Read The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Online
Authors: Bobby Henderson
I am eagerly awaiting your response, and hope dearly that no legal action will need to be taken. I think we can all look forward to the time when these three theories are given
equal time in our science classrooms across the country, and eventually the world; one-third time for Intelligent Design, one-third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one-third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence.
Smart People Who Agree with Us
“One of the most exciting developments in physics recently is so-called string theory, in which all subatomic particles are described as microscopic vibrating strings. Obviously this is correct, though misnamed. As Noodle Theory reveals, He has created the matter in the universe in His own quivering image! You, me, the earth, the stars … are all built of trillions of tiny jiggling noodles, microscopic copies of our diving saucy maker. Boy-oh-Boyardi and Ramen!”
—Steve Lawrence, Ph.D
“Having now perused the many facets of Pastafarianism, I believe there is great scope for women in this religion. Clearly the FSM has aspects of both male and female, with both ‘Noodly Appendages’ and two round meatballs, which clearly represent the breasts of the Great Mother Goddess.”
—Susan Johnston, Ph.D
“As a neuroscientist and clinical psychologist, I have often been struck by how the brain resembles pasta. Clearly, the FSM theory is worthy of deep thought. Or at least a side order of garlic toast. Which is more than I can say about ID, which, as St. Sigmund taught, should be subservient to EGO (equally goofy observations).”
—James Blackburn, Ph.D
“Pastafarianism does not constitute a scientific theory, despite its apparent adherence to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle regarding the interactions of observer and observed. It should not be taught as science … unless, of course, ID creationism is also taught as science, in which case all bets are off. Best of luck, I’m off to the Old Spaghetti Factory for worship.”
—E. Scott
The Ontological Argument for FMS
P1. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is a being that has every perfection.
P2. Existence is a perfection.
C. Therefore, the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists.
Cut out the template at the back of this book
Razor blade or X-Acto knife
Thin cardboard
Spray paint
Tape the template to a piece of thin cardboard.
Cut out the Pirate Fish. Don’t forget a small line for the nostrils!
Completed stencil
Hold the stencil firmly against the surface you want to tag and spray paint
Spread the word in interesting places
One bag of rubber bands (about 50)
One pipe cleaner
Two brown fluff balls
The FSM simulacrum consists of one noodly loop, two noodly strands and two eye-stalks. It is best first to glue the googly eyes to the pipe cleaner, then the glue can dry while you make the Noodly Appendages
To begin the creation, you must first make a noodly loop by cutting several rubber bands and tying them onto an uncut band
Here is the tricky part Use one cut band to tie the noodly loop to the pipe cleaner. Tie it so that it pinches the loop in the middle, creating two loops that the fluff balls can later be inserted into
A completed noodly loop