The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty (9 page)

Read The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty Online

Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Menage Everlasting, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #The Lost Collection

BOOK: The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty
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He guessed that her concealed areolas lay less than an inch below, and her nipples were most probably fully perked and waiting. Given how tightly the bustier enveloped her chest and waist, he wondered what would happen if she took an enormous breath. Her bosom would likely break free of the confining corset.

Heaven mercy

Trying to hold back his drool, he responded. “Oh, gosh, this certainly was worth the wait.”

She smiled as she came in and placed her hand on his lips, staring deep into his eyes. He brought his lips to hers, and to his delighted surprise, she snaked her tongue into his mouth to caress the inside of his lips and then dance with his tongue.

His cock rose and threatened to pop out of his pants then by the surge of arousal that shot straight to his cock. He brought his arms around her waist, pulling her in, crushing her body to his. And he dipped her partially backward while his tongue dominantly took over in hunger to probe her mouth thoroughly.

She gave out a low, sultry moan and then took an intake of air. It appeared to Trevor she was having a problem breathing. Who wouldn’t, wearing a bustier as tight as that?

A few seconds later, he heard a “Mmhmm.” Then Belle broke the erotic kiss to glance to his left. James stood there sporting the dumbest smile he ever saw. Trevor couldn’t help but grin himself. His partner’s reaction amused him.

James’s gaze trailed over her body starting from her head, down to her neck, chest, waist, and all the way to her feet, while his brow lifted in obvious admiration. “You sure do look lovely in that outfit, Belle.”

She smiled back and said, slightly out of breath, “Why thank you, James.” She looked over to the bureau where they placed the bottle of whiskey, a pitcher of water, and three glasses. “I wouldn’t mind having a drink right about now. I’m awful thirsty.” She sauntered to James’s bed on the other side of the room and sat down looking first at James and then at Trevor.

James was the first to react. “Of course, Belle.” Then he strode over to pour two shots and a glass of water, brought her one, bowing, and grinned slyly. “There you go, sweet lady.’’

She only tilted her head back in response since her corset obviously didn’t allow her much mobility. “Thank you, kind gentleman.”

He handed Trevor his drink and then raised his glass of water in the air. “Here’s to Miss Belle Samson, the most beautiful and talented singer in all of Fort Smith.”

“I’ll second that, James,” Trevor added while noting her blush spreading to both cheeks. He couldn’t tell if she was blushing out of shyness or because of her labored breathing.

“Thank you, boys.” She took a swill of whiskey and then tried to catch her breath.

James snuck a look at Trevor, signaling him to follow his lead while he sat on Belle’s right side.

“So, Belle, you have an amazing voice. How long have you been singing? Were you always a saloon singer?” James asked.

Trevor sat on her left side. “Yes, pretty lady, how long?”

“Been singing since I was a kid. My ma sang in the church choir. She taught me. No, I’ve just been singing in saloons recently.” She took a second large mouthful of booze and emptied her glass. She handed it back to James, huffing. “Would you mind if I had another?”

“Not at all. So what did you do before that?” Just as James got up, he glared at Trevor with worry in his eyes.

“I was…I did odd things.” She began to fidget.

Trevor took Belle’s hand and kissed it and then leaned in to whisper in her ear, “You okay, Belle? You seem to be having a problem breathing.”

Instead of talking, she just nodded. James came back and gave her the glass. She took it, swallowing it in two gulps. “Thank you.”
By now she began to perspire and fuss some more.

Trevor put his hand to her face and asked, “You sure you’re okay?”

“Boys, I’m sorry, but I think I’ll best be going.” She sprang to her feet and began to walk to the door.

Trevor followed her, wanting to escort her to her room to make sure she arrived there safely. The flush in her face had intensified.

As he opened the door for her, she took a step to pass him and then her eyes turned upward, and she fell back into his arms.

“Belle! Belle!” Trevor spoke loudly.

But she passed out cold.

“She fainted.” James was at his side now. He picked her up and brought her to his bed, laying her on it.

“It’s that damn corset. It’s way too tight. She can hardly breathe.” Trevor followed.

James looked up at him while he knelt beside her checking her breathing. “You’re right.” He began to unfasten her corset. “We need to take it off now.”

Both he and James started to unfasten it, Trevor starting from the bottom and James from the top.

As each hook detached from each eye, a little more of her plump breasts and abdomen became exposed. Ordinarily, Trevor would have noted this and gotten excited, but at this moment, it didn’t register. He was too worried about his sweet Belle.






Chapter 6


The water began to fill around her in the tank at an incredible speed. It rose from shoulder level, to her neck, up to her mouth and nose. No longer able to breathe, she struggled to escape, thrashing about. She struck the glass siding, hoping to break free, but it only made a weak vibrating sound underwater like a beating drum would in the middle of a forest.

Impossible to keep in her breath, she exhaled and took in water. Her lungs began to flood and unconsciousness crept hungrily closer with every second that passed. Just before blackness entombed her mind completely, she felt hands grasp her arms and pull her out of the tank.

Then she heard James’s deep voice ask, “Belle, can you hear me? Wake up, Belle.”

Her body shook vigorously, and slaps stung her cheeks. Consciousness came quickly then. Opening her eyes, she saw James’s worried face two inches away from hers.

“Belle, thank God you woke up.”

She gasped and pushed him away suddenly. Appearing startled at her reaction, he sprang to his feet.

“We were so worried.”

“What the hell were you doing?” she hollered.

She sat up to notice her bustier lay beside her, then she instinctively gazed down at her chest. To her utter embarrassment, her taut nipples stood at attention through her see-through blouse for all eyes to behold. She wrapped her arms around her chest to cover up.

“Oh, my God!”

James came to sit beside her while Trevor slid next to her. “Calm down, Belle. You fainted. We’ve been trying to wake you up for the past few minutes.”

Her head and lungs hurt. This made no sense. Glancing and frowning at Trevor, she responded, “What?”

James repeated what Trevor stated. “You fainted, Belle, because you weren’t breathing well.” He picked up the bustier and held it up. “This is the reason, Belle. It was so tight, you couldn’t breathe.”

Trevor got up and walked over to their bureau and took out a shirt. He then handed it to her. “Here, put this on.”

“Thanks.” She slipped into it, making sure not to expose her breasts in the process. It all came back to her then. She remembered having problems breathing and it got worse with every swallow of whiskey she took. She could barely breathe anymore and made a darting attempt to head back to her room to take the blasted thing off. Only, she didn’t make it. The room spun and then darkness encroached on her, making her faint.

She was so stupid. Why the hell did she have to use a two-sizes-too-small bustier and tie it so tight? Because she wanted to seduce her mysterious, sly neighbors, that’s why.

Hmm, so much for that plan.

She ended up looking like a complete fool instead of the siren seductress she wanted to play tonight.

“How do you feel now, baby?” Trevor took her hand then.

She combed her fingers through her hair. “Better. Thank you both for what you did. I’m so grateful.”

James smiled as he rubbed her arm. “You had us so scared.” He brought his gentle hand to her left cheek and caressed it with the outside of his finger. “But I can see the color coming back into your face now. Even after fainting, you are still the most beautiful woman I have seen.”

“Thank you for the compliment.” Her cheeks heated.

“I’ll get you a glass of water. It’ll help.” He stood up.

“Oh, it will. Thanks.” She nodded.

Trevor twirled a lock of her hair in his hands and then brought it to his nose, smelling it. “Baby, do you want me to help you back to your room after you finish the water? You need to rest.”

Rest? No, no rest.

She needed to stay here, with them, with both of them.

When James brought the glass, she took it, swallowing a gulp of the soothing, clear liquid. It lubricated her tight, parched throat and made the scratchy feeling disappear. “Mmm, that feels good.”

After drinking half the glass, she replied, “No, Trevor, I’m fine now. I’d like to sit here with the two of you and get to know you better.” She glanced at one virile man, then the other. A shiver of delight surged through her, and she lost her breath for a split second.

Maybe her plan wasn’t completely lost. She didn’t exactly look like a seductress in Trevor’s baggy shirt. But from the way James looked at her now and the other times, she knew he was as sexually attracted to her as Trevor was. And being completely honest with herself, she knew the same could be said for her. She found James to be just as desirable as Trevor. Heaven help her. Where were these taboo, wanton feelings coming from?

James took the lead by grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips. Right before he kissed the backside of her hand, he stared deeply into her eyes. “Now that sounds like a marvelous idea. We like having you in our room like this.”

When his lips touched her skin, a shiver shot through her hand, heading up her arm, through her shoulder, to her neck, down to her chest. Her nipples became tight with desire, and goose pimples formed on her body.

Once James ended the kiss, he added without breaking his fixed gaze, “Isn’t that right, Trev, that we like having Belle here?”

“We sure do, pretty lady.” Trevor leaned over to kiss her lips. Her body quivered with excitement as electric arousal surged from his lips to hers, carrying through to her whole body. She moved her feet to brace herself as she leaned her head back. The bed cover made a rustling sound. Her heart beat so wildly that it amplified the rustling in her eardrums, making it almost sound like a stampede.

When she was nearly lost in the kiss, he ended it and gazed deeply into her eyes. “But you need to rest.” He scooted behind her, baffling her with his actions.

“What are you doing, Trevor?” she said, glancing behind her shoulder at him.

“Shh, just relax, baby.” He gently pulled her on him.

She didn’t refuse his advance, but instead received it with an exhale, relaxing. “All right.”

She leaned onto his chest while he began to massage her shoulders. Even though their clothing encumbered the sensations slightly, it didn’t act much like a barrier. She could feel his muscular chest, rippled abdomen, and erect penis pushing on her back. Her heart practically jumped to her throat as the image of his protruding, excited manhood touching her back came to mind.

A tingling shiver travelled through her, centering on her nipples, tightening and pebbling them. She rubbed her hands on the wool cover to try to stop her urge to turn and kiss him. If she did, then he’d stop massaging her shoulders, and that would be a shame. It felt so good.

She absorbed his body heat and smiled serenely, enjoying his ministrations. An awe-inspired sigh escaped her lips then. He certainly knew how to ease her stress away.

She wondered if heaven felt this marvelous. The two shots of whiskey she gulped quickly earlier slowly started taking effect now. Heat surged through her body, making her hot and sweaty. She wished Trevor’s thick shirt weren’t so heavy and encumbering right about now. But she couldn’t exactly take it off, could she? No.

Casting that wish out of her mind, she concentrated on him. She batted her eyelashes as she cozied up closer against Trevor’s hard chest. “Boys, you certainly know how to spoil a girl, you know that?”

Trevor brought his hands to her temples and gently rubbed them. “We’re only just starting. Just close your eyes and enjoy it.”

And she did. She closed her eyes, meshed her fingers over her waist, and relaxed.

James placed her left leg on his lap to massage her feet. “You have the most adorable feet I ever did see, sweet Belle.”

“That tickles, James!” She jerked up, frantically giggling.

“Sorry.” He laughed, letting go of her foot.

She looked at him through half slit eyelids, in a completely relaxed, outgoing mood thanks to Trevor’s massages.

She replied, grinning, “Maybe if I take my hosiery off, it won’t tickle as much.”

She sat up and pulled her skirt and petticoat to her upper thigh and began to unfasten her stockings from her garter. She heard James take a deep breath. Then he stopped her hand. “You need to rest, Belle. Would you mind if I did that?”

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