saving my life.’

Hirandar bowed, ‘The Order will see you right.’

‘That be amazing!’ Forgrun gawked at Hirandar. ‘Yhee be more powerful than a unit o’ ye Kalador Guard. I be yhee servant, great Wizard.’ Forgrun knelt, touching fist to forehead in homage.

‘You fought well,’ Hirandar smiled as she patted the Rhungar’s shoulder, ‘Forgrun, great warrior of Clan Ironstone.’

The Rhungar’s eyes shimmered with pride as he looked up at the Wizard.

Turning to Taem, Baek and Drual, Hirandar said, ‘I had Forgrun store everyone’s packs in the barn with the horses. If you’re quick you can get them!’


When they got to the barn, the end that was attached to the main inn was aflame.

‘Hurry!’ Taem urged Forgrun, Baek and Drual as they ran inside.

Taem ducked as he inhaled smoke, and the warmth of the flames touched his face. Baek and Drual both coughed. Taem saw that all the steeds had fled, except Storm and Krun-Smiter. Storm glared at the fire but did not retreat, and the unflappable Krun-Smiter did not seem bothered at all.

‘The other mounts must have bolted!’ Taem gathered Storm and Krun-Smiter’s reins.

‘Here be ye packs!’ Forgrun picked up four of the massive packs in his great arms, and Drual and Baek ran over to get the other three.

When Taem, Forgrun, Baek and Drual returned to Hirandar at the front of the inn, Logan, Jvarna and Ragad arrived, and Logan told everyone how he had been ambushed.

‘We dare not delay any longer,’ Hirandar said to the gathered company. A huge crowd had amassed to gape at the disturbance, and the Wizard knew The Watch would be mere moments away.

‘Dolam is no longer safe for us,’ Hirandar whispered, ‘we leave the city,

Chapter 18 – A Winding Road



The Hand of Fire left Dolam under the cover of darkness, and headed east towards the lights of the Gate Wall. As they walked through the dark fields, Taem glanced back beyond the trail of their lanterns, back to the torches lining Dolam’s walls, searching for any pursuit. He heard the drone of the celebrations of the Festival of Masks far in the distance, but the grassland the company walked through was quiet, bar from the light pad of their steps and the odd snort of their horses.

Looking forward, Taem saw how the Gate Wall loomed out of the darkness. High up in the black sky, Taem could see the line of burning torches on the battlements of the great wall, a line of flickering lights that stretched far into the distance. The torchlight and the shadows made the forbidding wall seem even greater than it had done in the daylight.

‘We will have to wait here until morning,’ Logan gestured for the Hand of Fire to halt, ‘and take what rest we can find.’

They had stopped on what seemed to be the edge of a village. Because of the many lanterns and torches, Taem could see armed Defenders moving in the shadows at the bottom of The Gate, at the far end of the settlement. Looking up high above, he could see Defenders lining the battlements. Taem watched as a group of Defenders emerged from one of the stone buildings built against the foot of the Gate Wall, and he caught the glint of their armour in the torchlight.

‘Why do we have to wait till morning?’ Baek asked.

‘The Defenders are forbidden to open The Gate between dusk and daybreak,’ Logan began to unload the packs off Storm’s back, and Taem went to help his Master.

‘The Gate never opens in darkness,’ Drual laid out a mat to sit on.

‘But our business do be urgent?’ Forgrun said.

‘In three centuries The Gate has never been breached,’ Hirandar patted Krun-Smiter’s nose, as Ragad and Baek unloaded the packs the chestnut horse carried. ‘And in all that time The Gate has never been opened by night – a wise rule, for the Kruns would surely use the darkness to attack. We have no choice but to wait till dawn, so I suggest everyone try and get some sleep,’ Hirandar pulled out some blankets and laid them down on the grass.

‘I will keep first watch,’ Logan said, as all the companions wrapped themselves in cloaks and blankets. Taem was so weary from the flight through the underground passages that he fell asleep within moments.


‘Wake up,’ Logan shook Taem’s shoulders.

Taem opened his eyes to see the grey of dawn upon the world. In the dimness, he could see his other companions beginning to rouse themselves. Taem looked to the east and saw the towering walls of The Gate, and the numerous torches that lit up the great wall in the shadows of daybreak. The companions breakfasted on some bread, cheese and beef, before they packed their backpacks on the horses, and marched towards The Gate.

Taem regarded the stone buildings and numerous huts around the road as it led up to The Gate. He knew these must be the barracks, storehouses and armouries of the army of Defenders stationed at The Gate. As the company got closer, Taem gazed up at the hundred foot high battlements, and he realised the amount of stone needed to build such a thing was immense. He looked upon the colossal doors of black oak with wonder.

‘These are the only thing,’ Hirandar gestured to the huge Gate doors, ‘that stand between the civilisation of Hathlore and the wildernesses of the Lost Realms.’

‘Them and an army of stout Defenders,’ Logan said. ‘The courage of men is what holds The Gate.’

Taem saw how two enormous towers served as gateposts for the massive black gates. This titanic doorway had the heaviest locking mechanism that Taem had ever laid eyes upon. The huge crossbeam of wood that barred the great doors would have taken twenty men to lift it.

‘The main gate has not been opened in years,’ Logan told the companions, ‘You see that passage to the left?’

‘Aye,’ Forgrun said, as Baek nodded eagerly.

‘That passage leads through the Gate Wall,’ Logan said, ‘and is barred with a thick door at the far end. That is “Adventurer Tunnel”, and it is lined with pit traps and portcullises that can be dropped if the tunnel is compromised.’

Jvarna pointed her spear at the passage, ‘That is the only way adventurers can get into the Lost Realms.’

Taem saw there were a unit of fifty Defenders formed up in front of The Gate. And, craning his neck to look up, he saw there were hundreds more lining the battlements. By the murmur of their excited conversations, and the eager way Defenders hurried to follow orders, Taem could tell something unusual was happening.

‘Why are there so many soldiers at The Gate, Logan?’ Hirandar asked.

‘There can be only one reason,’ Logan said grimly.

Hirandar shook her head in frustration.

‘An enemy approaches from the east?’ Taem asked his Master.

Logan nodded, and gestured for Taem to take hold of Storm’s reins, whilst he gathered Krun-Smiter’s, as the company approached the entrance to Adventurer Tunnel.

Taem saw how the unit of fifty Defenders were standing in a rectangular formation, waiting for an officer to give them orders. They all stood the same way, with halberds resting against their shoulders and yellow and blue shields planted in the ground.

‘We need passage through The Gate,’ Logan said, to another Defender who was striding away from The Gate. Taem noticed how this Defender’s uniform was decorated with a green trim.

‘No can do,’ the lieutenant said. ‘No one is to pass through The Gate until further notice. By the order of King Balthus himself.’

‘We are on a
important quest that
wait,’ Logan said.

Seeing the adamant look in Logan’s eyes, the Defender lieutenant motioned for the Hand of Fire to follow him, ‘Come, see for yourselves.’

The Defender led the company inside the left hand tower, and up to the battlements of the Gate Wall, round and round and up the circular stairs they climbed. Taem gaped in amazement at the spectacular view of daybreak over Dolam. He had never been this high up! Taem saw how the many Defenders stationed up at the battlements had bows at the ready, as they gazed out over the Lost Realms onto a sight that made Taem’s heart sink.

As dawn’s first light was cast upon the world, Taem saw the thousands strong Krun army that was camped out of bowshot, to the east. There were tents arranged randomly for a mile to either side of The Gate, and shadowy figures moved amongst those crooked tents. Taem could see the flags of different Krun tribes flying around the massive camp. He counted the flags of fourteen different tribes. Taem knew this was a monumental gathering. An alliance between the warring factions of the Krun and Ugur world, united against their hated enemy, Man. Taem glowered at the countless foes, and his hand went to his sword hilt.

‘The Light blind them!’ Jvarna muttered, as Ragad stared at the great horde.

Taem saw the eager way Forgrun ran his finger along his axe blade, and Baek looked out at the Krun with determination in his eyes. Logan glanced at Hirandar, and the Wizard shook her head as her shoulders slumped. Taem saw the fury in Logan’s glare, as the Sodan Master turned to survey the Krun encampments.

‘You see,’ the Defender lieutenant held his hand out towards the Krun horde, ‘even if I could let you through Adventurer Tunnel, you would not stand a chance. The Krun arrived last night, and – even as we speak – all the companies of Defenders are being recalled to The Gate. These Ugurs are wild enough to try anything, even try to take The Gate. If they do,’ the lieutenant shook his fist at the distant horde, ‘they’ll face the full Defender Army. We will
stand defending The Gate with our swords, our blood and our lives
’, the guard said proudly, ‘as is our vow.’

‘Runners!’ A Defender bowman yelled.

Everyone on top of the battlements hurried across the broad ramparts, to glance down through the eastern crenellations.

By the dim light of dawn, Taem could make out four shadowy adventurers hurtling towards The Gate, through the long grass, being pursued by hundreds of screaming Kruns. Taem heard those feral howls, and he remembered the battles of Leafholme.

‘Drop the ropes!’ The Defender lieutenant bellowed, and Defenders hurled out half a dozen climbing ropes, each hanging from their own pulley and bracket, suspended away from the battlements.

Taem saw that one of those running adventurers was limping. He did not envy those two men and two Rhungars, as they bounded towards – wait a minute! Taem recognised those runners!

‘It’s Argan, Lockfor, Braknar and Rani!’ Taem said to Baek and Forgrun.

Taem heard the whistle of scores of arrows, as the Defender bowmen lining the battlements began shooting down at the pursuing Kruns.

The running adventurers sprinted for the dangling ropes, as the Kruns pulled up and began to flee from the arrow onslaught.

‘They’re looped on!’ The lieutenant yelled as he looked down over the battlements. ‘Drop ballasts!’

To Taem’s bewilderment, counter-balancing rocks were dropped off the western side of the battlements. There was a whirl of pulleys as rope raced across the ramparts, well over Taem’s head. Taem gawped back over the edge of the eastern battlements to see the four adventurers whizzing up towards him, their feet looped into little nooses in the ropes, and their hands clinging on for dear life. As Argan and his colleagues hurtled up the battlement, their speed slowed as they reached the ramparts, and Defenders grabbed hold of the adventurers and hauled them inbetween the crenellations.

‘Rhungari design,’ Forgrun said smugly, as he saw Taem gaping at the incredible pulley system.

Lockfor was hesitant to let go of the rope, gripping it almost with rigor mortis, his face drawn and pale, but Defenders yanked him inside the battlements. Rani and Braknar looked unsteady on their feet, and even Argan seemed queasy.

‘That’s some ride, hey?’ The lieutenant grinned at the four shocked adventurers. ‘Well done men,’ the lieutenant called to the Defenders, ‘good job!’ Turning back to the four quivering adventurers, he said, ‘You need to go down and pay your Gate Tax.’

Defenders started to lead Argan and his companions, still witless from the ride on the ropes, down to the Gate Tax office.

‘Taem!’ Argan suddenly came to his senses. ‘And Baek and Forgrun! Good to see you! And these must be your friends…’ Argan’s eyes shot wide open as he recognised Logan. ‘
Grim Wanderer
!’ The Sarcaedian murmured in veneration. ‘I knew there was something special about you, lad,’ Argan called back to Taem, as Defenders ushered him to the stairs. All the Defenders turned to look at Logan in awe.


The Hand of Fire trudged down the steps inside the tower, and out past the barracks and well away from The Gate. Taem felt downhearted, and he could see how the spirit of the company had fallen, everyone was walking as if they carried a great burden. Logan waited until they were a hundred yards away from the last building, before he motioned for the companions to halt. The warriors slumped down to sit on their packs, and Taem could see the frustrated looks in their eyes.

‘Coincidence,’ Hirandar said darkly. ‘Or is this an immense Dark conspiracy? It would not be the first time the Kruns have acted in the service of Malveous.’

Forgrun still shuddered when that name was spoken, making the Shielding Sign with his hands.

army?’ Jvarna realised what Hirandar was suggesting. ‘Just to stop us?’

‘It matters not at this moment,’ Logan said defiantly. ‘They are there, and our route is blocked. We will have to try the mountain path.’

The Mountains
?’ Drual said incredulously.

By the anxious look on her face, Jvarna did not like the sound of that either.

‘No one crosses the mountains!’ Drual threw his arms up in the air. ‘They’re more dangerous than the Lost Realms themselves! Are you crazy? I’ve heard worse things than Kruns abide there…’

‘It is the only way,’ Logan said strongly.

‘Some friends there are in the mountains,’ Hirandar assured Drual and Jvarna. ‘A warrior people who put fear into the dark hearts of evil creatures.’

Forgrun’s chest puffed up with pride.

‘We will head back west,’ Hirandar pointed her staff back towards the city, ‘past Dolam, circle round the foot of the mountains and head north for two days. From there, we take the mountain road east to the fortress citadel of Khan Zhen. That road, and most of the western mountains, is kept safe by the Grey Rangers. At the Rhungari city of Khan Zhen we will find solace before we take the treacherous high passes. We will be going around the corner to cross the street, but we will not lose as much time as you might think.’

From what he could remember of the map, Taem thought it sounded to be a good contingency plan, and Forgrun, at least, seemed to perk up at mention of a Rhungari city.

‘No one ever said this was going to be easy,’ Logan patted Drual on the shoulder, as he stood up and gestured for the rest of the company to get up.

‘Remember the quest,’ Hirandar said softly, ‘and its grave importance.’

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